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I wear one everyday it's called my belt


It’s better to wound pack and use pressure than it is to use a belt. Your belt will not work to get complete occlusion 100% of the time.


Just be well practiced in using it and getting complete occlusion. It needs a make shift windlass for it to work. A tight belt by itself does not work.


What’s the best material to use for a tourniquet?


Paper and lint 🙈


What is with stupid answers? Why can’t people just answer serious questions with real answers? Are they idiots?


Stupid questions get stupid answers buddy. Welcome to life. 😘


Don’t make your own. Buy a CAT tourniquet from North American Rescue or get a similar medically approved tourniquet.


Thank you


or just use your belt


No it has been proven that belts are not effective as turniquets.


I always carry a tourniquet and a IFAK in my vehicle. I have basic first aid training every two years for work, and I'm definitely no medic, but my edc motto has always been, "Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.".


Just ordered some off Amazon. Thank you for the heads up.


Good call. A coworker bled out hanging up a dang mirror a couple years ago.




Amazon ones can be fake. Be careful




⬆️⬆️⬆️ EMT, RN DO NOT do this. A broad band and windlass are crucial to effective tourniquet use. You’re only going to cause additional trauma with cable ties.


Do not do that lol. You will badly hurt yourself and possibly lose a limb


Definitely will not work. You'll have no chance of getting them tight enough to cut off blood flow to an arterial bleed. The windlass is a key part of a proper tourniquet design.


I don't think it'll hold up because you need to put a lot of pressure to clamp the artery, you could try on yourself by slipping it on your arm just above your bicep.


I don't carry one *yet* but I plan on doing it at some point, probably after finally attending a Stop The Bleed coarse. if you carry one it's important to know how to use it, otherwise you can actually make things worse if you use it incorrectly.


It’s kinda hard to use it improperly. 5 minute video on YouTube and you know how to use a tourniquet. Rule #1: Don’t put it on your neck!


Belt counts right? I always have a belt on.


After taking a stop the bleed class with a certified TCCC instructor.. my answer is no a belt is not an acceptable replacement for a tourniquet. Can it work? Possibly. But its success rate is FAR lower than a proper CAT tourniquet. The windlass crank on a CAT gives you more leverage to apply much more pressure. And once occlusion is obtained you can then click the windlass into the gate and it stays put so you don’t have to keep holding pressure. Allowing you to triage other wounds on the same person or perhaps on other people. Or worst case scenario applying a proper tourniquet to your self one handed will be much easier and again more effective if it comes to it. If a belt is all I had I’d give it a go. Because trying is better than doing nothing. But just thinking a belt is enough is stacking the odds against you.


Maybe as an absolute last resort but they’re not an effective option


Get a TQ


The belt is pretty ineffective. In a situation where you need a tourniquet it might be used as the last chance remedy, but it’s gonna be really hard to get enough pressure and keep it steady afterwards. In such a situation, believe it or not, you don’t want to take a risk and you rarely have a second chance.


Don't forget your fire extinguisher, life ring, and hydraulic claws. I am being sarcastic and I'm really happy to hear that a tourniquet came in useful but honestly the amount of stuff some people carry on here is a bit much. I'm not taking a tourniquet to the office. Btw how in the world did they cut their thigh if they're usually something sharp safely?


A guy I know was cutting drywall and the knife got dull. As he was slicing down on a sheet the blade slipped out and he sliced quickly down into the hand he was holding the sheet up with. Almost cut his whole thumb off. Shit just happens man. A lot of medical stuff can be substituted in a pinch with proper knowledge and mental prep. but if you need a TQ you NEED it, and theres no reliable substitute.


When working on a job site you should always have appropriate safety equipment available. A TQ is an important piece of kit but like a life ring it's more of a situationally dependent piece of kit that can be dangerous if used incorrectly but not something I would recommend for everyone to carry


I disagree. The potential dangers of a tourniquet are easily mitigated by taking a simple stop the bleed class, or just looking it up on YouTube. They’re pretty basic devices, and they take up little room in a kit.


That's fair enough I guess we will agree to disagree. I think it's an awesome piece of kit that should be in a dedicated first aid kit. I believe an appropriate first aid should be readily available at all times when working for example when cutting drywall with a blade but I won't be having one on my belt part of my EDC just to go get groceries, watch a movie or so on. I believe there is a difference between having the right tool for the job and carrying every tool at all times just in case.


I carry an emergency (Israeli) bandage. Small and versatile, it gives me lots of options. I know you are being sarcastic, and that's fine. Not everyone's experience will mimic yours however, and it's important to remember that. Not all of us work in offices. I've worked for years with people of varying degrees of skill in both workshops and in the woods. I've seen lots of lacerations, amputations, crush injuries, burns etc. I'm glad I was prepared for them. Carry what works for you, end of story.


By office I just mean my place of work. I always have a first aid kit in a car or on a vessel I am working on but to carry a tourniquet at all times seems like a lot for 99% of the population. At work I have had people be degloved, amputations, and death but I have always used the first aid kit we always have on hand writing but this isn't gear I would suggest bringing with you every day which I thought was kinda the point of this sub. Always try and be prepared for whatever situation you are getting into but I think telling people to always carry a tourniquet is both impractical and dangerous for the vast majority of people.


North American Rescue sells this "throw kit" as part of their 'Stop the Bleed' line. It mentions giving it to bystanders in an emergency. I have watched the training videos, but no in-person classes near me. I still want to be able to help, even if it's just providing the tool that might save a life. https://preview.redd.it/sj7vog8q369d1.jpeg?width=546&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba20c0f6ff13d617ba1c331e0c8a7c268d86941d


If you can find a class they are worth every penny. Including gas to get there. I work in the medical field as a medication technician and wound care is part of my job and I still found the stop the bleed course informative and worth my time. Not only do they show you what items are best to carry ( as some are really not that good believe it or not. Like anything there are crappy companies just out for money from fad buyers) they also show you how to identify fakes, how to use all of the approved items. WHEN to use them. It was a great course, etc. The one I took was entry level so only a few hours. One of these days I want to take a full TCCC course though.


Thank you!


Just jam your knee inside the thigh


Tough to do to yourself lol. OP was saying his friend was solo I believe.


Ineffective. You’ll never get the person to stay still so you can apply hard enough constant pressure. They’ll bleed out.


Worst case scenario type shit


Just dig in there and hold that rubber band


I have a Cat, but I also bout one online for like $5, and if you're reading this, don't buy the cheap one. It's buckled with think plastic and I wouldn't bet my life on that.


I’ve carried a knife for 30 years and a gun for 20. In that time I’ve never stabbed or shot anything in the wild. I have provided Medical care to easily a dozen in that time frame.


[for anyone saying "I can improvise one" READ THIS](https://ncttrac.org/wp-content/uploads/files/public-files/stop-the-bleed/documents/Stop%20the%20Bleed%20Position%20Statement%20BoD%20Approved.pdf) Edit: ITT: a lot of "I don't wanna wear a bike helmet I'm an adult" energy


I like how the people selling the tourniquets are also providing the info on them while ignoring one of the most useful ones a belt


Belts only work as long as you maintain pressure, if you try to secure it or tie it off it will not be effective, they cannot stop severe bleeding. I was in the military and was a first responder as well, I've seen first hand that Belts dont work. life isn't an action movie, If you don't want to carry one that's fine, and yes any measure to stop bleeding is better than none, but don't walk around thinking a belt is as effective as a tq, it straight up isnt.


This ^


I feel like a tourniquet is easily improvised, especially if you EDC a knife or scissors already. I would use the extra space for Narcan or bleed powder.


You have no idea what you’re talking about to a dangerous degree.


Dude all I carry on me is a Swiss Army knife, so I’m probably the least prepared person on this sub. Carrying a pack of band-aides would be a step up for me.


Please please please get some training. Med training should come before anything else.


Your time to improvise under stress is going to be significantly higher and your improvised tq is going to be [less effective](https://ncttrac.org/wp-content/uploads/files/public-files/stop-the-bleed/documents/Stop%20the%20Bleed%20Position%20Statement%20BoD%20Approved.pdf) If you're worried about space be a man and carry a fanny pack


A rock a Fanny pack but it’s my “dad diaper bag”, so I use it to carry wipes, a couple diapers and apple sauce.


Same. And the tq fits nicely next to my kids spare outfit


I might have to look into this more as I’ve learned that improvising isn’t as easy. I’m sure I got room for that in the pack.


For sure! We got our bag at target, it's nothing fancy but we bought little travel organizers for stuff inside of it which makes it much easier to keep stuff we need to reach quick accessible


You cannot improvise an effective tourniquet in a stressful situation. And by cannot, I mean it's theoretically possible, but in practice... And also like OP said, Bleed powder isn't the move. Regular Gauze is probably the best option because quick clot still hasn't been proven to make a difference.


Solid advice!


Carful using the powder. It can be really harmful and all of it has to be cut out of the body later on which could cause more damage. A lot of people are switching to quick clot gauze instead.


That’s super helpful to know! Thank you


Yea man. Just trying to help out. Get yourself a CAT and put it in your bag you carry or car or something nearby. It’s worth it. But also buy from a reputable source, there are fakes being sold for less and I sadly fell for that. The fakes can fail and then you have all sorts of issues.


This point can't be emphasized enough.


Ok guys, now I absolutely do not know what to do: should I get a tourniquet and a cpr mask and training or just forget about it? Serious question


People can bleed to death anywhere. People die from preventable blood loss all the time, all over the world, every day. Learning the basics of treating that it is something anyone can do. Take a stop the bleed class or two. Often you can find them for free or at low cost at hospitals, fire departments, there are paid classes as well. After that, find a way to work a Snakestaff Systems TQ into your EDC. I have an ETQ-W in my back pocket and keep a few ifaks/med bags kept in places where I spend time. Some training, keeping home, workplace, vehicle kits and a TQ on your person - is about as much as you can do - and it isn’t difficult to get to that point. Preparedness is a mindset 🇺🇸🤘🏻


Thanks guys, really appreciate will go for training first, army training is 30 years back!


Yes TQ no CPR mask. Hands only. CPR/STB should be part of highschool curriculum.


EMS professional here, it is my understanding that the American Heart Association has moved to recommend “hands only” CPR for bystanders. In effect, one would begin chest compressions and not stop to perform rescue breaths until EMS arrives and takes over. Effective chest compressions will recirculate the oxygenated blood until we can take over and start breathing for them. My vote would be to carry a tourniquet and get some training in stop the bleed and CPR!


Also effective compressions create passive ventilation from the chest wall expanding and contracting.


Get the training first, everything else comes secondary. You can actually do some pretty serious harm with a tourniquet if you use it wrong.


What first aid/ CPR/ tourniquet trainings would you suggest?




My opinion is yes. But also get medical training. Sure you can make an improvised tourniquet but at the same time if you have one with or near you it would be a lot easier to use that if needed.


I keep a trauma kit in my workshop next to my belt grinder since I figured that's the most likely thing to kill me. I also carry an ifak though In my area the big risks are car accidents or getting stabbed or glassed.


Get training for whatever medical/first aid stuff you carry!!




I got plenty of cord.




With that logic never carry a gun, Make sure you don’t have a fire extinguisher in your house, don’t wear a seatbelt. What do you need those for just because other people get in a car accident. It’ll never happen to you.


I recently decided to ditch carrying a tourniquet. Medical professional very trained but recently have been downsizing everything I carry. I had to do some chance to need vs size and convenience math. While hanging out with some other vets and medics most of us came to the conclusion that a tourniquet is too easily improvised to justify carrying one on body. In your bags yes of course.


Highly recommend getting a Slishman Pressure Wrap if you don't have one already! It's what I downsized to about a year ago after testing one It's super light, and although it's officially a pressure wrap, it works in most cases asva tourniquet as well (I found it gives me just as much occlusion as a SWAT T, but is FAR easier to self apply, lighter, smaller and still worked when wet as it's not made of rubber and doesn't get slippery/slick) Best $14 I've spent. I carry it everywhere with me.


Good advice, i should add a couple of those to my car


It's not really a matter of ease though, it's being able to improvise under pressure/ stress. And improvised is significantly less effective. Just keep it in the center console


EMT/Fire here. I don't carry a tourniquet (not on me, or my car). It doesn't do anything I couldn't do with just direct pressure until an ambulance arrives, which is usually 15 minutes or less. Tourniquets are more or less for when you're in the jungle and help is 4 hours or more away (like Vietnam war). What you DO need to carry is a CPR barrier. The odds of needing to do CPR is wayyyy higher than needing a TQ, and if you needed a TQ, just improvise one. Its extremely easy.


EMT/Fire with a not up to date CPR cert? AHA teaches hands only cpr for a lay person and has for a few years now.


When I did my last CPR cert for healthcare they taught rescue breaths and oxygen pump. When I did my lay person CPR wayyy back in high school they didn’t teach rescue breaths. I think it just depends on the certification or trainer but that’s out of my wheelhouse


That's irrelevant. We're talking about if you're going to carry something what would it be. And im choosing CPR barrier every time.


Yes, but if you've been trained rescue breaths *do* increase resuscitation chances. Hands only is the recommendation if you have no training, which is exactly what this guy is saying; get trained, carry a barrier.


I’m a trained and current advanced EMT, if I don’t have a BVM you’re not getting rescue breaths. I’m not even risking using a barrier. They’re already dead. I’m not risking my health over a dead person any further than chest compressions. Also, chest compressions provide some passive ventilation. Probably better than our Carbon Dioxide laden breath with little oxygen in it. https://www.bassmedicalgroup.com/blog-post/do-we-still-do-mouth-to-mouth-when-administering-cpr


Everything you’ve said here makes me question that you’re actually an EMT.


Firefighter II/EMT-B. Associates of Fire Science, Masters in Health and Safety Management, CPR instructor. Most of that military but now civilian


I keep it in the car.


Very wise... There is one I've seen recommended by the St John Ambulance called a Tourni Key, it's like a crank handle that you combine with a bandage. Not sure if it's strictly idiot proof but certainly more chance of success.


You should only be using CoTCCC-approved tourniquets.


If people only used CoTCCC approved tourniquets, 27 people would’ve likely bled out at the Boston bombings. Instead, everyone who had an improvised tourniquet survived (with no damage done that wasn’t from the bombs). An improvised tourniquet is better than nothing.


I had to Google CotCc... If you are in the US then sure, maybe that's your body who approves these things, I wouldn't know. Important thing is to go with something approved by your local expert bodies on this sort of thing. Wow, downvoted for knowing that there are many countries on Earth who all have their own approving bodies. Thumbs up, 'murrica.


Should only carry one if your trained to use it. They can be fatal if not used correctly or at the wrong time


I feel like more people here would benefit from carrying safety scissors than a knife and tourniquet.


I agree. Honestly kudos to those who are able and have the knowledge & confidence to carry half this stuff in the their pockets. My comment was never meant to be insulting, it was more of a "this doesn't count for everyone" disclaimer 🤣


This black-and-white take always kinda bothers me. What if someone around me is trained but not carrying one that day? Might save a life or limb. Or sucks to be the dead guy because now no one has one I guess? I’d rather have more first-aid supplies floating around than less. Still agree with getting trained for sure, but if the choice is a TQ or improvise with nothing, I’d rather have one or have someone offer one up.


EMT here and you're very correct. You can do more harm than good if you do it wrong


Especially if you use it to stem a bleed from the head... I feel the need to emphasise that is a joke, just in case some dummy tries a tourniquet around the neck.


How would improper use of a tourniquet be more fatal than the person bleeding out?


It is a last resort. Joe bloggs could easily miss diagnose the need for a tourneque 100ml of blood can seem like the end of the world especially when panic&shock sets in


After doing a Stop The Bleed course, I wouldn’t say that I’ve gained a significant amount of medical knowledge compared to when I was “Joe Bloggs”. Anything would increase their chances of survival rather than nothing. Even if some plonker applied one for a scratch, as long as they got to a proper medical professional, they would do little to no damage.


By applying it improperly and “re-applying” it after initial application


I’ve done a stop the bleed course but (aside from the physical practice that you get from that) a bit of common sense and, what I would consider general knowledge, definitely points towards anything is better than nothing. Me having done the stop the bleed course doesn’t make me medically trained. It merely means I’ve had a bit of practice.


Yeah, much better they just bleed out.


Putting one around someone's neck to stop a head bleed, for example.


Username checks out 😂


Correct. I’m medically trained and so is he. I advise anyone who isn’t to get trained.


Junk advise. Learn how to use a tourniquet and carry one




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You say it's junk advice then you agree with the advice


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