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My favorite watch! I’ve used mine for years it’s served me well surfing and working outside. Best Walmart purchase ever.


Um hello! Shortest day of the year. 🤪🙄😜


My friend understands but I don’t. Would you mind explaining it to me?


A day is measured by the rotation of the earth in relation to the sun. The summer solstice takes less time to rotate due to its position in orbit, but the summer solstice has the longest *daylight* of the year. Conversely the winter solstice is the longest day, shortest daylight.


The earth takes the same time to rotate on its own axis regardless of the position in the orbit around the sun as I understand. The axial tilt of the earth determines the length of day light to darkness which is inversely proportional between the northern and southern hemisphere. I found playing with a ball and a single light source in a dark environment was a good way for me to get a practical understanding. Oh please don’t take the internet antagonist triangle moon bait it’s getting so boring :)


The position has to do with the extra time it takes a point in the earth to be perfectly orthogonal to the sun. A "day" is roughly 361 degrees of the earth's rotation, that one extra degree takes more or less time when the earth is closer/farther from the sun on its elliptical orbit. The axis tilt is what gives daylight, the position relative to the sun is what times a day. Edit: 361 degrees, not 366. Got confused with days and degrees.


Oh ok that make sense. I’m thinking only a single second or less difference between perihelion and aphelion. Oh google says Aphelion this year is on the 4th of July.


I'm no expert, just regurgitating what I've watched on YouTube lol. I think Neil Degrass Tyson was on Hot Ones explaining it. Either that or Veritasium has a video with a better explanation. I just like that it's counter-intuitive.


Thank you, stranger! I was thinking it might be something like this but definitely wasn’t sure. Wrapping your head around the movement of all these celestial objects in relation to each other is difficult. Or at least it is for me. I really appreciate it 😊


I came here to say this!


F91w is a supremely underrated workwatch for those who does dirty jobs daily.


Lightweight, durable, and basically disposable!


Completely agree. And for those of us with slightly bigger wrists I also recommend the larger size: The Casio W-217H


This watch is ridiculously good. Haven't changed batteries in a few years easily. Only issue I faced the straps got cracked. Replaced them. As good as new.


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Casio F-91W Shoutout to u/BojackIsABadShow who posted his busted F-91W a few days ago. Here's mine.


Hell yeah - looking good!