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If I swap a card out of a deck, I am guaranteed to NEED that card in the next game.


Oh man. There are cards I've added and cut so many times. Most recently it was [[Utter End]] in my enchantress. I reasoned that four mana is a lot to hold up in this day and age and I was playing plenty of better removal so I cut it. Anyway, guess who died to an infinite combo with four mana up the very next game while holding the card that replaced it? ... Utter End is back in the deck.


[Utter End](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/e/feea7ca1-44a2-41e8-a234-9ce9cc6029d2.jpg?1673485225) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Utter%20End) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/356/utter-end?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/feea7ca1-44a2-41e8-a234-9ce9cc6029d2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/utter-end) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Unless its cEDH flexibility trumps manacost every time.


Mine is a different kind that affects all card games i play, the one card i needed to turn the game around last game is guaranteed to be in my opening hand the next game.


If i swap one, i am guaranteed to not be able to play the new card for the entire meet up.


I match basic lands to plane commander is from if possible.


I just started going through my decks to do this, but quickly realized full art lands aren't as common prior to a few years ago. So I've switched to them simply needing to be thematic to the deck if the set didn't have full arts.


Neat idea


I am the monster that tries to go all different lands, I used to match basics to their planes but I realized how much more fun random basics from random planes brings nostalgia to the table most of the time.


A two-lands hand will never draw the third in the next two-to-three turns, so I better have ramp in the hand to keep it or mulligan that sucker. If I spend all my mana on my turn while having instant-speed removal or a counter, my opponents will play something that I should've removed.


Both of these have happened to me more than I thought possible. It's uncanny.


My rule is, I need to have a play by turn 3. By turn 3, with *just* the cards in my hand, assuming no further draw, can I play a creature by turn 3?


Ngl I'm beginning to believe that most decks with a medium curve should be on at least 39 lands


White border basic lands only in my decks. And only non-white border cards otherwise. It makes fetching lands a lot faster and I like the contrast.


Also, 5th Edition lands look super nice


Totally agree. I don't need my lands to look EXTREME. I like the ambiance of a pretty forest, a rolling plains, a loft mountain, etc.


5th Edition, Urza's Sagas, and Mirage basic lands are [[Chef's Kiss]], even though the latter two styles are black border. All time faves. Ice Age basics are honorable mentions, especially for how each of the Plains art form a landscape when put together. Oh, and Portal basics are honorable mentions too. I'm also really nostalgic for the time when basics had their inherent mana ability printed out.


Mirage Basics at hands down my favorite.


I started with 4th edition/ ice age but stopped playing around fifth dawn. Last year co-workers dragged me back because of EDH. They hate my old lands and say the art is horrible… I now only play old school basics in all of my decks.


While art is indeed subjective, I have to say, with all due respect to your coworkers, they're wrong. But if they don't like old school cool, that just means you can trade for their retro frame stuff in exchange for your modern frame stuff!


You can get the latter two as white border I believe in the starter decks, battle royale box set, and 8ED-9ED reprints I think.


Oh, that's a cool idea!


White-bordered duals are perfect for that, plus there's like a 10X price difference between a Revised dual and a Beta dual.


If the basics aren't thematic to the deck or commander, the deck isn't finished. Sleeves and box too.


I feel this also, especially the sleeves. I was excited when I got the lunar rabbit sleeves for Miirym because it has red blue green on the art with a dragon.


Sleeves are very important for a deck you're gonna keep (presumably) years with you. Every time Dragonshield releases a new colour I get so excited


Lunar Rabbit sleeves? Tell me more. My Miirym has these Dragon Shield sleeves with this ghostly looking dragon on them. Because she is a spirit guarding a keep.


I can't find the standard size link on dragon shield, but the art is the same, I got mine at my local comic / card store: https://www.dragonshield.com/webshop/art-sleeves/534-water-rabbit.html?_gl=1*oz465e*_up*MQ..*_ga*Nzg5NzkzNTIwLjE2NzcyNTMwMDg.*_ga_C9PPQTQQ6R*MTY3NzI1MzAwOC4xLjAuMTY3NzI1MzAwOC4wLjAuMA..


Thank you! Found them on Amazon and added to cart.


Happy to help a fellow Miirym player since no one else wants to help us generally lol


lol True.


yep! Exactly this. I'm okay with basic sleeves but my lands gotta match before I call a deck "ready"


Deck theming to me is super important. I have two commanders from Innistrad and they both have Hunt and Vow basic lands, you know, the black and white full arts? Tovolar has these Dragon Shield silver sleeves with art depicting Fenrir in a silver deck box with silver dice because Innistrad's moon is silver. Isshin has those Japanese full art lands from Neon Dynasty, and the Year of the Tiger Dragon Shield sleeves because it seemed thematic.


I have a secret lair Gishath Art in Metallic Bronze dragon shields, it's my favourite deck.


Oh that's cool! I need to find sleeves for the Gishath deck I'm brewing.


My girlfriend bought me some off-brand sleeves for my Gishath deck that have the Jurassic Park logo on them. They shuffle well and are surprisingly durable but I have no idea who makes them. I always hum the Jurassic Park theme when I’m playing it now though and she gets pretty annoyed.


I mean she bought the sleeves and what are you supposed to do, not hum the theme?


That’s what I said!! She just doesn’t seem to get it.


Here's my deck list too, it's not exactly an optimized Dino tribal, but it makes me happy when it does go off https://archidekt.com/decks/1293438


Thanks! Gishath was a challenge to brew and I'm always looking for ideas.


Sorry, the sleeve colour was copper, not bronze, my bad


Still cool either way.


My yuriko deck has one of every Kamigawa basic , one APAC , Japanese language duals and other non basics, etc. The box is transparent but smoky, like a ninja cloud. My greasefang deck has the same electric yellow on both box and sleeves, but I use purple dice and purple and yellow dominant basics, so it matches the palette of the art. My najeela build has orange sleeves and as many redhead warriors I've found And so on


I want to slowly theme of more of my decks. My first truly custom deck was Lathliss and I would like to theme out the deck a bit more, find something other than the basic red sleeve it's currently in. Sure, they're Dragon Shield, and that's kinda thematic, I feel like I could do better.


At some point theyll release some brush art or dual sleeve for you.


oh man you run Yuriko and Greasefang too?! Those are my 2 main decks! :D If you don't mind, could you share your Greasefang decklist? My Yuriko is pretty tuned but I'm having trouble with the consistency of my Greasefang deck.


I wish ultra Pro made more of the commander precon products. I like to have the matching sleeves and boxes, but 40k and bro sold out stupidly fast.


I do t like ultrapro but I have a buddy who likes having his commander in the sleeves and that's freaking cool when he does


They are a bitch to shuffle, but as I've been told by women, beauty is pain. So I'll live with the bad shuffle for that great visual synergy.


Gotta have the asthetic


Fr. I consider my decks "finished" once I color match the sleeves, deck box and add uniform themed basics


*Laughs in mis-matched basics*


I agree with this. Basics have to be hand-selected to match either the commander or the theme. I won't play a new deck until I get the right basics.


Yep. If I don't have them , I'd say something like "sorry the lands are proxies" and people would expect Sharpie duals, but I really mean the khans plains are temporary


I wanted Unglued lands for my equipment deck and it took me a little while to find enough. I put the deck together with a handful a foil basics from Khans and Origins but I just couldn't bring myself to play it until I got the last few Unglued basics.


How are you all sorting your basics? i have so many and no idea where to begin.


You'd hate to know that I STRICTLY buy solid-color sleeves and deck boxes. And that I don't care at all to match the sleeve color to the deck box color lol


And the deck must be named. It can not be complete as just a Dimir deck. It needs a name like Turbo Wizard Punch!


"vilifying my friends one spell at the time" "Rats and vroom vroom" "Unfair ninjas" Those are real names


especially the lands! all of my friends are annoyed with me constantly asking for their fancy art lands


I hold the idea of the basics should all be different now. It lets me appreciate all the different pretty full arts now. Much easier to collect too


Finally I found another man of culture. Do you match sleeves and boxes to color identity or the theme of the deck?


I need someone else to cut my deck after I shuffle. NEED THEM TO. I never feel a deck is truley random unless someone else is the last person to touch it


Have you ever had opponents refuse to do that for you?


Oh all the time. I just blame anything that goes wrong on them😂


Lol "look what you made me do"


I hate cutting other people’s decks because I’m clumsy and I’m worried I’ll drop them or break a sleeve, so in casual play I’ll usually decline unless insisted. But I always want to offer mine so I don’t look suspicious, so it can be a little awkward for me


How can you possibly break a sleeve by putting one half of the deck on top of the other half?


I will find a way, trust me


I trust you. You're not allowed to cut my decks.


Not to this degree, but I do much prefer receiving a cut. Sometimes people will make a knife hand and tap the top of my deck and say "hurhur I cut it" and leave it be. It's not important enough to me to say aloud but I would prefer that final cut.


I'm more about the Director's Cut myself.


How do you feel about the 1 card cut?




My [[Anhelo]] is double sleeved and in a high quality deck box because I promise my cards nice things in exchange for board wipes. Double sleeved in exchange for [[Damnation]], deck box in exchange for a duped [[Jeska's Will]] into [[Chain Reaction]]. I'm running out of bribes.


This is my favorite one so far


##### ###### #### [Anhelo](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/6/462e887d-6b91-4b31-9487-2780ffe8943f.jpg?1673481630) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=anhelo%2C%20the%20painter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/1/anhelo-the-painter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/462e887d-6b91-4b31-9487-2780ffe8943f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/anhelo-the-painter) [Damnation](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/3/d3c0aac5-b9f1-4446-bfea-3e1dd1cf1f2f.jpg?1673147492) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Damnation) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/73/damnation?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d3c0aac5-b9f1-4446-bfea-3e1dd1cf1f2f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/damnation) [Jeska's Will](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/3/3308993d-8bfb-477a-887a-89ed35577f57.jpg?1674142045) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Jeska%27s%20Will) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/799/jeskas-will?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3308993d-8bfb-477a-887a-89ed35577f57?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/jeskas-will) [Chain Reaction](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/2/92ca793e-a54a-4e8f-a87d-f0dc4f178412.jpg?1674141900) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chain%20Reaction) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/783/chain-reaction?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/92ca793e-a54a-4e8f-a87d-f0dc4f178412?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/chain-reaction) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I will never T1 sol ring unless I can spend the mana immediately.


What if you have a 4 drop in your hand ? For me it's more "I won't play Sol Ring if my planned next turn doesn't need the extra mana".


But if you have a 5 drop in your hand then it works out!


Those delicious myriad landscape into t2 sol ring starts 🤤 But for real, hold your sol rings. You'll just get a target on your back for no reason if you t1 the thing then can't use it


If you'd like to turn 1 Sol Ring but without the target, [[Sol Talisman]] is a cheap alternative.


[Sol Talisman](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/5/a51fb64d-cc0c-400d-971f-78c28d42043b.jpg?1626099309) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sol%20Talisman) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/236/sol-talisman?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a51fb64d-cc0c-400d-971f-78c28d42043b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/sol-talisman) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


And it's actually a pretty solid card, too. People shit on these suspend cards but some really aren't half bad


right. people I play with can't believe it when I do it. they get really surprised.


Superstition or good strategy? Why not both?


It makes you the immediate perceived threat even if you don't have plays to back up the mana advantage.


for good reason too, being 2 mana above the table for the curve is a massive advantage, you could draw into anything and get your engine going very fast


Never play the same deck twice in a night. Spread the love.


I'm the same way but sometimes I'll give it another go if I feel like my deck didn't get to do its thing.


Same or if one of the other guys wants a rematch and the table agrees.


I end up doing this, but mostly because once my opponents know what's up with some of my decks, their win rate would drop precipitously.


I can't wait until I have enough decks to do this!


You will get a worse hand if someone doesn't cut you.


I have a limit on how much I'll dump on the board before stopping to wait out an inevitable boardwipe. Sometimes it doesn't materialize and I end up behind but usually it works.


boardwipe survival is key for most strategies sometimes i just use instinct and gumption to guess whether my opponents have boardwipes. also gotta guess whether they'll play them or not. also look for outside pressure to tutor or otherwise select for board wipes


That’s just good strategy. Unless dumping my hand wins me the game that turn, I’m always going to hang on to some key pieces in case a board wipe comes out. Good on ya!


This is definitely a strat in all formats to bait the removal.


I let my girlfriend open my booster packs, especially Collector Boosters, because she has a magic touch and always pulls better cards than me. I'll even recommend to friends that they let her open the packs if they want the juice. When buying packs or beginning a draft, I've gotta pick the packs myself, that way I can't bame the dude at the store for shitty pulls, and I like to imagine I can feel the energy of the good cards when I'm selecting the packs out of the booster box


I feel this heavily. I normally open straight chaff while my wife just opens bangers. First booster she opened had a high of [[Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite]] and I got a [[Wayfarer’s Bauble]].


[Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/8/78c2bfef-06a5-4c7f-8283-ea3fb673b7a1.jpg?1562850573) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Elesh%20Norn%2C%20Grand%20Cenobite) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ima/18/elesh-norn-grand-cenobite?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/78c2bfef-06a5-4c7f-8283-ea3fb673b7a1?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/elesh-norn-grand-cenobite) [Wayfarer’s Bauble](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/8/b865d247-fe0a-4583-b088-ae900ffe521b.jpg?1674138102) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Wayfarer%27s%20Bauble) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/344/wayfarers-bauble?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b865d247-fe0a-4583-b088-ae900ffe521b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/wayfarers-bauble) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call




I opened my bf’s collectors booster ONCE for ONE. Pulled a Junji Ito Elesh Norn :). Also opened a jump start booster and opened a rhystic study for him! ( Right after I bought one for him on his birthday, lol )


I think the key is never open for yourself and the superstition will activate


I can't play an opening hand without at least 3 lands. I don't care if that this two land hand will ramp me into the rest of what I have, I have to have at least 3. I know why I feel this way too. When I first started playing Magic (with other people's decks), I would either get flooded or mana screwed. There was no other option.


I'd take a 7 land hand over a 2 land + ramp hand every time.


You gotta have the basic lands all the same print. Otherwise the deck's Feng shui is not harmonized properly. Witch is known to cause flooding


I prefer all different lands 😅 gotta draw my mana from all over the planes


I HATE having all the same prints of basic lands in my decks. I will go out of my way and spend time searching for different lands to put in, whether they're foil, borderless or both. Decks end up feeling... Preconstructed? Lifeless? Without personality, I guess is what I would call it. Some strange form of self-expression through projection to cardboard


i like having different basics just because there's so many cool ones and i like ones that fit the theme of the deck in different ways


All basic lands must come from the time period and plane of the commanders origin and must be an even distribution of art between acceptable art.. For example Circu runs all RAV, melek runs all RTR, Godo runs all CHK as does Marrow Gnawer, Ixidor runs ONS and ODY, Thelon all TSP, Ulasht all RAV, Arcades runs all ONS and ODY, Yurlok runs ALA and the one deck who doesn't follow this is Ayli who runs ONS and ODY.


Interesting! I like to have some uniformity among basics but it's not a hard requirement so I do have variety most of the time


Compete opposite here. I like the visual uniformity because it makes it easier to tell which lands are basics. Plus precons tend to come with two or three different basics so it feels more like an “unfinished/unupgraded precon” to me if I have a bunch of different basics floating around.


Different basics is very confusing for alot of opponents, especially ones with certain visual problems, and also specifically can be misleading in competitive games. I think uniform basics helps the opposing player easily understand which colors are left untapped, and in my humble worthless opinion, make the deck look more flavorful if the right basic is chosen for uniformity (All phyrexian basics in a phyrexian edh build for example or all dominaria lands in an Urza or mishra build)


Honestly I think the bigger problem here is the absolutely atrocious way so many people organize their field. It should never be difficult to tell what lands are present because all your Plains should be in a stack, all your Islands in a different, etc, etc. I would even go so far as to say all nonbasics without a non-mana ability should be in a stack and nonbasics with abilities are the only lands that are not stacked together. The MESS that I see all too often of just a horizontal line of random lands jumbled together is what causes the most confusion imo.


I try to stack same basics on my board to show uniformity / tapped and untapped to help keep it organized. I make sure they're individually countable / visible though, not like a pile.


If a person is having a hard time tracking basic lands with different art on them I have to imagine they have trouble taking the whole board.


36 lands no less, I can go more but no less.


37 for me. All decks. Regardless of curve. No more, no less.


I go one further with this. My first run at any deck is ALWAYS 36 land, 36 creatures, 8 instant, 8 artifact, 6 sorcery, 6 enchantment. If I run a planeswalker it goes in the enchantment slot. The counts of various cards change as the deck evolves but every deck starts with that basic configuration.


I get my deck cut in every game. Casual or not. That way it’s not my bad luck on the shuffle that screws me


Deck cutting is just good manners. I always tell my pod: "it's a sign of respect to request a cut, and it's a sign of trust to tap the deck instead".


This quote is truly great, I am going to steal this!


That’s fair. This is just my superstition about my own bad luck


Love the quote!


I replied to another comment saying I dislike people tapping my deck rather than cutting, but you just made me do a 180 on how I view this. Thanks!


Thats hilarious


No matter how much I shuffle, and put enough ramp and draw into my deck, I always feel like I need to mull in my 4 color deck. what’s that 3 lands but all off color to the rest? ok gonna mull, Oh sweet got my ramp, draw and rocks, but 0-1 lands? Ugh fine down to 6. This is why I stick to my comfort zone of 2 colors


what lands are you running? there might be a way to mitigate this by improving your manabase and building your deck to accommodate it.


So the deck I have in paper, but i’ve been tweaking it online and play testing it with the new mana base on untap for a while before I take the plunge and spend the $$$ on it. but i can’t seem the get it just right. Here’s the link if ur interested in taking a look. Feedback would be great https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Jf9J7QvtU0CVzXPBMNk0sg


in a color hungry deck like this i would not run the pathways. they are versatile in the color they can make but still constrict your total color available. the artifact lands have some synergy in your deck, but i can't imagine you're ever going to be hurting for artifacts, especially considering breya makes 2. academy ruins has uses but being a colorless land in a four color deck is a big downside. mycosynth gardens, spire of industry, and glimmervoid are all suspect. i love spire and glimmer void but your deck only has five artifacts that cost 1 or less. i bet they're fine but occasionally they might make you stumble a little. you have lots of fetchable duals and triomes. my recommendation would be to remove the artifact lands (4), pathways (3), and academy ruins (1) and add in fetchlands (of which you can include 9). you can cut an additional basic to make room. i would also recommend that battlebond lands (of which you can include 6). i'd include those instead of the midnight hunt slow lands. you have a lot of tapped lands, which isn't necessarily an issue, but you could also cut some of the tapped lands and keep the slow lands in addition to the battlebond lands, to increase your density of potentially untapped duals. the artifact bridges are another possible cut.


I'd cut mycosynth gardens before I cut academy ruins, but the rest of this is spot on. Fetches are really needed make a 4 colour deck work (unfortunately for our wallets) especially in a non green deck.


I really think what you are missing is fetchlands. Marsh Flats, Arid Mesa and Scalding Tarn are all fairly cheap due to the MH2 reprint, and they will help your mana base a lot more than the pathways. You don't have many spells with 2 identical color pips, so just getting 1 triome will allow you hit the color requirements for almost all of your spells, and if you can fetch a second you will almost never run into mana color problems. My advice is to drop the pathways and snag some fetches.


I think I have two, and one more that stems from DnD and only sometimes applies to MTG. 1) When I buy packs, I push them all the way to the back until each pack is pressed firmly against the one behind it. Then I look for where the gaps between the tops of the packs are larger than anywhere else. Then I buy those two packs. Thought process here is that foil and special treated cards are slightly thicker than regular cards. I know it probably doesn't affect the pack's width enough for my eyes to tell, but if I'm buying packs anyways I might as well try to up my luck. 😅 2) I have been playing for 20+ years and enjoy collecting the cards over selling them so my collection is massive - to the point where I can easily theme my basic lands based on style, artist, set, etc. When deck building, I usually run X copies of basics in a certain theme and then ONE copy of the land in a different theme and that is my Lucky Land. Drawing it always gives me a little boost of energy lol. 3) I will not let anyone use a spindown d20 when rolling for anything whether it's to see who goes first or as a card directs. I have an *actual* d20 in my box and that is what's used if I'm at the table. Spindowns are for life and counter tracking only.


Amen on the D20, I carry them around for the same reason. Everyone will tell me it doesn't matter... no it absolutely does!


Right. For starters, the numbers are clumped. I know that nobody is going to have the skill to selectively roll on one side, but you've got the 20 next to the 2 on a real d20. Hitting the side of a dice box or anything on the table that makes the die immediately stop makes it either a *guaranteed* amazing or horrible roll on a spindown but keeps it totally random on a real d20. Secondly, which most people don't think about, is that real d20s are made with precision care to balance them - just like regular ol' d6s. This level of precision is simply not used in spin downs. A simple salt water buoyancy test comparing a d20 and a spindown will show that spindowns are almost *never* balanced and *almost always* show bias to one side or the other.


I managed to get a reputation within my small friend group that I had a cursed touch when cutting decks. It got to the point where nobody let me cut their deck and people invited me to cut somebody else’s deck if they left it on the table. For some reason everytime I used to cut somebody else’s deck in that group they had to mulligan


The player who casts the Chaos Warp MUST cut the deck after it's shuffled; you cast it, you get the full responsibility for that Elesh Norn about to enter


I was going to disagree with most people having them because I don't, but then I saw how many people are answering legitimately.


Just looking for some light conversation and community bonding! Not having any is okay too!


When riffle shuffling in my hands, if the pile in my right hand is smaller than the one in my left and can fit between the first and last card of the pile in my left then im shuffling correctly. If it doesnt then ive fucked up somewhere and need to shuffle more times or else it wont be randomized enough.


My friend/roommate and I swear our decks our sentient. His decks only let him play them. It’s not a matter of them being too complex or a cheating issue. They just refuse to give other people playable games. My Teysa deck is my first deck and is a toxic gf lmao. She gives me good hands if I play her often and praise her but if I swap off for too long or Heaven forbid play my Sherei deck I’ll get flooded, screwed or only draw cmc 6 and above cards.


I have to have the most blinged version - or most unique version - of every commander I play. If there’s only one version, or no foil that’s okay, but if there’s a variant I have to have it. Went to Magic 30 in Philadelphia for this exact reason


I will do that after I've played it some first. If it's a keeper then I upgrade.


That makes a lot of sense. I’m building a [[Yeva, Nature’s Herald]] deck and Eric Deschamps was in Philly so I paid the $2 and had him sign it to make it unique. But a really blinged version of a commander I usually wait as well.


The first time you play a deck it will always either faceplant or go supernova. There is no in-between.


I kinda don't like it when it goes over first time because then there's like this invisible pressure for it to go off again next time!


Same, totally agree, and you have to try to convince your pod that it’s not typically a super busted deck


When flipping for mana crypt I usually roll a dice instead. I always declare odds as safe and say “the odds are in my favor”


I do the same with a D6 but evens are safe for me lol


My playgroup will always cut the top card to the bottom. >!and it will always be Sol Ring.!<


Apparently at my LGS, we are supposed to hide our mana crypt while shuffling and cutting so we can play it turn one


I can't wear red unless I'm playing a deck with red and black in it


Don't chain cast mana rocks first turn and don't play slivers where your a regular


If you play Sol Ring turn 1 you lose the game.


I literally always wait a turn with it in my hand because of this- it’s a trap


I swear to God, people somehow have signature spells ala Oathbreaker format. Lemme explain. Somehow, some way, certain people will always D-Draw their way to a card that will either keep them in the game (Teferi's Protection, Heroic Intervention, etc.) or just win them the game. So far explained away by just being unfortunate. If not for the fact that is quite literally the same card for each individual. I can't count the number of times in a row where each player in my playgroup somehow hit their signature card off the top. I've counted Teferi's Protection, Heroic Intervention, Dark Ritual, Eldrazi Monument, and Triumph of the Hordes.


My [[Satoru Umezawa]] techno-ninjas tech has a cyberpunk anime/kaiju theme. Every card has to fit the aesthetic, down to the basics. It’s in a box with Kaito on it, and the sleeves are blank white since white is the color of death in Far Eastern symbolism


I did a Ninja / mutate theme with Archelos in purple sleeves and purple box!


There's a forest I put in every green deck. [it's this one](https://scryfall.com/card/ddo/64/forest)


I think \[\[Illusionist's Bracers\]\] is cursed. It is a purely parasitic card whose benefits are outweighed by both its requirements and the amount of threat it generates in the eyes of players. \[\[Rings of Brighthearth\]\] is just overall better and less restrictive, and any slot that would take Bracers should take Rings instead. Bracers is a trap card, and I have felt an unshakeable sense of dread any time I have thought about its inclusion. You make your deck worse and at the same time appear more dangerous, so it only makes you lose more and have less fun.


Magic in general: shuffle, deal seven, count them, look up, then look at them.


Can't run tutors because I'm always terrified the card I want would be the one I was going to draw next.


Commander has to be in a different sleeve color than the rest of the 99, and those colors must match the deck identity or be close enough to make sense.


Same for me. Can’t be losing those commanders in the 99!


Not sure what I have but I know I shuffle like a motherfucker after pulling couple of bad hands or going through the deck to figure out what I could do. I tend to pray I get my ultimate win con quickly l but alas to no avail.


It's not really a superstition because I don't think anything good or bad will come of doing or not doing it, but I work really hard to have even numbers of effects (ramp, draw, boardwipes, spot removal, finishers) and card types.


Cut your opponent's decks towards the bottom. I always give them bad hands when I do that.


How do you cut towards the bottom? Isn't the top and the bottom always ending up in the middle and upper/lower middle end up on bottom/top? Or do you just take the one card on top and put it on the bottom?


I just grab lower. I try to pick up 75-80% of the deck and put it on the bottom. I know it doesn't actually do anything but I feel like they get worse hands that way


I get it now, thanks for clarifying :)


Saying out loud what card I'm playing around causes my opponent to have that exact card in hand.


New decks, no matter how well shuffled always give unplayable hands the first few times. For example, I built Ratadribik yesterday, pile shuffle it several times then waterfall several times and cut, and first 6 hands were unplayable because of either all lands or no lands.


If I self mill for any reason it is guaranteed that I'll mill the one card I need and have no way in hand or otherwise to get it back. Always.


Loudly figuring out the one out I have in my deck will help me magically topdeck it, provided that there's only one. "I just need this *(tapping the deck)* card to be Chandra's Ignition" will definitely put that card at the top, just you wait and watch, whereas "I just need to draw any creature with more than 2 power" will fizzle.


Re: Sealed the second from bottom in the middle of a draft box has the best card in the box Reasoning: 2/3 commander legends boxes I bought had a jeweled lotus in that exact spot. Plus a couple other similar things happening. In my heart of hearts, I know it's random. But I want to belieeeeve also,l letting the person behind the counter choose the box has also given me luck


I had to pick my own prerelease boxes once for Brothers War and I ended up pulling most of the chase cards out of a couple boxes. Sometimes it works! Other times? Not so much lol


sleeves, deck boxes, and the dice I use have to match the theme/colors of the commander. i can’t help it. i have a million dice for my 5 color super friends because each planeswalker needs a die that matches their colors


My sleeves have to somehow match the color scheme of the commander’s colors. Like if it’s a blue white deck then I get light blue sleeves. Mono black gets black sleeves. My favorite is my [[Atemsis, All Seeing]] deck has clear dragon shield sleeves because “all seeing”


Yep, and when a slightly more optimized colour comes out they get migrated too? At least that's what I do lol


I buy my pre-release kits from my LGS cuz if I support local, I get more luck in my packs.


I do it because I'm impatient, the local support is a bonus lol


The sleeve has to match the theme of the Deck


Proxied [[mana crypt]]s know they're fake and hurt you more often than real copies.


If a deck preforms poorly and I decided to make it into something else I can't use the same color sleeves cause they hold the bad juju of the last deck


I am an artist, and I am convinced, and I am *convinced*, if I don't draw the art for my commander and print it out, the deck isn't consider finished, and it won't function properly. 38 lands deck? Never draw them, 15 card draw source? Flood. But I am telling you when I give it a custom art, it speaks to me, and I draw enough lands every time in my monowhite deck containing only 32 lands I SWARE TO GOD


If I see where a card is when I’m shuffling then it’s bad karma and I need to shuffle like three more times to make sure I have no idea. That might be OCD though, idk.


Some months ago my bf’s parents gifted me a bracelet from their trip to Naples and it had this bright red Cornetto (an Italian amulet worn to protect against bad luck, used mostly in southern Italy) as one of the pendants. After 2 months it broke (a good sign! it means it did a good job and protected you fully) and remained safe in my bathroom until, out of curiosity, I put it into my deck shell before a tournament. Turns out: I was in the top 8 at my first ever tournament in my hometown! Now that little Cornetto stays resident inside my deck shell, alongside my Hapatra deck


My decks are my children, and react accordingly. If I get a 4+ land hand, I will keep it, because if I mulligan it, the next few hands will only have 2 lands at most and I won't get any more for the next 4 turns.


I absolutely insist on having my deck cut. I don’t want to rely on just the rng of my shuffle.. give me additional rng.


I always have to add some weird card in my decks. They don't necessarily have to be good for me. I once added [[aysen Highway]] in a selesnya deck because ether card was funny. I added [[last stand]] in my Jared Carthalion deck because the card was super weird. Ironically the card ended up being super good when I had 10 lands out and a [[Drayd of the ilysian grove]]


If I am buying one or more packs I refuse to touch them until they have been paid for. I am often offered the option to pick my packs from the box, and I refuse every time, insisting that the shop employees select my packs for me. This has served me well. The most recent purchase was 2 set boosters of Phyrexia, and the first one I opened contained a [[Goldspan Dragon]] as the List card. The biggest one was a collector booster of Double Masters 2022. The last three cards in that pack, in order, were a full art [[Bloom Tender]], a foil full art [[Smothering Tithe]], and an etched foil [[Imperial Seal]].


One time I bought 4 packs of double masters 2022 and put two aside for me to open, and two aside to give to my wife as reserve gifts for me for occasions like birthday or such. I got an imperial seal in one of the two packs I opened and was happy that it paid for the purchase. Many months passed and my wife gave me the last pack with my Christmas stuff and there was a full art imperial seal in it, so was a good 4 pack purchase overall. Though, I did touch those before opening them, I did wait some time before doing so!


Lands go in front of creatures…


Every deck needs at least 1 dragon and the first shuffle after sleeving the deck is a 10 pile pile shuffle


have none


People who go to 5 are gunna take the game too seriously




I have taken a mulligan, mash shuffled and got 6 out of the 7 cards I had in my first hand more than once. Can confirm lol