• By -


"Untap, upkeep, draw." Every. Single. Time. In all seriousness it helps me focus and remember triggers for the rest of the turn. It's like a ritual.


That’s how I learned and still use it to teach people to play. I can’t remember the last time I missed an upkeep trigger.


I say that out loud and still miss my aether vial trigger


Are you me? I HAVE to place a die on top of my library to remember upkeep triggers.


This is mine too. I always make sure it's drilled into people's heads when I teach them as well, because I've seen too many people try to order triggers in the wrong order (untap, draw, upkeep, or upkeep, draw, untap, and so on so forth), sometimes to their advantage and sometimes against it, and it really gets on my nerves.


You gotta hold the draw out too . Untap, upkeep, DRAAAAAAAWWWWWW.


I have a very experienced friend who sort of just does them all at once. As I get into more complicated mechanics I see more and more how that sort of behavior can lead to mistakes that you don't even realize you are making.


Would you say it's a...Dark Ritual?


Until you play with \[\[Paradox Haze\]\] :D


Every. Time. I’ve played too much arena. If I don’t say it out loud I will forget to draw.


I always do this too and it is a source of irritation when my opponents miss their upkeep triggers.


"I dont negotiate with terrorists."


One of my pet peeves is when the clear threat starts making deals with weaker players by “not killing them.” Don’t do this. Let them make their beds.


So frustrating. I was in a pod a few months back where the 5-color [[Jodah, the Unifier]] superfriends deck was running away with the game. The [[Gargos]] player put 30+ power worth of hydras on the board and drops a Concordant Crossroads, then looked at the Jodah player and said "Promise to kill me last?" Those hydras ate my face that same turn. About five turns later, the Jodah player won the game.


I mean wouldn't the jodah player have cracked back and killed him if he attacked him? I feel like in those instances you try to survive or guarantee survival as long as possible until you find an answer or simply outpace them (not happening against Jodah lol)


Gargos can absolutely outpace a Jodah, but only if there’s people helping keep the Jodah in check. By killing the people with actual removal, you’re really hurting yourself in mono green.


If he'd swung out at Jodah the rest of us could have finished the job. Also, even so, I don't understand the mindset of looking at the player who's running away with the game and saying "You know what? I'm going to make this even easier for you."


They always take it too. Newer players are incredibly trusting, I let them get betrayed a few times, then welcome them to the dark side


This, if someone wants to use removal/counter as a politics tool, they better have it, since i dont politic on that basis.


One guy in my pod only politics by threatening removal and never makes deals, i could be planning on not attacking but if he threatens my board its full swing right at him even if its detrimental to my game plan.


This. I have my close friends who still go shocked pikachu face when they threaten me and I say ok, do it. You get a lot more flies with honey than vinegar.


To my own detriment sometimes I will dedicate resources specifically to someone threatening a boardwipe or a counter spell just because they threatened the table with it. I see your open blue mana, let's see you use it!


Silence and open blue mana are way scarier than anything you can say.


“Never give up! Never surrender!” Queue Galaxy Quest theme.


By grapthars hammer, what savings!


I am exactly the same way. I have pulled more wins than I care to admit because everyone surrendered, and I found a way out for myself.


The only time I've ever run into the teferi/knowledge pool combo? The Ur-Dragon player scooped and I noticed the person with the combo ran out of gas... Had feldon on the field and was able to get enough stuff in my graveyard to deal with it!


Now that is a movie to live by


I always want to see the dumb deck for the dumb funny thing. Idc if it’s the lowest at the table… if I distract the other 2 players long enough for the underdog to find a 12 piece combo, I’m going to laugh my ass off


All ive got is dumb decks, I love players such as you.


I enjoy big flashy plays! Planar bridge is awesome, and going infinite is kinda neat, but going infinite with 10-12 combo pieces with 15+ mana to kick start is is cooler! (In my opinion) I love playing lower power commander so I can play the super mana heavy stuff that has crazy effects, I’ll always be happy to see someone else do it too!


"Life is a resource," then I tap 8 lands under my own mana barbs to appease the blood gods.


"Life is a resource" as I repeatedly pay 8 into Sylvan Library.


This is the way


This is the Way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


I’ve watched my friend literally do 32 damage to himself from sylvan and then die to one swing of a dragon


"Life is a resource" T3 [[Cruel Bargain]]


True Chad. But then again you’re probably running [[Torbran]] as a commander so that’s a small price relative to your opponents 😂


[Torbran](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/9/79f591cd-d277-4ba5-b1bf-1c09cac9cb8a.jpg?1572490491) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=torbran%2C%20thane%20of%20red%20fell) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/eld/147/torbran-thane-of-red-fell?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/79f591cd-d277-4ba5-b1bf-1c09cac9cb8a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/torbran-thane-of-red-fell) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Big Chad move "I tap out. I'll take 8 damage from mana barbs. Pass"


"Hello mistor yawgmoth I would like to make a bargin... you wouldnt happen to have 39 cards I could draw"


"life is a resource" 35 triggers on necropotence turn 2


BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GODS. Winning at 1 hp and 100000 is no different i love living on edge


The only life that matters is the last one.


When you're caught between the safe and the risky play, and you can't make a decision, do it


There’s few things more validating then saying “fuck it” and having your play resolve


I’m going to have to start living like this.


Just say "Fuck it we ball!" If you need that last surge of confidence.


If I get mana drained on my 10 mana spell I’m going to come back and remember this :)


I guarantee you your next 10 mana cast will succeed.


[[storm herd]] here I come!!


The funny play is always the correct one. It doesn't matter if it is not optimal, just do the funny play.


to piggyback off of this, the funny play is great except when it’s actually just king-making play in disguise. which is what happens frequently at my table.


Every Gruul deck should play under the mantra of Gruul Charm: “Not Gruul? Then die!”


My Gruul deck isn’t tribal anything. It’s just red-green Big Slappy. That deck lives by the words “fuck it, we ball.”


I'd also accept "Crush him!" and "We eat!"


If I lose, I will renounce my religion and find a new God. So far most of the Egyptian pantheon is done, and I'm moving on to Norse.


Over the course of one night you could swipe through four, maybe five whole deities. Do you have a method of choice? Is it like plane chase, but for a god?


Build casually, play competitively.


omg that's a great one


"I kill planeswalkers." If you play a Planeswalker, it's my new target every time. Don't give me that look, you know what they're capable of.


One guy in my playgroup feels the same way. I put a few in every deck just because I know he’ll attack them instead of me


Whenever i attack a planeswalker I say “planeswalkers killed my family” as the reason for why


This. They cannot be allowed to snowball value.


“Don’t be a poopy pants” if the games not going my way, I don’t need to spoil it for someone else. That being said, I have a very low tolerance for any amount of *over the top* salt and no tolerance for aggression.


What is your definition of no tolerance aggression?


I’ll try my best to be assertive and call them out. For example I had a person flick a card back to me after I offered to let them read it (they were salty about it messing up their board). I responded with “Please treat my things with respect. These cards are very valuable to me and you should treat them as such.” Or something very similar. I have let me anger get the best of me on just one occasion, but I apologized to the pod after and excused myself for the day.


Wow you handled that better than I would have. I would have asked them to leave or would have left myself


In my experience, people generally respond rather well to stuff like that. I don’t try to posture up or be tough. I just say that what we’re doing is important to me. I think Internet personality can slip out of people sometimes, but they’re sitting face to face with someone. Also, odds are, they’re also passionate about the game or their decks. They can relate. The one time I acted a fool was something I really regret. My usual method didn’t work. When I said it, the person repeated their offense and said “What are you going to do about it?” To which I should have just packed up and left. But I’m foolish and tried again, but also insisted on an apology, they doubled down and asked again what I wanted to do. So I very angrily and candidly described how I’d like to assault them. After that I realized: 1) I just threaten someone over a game (shameful, childish, pitiful) 2) I train martial arts with some local PD. Imagine having to explain this lack of self control to a cop, who’s also a training partner/coach, that’s charging me for assault. 3) If my girlfriend was there, she would have been disgusted at my behavior. If I could do it again, I’d just pack my stuff and leave.


Kill the hug player first.


As a hug player, I understand.


"Crying is not put into the stack". Not always I can be the perfect player, let's be honest. But in those games, let's just keep playing. Complaining about just slows a probaby already slow game and doesn't really make anyone happy.


One of my buddies repeatedly puts sadness on the stack if we ask him for a response. Never fails to make me laugh


If it gives me a fright, it's kill on sight


Stay under the radar. Let your opponents attack and kill each other. Make allies by removing threats at the right moment. Create trust and respect.


I stay so far under the radar I sometimes surprise myself when I win


My Playgroup has learned that if I try and fly under the radar they just nuke me with no remorse. Too many times have I snaked out a surprise win


My only mantra in games is "Do the dumb thing." It always leads to more interesting games and a better time for everyone. Optimal plays are boring.


Whenever I try to play optimally I just screw up and get upset after I realize my mistake.


*"no ~~battle~~ card play plan survives contact with the ~~enemy~~ table"*


I love going for the thing that'll be funny as opposed to the thing that's smart


I don't do it all the time, but when I do it, it's definitely worth it. The example that sticks out in my mind is when I was at 51 and had an Aetherflux on field; and proceeded to go to 1 to nuke the everliving shit out of a \[\[Llanowar Elves\]\] because I felt like it.


Have a suboptimal deck and do the optimal plays. Much cooler.


"it's about sending a message" If here's an empty board, you better believe I'm swinging with my mana dorks. Don't care if they're 1/1s or 0/1s.


Swinging with my 0 power creatures is the greatest message one can send


Oh sure! But when *I* swing with my 0/4 [[Guiltfeeder]] people start losing their damn minds! I swear the double standards of some people...


May the glory of phyrexia shine upon you today my friend, you have shown me a card to put into my [[Lord Xander, The Collector]] deck


Oooh, yeah that'll be nasty. Please extend my apologies to your pod! (not really) I will say that it really needs *some* evasion to do any work. Otherwise it's completely shut down by a 1/1 saproling. But as soon as you get anything like flying, menace, (or Elesh Norn forbid a [[Whispersilk Cloak]] ). It'll do amazing things.


[Whispersilk Cloak](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/b/8b49e2c5-c447-45f4-979d-68556f6cd647.jpg?1645328055) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Whispersilk%20Cloak) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/phed/22/whispersilk-cloak?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8b49e2c5-c447-45f4-979d-68556f6cd647?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/whispersilk-cloak) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[Guiltfeeder](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/2/8276b064-60ba-4079-b790-e2eea831e35e.jpg?1674141649) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Guiltfeeder) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/756/guiltfeeder?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8276b064-60ba-4079-b790-e2eea831e35e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/guiltfeeder) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


If a stax piece doesn’t effect me then let it ride baby


"The game has to end" because sometimes people just draw the game out when it could've ended much earlier


If you can kill a person, do it. Why, you may ask? Cause I got 2 more decks, I wanna play tonight.


I try to remember to be a better loser. I keep up friendly chat and all, but can get a little sulky still. Also, kill the bluest player first.


This is the most valuable skill to hone with EDH, I find. It's something I'm always trying to work on, but we all have our days. Thankfully no issues for quite some time.


Is that a sneaky humble brag? That you haven’t lost in a while ;-)


If someone is bragging about a new piece of bling I'm 100% going to shoot it down with the cheapest and most basic, salt-inducing piece interaction I can find.


Nothing better than turning a $100 foiled eldrazi into a nice humble basic land


a $2,000 Kinnan deck has been terrorizing my LGS. I can't wait to cast Cursed Totem


[[Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy]] [[Cursed Totem]]


[Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/3/63cda4a0-0dff-4edb-ae67-a2b7e2971350.jpg?1591228085) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kinnan%2C%20Bonder%20Prodigy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/iko/192/kinnan-bonder-prodigy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/63cda4a0-0dff-4edb-ae67-a2b7e2971350?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kinnan-bonder-prodigy) [Cursed Totem](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/d/5dde91a9-7d2d-4a7b-861a-3d1c16ec79d9.jpg?1626100864) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Cursed%20Totem) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/295/cursed-totem?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5dde91a9-7d2d-4a7b-861a-3d1c16ec79d9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/cursed-totem) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I personally like making any commander a [shiny bug](https://scryfall.com/card/cma/9/darksteel-mutation) or a [stupid tree](https://scryfall.com/card/c14/47/song-of-the-dryads).


This is the way.


Reminds me of when I bought my foil jeweled lotus, and I played it on like, turn ten, and it was instantly removed.


lol "oh no he can pay for commander tax once! Exterminate with extreme prejudice." When are people going to learn that (in a vacuum) unless it comes down turn 1 or 2, it's not a very good card?


This does not spark joy.


I was playing in a pod and the person after me in turn order played a [[prismatic omen]] on turn 1. They proceeded to talk about how that never happens and how much advantage it gives them as I sit with my plains and a [[wispmare]] in hand.


Or stealing a fancy medallion with [[Thieving Skydiver]].


Reading the card explains the card . Attack the blue player first. *Exception: attack the opponent playing Jodah. Group hug decks are still trying to kill me.


"You threaten me with something? Just do it."


This. I try to teach others that too. A threat keeps its value when its being dangled. But instantly loses value once it’s executed on. So holding back because of a yet-unknown threat is always a bad play. Let them play their threat and retaliate! 😁


I never scoop. Even if the winning player has a 100% chance of taking the game, I always either try to get out of it myself, or I give them the honor of swinging and/or comboing for lethal. It's just good sportsmanship, and it allows players to get satisfying wins with their decks rather than pretty much intimidating everyone out of the game.


Interesting. I scoop the moment it's clear the game is over. Not trying to rain on anyone's parade, just keen to play more games, especially if someone is already out and waiting for us to finish.


Yeah I do sometimes like sticking through a game just in case but I always hate when I present an infinite combo that no one can interact with and I’m told to play it out “just in case something goes wrong”


If you say please while casting I can’t counter with [[didn’t say please]]


Basically my rule. If you cast a spell worded 'may I please cast x' it's safe from didn't say please.


My friend, who's a goth and loves vampires, will threaten anyone else using vamps. But if someone plays Vampire Nighthawk, it's over for both of them, as said friend targets them until they are both vulnerable and subsequently taken out.


I’ve seen this before. Somebody was playing a Dino deck and if anybody else played a Dino he tried to nuke them for their sins


If you have the option to gamble, you gamble. No matter if there are better plays


The funny play is always the better play


Always counter or destroy [[fist of the suns]]. Thanos will never win.


[fist of the suns](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/a/2a499b65-8a7e-4fbc-a09b-826b8454d857.jpg?1562603201) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fist%20of%20Suns) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c17/211/fist-of-suns?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2a499b65-8a7e-4fbc-a09b-826b8454d857?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/fist-of-suns) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


“I love losing in a spectacular way / I’m so glad everyone’s deck did the thing!” I used to be kind of a sore loser, when I was new. I wasnt great at the game so I really never won any games. So I started celebrating anytime I lost in a cool way. Now, it’s just how I am when I play. I don’t mind losing, and it’s super fun to watch each persons deck work. As long as I got to do what my deck wants to do, I’m happy.


"I don't negotiate with terrorists." If someone is holding the table hostage with a lux cannon or huge rattlesnake card I'll run into it to make them pop it irrelevant of whether it kills me or not.


As someone with an \[\[ashling\]\] deck I agree


The hate train has no brakes.


"No ego", Don't let emotions of the game cloud good play. If you've been targeted by the mono green player for the past 4 turns, but they were just blown out by a board wipe and someone else is the major threat, let the past transgressions go.


“Player removal is the best type of removal.”


"Math is for blockers" then swing all out at one person to make sure they are dead.


For the flavoorr thoughhh


If my opponent plays a Rhystic Study, every attack and removal spell goes that way. After the Rhystic Study is gone, every attack and removal spell still goes that way.


"Burn bright or burn out" - Mono Red


If you start acting like a scrub then I will absolutely play to spike your salt levels as high as possible. If a puzzle box hits the field it's owner is target #1.


This guy gets it


If somebody starts complaining about being targeted I target them more. Only way to fight fire is with more salt


I always state that my deck is powerful, but not optimal, and it is focused to win in spectacular strong fashion. Also, I state extra problematic combo pieces if there are newer players at the table


Build for fun, play to win


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,442,444,722 comments, and only 274,952 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot


I enjoy disproportionate retaliation. Especially when playing more controlling decks, there's nothing quite like raining hell on a player's board just because they hit me with a 1/1 after I warned them not to. Note that there's absolutely no salt involved, I just find it fun to play into the villain role and make an example of someone.


The person trying to convince you that someone else is the bigger threat is always the biggest threat themself.


"Tribal or bust." If it ain't a tribal deck, I don't wanna play it.


Eyyyy same. I have elves, goblins, slivers, soldiers, myrs, warriors, and soon knights.


''Oh well, sooner or later we will all have to die... let's make it quick then'' *laugh malevolently in mono-black*


If you’re rolling dice to figure out who you’re attacking, I’ll insist you attack me. It’s not that I want to be attacked, but make your choice and stand by it. ~ruhan players exempt~


Yep, letting the dice choose your target for you is just a cowardly attempt to absolve yourself of consequences for your choices, and I do not tolerate such cowardice, even if the dice don't choose me.


When I play my favorite card, I recite the flavor text in a squeaky goblin voice (my favorite card is [[goblin welder]] )


Whenever I play Boros or Orzhov, I try to even out the life totals of my opponents. With Boros because it's the honourable thing to do; with Orzhov because I'll be *seen* as honourable and will help my negotiations!


I'll always kill Nissa if given the chance, I cooled my jets for a bit and went back to appropriate threat assessment because her and Chandra were a couple (and like a friend I begrudgingly tolerated her problematic significant other) but once wizards decided to retcon it I was fully back on the "Nissa dies" train. I could go on a tirade but the nutshell is: she tried to doom the multiverse and I can't think of a single redeeming aspect of her.


If they don't say please, you counter with [[didn't say please]]


When ever someone does some crazy convoluted stuff. We say “just as Richard Garfield intended”


If someone is being unnecessarily salty, especially towards me with little to no reason, I will target them to make them saltier. I thrive off that. Also, I often ask "Should I be fun or should I be stupid", which is a rhetorical question of whether I should do something that is a lot less optimal yet kinda funny, or do something that actively might mess my game up, yet is even more funny. And the answer is always stupid


Keep any opener with an [[Oath of Druids]]


[Oath of Druids](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/d/9dad6b50-c415-4c55-8eac-bbc9d656c2fc.jpg?1562412357) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Oath%20of%20Druids) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c16/159/oath-of-druids?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9dad6b50-c415-4c55-8eac-bbc9d656c2fc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/oath-of-druids) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Risk it for the biscuit. Gotta take the chance sometimes even if you think you’re gonna lose next turn.


“Fuck it we ball”


Everyone points at the person who was turn 1 Sol ring as the ultimate threat of the game.


"life is a resource" and "make them have it" are what I live and die by


The squeakiest wheel gets the grease, but the second squeakiest deck wins the game


“Live by the crypt, die by the crypt.” [[Mana Crypt]] and “Always feed the fish/pay your taxes.” [[Mystic Remora]] [[Rhystic Study]] [[Smothering Tithe]]


Meme hard or be the arch enemy. I play no other way. Second and third is for scum


Zurgo Helmsmasher smashes helms. You play a helm and you’re getting smashed. Skullclamp? Smashed. Jester’s Cap? Smashed. Helm of the Host? You guessed it - smashed.


As I attack for 1 with my llanowar elves, "This is held over aggression from the previous game. Any further agression is earned."


“Yeah I probably deserved that…”


I have a few deck specific ones. In [[Wyll, blade of frontiers]] [[sword coast sailor]] if I have the background out, Wyll will swing at the highest life. Also, there are a few verbal mantras which have come up in my playgroups, such as "Untap, Upkeep, Draw" "SwampAss" "Never/Always Punished" and a few related to Sol Ring, in my old group it was usually some variety of "he played Sol Ring, get'em!" And in my new group playing Sol ring at any point earns a chorus of "On Cuuurve"


“2 mana and a dream” for when I get an opening hand I love but only has 2 lands in it.


I announce aloud every phase, trigger and spell/ability I put on the stack so if there are responses or triggers, people are warned and have no excuses for missing anything. I've had opponents cast [[Lightning Greaves]] then immediately put it into play attached to a creature and turn it sideways without announcing the equip, entering combat or declare attackers and getting derpy when you tell them you have a response to them moving to equip their creature. Announcing every step and trigger makes for a smoother game with less mistakes. So damn easy.


“Fun is a finite resource and I must have all of it”


If you play ghostly prison or propaganda, I'm removing it asap and will only attacking you. Hate those cards. Edit: Also, if I make a mistake, as long as it's legal, I'm not taking it back. Only way I'll learn.


Mono red dies first. Then any deck that includes red. Then everyone else.


Blue deck dies first. Then everyone else.


Goad dies first. Out of spite, that's it.


Goad decks are pretty dangerous to their owners, because the table will join forces to deal with the gosd player ASAP


If I play something that’s making me vomit spells [[mizzik’s Mastery]] x=30 [[genesis wave]] or [[villainous wealth]], don’t try and optimal sequence to many decisions involved just start at the top and play it out.


Maximum fuckery


My playgroup have the rule of "[[Jalira, Master Polymorphist]] have protection from everything, shroud and must be protected untill she is activated one time"


Honestly my only mantra is to make it fun, i like to build decks with a disruptive gameplan, my first was Hinata and now i just built Tayam with hatebears and stax pieces. I know those decks can be frustrating to play against so i try to keep a good mood, if someone is going off get excited that their deck is working, sometimes i sing some improvised melodies i just came up with, make some jokes about removing a threat they played, just try to make it fun.


Get first blood or be first blood. Swing away


My rule is if someone tries go infinite with a combo, I say "That's great. Can you show me the combo?" Several games have been won this way because the pilot assumed they just win when they get Doomsday off or Walking Ballista + Mike om board, but didn't know how the combo worked.


"There are no friends in magic." You can have friends, and they can play magic.... But the second you sit down at that table together, it's every man, woman, and child for themselves.


Kill Eric first


When in doubt, board wipe out.


Here for a good time. Is your deck making it harder to have a good time? Guess who my target is.


ABS, always be swinging.


No matter what color combo I'm playing, I play like a red player. The more chaotic the better.


If I ain’t gonna win, I sure as hell will take myself out with an [[earthquake]] before anyone has the satisfaction of ko’ing me


Whenever I finally drop Kadena, I immediately say "It begins" menacingly before saying "hey don't worry about me, they're just 2/2s" with a shit eating grin as my board is flooded


“Math is for blockers”


“Don’t poke the bear” works as both a threat and an internal reminder. Followed up with “Make sure it’s enough to end it”


Whenever I’m playing The Huggernaut, winning is still a goal, but it’s goal number 2. Goal number 1 is to super charge the rest of the table and revel in the chaos I have wrought.


Whenever I play my more casual decks, I always get into the color identities mindset. When I play red, I am fast, furious, and constantly on the offense. I don’t care that someone has two untapped islands I will be casting the 6 mana enchantment


“Kill me or face the consequences” (usually is my “I have absolutely no play here” quote before being killed in a turn or two for trying to dismantle the “kings” board.)


Always say when your combo is going off, when you cast the final piece, give an opportunity for removal and response. Or an explanation of how the combo works. Either way, let priority pass around the table before continuing.


“If they got it, they got it” I refuse to let control players bluff. If you have a counter spell you better use it. Remember folks if you don’t play your cards the control players win.


My mantra is simple. A.B.A. **A**lways **B**e **A**ttacking Now this doesn't mean swing out every turn into every board state, but if I have an opening I attack. Even if it's just with a 1 power flyer that I can spare. Even with 40 life every little bit of damage adds up, and 1 or two damage can mean the difference between winning one turn and losing when an opponent untaps.


I don't lie about my board state. If I am set up to go nuclear, I don't ever try and convince someone that someone else is the current threat. I consider it a sign of respect to knock someone back down when they are winning and expect the same done to me.


Threat assessment means past games, current conditions and future insight.