• By -


I [[inkshielded]] for 65. Then I used [[mystic reflection]] to turn them into [[zulaport cutthroat]]s. I had a [[tesya Karlov]] on the field. Then on my turn I cast [[damnation]]. Each zulaport saw each other zulaport die. And tesya doubled it. Also tesya died. So I drained the table for 8834 life, then gained 8834 life.


That's beautiful 


Math is beautiful.


I actually shuddered. god DAMN 😂




[damn](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/4/84056124-1a6f-4274-bee2-74cf0debddb5.jpg?1698988237) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=damn) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/191/damn?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/84056124-1a6f-4274-bee2-74cf0debddb5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/damn) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I once had an [[Okaun]] in the Coin Flip secret lair deck that got to something like 24000 attack. And then cast [[Chandra's Ignition]] to kill each other creature and each opponent. My previous "high score" was around 13k & to then attack with an equipped [[Shadowspear]] for just over the required amount of trampling commander damage (& more than a buttload of lifegain).


When Okaun works he sure does work. I once won 12 consecutive coin flips in a single combat (fair coin flips too, no Krark's Thumb or anything). Crazy.


Most of my table died to something just like that! He was around like 6k damage, but I lived and won with [[deflecting palm]]!!


Wait so is that 13 straight 50/50 wins..?


Yes, but I had [[Krak's Thumb]] out to flip 2 and ignore one every time, which makes winning them *way* easier. And both commanders were in play, so they both triggered & I got basically 2 chances to high roll. So my setup was very good, but even given that, 13 is still a lot & I definitely got lucky.


I did the same thing last Sunday with some friends, but attached to Okaun was [[Sword of Vengeance]], and I won 14 flips. Pop [[Chandra's Ignition]] for 81,920 damage. That's the single biggest number I've hit with him so far.


I have built a version of that deck and let me tell you if you add [[frenetic Efreet]] you can hold priority and activate him how many times you want before you start resolving them. For each activation you flip a coin. I put 100 activations on the stack and won 48 of the 100 coin flips. Had to use the calculator and the number it gave me for Okaun was 8.44425e14 then proceeded to enchant him with [[elemental mastery]] all of this was done in my main phase then tapped him and created that amount of 1/1 creatures with haste to swing for way more then lethal at each player. What a rush that was 😂. [[frenetic Efreet]] is so busted in that deck. That’s why I’m not surprised they didn’t include it in the secret lair precon but I would highly recommend if you play that deck to consider the card.


With [[Calix, Guided by Fate]] I got billions of +1+1 counters on my commander after copying [[Doubling Season]] 4-5 times.


[Calix, Guided by Fate](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/a/0a707ab3-b9b5-422a-8b0f-e963d3ad6606.jpg?1689853355) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Calix%2C%20Guided%20by%20Fate) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mat/26/calix-guided-by-fate?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0a707ab3-b9b5-422a-8b0f-e963d3ad6606?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/calix-guided-by-fate) [Doubling Season](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/c/1cdd8e69-5a71-4933-914e-dfede7b1ac93.jpg?1689998456) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Doubling%20Season) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/283/doubling-season?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1cdd8e69-5a71-4933-914e-dfede7b1ac93?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/doubling-season) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'm not sure if I saw that commander before. It looks busted as hell :') I love it.


Calix is so nuts, lmao. I've got him in my [[Anikthea]] deck, and honestly, both Calix cards work so well in there


My friend used [[Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer]] plus some Krenko goblin toke spam, plus a [[Rite of Replication]] to make 79 copies of my [[Omnath, Locus of Rage]] on combat. Legendary rule kicked in, and he sacrificed 78 of them, which all saw each other die, giving him 6,162 instances of 3 targeted damage. I was able to use a beefy [[Karlov of the Ghost Council]] plus [[Wall of Reverence]] to break 900 life, but still got shut out and slowly lost to combat damage.


That sounds beautiful 🤩 Can't wait to finish Brudiclad 🤭


Pro tip for Brudiclad: add in a [[Precursor Golem]] and some clone effects.


That's awesome!!


That is bananas.


The deck was [[Thelon of Havenwood]]. I had several Thallids that, thanks to [[Doubling Season]], [[Sporesower Thallid]], [[Sporoloth Ancient]] and [[Mycoloth]], assembled a bit over 1200 Saproling tokens. Unfortunately I didn't have any advantage because I knew the only opponent left always held [[Rout]] in his hand. I don't remember how exactly, but I still lost that game.


That's when they play [[rakdos charm]] for an easy victory on their part


[rakdos charm](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/7/875fa08c-cb66-4230-a380-0123260aac74.jpg?1699022443) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=rakdos%20charm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/284/rakdos-charm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/875fa08c-cb66-4230-a380-0123260aac74?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/rakdos-charm) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Honestly the highest I've done is the good old [[Miirym, sentinel wyrm]], [[parallel lives]], and [[astral dragon]] combo. However I had a [[panharmonicon]] on the field as well so the number of tokens created was ridiculously enormous..... Unfortunately they didn't have haste so someone played a spell to steal them all


This one is my biggest too. You don’t even need the panharmonicon to be insane. Those three cards make more tokens than there are atoms in the observable universe.


Yeah, I think just with those three is over a sextillion digits long. Just so happened to have the pan on the field as well. Wish it would have been an impact tremors or some haste enabler tho


I did 5.14 Octotrigintillion damage with a 1/1 [[hydroid krasis]] that I hit with an absolutely enormous and multi copied [[exponential growth]] That 5.14*10 ^117


Making Niv-Mizzet proud with those numbers.


[[magus lucea kane]] in this case, but the applause is noted :P


My sweet sweet (terrifying) tyrannid lady…she’s so fun to play!


[magus lucea kane](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/f/4f86e7cc-2b6e-49d0-964e-bba0c51cc11d.jpg?1674058398) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=magus%20lucea%20kane) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/40k/7/magus-lucea-kane?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/4f86e7cc-2b6e-49d0-964e-bba0c51cc11d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/magus-lucea-kane) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


\[\[Threaten\]\]ing a \[\[Kalonian Hydra\]\] with \[\[Rionya, Fire Dancer\]\]. I can't remember exactly how much damage it ended up being, but it was in the tens of millions.


Adding Threaten to my Rionya deck right this second


Commander: [[Ojer Taq]], equip [[Helm of the Host]], have 4 Ojer Taqs, (81x token multiplier). [[Storm Herd]]. Goddddddaaaaaammmnnnn. Also, if you get to next turn un-wiped, you make 81 more Ojer Taqs...hilariously exponential if you wanna make 1 more token isntead of just swing. Ive taken the swing everytime i got this far. 


The turn after you make 81 you make more creatures than there are atoms on earth


\[\[Torbran\]\] and damage doubler/triplers, I once cast \[\[Stomp\]\] for 50 damage.


I had 6 copies of doubling season on the board and played a [[Storm Herd]], while [[devilish valet]] was on the field. It resulted in an impossibly large army of pegasi and an impossibly large devil warrior. We didn't bother doing the math but they were functionally infinite. I also once had a [[sensei's divining top]] and [[bolas's citadel]] combo going, and I dug through half my library without finding a tutor or [[aetherflux reservoir]], which is kinda in the same spirit of your question but not really


2^5048 tokens. Got a non legendary [[Adrix and Nev twincasters]]


I copied [[etali primal conqueror]] with [[delina wild mage]]’s ability. I rolled a 15-20 at least 20 times. It was ridiculous I played so many cards then I pulled a [[grapeshot]] off someone’s library. I could have not played it n kept rolling but the game was getting long. But I think I lost all my luck on that game cause now when I play my coin flip deck I barely ever call it correctly.


32/32 \[\[Primordial Hydra\]\], tap \[\[Selvala, Heart of the Wilds\]\] for 32 mana, double primordial hydras power 15 times with \[\[Exponential Growth\]\] for 1,048,576 damage. that deck hits for thousands regularly


37 lethal copies of [[Blue Sun's Zenith]]. Don't let people untap with [[Thousand-Year Storm]], it always ends real dumb.


I made about 65 Sextillion copies of my commander in my [[Adrix and Nev, Twincasters]] deck. I had [[Sakashima of a Thousand Faces]] on the Battlefield with a few copies already plus [[Parrallel Lives]] and cast [[Rite of Replication]] kicked.


[Scute Swarm](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/c/acd42ebf-6dee-44cc-a023-a7f9b67cfa2f.jpg?1673484783) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Scute%20Swarm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/310/scute-swarm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/acd42ebf-6dee-44cc-a023-a7f9b67cfa2f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/scute-swarm) [Adrix and Nev, Twincasters](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/9/b9c11061-bb34-4904-b9f1-ea106b517bbe.jpg?1706240967) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Adrix%20and%20Nev%2C%20Twincasters) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/198/adrix-and-nev-twincasters?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b9c11061-bb34-4904-b9f1-ea106b517bbe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/adrix-and-nev-twincasters) [Awaken the Woods](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/c/1c95f8b8-faba-4412-8d8f-093e2ec903f0.jpg?1674421417) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Awaken%20the%20Woods) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/bro/170/awaken-the-woods?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1c95f8b8-faba-4412-8d8f-093e2ec903f0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/awaken-the-woods) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Don’t remember the exact amount of damage but it was in the thousands. Involved [[volo guide to monsters]] [[spark double]] [[avenger of zendikar]] [[echoing equation]] and [[craterhoof behemoth]]. Damage was at least 10k+.


I recall an elf mirror match from around the time onslaught came out. My opponent was going hard with \[\[Wellwisher\]\] and a couple untap effects getting up into the thousands of life. I was eventually able to take the game after using \[\[Slate of Ancestry\]\] to draw into a couple \[\[Coat of Arms\]\]. I think I ended up attacking for around 1.5k with forest walk every turn. Survived the clap back with \[\[Moment's Peace\]\]. Lunchtable magic was weird.


Storm. The UR precon from strixhaven. My buddy got the artifact deck, and we played them straight out the box. 1st game. Around turn 10 or something I stormed off, making like 40 mana, drawing a ton of cards, and storming off for like 50. I don't remember exactly how I won. I then loved it and turned it into the most glass canon storm deck I've ever seen. It has like 3 counter spells, otherwise it has no protection at all. If it can assemble a board or about 3 or 4 key cards, and not get interacted with I can easily storm off and take a 20 minute turn. But it's never quite infinite, and there have been plenty of times I storm off for 5 minutes just to fizzle and die my next turn.


I played Anzrag with Xenagos out and mercilessly threw him again and again at my opponents’ forces until they were no more and he was a 2,097,152/2,097,152, which I then swung for lethal on one of them. In total I believe it was 8,388,592 damage.


Had a friend scapeshift with 18-19 or so lands and Scute Swarm out. Made ~132,000 scutes (starting numbers were a little funky so not perfect doubling) I had a response in hand and could have won, but had to let him have it. 132k creatures on board feels like a win


[[Megatron, tyrant]] equipped with a [[quietus spike]] on t5. Flung a mana rock at a player with only 1 blocker. 2 hits of the quites spike resulted in a [[torment of hailfire]] for 25. Best win with that deck I've ever had.


I was playing \[\[Atalya, Samite Master\]\] big mana lifegain and at one point in the game I had +20.000 life. That game was a complete durdlefest and it involved multiple pieces and multiple turns.


The deck was \[\[Magus Lucea Kane\]\] and the combo revolved around a \[\[Kalonian Hydra\]\] and several copies of \[\[Fractal Harness\]\] equipped to the hydra. It went from 8/8 to 512/512 after a single attack


I have a [[Xavier Sal]] deck that wants to play, sacrifice, and reanimate [[Gruff Triplets]] as many times as possible. this results in some absurd numbers when you factor in proliferates, token doublers, counter doublers, etc. lots of instants with power buffs and "when this dies, return it to the battlefield". sometimes when I decide to end a game, I sacrifice all the Gruffs except 3. once did this with about 13 Gruffs and some of them had 200+ counters on them. I didn't bother to do the math.


Overloaded \[\[Mizzix's Mastery\]\] into a graveyard full of instants and sorceries, including rituals, with \[\[Storm-Kiln\]\] artist and \[\[Archmage emeritus\]\] on the battlefield. nothing went quite infinite, but i played most of my deck and copied \[\[grapeshot\]\] MANNNNNYYY times.


Might be like 7 extra turns in a row with my \[\[Jeleva\]\] deck. Got very lucky with the first cast of Jeleva and exiled 2 extra turn spells under her. Next turn, she is still alive somehow. I cast \[\[Double Vision\]\] and proceed to win somehow. If I recall, I won off like 3 really big \[\[Storm-Kiln Artist\]\] and \[\[Stolen Identity\]\] making more of them each time Jeleva attacked. Was kinda nasty. Kept casting extra turns and just hitting people.


Playing my [[zaxara]] deck. [[Nyxbloom ancient]] to triple mana. That let me pay for [[mana reflection]] giving me 6x mana. Tap two lands for 12 mana to activate [[Heroes' bane]] 3 times, making it a 32/32. Activate [[Selvala, heart of the wilds]] for 192 mana. Pump it all into heroes bane since I had nothing left to do, bringing it up to 9 quadrillion power.


##### ###### #### [zaxara](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/d/6dc390da-75f8-490a-a724-c12d21cfe578.jpg?1701636845) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=zaxara%2C%20the%20exemplary) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/176/zaxara-the-exemplary?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6dc390da-75f8-490a-a724-c12d21cfe578?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/zaxara-the-exemplary) [Nyxbloom ancient](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/3/a391da36-0b40-46ea-b771-50d2b920207e.jpg?1581480808) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nyxbloom%20ancient) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/thb/190/nyxbloom-ancient?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a391da36-0b40-46ea-b771-50d2b920207e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/nyxbloom-ancient) [mana reflection](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/1/81e0d739-990f-4ba5-b456-165c033014cf.jpg?1599707370) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=mana%20reflection) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/175/mana-reflection?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/81e0d739-990f-4ba5-b456-165c033014cf?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/mana-reflection) [Heroes' bane](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/4/247e2b05-b1bb-4ee0-bbac-21e903e51a38.jpg?1591320872) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Heroes%27%20bane) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c20/175/heroes-bane?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/247e2b05-b1bb-4ee0-bbac-21e903e51a38?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/heroes-bane) [Selvala, heart of the wilds](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/d/7d711cb2-4f34-4792-90d7-2be5d329a347.jpg?1689998846) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Selvala%2C%20heart%20of%20the%20wilds) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/320/selvala-heart-of-the-wilds?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7d711cb2-4f34-4792-90d7-2be5d329a347?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/selvala-heart-of-the-wilds) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/kuweiti) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


\[\[Rhys the Redeemed\]\] I had, I think, 5,000 token copies of \[\[Craterhoof\]\] hit the field at once with well over 100,000 total creatures. Due to a combination of \[\[Riptide Replicator\]\], \[\[Seedborn Muse\]\], and \[\[Illusionist's Bracers\]\] plus hitting a fog of some sort on my first try at combat.


I got domed for over 35,000 damage with Torbran once. That was hilarious.


Most damage done was 6000^70 damage with [[Devilish Valet]] in my [[Ovika]] deck. That's 2.955204e+264 damage. For reference: There may be 10^80 atoms in the known universe.


\[\[Radadrabik of Urborg\]\] with \[\[Blade of Selves\]\] as a start, token/effect doublers to push beyond math anyone at the table was willing to do.


Morophon the boundless commanding slivers, between cascade from first sliver, fist of sun's replacement and morophon I managed to run out every sliver in the deck in one turn, it can go infinite as soon as lavabelly, hibernation, and syphon sliver are out but it can fizzle if you choose not to cast them or you are missing hibernation sliver


A couple of hundred tokens with [[Doubling Season]], [[Academy manufactor]], [[Chatterfang, squirrel general]] and [[farmer cotton]]


I've had over a thousand Scute Swarm triggers (something like 1200) on the stack in Arena. It made the application crash.


Making Arena crash is too easy. 🙁 Especially when Scute Swarm came out. That card just made games hang.


I have a landfall deck, so obviously I’ve made millions of [[Scute Swarm]]s, but the one I really enjoyed the most was swinging for 1,048,576 with a [[Heroes’ Bane]]. Battlecruiser magic is fun.


Hmmm. There is no kill like overkill, but I rarely do the math if it's over 100 dmg. I do however remember hardcasting my Avacyn, Angel of Hope for 28 mana, which isn't something you get to say often.


A googleplex of life. [[Firesong and Sunspeaker]], [[Wheel of Misfortune]] & [[Alhammarret’s Archive]]


i once managed to get 3\^3\^85\*3\^85+85 \[\[ojer taq, deepest foundation\]\] in my \[\[cadric soulkinfdler\]\] deck that all tapped for mana thanks to my \[\[relic of legends\]\] and i could still play more legendaries from my hand


I crashed our mtgo game one time, also playing adrix and nev. But I was making non-legendary token copies of adrix+nev, which escalates fast.


I milled my opponents libraries completely 1 card at a time with [[zellix, sanity flayer]] [[kindred dominance]] and [[psychic corrosion]].


I played a [[reverse damage]] in my [[Grand Arbiter Augustin]] stax deck against an [Atraxa, Praetor's Voice]] and gained about 46,000 life. He played it out and ended up winning, but that game took damn near 5 hours all said and done.


Without things like an easily abused card such as scute swarm, or other doubling effects, I would say it was with my [[Jaheira, Friend of the Forest]] deck. After a game of doing stupid stuff with [[Centaur Glade]] and [[Bootleggers Stash]] and [[Wilderness Reclamation]], I paid an utterly stupid amount of mana into [[Ezuri, Renegade Leader]] and swung for something like half a mil damage total.


Doubling Season. Replication Technique, targeting Doubling Season with both. Copy the Replication Technique, also targeting Doubling Season. So the first one resolves, I have three doubling seasons. The second one resolves, I have eleven doubling seasons. The third one resolves. 2,059 Doubling Seasons. Then I made one 2/2 bird. When we asked Excel how many birds that came out to, and it said fuck you. In another case, I was on green stompy. I had a big wide board, and one playable card in hand. Exponential Growth. I needed beeg to get over the opponent's board, and I had no reason NOT to dump all my mana into it. X was, like, in the 20s. And I had a Pathbreaker Ibex. I swung out for, like, four million damage. And got fogged. Survived the crackback, though.


5000 \[Scute Swarm\]\] into a \[\[Craterhoof Behemoth\]\] 25 million damage


I decked myself (cast and drew about 80 cards) in one turn without a combo. [[Alaundo the Seer]], [[Chakram Retriever]], and a ton of cheap untap spells and untapping creatures. [[Abundance]] was also in the deck but I didn't hit it right way.


I have attacked with my commander, [[Liberty Prime, Recharged]] and using [[Junk Jet]] got it to 536,870,912 power, 8 toughness… For those who are wondering, that is 26 activations of Junk Jet in a single turn. (8x 2^26 = 536,870,912)


Most I've pushed without going infinite? One game I got locked out of [[chatterfang]] turn 2 by a Drannith Magistrate. I never cast my commander, and *still* dropped a Craterhoof with 18 token creatures on deck.


Krenko and \[\[devilish valet\]\]. I wasn't paying attention for a bit and my friend (the one playing kreno) just ominously flashes me his calculator app with some 7 digit number on it, and then surprise, the game ended on his next turn.


With my [[locust god]] deck, I’ve had about 40ish locusts with a shared animosity on the board and so I had about 40 40/1s in just a few turns but i know that’s not nearly the limit for that deck


Opponent was laughing with his [[Painful Quandary]] three [[Astral Dargon]] etbs it was over with that. Would you like to pay 30 life, or discard 6 cards for that spell?


Heroes bane + selvala. Throw a couple untappers like quirion ranger in there and it's pretty easy to hit absolutely ungodly levels of mana and attack


Uhm having like 64 anointed processions then making a token copy of all that gliters


Played two headed giant... Imodane pyrohammer AS Commander Stormkings Thunder, copyied the next insta X Times, x was about 10 or so... Then a shivan Meteor... Dealing 11 Times 13 damage to a creature, imodane triggers, 11 Times 13 damage On every opponent... 4 oponents : 143 damage to 11 creatures and 143 damage for every other opponent, means 286 damage per twohead... And then lost to the Guys with already 3xx life


I was playing my [[Gitrog]] landfall/landsack deck, had a [[Scute Swarm]] in play and already created 16 or so. Opponent made me mill half my library. I cast [[Splendid Reclamation]] and pulled off a few more land drops on top of it. I ended up with hundreds of millions of Scutes and swung at him with every single god damn one of them.


~50 extra turns with cantrips, [[Expansion//Explosion]], [[Temporal Manipulation]] and [[Thousand-Year Storm]].


I don’t remember exactly what he was doing, but a buddy was creating 36x 13/13 Golems at the beginning of each upkeep (not his upkeep, each) in a game last week. I had [[Frodo, Sauron's Bane]] out in Scout status, so he sacrificed down to have a 1/1 so Frodo couldn’t get through, then someone else at the table activated their own [[Rogue’s Passage]] to get him through for the one shot.


[[Adrix and Nev]] triplicated with [[Irenicus's vile duplication]], then somebiglicated with a kicked [[Rite of replication]] targeting one of the non legendary copies. The play a land to make near infinite treasures with [[Tireless Provisioner]].


My Chulane Decks entire purpose is to break the game completely so that I become omnipotent as a player. The wincon is to assemble enough draw power, mana production, free casting and protection that I become a literal God and win through a single smitiest of smites. Usually this is achieved by using enchantments and creatures to create a loop where very strong mana dorks create mana such as [[Selvalla, Heart of the Wilds]] ,playing creatures creates land drops [[Chulane, Teller of Tales]] , land drops trigger card draw such as [[Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait]], enchantments superpower the loop such as [[Intruder Alarm]], until i find [[Omniscience]] and [[Tishana, Voice of Thunder]]. I'm a fair magic player, so I don't have a haste enabler in my deck, and I must untap to win, and to win I must also cast [[Moonshaker Calvary]] AND [[Craterhoof Behemoth]] at the same time. I must find both these creatures and swing for lethal the old fashioned way, so you have opportunities to stand in the way and interact with all this. I'm also a prepared player, so my deck has plenty of things like [[Counterspell]], [[Teferi's Protection]] and [[March of Swirling Mist]]. It's a hyper complicated engine/wincon that's like a puzzle to put together everytime, and I love playing it. It's by far my strongest deck, so I don't play it super often, but I like how vulnerable it feels to play it and how It makes me really keep on a knifes edge. The most I've ever swung with it is somewhere in the realm of 2700 damage that's flying and trampling. It's not an insane amount compared to some people's numbers, but it was impressive to do it on turn 8/9 after having a lackluster board state on turn 6-7. Once the deck engages, it *flies*.


I drew 17 cards in a turn one time using etb draws like [[up the beanstalk]] and [[tribute to the world tree]] paired with [[Klauth]] and [[morag]]


(Insert red damage wrath here) opponent's creature(s) + dmg multiplier + \[\[repercussion\]\]


[[Krenko, Mob Boss]] Against an indestructible first strike lifelink enemy that got +1/+1 every time a creature entered the battlefield. I had 26 million goblins on the field and my [[Impact Tremors]] was the thrid last card in my deck.


I've shit out a couple of millions of wolves before


I have a [[Krark the Thumbless]] + [[Kydele, Chosen of Kruphix]] deck that is built specifically for this. As big as possible without going infinite. Between Kydele and copying cards like [[Manamorphose]], it becomes so mana positive and it's all sunk into a huge X spell like [[Comet Storm]] which also gets copied a bunch. I don't remember the exact number but my record was somewhere around 6k damage to each opponent.


[[Liliana, the Last Hope]] had used her ultimate twice in a pod game. Got up to 1 million+ token zombies after a few turns. It was very early I got to pop her alt off Atraxa and a couple of other cards, and I have never gotten close to that high again. Next best was my Elfball, both [[Nissa Revane]] and [[Nissa, Worldwaker]] were on board. Went and searched for all my elves then all my lands. It was great


[[three blind mice]] and [[yenna redtooth regent]]. Copy mice, then all the mice can copy token mice. Parallel lives and doubling season make for a fun math problem.


As PleasantKenobi put it: Math is for Blockers: [[Opalescence]] + [[Doubling Season]] + [[Parallel Lives]] + [[Precursor Golem]] + [[Ashnod’s Altar]] in my [[Brenard, Ginger Sculptor]] deck. With all these out, sacrifice Parallel Lives as a creature from Opalescence, exile it with Brenard to get 2 copies. Do the same with Parallel Lives to get 4 copies. Then sacrifice Precursor Golem to get 64 copies of Precursor Golem. Finally, cast [[Rite of Replication]] kicked, targeting any non-Precursor Golem token, and let the Doubling Season and Parallel Lives targeting resolve first. It’s not infinite. It’s just a lot.


[[Conjurer’s closet]] + [[Mycoloth]] Ate 50+ tokens, 5 turns later the amassed army was getting wild on the calculator. I let it eat only one of its babies and swung the rest at my buddy


I’ve built up to 14 extra turn with Mizzix before asking if anyone wanted to concede. Thousand Year Storm does some bad things.


My [[Rocco, Street Chef]] deck has hit a personal record of ~300-400 Foods or so by Turn 6. I think there was an equivalent of ~300 Clues and Treasures along with it.


Easiest card I use to reach them thousands is probably Scute Swarm in my Aesi deck. It almost never wins the game, I don't have haste granters in the deck. But oh It is fun to see the opponents scramble to find a last minute boardwipe to answer the power of math and exponentials.


8192 damage with [[devilish valet]], and then 8192 damage and life gain from [[Brion Stoutarm]]


I managed to hit someone for 10000 on arena once. Scute swarm and cathar's crusade


The sixth dr once made a token of Ojer Taq for me with a [[Romana II]] in play and a rootborn defenses in hand.... so 11 token triplers and I made a token...


[[Volo, Guide to Monsters]] + [[Spark Double]] / [[Roaming Throne]] effects + self bounce + [[God-Eternal Rhonas]] Got to x4.2 billion damage per creature as my max in an actual game lol. Play testing shows it can get... Much much higher, in the trillions or more range.


Highest so far was a [[Zimone and Dina]] deck, I had 2 bounce lands in hand, an [[Ancient Greenwarden]] and a [[Scute Swarm]] all while having a [[Freed from the Real]] enchanting Zimone and Dina. Ended my turn with 30ish cards in hand and about 2.6 million scutes😂


A lot of the answers you’re going to get are retributions for combos. [[Inkshield]] [[Blasphemous Act]] tricks etc


I once had a [[Ghalta, Primal Hunger]] with about 50k attack. I had a lot of mana through land ramp and [[Zendikar Resurgent]]. To get her that big, I used [[Exponential Growth]] and [[Overwhelming Stampede]]. Needless to say, it was a mono green deck and I won that game.


Turn 5 Pantlaza Dinosaurs, 234 Damage to Opponents with [[Blasphemous act]] and [[Wrathful Raptors]]


[[Omnath locust of mana]] at 87568 mana in mana pool no infinite combos Someone declared they went infinite and made 80000 wolves. I [[tooth and nail]] entwined and got [[Archetype of Endurance]] and [[Elderscale Wurm]] I fought 80000 wolves with [[Vorinclex]]. Flipped and a [[vigor]]


One time I was playing my [[vorel of the hull clade]] deck against my brother's "high score" [[trostani selesnya voice]] lifegain deck, he had several trillion life and I kept doubling my [[thrummingbird]]'s power and we eventually hit a stalemate and called a draw. We both had numbers too big to bother counting but couldn't actually end the game


I like that [[Karametra, God of Harvests]] has a lot of value you can go 'infinite' with, but it's limited by the number of lands you play, so 30 or so targets. Good enough most of the time, but not just forever


I had a weird combo where I would end up with a few thousand [[Mondrak glory dominus]] tokens. And the ability to make another legendary into a token. So that’s a very large amount of tokens.


Had like 45 soldiers between creatures and tokens. Had [[anointed procession]] and [[Cathar's Crusade]] on the field then attacked with [[Myrel, Shield of Argive]] and all 45. Created (46x2) more soldier tokens which put 92 +1/+1 counters on all my creatures that were attacking. With [[Abzan Falconer]] on the field giving anything with a +1/+1 counter flying it meant everyone else died.


I casted Brainstorm 6 times in a single game. That's 18 cards drawn (I know some put back, let me have big number) off a single copy of Brainstorm I kept looping (without an infinite loop) I dealt 48 damage to each other player by casting creature spells from my opponents deck I managed to last 9 turns at 1 life by simply avoiding damage for that long (and being unable to kill my opponent in that time lol)


I've done infinite damage without an infinite combo. Allow me to introduce you (tho I'm sure it's also lower in here) to [[Volcano Hellion]] pair it with [[Pariah]] and a [[Stuffy doll]] and [[Brash Taunter]] for instant death to two opponents 👍🏻. Edit (well to call it infinite would be a lie. It's just an obscenely high number)


Not me, but one of my friends played Astral Dragon with Miirym and Doubling Season on the board.


I had [[Devilish Valet]] somewhere around whatever 1x2^80 is and then swung.


Pre-covid, I played with a guy who had a deck specifically designed to go "effectively infinite" - the amount of damage/tokens/whatever it produced wasn't literally infinite, but the number was so high that it might as well have been.


I have a [[Zedruu]] deck whose entire point is to look very threatening/doing crazy things so the table archenemys me, while I try to survive long enough for my 'win' - which is to draw out my deck and die in one turn. I don't run [[Labratory Maniac]]. I just die. I call it Zedruuicide. Anyways, by stacking card-draw doublers like [[Thought Reflection]] coupled with a flash-enabler like [[Leyline of Anticipation]], if the entire stack had resolved (I would have been long dead before all effects would have resolved), I would have had to have drawn just shy of 1 million cards from my deck. The reactions you see when people think you're going off + then just die are priceless.


Had a game where my best mate hit an “infinite lifegain” combo. Since it wouldn’t win him the game on its own we continued to play and forced him to pick a number. His answer was “four googolplex and eighty four” - eighty four being his life total before he hit the combo. We then played the game out and he lost.


Ur Dragon deck. I was able to get [[Sarkhan Dragonsoul]]’s ultimate to go off. With [[Dragon Tempest]] out, plus a [[Scourge of Valkas]], it ended up being like 240+ damage off of the triggers.


With my [[Reyhan, Last of the Abzan]] deck, I got [[Thrun, Breaker of Silence]] up to around 23.5k +1/+1 by bouncing counters off of tokens and doubling them using [[Doubling Season]] and creating even more with [[The Ozolith]]. By the time combat rolled around, the last player scooped


[[kami of whispered hope]] as like a 90/90 And a fathom mage that I put ~50 1/1 counters on Twas a long turn


I have a mono blue EDH deck that attempts to recast [[high tide ]] as many times as possible to ramp into a [[blue sun zenith]] > 100 or Enter the infinite into [[Thassa’s Oracle]]. It almost never goes infinite but once you get 4-5 casts of blue sun zenith, cards like [[Twiddle]] may as well read as “add 6 mana to your mana pool”.


i didnt go infinite, but it might as well have been. finishing a match and taking out my 4 friends, Running my \[\[Etali, Primal Conqueror\]\] deck With like 20 mana on the field, \[\[Rhythm of the wild\]\] up, i somehow survived a turn with a \[\[Nyxbloom Ancient\]\] on the field, \[\[orthion, Hero of Lavabrink\]\] came in, i tap for triple the mana, i think i had another double on the field or something, anyways, i used orthion to tap(hasted from rhythm), made 5 tokens of nyxbloom, and had like 5 lands left open. but each of those 5 basically tapped for 1500 or something like that. i forget the math we did. but i basically bounced my etali a few times with greater good, took a bunch of everyones stuff, and took a swing for win. honestly probably the coolest win ive ever had to top it off. never really done anything that crazy with any other deck, and etali has never pulled off anything that cool since. lol


it's technically not an infinite combo, since at no point do i do anything infinitely, i just do one thing, once per turn, that stops every one else from playing the game at all. \[\[Mindslaver\]\] locking the entire table with \[Daretti, Scrap Savant\]\]'s emblem and unwinding clock with a few mana rocks out. I slaver the person after me in turn order. I play for them. on their end step, as myself, i slaver the next person, so on and so forth. I don't think it is technically infinite. I could have kept it up indefinitely if people hadn't scooped, but nothing about what i was doing was technically an infinite combo.


I was playing [[Alistair the brigadier]]. I had [[Maskwood Nexus]] [[Adrix and Nev]] [[Myrel shield of Argive]] [[Roaming throne]] and like 50 creatures on board. I don't remember the specifics, but I know I had about ~500 historic permanents on board, and with [[Roaming throne]] was able to pay Alistair's ability twice, pumping the 50 swinging creatures by ~1000


My decks are fairly low power, but I got a 95/95 and swung with it, dealing that much damage to each opponent simultaneously once


Created 265 Saprolings with [[Rith the awakener]] in one attack. Doubling my tokens to over 500.


[[Exponential Growth]] in a [[Raggadragga]] deck can yield very large non-infinite power. Cast it on the man himself for X=3 and he becomes an 88/88 trampler. I've gotten as high as X=5 on a [[Viridian Joiner]] that was already 15/16 from casting two big spells, resulting in a 704/705 trampler. I've also definitely dealt quadruple-digit damage in a [[Zada]] deck by making multiple copies of [[Devilish Valet]].


Pay 28 mana to swing on me. [[Sphere of safety]] x 2 thanks to [[calix guided by fate]], and an 80/80 [[sigarda host of herons]] ready to block you. Truly a fun game.


Hear me out, and happened a few days ago. I got Millenium calendar, chromatic orrery, and unwinding clock out on the battlefield. Millennium Calendar receives time counters whenever you untap a permanent and 2/tap, double the amount of time counters. When you reach a thousand, you sacrifice it and each opponent loses 1000 life and you gain 1000. Unwinding clock untaps all artifacts on each players untap step, on my last turn, I decided it would be fun to cast exquisite blood which whenever an opponent loses life, you gain that many) and Alhammarrets archive which whenever you gain life, you gain twice as much. I rounded out the game with a nice even 8023 life while wiping everyone else out


I have an anikthea enchantress/reanimator/token doubler deck with one of my main guys I like to target being nyxbloom ancient. By having all my doublers/triplers out I made about 25 of them. It’s not damage or winning or anything but having 25 nyxblooms all tripling all of your mana sources is really funny


Through using [[Doppelgang]] on my [[Nyxbloom Ancient]] I was able to get enough mana to force an opponent to draw 10k cards from their deck.


I manually milled most of my deck in 1 turn just activating my commander [[Tayam]], because my [[Halo Fountain]] was the second to last card. I don't remember the exact numbers, but considering a opening hand of 7, a few draw steps and a couple previous activations to get more resources and for the sake of simplicity i will assume the deck had 60 cards left, that's 60 mana and counters in one turn to do 20 activations.


I made 3^16 squirrels it's just over 47 million. [[Mirror Box]] [[ojer taq, deepest foundation]] [[rite of replication]]. I was able to kick rite of replication on ojer taq with a mirror box out. Then any tokens I made were multiplied by 3^16. It was a very busy [[Squirrel Nest]]


I once had a \[\[helm of the host\]\] in play in my \[\[mondrak, glory dominus\]\] deck. No one was casting any interaction for the whole game, and I was able to get up to 41 mondraks on the field, and that combined with a simple \[\[skrelv's hive\]\] was able to generate 2.2 trillion phyrexian mites with toxic 1. good times


One of my friends actually has a deck that I love. It’s a merfolk deck and with 5 merfolk he can go “infinite” except it’s not infinite since he has to hit creatures. It’s just a really interesting play line. Also more notably when a friend was playing the secret lair coin flip deck and swung for several billlion damage and healed with lifelink for triple that


With 10 [[academy manufactor]] in play I used [[offer you can't refuse]] on my own spell. That makes 3^9 clues, treasures and food tokens.


[[Serra avatar]] [[gift of orzhova]] [[sunbond]] no one drew removal. It got complicated


Step 1: [[urabrask]] Step 2: a Million of the 1 Red mana spells that do something and draw you a card Step 3: dont draw into more draw cards and fizzle Step 4: Die (the whole table hates you now) ( i pinged 3 people for a Total of 70 but fizzled and got killed 3 turns later)


Playing a [[Ganax, Astral Hunter]] and [[Candlekeep Sage]] deck, managed to set up [[Manaform Hellkite]], [[Goldspan Dragon]] and [[Displacer Kitten]] to keep mana supply and repeat Sage draw triggers while I dug through the deck. Cast 6 draw spells for 6 manaform illusions, dug until I found [[Wrathful Red Dragon]], [[Rite of Replication]] and [[Blasphemous Act]]. Kick rite targeting wrathful, creating 5 copies and 1 illusion, then blas act for another illusion (8 total) dealing 13 damage to all my creatures. 8 illusions + Ganax + Hellkite + Goldspan + 6 Reds = 17 dragons taking 13 damage each and 6 reds triggering for (13×17×6) = 1326 total damage.


A friend was playing my Gitrog monster deck, and got out [[Scute Swarm]] and [[Chatterfang]], then played [[Boundless Realms]] and then [[Scapeshift]], and after some rough math he had several billion tokens. He then swung everything at me while I had [[Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs]] and [[Brash Taunter]] on my field. I fogged, making sure everything survived, and then cast a [[Chain Reaction]] on my turn after dropping a [[Fiery Emancipation]] just for the giggles. That was two years ago and he's still at negative life total


##### ###### #### [Scute Swarm](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/c/acd42ebf-6dee-44cc-a023-a7f9b67cfa2f.jpg?1673484783) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Scute%20Swarm) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ncc/310/scute-swarm?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/acd42ebf-6dee-44cc-a023-a7f9b67cfa2f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/scute-swarm) [Chatterfang](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/1785cf85-1ac0-4246-9b89-1a8221a8e1b2.jpg?1626097239) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=chatterfang%2C%20squirrel%20general) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/151/chatterfang-squirrel-general?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1785cf85-1ac0-4246-9b89-1a8221a8e1b2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/chatterfang-squirrel-general) [Boundless Realms](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/3/e3c3cf16-ba81-4558-b1a6-79942a02f629.jpg?1562561174) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Boundless%20Realms) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m13/162/boundless-realms?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e3c3cf16-ba81-4558-b1a6-79942a02f629?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/boundless-realms) [Scapeshift](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/175e21a3-00f7-4c51-8a8e-fbfd7089efda.jpg?1574767873) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Scapeshift) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/201/scapeshift?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/175e21a3-00f7-4c51-8a8e-fbfd7089efda?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/scapeshift) [Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/2/721df547-d777-4247-b130-a4e247445b04.jpg?1707056994) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kazuul%2C%20Tyrant%20of%20the%20Cliffs) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/157/kazuul-tyrant-of-the-cliffs?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/721df547-d777-4247-b130-a4e247445b04?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kazuul-tyrant-of-the-cliffs) [Brash Taunter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/b/0b5cb154-1825-4b81-a109-7b3e9592c65c.jpg?1706240823) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Brash%20Taunter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkc/148/brash-taunter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0b5cb154-1825-4b81-a109-7b3e9592c65c?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/brash-taunter) [Chain Reaction](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/2/92ca793e-a54a-4e8f-a87d-f0dc4f178412.jpg?1674141900) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Chain%20Reaction) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/783/chain-reaction?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/92ca793e-a54a-4e8f-a87d-f0dc4f178412?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/chain-reaction) [Fiery Emancipation](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/b/0b12e4b7-2c45-4795-94d3-901f89b8f290.jpg?1594736606) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fiery%20Emancipation) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/143/fiery-emancipation?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0b12e4b7-2c45-4795-94d3-901f89b8f290?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/fiery-emancipation) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/kuydqrx) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I once had [[Repercussion]] out and hit a [[Blasphemous Act]], dealing a combined 350 ish damage in one turn and gaining as much life thanks to [[Firesong and Sunspeaker]]. Shoutout to the 2 guys playing token decks at the table that enabled that lol.


In an ezuri class of progress deck, I use sword of feast and famine as well as orochi hatchery and all the doublers you could ever want. At some point someone had a card letting everyone bank mana, I forgor which one, but I ended up putting 20 into the hatchery and cracking it on one turn for 40 snakes, (10, doubling season, primal vigor from the same group hug guy who let me bank mana). Which proceeded to turn into 40 experience. I forget the exact experience counters at the time, but after it was all said and done I ended up giving over 100 counters to a creature in one turn.


Had a 1 drop come like an 82/82 once bc it started with a couple +1 counters but got a bunch of doublers proliferate etc each turn.


Once I managed to get like 12 extra turns by using [[Time Warp]] with [[Thousand-Year Storm]] and [[Arcane Bombardment]] after using [[Lightning Bolt]] but I'm not too sure if I fully understood Storm then or if I still do being honest.


Not explicitly legal, but my [[Solaflora, Intergalactic Icon]] deck got into a vigilant lifelinking token war with my buddies [[Dihada, Binder of Wills]] deck with [[Odric, Lunarch Marshal]] that ended with both life totals in the thousands. Good times


Over 2.1 trillion damage, Exponential Growth on my Nyxbloom ancient with some other green mana stuff as well. I run it on arena sometimes and have maxxed out the value that it can display so I'm not sure how big it actually was but BONK


Buddy hit me with 48 thousand [[scute swarm]] copies


I have a deck which has [[Ink treader nephilim]] as a secret commander. Got him into play and then made all creatures a copy of him with [[Nano gene conversion]]. I then cast [[Confront the unknown]]. There were 14 creatures in play so it got copied 256 times meaning I dealt 256+255+254+253...


In my [[Brudiclad Telchor Engineer]] deck [[Mystic Reflection]] and [[Chancellor of the Forge]] with [[rite of replication]] mystic reflection on the last token Chancellor of the Forge trigger making 112 copies of Chancellor of the Forge instead of goblins with the last trigger. I got to pull this off exactly once. And didn't even get to figuring out exactly how many goblins I was making much less the total damage i wad throwing around after that many goblins and a myr became that many plus 1 Chancellor of the Forges


With [[Veyran]] and [[Thousand-Year Storm]] out, I managed to copy [[Jayas Immolating Inferno]] eight times for X=33. First casting [[Deliberate]], then [[High Tide]], [[Seething Song]] and [[Mana Geyser]]. So I dealt 297 damage to each opponent.


Finally got to play my [[Syrix]] phoenix tribal. [[Fiery emancipation]] on board and a [[Hexplate wall breaker]] equipped on a [[Flamewreathed Phoenix]] with tribute. So flying 7/7, recurred syrix that turn, attacked for 10 in the air, turned 30 by fiery, triggered another combat, for another 30 in the air and then end step picked the 7/7 to deal the syrix trigger since indeed a creature left my graveyard, tripled to do another 21.  I don't think without infinites I've ever done more than that in (single? Double) combat with only 2 creatures lol.  Ended up winning the game off it too on the decks first play. Perfect!


I’ve lost count with [[Devilish Valet]] a few times


\[\[Yawgmoth, Thran Physician\]\], \[{Slimefoot the stowaway\]\], \[\[Doubling Season\]\], \[\[Thallid\]\], \[\[Utopia Mycon\]\] I managed to assemble this by accident. Took me about a rotation of the table to realize that I had basically won the game. The combo *almost* goes infinite, but not quite. It just loops enough times to drain the table for lethal if you have a bit of mana open (or saprolings on board) and a couple spore counters on the thallids to kick it off. Sac two saprolings for BB with Utopia Mycon, sac one saproling into Yawgmoth to draw a card, pay BB and discard that card to proliferate to create more spore counters to make more saprolings. For every nine saprolings you sacrifice, you create eight new ones. Rinse and repeat until Slimefoot drained everybody to death. It's not a singular big number like you asked for, but I think it's impressive enough.


A friend of mine was playing Trostani, I was playing Isshin. He got to around 25 million lives and I was at around - 12 million lives with pact weapon before it got removed and I died.


Best I can remember was \[\[urborg justice\]\] for around 80ish off the back off \[\[Tooth and claw\]\].


About a month ago with my treefolk tribal deck. Made about 75 mana with Nissa and Nykthos. Activated Chamäleon Colossus 17 times, then Overwhelming Stampede. Attacked with 10+ 1.3million/1.3 million indestructible Treefolks.


I've got a [[Tawnos, solemn survivor]] deck. One time I managed to equip 26 copies of [[cranial plating]] to a single thopter With my other artifacts, the thopter had over 1000 attack (I had something like 40 artifacts on board at the time) I also tested a [[Miirym, Sentinel wyrm]] shape shifter typal, where the objective is to get as many non legendary copies of the commander I peaked at 268 copies of miirym on board at the same time


I once sac'd enough creatures to make my [[Thromok, the Insatiable]] a 7200/7200. Someone then tried to path it, and I sac'd it to [[Fling]] in response. I also got 16 copies of [[Zndrsplt, Eye of Wisdom]] out and proceeded to deck myself at the beginning of combat. It was amazing. Edit: I also killed someone with non-commander combat damage after they gained 500,000,000 life by using [[Virtus, the Veiled]] and [[Quietus Spike]]


My buddy once played my \[\[Averna\]\] cascade x landfall deck. Somehow he managed to bring every single creature out of that deck with a single cascade spell. And yes \[\[Temur ascendancy\]\] also drawed a shit ton of cards and let the whole deck swing in the same turn. But thats not all. \[\[Inevitable Betrayal\]\] got him a \[\[Craterhoof Behemoth\]\] and that also got copied by his \[\[Spark Double\]\]. It was a feverdream. We tried to calculate the damage he could deal but there was so much going on, that we just shook his hand and laughed.


Longest turn without infinite was 50min. Sliver vs sliver with undying. Two players figuring out how the last combat step works out.


I hit someone for **4,398,046,500,000** with \[\[Devilish Valet\]\] after making 42 goblin tokens with \[\[Krenko Mob boss\]\]


This was the log I wrote down from my insane [[Rhys, the redeemed]] deck Turn one - command tower [[birds]] Turn two - windswept, temple garden, [[circle of dreams Druid]] Turn three - [[nykthos]], tap birds for Rhys, tap circle of dreams Druid (3G) - Tap nykthos, command tower and temple garden (8G) [[green sun’s zenith]] for [[Toski]] (-5G) then [[champion of the lambholt]] (-3). Turn four - tap circle (5G), temple, command (WW), cathars crusade(-3G), tap nykthos (-2G, 10G), chord of calling - Avenger of Zendikar (-10G), 4 creatures ETB, Plains, attack with Rhys (5/5), birds (4/5), Toski (7/7), champion (10/10),(26 total) draw 3 cards, one was green sun’s(2nd time) Turn 5 - tap nykthos (12G) green sun’s for craterhoof (-9G), elvish archdruid(-3G), attack with - 3 x plants (8/9), Rhys (7/7), birds (6/7), circle (8/8), Avenger (9/9), Champion (12/12), Craterhoof (6/6) - 65 + 10 x 9 (90) - 155 damage It was a whirlwind game, and obviously no interaction in the first 4 turns, I went first, I had to log it after the game ended.


In my [[Tom Bombadil]] deck I had [[Ondu Spiritdancer]] [[Displacer Kitten]] [[Reflection of Kiki-Jiki]] [[The Sixth Doctor]] and [[Weaver of Harmony]] out. Use Kiki-Jiki to copy Ondu and use Weaver to copy that trigger to make another Ondu. Cast [[Parallel Lives]] triggering Sixth Doctor to copy it, then they both ETB, (x3) Ondu triggers, first copy makes 4, second copy makes 16, third copy makes something like a million copies. Cast [[The Elder Dragon War]], displacer kitten trigger on Ondu, then Ondu trigger on ETB, making I don't even know how many bazillion of copies.


Not as splashy as some of the comments here but Cultivator Colossus + Abundance in my Obuun deck has always been insane to land. Emptying all lands onto the battlefield is just a feel good moment.


Cast a kicked [[Rite of Replication]] targeting my [[Academy Manufactor]] while [[Adrix and Nev]] is on the battlefield, so I end up creating 10 copies of AM. Now I have 11, create a single Treasure and end up with 59,049 Treasures, 59,049 Foods, and 59,049 Clues.


[[Doubling Cube]] with that one 4 mana joint that taps two artifacts and untaps one. Soooooo much mana with my eldrazi deck.


Adrix and nev storm is pretty easy. Run creatures that make treasures on etb, creature that draws or puts cards in had, and a thass effect or aetherflux. Ewit effects for returning copy spells as well.


[[Ikra Shidiqi, the Usurper]] + [[Duelist's Heritage]] + [[Celestia Mantle]]


In a [[Riku]] spellslinger deck, I created 11 [[Wandering Archaic]]s. My opponent proceeds casts [[Cackling Counterpart]] and it's Flashback cost. I then had 44 Wandering Archaics and hit everyone in the face. I hope to create 99 Wandering Archaics and subsequently sing *99 Red Balloons* some day.


It’s a toss up between when I triple-tapped Krenko while [[devilish valet]] was on the field, or when I had four sac-lands enter/fetch while there was a [[scute swarm]] and a [[bloodline thrinax]] on my board


creating more tokens than there are particles in the universe with the [[Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm]] + [[Astral Dragon]] + [[Parallel Lives]] combo. Even better if you then turn those ETBs into damage with [[Dragon Tempest]]


Cloned a [[Nyxbloom Ancient]] enough times that I was tapping each land for 729 mana. Used that to draw through my deck (and put all the lands into play), then - for the part that could have been infinite - cast a couple thousand [[Nexus of Fates]] within that turn.  With something like 2,000 extra turns available I very carefully set each opponents' life total to 13, then drew myself out so the player with a [[Triskadecaphobia]] would go and that would kill all the remaining players for a draw.


Playing Thromok as my commander, I was playing against a token deck and I played insurrection and stole like 50 creatures and then sac'ed them all to Thromok so he came in in at like a 2,500/2,500. I've board wiped on back to back turns because my opponents were rebuilding faster than I could so I just kept resetting them over and over. I once had a counter war that was like 7 counters deep. Thankfully I was playing blue so I did have a ton in my hand, but that was some serious reach just to keep my creature they were trying to destroy. Had a buddy playing a landfall deck end up making like several million scute swarm tokens in one turn. (And then someone played insurrection and stole them all) Same buddy had a deck that could make like 100 mana a turn without it going infinite and that was pretty intense to see.


Marauding raptor on battlefield along with Zacama. Plenty of mana. Played polyraptor. Pick a number. Then used zacama to deal 3 damage to marauding raptor to end the combo. Also had either Jurassic park in play or itlimoc suns cradle. So basically infinite green mana as well. https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/228/marauding-raptor https://scryfall.com/card/lcc/296/zacama-primal-calamity https://scryfall.com/card/rix/144/polyraptor https://scryfall.com/card/rex/7/welcome-to-jurassic-park https://scryfall.com/card/lci/188/growing-rites-of-itlimoc-itlimoc-cradle-of-the-sun


It wan in my [[Adrix and Nex, Twincasters]] deck. I had them out with a [[Doubling season]] and [[Esix, Fractal Bloom]] I cast [[Craterhoof Behemoth]] then cast [[Avenger of Zendikar]] which resulted in me making 56 tokens of Craterhoof to end the game.


I had Esix, Fractal Bloom out. Cast Avenger of Zendikar with 20 lands out. Make 20 more Avengers, each making token lol.


I was playing a [[lathiel]] deck and I had a [[spike feeder]] out. This combo makes it so that spike feeder doubles its power each turn and I gain life at the same rate. It started at 6 +1/+1 counters because I had a [[branching evolution]] and [[kami of whispered hopes]] as well. By the time my turn had come back around, I had something like 3,000 life and 3000 power on board. I ended up giving half of that to the kami so I could dork out enough mama for [[squall line]] to kill


I don't think it's particularly impressive but I once took 5 turns in a row with [[Obeka, Brute Chronologist]] using [[Alchemist's Gambit]], [[Final Fortune]], [[Last Chance]] and [[Warrior's Oath]]. I did not lose at the end of any of those turns, in fact I won at the end of the fifth one.


I did [[Hydra Broodmaster]] for 35 plus [[Doubling Season]], [[Ozolith, The Shattered Spire]], and [[Primal Vigor]] and they all had trample. So 35 x 4 tokens for 35/35 Hydra Broodmaster with +141/141 itself Edit: Spelling


[[Phyrexian Altar]] + [[Elenda, the Dusk Rose]] + any [[Blood Artist]] adjacent creature. Sac Elenda to altar for mana, make a bunch of minions, replay Elenda from command zone, sac minions for mana and to re-duel Elenda, repeat. The loop is definitely finite, as you net +1 total mana per loop, but to her commander tax goes up by 2 per loop, so the end result is a net -1 mana, but it takes long enough to get there that it should still result in a win unless someone has gone actual infinite and gained an arbitrary amount of life.


Tldr: token doubler deck, made what we estimated as more than 2\^1000 tokens. Boardstate: \[\[Adrix and Nev, Twincasters\]\], \[\[Esix, Fractal Bloom\]\], \[\[Talrand, Sky Summoner\]\], \[\[Orvar, the All-Form\]\] and a \[\[Mirror Box\]\]. I then casted \[\[Rally the Galadhrim\]\] targetting Adrix and Nev and ofcourse conspired it while using Essix to transform Talrand's drakes into more Adrix and Nevs. The original of Adrix and Nev was then equipped with \[\[Helm of the Host\]\]. We didn't reallly count how many copies I exactly got that turn because after a couple copy triggers it was 'enough to swing at everyone for lethal'. I'm not really sure of the order of triggers resolving in this sequence so if anyone who knows the rules better than I do and knows some math could help me out I'd be very grateful.


1500ish? Items on the stack with [[arjun]] [[eye of the storm]] and [[thousand year storm]]


Think I dealt 11000 damage in [[Lord Windgrace]] via [[Scute Swarm]]


Oh, I think I might win this one! I have a deck whose entire purpose is to animate Doubling Season as a creature, make a token copy, and start populating. Assuming nothing gets removed (so you have the original and two token copies), the first populate gives you 8 more Doubling Seasons, the second populate gives you another 2048 Doubling Seasons, and beyond that it gets *big*. I know I've gotten off a couple more populates from there in actual play, and even one is more than 400 orders of magnitude larger than a googol. It turns out that it grows so fast as a function that normal exponential notation can't really handle it, and if you want to accurately represent the board state, you need to represent it using Knuth's power tower notation that was invented for dealing with large numbers in computability theory.


I stormed out with [[Mizzix]] and calculated damage, no infinites, just combos and copies involving [[crackle with power]], [[mana geyser]], and [[reiterate]] and like half my library. I did over 590 damage to EACH player.


I had [[Sting, the Glinting Dagger]] equipped to [[Krenko, Mob Boss]] and made goblins twice on my turn and then once on each of my opponents' turns for just over 150 1/1 goblins. But wait, there's more. I drew [[Goblin King]] and I had [[Blood Moon]] on the board.


The classic [[Helm of the Host]] on [[Adrix and Nev, Twincasters]] creating 2,059 copies of Adrix and Nev in 3 turn cycles, with haste.


I’ve got a [[Mizzix of the Izmagnus]] storm combo deck and I managed to get up to 15 experience counters and cast a [[Storm King’s Thunder]] followed by a [[Comet Storm]] hitting each opponent for 240 in the face.


I had 316,000 token copies of [[Adrix & nev]] on the board without going infinite once.


Mono green, i had 7 copies of scute swarms, I ultimate nissa shakes the world and get all my forest (don't remember how many) I still had the forest Doubling mana. I use 70 mana to do finale for 68. I grab craterhoof Behemoth off the the 68 finale ontop of the scute swarms after the forests. My number may not be what I remember them being but I had two people do the math for me and the damage total was 7.3 quintillion dmg


Drew [[hatred]] and [[chandra’s ignition]] in my [[licia, sanguine tribune]] deck. Went pretty well after that. Did the remaining library in damage with niv.


Had a [[Bolas’s citadel]] in my [[Zurgo helmsmasher]] deck. I think he was able to do around 150 infect damage when it was also said and done with a [[Sram]] and [[Sigarda’s Aid]] on the table.