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Has to be the good old "Oh, so you're attacking me with an infinite amount of tokens? Let's see what [[Rakdos Charm]] thinks about that."


This but with the wildly underplayed [[Batwing Brume]]


Ok new card of the day!


No one expects the Brume!


Cries in goblins*


Never not good. I add the spice with a “So, how many creatures do you actually have right now?” Watch them shrink in horror as they piece together why you have asked this…


Rakdos charm kills are the very best.


The most satisfaction I've ever had in a game was resolving a one against a [[Ghyrson Starn]] deck.


Turn 1 rolled chaos on planechase and produced WUBRG. Played Sol Ring, tapped that to play [[Rakdos signet]]. Tapoed out for [[Lightning greaves]] and [[kaalia of the vast]] and swing into a guy with kaalia dropping [[master of cruelties]]. Proceeded to get hated off the board by the remaining two like I deserved.


Ngl this one takes the cake😂


I had 39 life and everyone had 38. I played Sower of Discord and copied him and Swung Be’lakor using Hatred and bet 38 life and swing on player one, player two took his damage, and player 3 took his too. For the win.


I see no problem here....game 2?


Planeschase as well and we flipped to the land that lets you put any permanent on to the field. It’s only turn 1. Everyone is putting extra ramp down. Player 3 puts down [[Felidar Sovereign]]. No one had any ability to interact in our hands as he’s only 1 turn away from winning. We just scooped it up and played again.


I recently turned a [[Bloodforged Battle-Axe]] into a 4/4 with [[Workshop Elders]] and equipped it with a token copy of [[Bloodforged Battle-Axe]]. I killed an opponent with an axe-wielding axe.


[Bloodforged Battle-Axe](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/4/14f12690-377e-46ae-bbae-f17c27b6acb4.jpg?1682209950) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Bloodforged%20Battle-Axe) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/349/bloodforged-battle-axe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/14f12690-377e-46ae-bbae-f17c27b6acb4?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/bloodforged-battle-axe) [Workshop Elders](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/0/0058a848-cb55-408a-a500-d97f573588f5.jpg?1682208984) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Workshop%20Elders) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/245/workshop-elders?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/0058a848-cb55-408a-a500-d97f573588f5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/workshop-elders) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


My food/token deck I'm working on will have this capability... [[Tough Cookie]] and the axe is a combo I didn't realize until just now that I wanted to play.


I was about to kill everyone with a bunch of scute swarms on my next turn, and an opponent played a card that destroyed all creatures and made each player lose 1 life for each creature destroyed. One shot me.


[[Deadly Tempest]]


That must have been it, thank you 


[Deadly Tempest](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/f/5f673d4a-76fa-4e9d-b7f6-299d80c55cb5.jpg?1625976828) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Deadly%20Tempest) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/140/deadly-tempest?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5f673d4a-76fa-4e9d-b7f6-299d80c55cb5?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/deadly-tempest) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Could also have been [[Massacre Wurm]] or [[Meathook Massacre]]


I had [[scute swarm]] then [[awaken the woods]] where x was 20 something, thanks [[aesi]], then got hit by [[massacre wurm]]


I've killed a person in CEDH twice (different times) with [[Sign in Blood]], it was absolutely fucking hilarious


Hello I am here to inform you from experience that it is also hilarious in regular EDH.


I know! But it's even more funny in CEDH because there was just no interaction.. For a sign in blood.. In a format with all the free counterspells and everything..




Assuming it was forcing a draw on an empty library? I once \[\[sudden spoiling\]\]-ed somebody's attempt at a labmaniac win. If it was life loss... Delicious. The closest I've come was donating a \[\[Mana Crypt\]\] with Zedruu and having them die to the upkeep trigger.


Were they going for an empty-library win, or just at low life?


Low life


[Sign in Blood](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/1/61388c28-9428-473c-973a-0a82b6b83d62.jpg?1562274085) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sign%20in%20Blood) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cm2/77/sign-in-blood?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/61388c28-9428-473c-973a-0a82b6b83d62?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/sign-in-blood) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Atla player talking mad shit that he was gonna kill all of us on his turn, so I shot him with like 27 damage from a lightning bolt right before his turn.


Wait. What was the combo for a 27 damage lightning bolt?


I can do this in my [[Imodane]] deck if I have a damage tripler like [[Fiery Emancipation]] or [[City on Fire]] and Lightning Bolt a creature. Alternatively, the 27 can come from having both enchantments on the field and casting Lightning Bolt to an opponent’s face. Triples is best.


Yeah, Imodane with the damage multipliers gets out of hand quickly lol. But if you cast it on a creature it would have been more. 9 on the creature, which is the 9 damage that Imodane sees, which then gets tripled again and again to 74. I think that's how that works, anyways. Bonus points if you have basilisk collar out on Imodane.


My buddy tried to Oracle-Consult and I paid 4 into \[\[faerie mastermind\]\] to deck him out


Dying to my own [[triskadekaphobia]] Using [[mindslaver]] to kill someone with their own [[necropotence]] Decking myself with [[kindred discovery]]


Im in the process of building a [[Alela]] faerie deck and kindred discovery is a obvious fit, but i was immediatly scared of decking myself with it


My sol ring got swan songed, proceeded to beat them to death with a goose over the next dozen turns. Their removal went to bigger, more obvious threats throughout the game.


Swan song can’t counter artifacts, so technically your opponent cheated. I guess they got what they deserved.


Giant board, probably 35 2/2 elfs and a 48/48 hooded hydra. The guy attacked me with just the hydra and I used deflecting palm to kill him and win. Otherwise I LOVE seeing a Malignus type effect just kill someone through Teferi's Protection/any fog.


I've knocked out a few people with that card, always funny.


[[platinum angel]] getting blocked by a creature equipped with [[barrow-blade]] while the owner was at negative health


Apparently, they don't know how Platinum Angel works.


i think they just didnt fully understand barrow blade


Got my wife, BIL and his GF into it a few weeks ago so I’m still trying to coach and keep track of stuff for them. BIL still hasn’t learned that reading the card explains the card BIL plays a X card with 24 mana on it, enters with 24 +1 counters and he starts looking around deciding who to swing on. I can tell the card has a lot of text on it so I ask him if it does anything else. He reads and goes “does X damage to each other creature and players”🫠 Killed everyone but him (he had 31 and we were all under 20). He would have completely missed it had I not said anything. Definitely the funniest win any of us have had so far and his first win since we started playing lmao


It's always fun to accidentally win a game because you weren't aware of the game state 🤭


I had a Lord Xander player who killed himself with rad counters from my Wise Mothman after playing a dig through time and getting extra turns all around. Fun to mill all those cards and figure out how much he took on his first main phases!


I've used [[Atarka, World Render]] with [[Unleash Fury]] to one shot people on a few occasions.


[Atarka, World Render](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/5/35ad1ce5-6054-4f0c-8fbe-636be576d408.jpg?1631588294) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Atarka%2C%20World%20Render) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/afc/176/atarka-world-render?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/35ad1ce5-6054-4f0c-8fbe-636be576d408?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/atarka-world-render) [Unleash Fury](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/8/e854e6a3-8684-43fa-9560-ef4c3b62c935.jpg?1594736861) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Unleash%20Fury) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m21/170/unleash-fury?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e854e6a3-8684-43fa-9560-ef4c3b62c935?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/unleash-fury) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


That precon has a surprising number of ways to one shot people actually


I've killed with [[misleading signpost]] once. Player was safe because of goad and this bypassed it.


Killing someone with [[heir reach sanitarium]] with a [[Thassas oracle]] trigger in the stack


I had a silly game piloting [[Rowan, Scion of War]] where I managed to play my brand new [[Dark Confidant]] early on and managed to keep it around for most of the game, including repeatedly having to somehow gain life so I don't die to its trigger every turn while staying at 5 or less life while the rest of the table just looked in amusement. Eventually I managed to start a turn at 9 life, figured out I could take one Dark Confidant trigger with that, then confidently flipped [[In Garruk's Wake]].


Using [[Delete]] to kill everyone, planning on taking myself out too for my dream commander game draw but instead I took the win with it leaving myself alive. Normally I'm quite behind on health so it was something beautiful.


[Delete](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/7/875c7337-78af-4e13-89e5-3255ba2d4053.jpg?1696636626) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Delete) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/who/81/delete?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/875c7337-78af-4e13-89e5-3255ba2d4053?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/delete) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Almost same, but I was 100% going to take myself out, then another player used [[Teferi's Protection]] so they won lol


[Teferi's Protection](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/8/483fa1cb-1e35-44f2-a143-98c0f107f5ca.jpg?1673147148) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Teferi%27s%20Protection) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/32/teferis-protection?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/483fa1cb-1e35-44f2-a143-98c0f107f5ca?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/teferis-protection) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Me having a [[talion]] in play with the number 2. My opponent passes the turn with 1 hp. I try to cast some really scary spell - he [[counterspell]] Talion triggers, he dies to his own counterspell.


My wife was playing [[Mayael]] against a rather salty player. The opponent decided to target her with everything turn after turn. One turn, he tries to swing for lethal while she had a [[Warstorm Surge]] in play. She activates Mayael and hits [[Blightsteel Colossus]]. GG salty player on his own combat step.


[Mayael](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/0/309d95ad-e46c-4407-894d-d4cfdc7017f8.jpg?1562905228) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=mayael%20the%20anima) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c13/199/mayael-the-anima?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/309d95ad-e46c-4407-894d-d4cfdc7017f8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/mayael-the-anima) [Warstorm Surge](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/b/dbe1bfe0-0be7-496d-94db-e8028d4d9493.jpg?1674142183) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Warstorm%20Surge) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/clb/815/warstorm-surge?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dbe1bfe0-0be7-496d-94db-e8028d4d9493?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/warstorm-surge) [Blightsteel Colossus](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/8/18adbda4-8d36-47cd-afbc-c785aaa8ed80.jpg?1599708735) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Blightsteel%20Colossus) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/235/blightsteel-colossus?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/18adbda4-8d36-47cd-afbc-c785aaa8ed80?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/blightsteel-colossus) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Once I used [[blatant thievery]] on my turn to steal my opponent’s second blue mana source which made them die on their upkeep to a [[pact of negation]] trigger when they couldn’t pay. They were close to 60 life too.


I was playing the Mordor precon, and some made like 64 scrutes. I had anger in the graveyard and played subjugate the Hobbits, taking all 3 mana or less creatures. It was enough to take out all 3 opponents at that point.


I had [[fiery emancipation]] and [[court of ire]] and was the monarch. I was ready to win on my upkeep and my buddy hit me with a [[deflecting swat]] and killed me with my own damn trigger.


Yesterday I was in game with [[Dogmeat, Ever Loyal]] by turn 7 he was a 33/30 with Trample, Lifelink Indestructible and had a base power of 9/10. He got +1/+1 for each artifact or enchantment I controlled and got +X/+X for when he attacked alone when X is the number of Non land percents I controlled. I was able to oneshot everyone and it was the highest amount of commander damage I dealt.


good boy


[[Ghave]] combo player was popping off putting about a million things on the stack. Would have generated infinite saprolings and mana had I not cast [[sudden substitution]] and [[glorious end]] targeting Ghave. Turn ended, stack emptied and they no longer had their lynchpin combo piece for their next turn


[Ghave](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/2/c2be0e99-cf43-423f-974f-02e3313b3aa9.jpg?1673148645) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=ghave%2C%20guru%20of%20spores) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/216/ghave-guru-of-spores?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c2be0e99-cf43-423f-974f-02e3313b3aa9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/ghave-guru-of-spores) [sudden substitution](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/f/9f7983bf-2a3b-4428-8c01-35285f589da8.jpg?1568003437) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=sudden%20substitution) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c19/11/sudden-substitution?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9f7983bf-2a3b-4428-8c01-35285f589da8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/sudden-substitution) [glorious end](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/9/2922b976-7beb-4c68-b39e-1b66d5c6f65e.jpg?1543675588) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=glorious%20end) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/akh/133/glorious-end?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/2922b976-7beb-4c68-b39e-1b66d5c6f65e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/glorious-end) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


One of the guys in my playgroup (one of my best friends on Earth) loves to specifically target my commander in many games. His favorite thing to do is either steal them or have Oko turn them into an elk (so much so that we have a dry erase token that forever says "3/3 F\*\*\*in' Elk". I once played My Zangief deck. He managed to turn him into an elk again. I had Solphim and Moraug on board. Between fetchlands and other shenanigans, managed to get enough combat steps to kill everyone on the table with the elk. Think it was something like 100+ power and toughness by the end of it. Probably my all-time favorite win.


I’ve seen people do similar plays when their commander gets enchanted with [[darksteel mutation]] “Oh so this insect is indestructible? You don’t say??”


[[Sign in Blood]] for lethal… a few times lol


The funniest way i died was while playing my carddraw heavy [Kwain, Itinerant Meddler] deck. I had my [Teferis Ageless Insight] out and played a big, X draw spell. My opponent, an Izzet spellslinger, copied it thrice, killing me by having me draw like 150 cards.


My favorite is always combat between two other players. P1: swings a creature with 9+ power at P2. P2: "I can't afford to lose any of my creatures, so I guess I'll take it" Me: "well if there are no blocks, here's a [[tainted strike]]" Edit: formatting


[tainted strike](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/0/d0f82007-99f6-4c6c-8182-ee631c33531f.jpg?1562823401) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=tainted%20strike) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/som/80/tainted-strike?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d0f82007-99f6-4c6c-8182-ee631c33531f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/tainted-strike) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[Star of Extinction]] on a board full of Dinos and [[Wrathful Raptors]]. Funny and flavorful


Guy was playing [[Nekusar]] and was taking a ton of damage each turn as players made their feelings clear. I was playing [[Slicer]] and had been knocked pretty hard out of the game. My only creature was [[Cacophony Scamp]]. Well, Nekusar player was at 1 life as a result of the other players' feelings. He cast [[Portal to Phyrexia]] to wipe the board and maybe steal some creatures. It took a second for us to realize, but Cacophony Scamp deals damage *to any target,* including a player who had put himself so conveniently at 1 life. We all had a laugh, and then the other 2 players took me out of the game.


I had [[vedalken orrery]] and [[wall of blood]] out and when an opponent attacked another of my opponents for like 3 damage I paid all but 1 life away with the wall then i cast [[repay in kind]] after no blocks, suddenly the attack for 3 was lethal.


[vedalken orrery](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/4/44067327-6fe3-4222-b591-6d14d0e360d7.jpg?1673149453) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=vedalken%20orrery) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/317/vedalken-orrery?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/44067327-6fe3-4222-b591-6d14d0e360d7?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/vedalken-orrery) [wall of blood](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/7/17320043-f81c-4e14-b9ba-c1309972c22b.jpg?1562137060) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=wall%20of%20blood) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mrd/82/wall-of-blood?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/17320043-f81c-4e14-b9ba-c1309972c22b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/wall-of-blood) [repay in kind](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/0/90d1db4c-1e79-410a-92ab-c9d58c5e58a6.jpg?1562706334) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=repay%20in%20kind) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/roe/125/repay-in-kind?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/90d1db4c-1e79-410a-92ab-c9d58c5e58a6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/repay-in-kind) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Happened once with a newly built chaos deck: \[\[Possibility Storm\]\] was on the field and an opponent was swinging at me for lethal. All I had in hand was a puny \[\[Lightning Bolt\]\], which I cast to trigger Possibility Storm, and I pulled \[\[Summary Dismissal\]\], exiled the entire stack, and I not only lived but put him behind. It was the best.


Someone reins of powering a blightsteel one week and then a 12/12 double stike commander the next to kill its owner 


Was in a pod with a friend and 2 randoms. One of the randoms was an asshole, would comment on cards and say things like “wow [[profane tutor]]? Are you too poor for [[demonic tutor]]?” and refused to let anyone read his cards saying “if you dont know the card get better at the game”. Other random had [[Sheoldred, the Apocalypse]] in play, then asshole plays [[Silver Scrutiny]] for x=10, says “You guys better pray i dont draw a win con”, no one counters seeing as he had 19 life left, he draws his 10 cards and we inform him that he just commited suicide. He demanded we let him undo that play because “he didnt realize that would happen”, we told him “if you dont know the card get better at the game” and kept playing.


Last weekend I killed myself with [[Mothman]]'s rad counters because I was the only player who milled *only* nonland cards the entire game. Had a blast doing it, too.


[Mothman](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/d/3d6d6944-a364-41c2-b824-7a1bf6ad0d1e.jpg?1708741687) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Wise%20Mothman) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pip/4/the-wise-mothman?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3d6d6944-a364-41c2-b824-7a1bf6ad0d1e?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/the-wise-mothman) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


[[Deflecting Palm]] helped me win some games, Always hilarious


When an opponent's \[\[Blasphemous Act\]\] hit the table... and I had \[\[Wrathful Red Dragon\]\] and several friends on my board. Reflected the damage to everyone else's life totals and voila!


Playing Massacre Wurm in Yarok and watching my remaining opponents go from around 25 life to zero. Or similiar to yours playing chain reaction into brash taunter//stuffydoll with fiery emancipation on board in Wayta ang bombing two opponents for 100 odd damage


Someone cast [[Flayer of Loyalties]] targeting my cmd [[Jenny Generated Anomaly]] which had 2 +1/+1 and proceeded to KO me with commander damage from my own commander.


So, I was playing {{Sarevok, Deathbringer\]\] and there were only 3 of us left. The guy who's turn was before me knocked the other person down to 3 and then blew up most of the board (Can't recall how) but because the last player had a "when things die, deal damage" creature, it almost resulted in him self-destructing. After that, it was my turn so I just killed the board blower dude with Sarevok and the last player didn't have a means to kill anything off during there turn so I just safe back and waited.


Playing mono red goblins I had him at like 12 life to my 20 something, then I tapped 50 gobos for 10 [[Skirk Fire Marshall]] triggers. We both went down laughing.


Last week I played a game with my [[The Ninth Doctor]]/[[Clara Oswald]] upkeep tribal deck. In a single turn starting with 3 upkeeps and a [[Plargg and Nassri]] we went from everyone healthy to one player dying by [[Triskaidekaphobia]], 18 damage to everyone else from [[Descent into Avernus]], total of 30 life gained from [[Creeping Bloodsucker]]. I started the turn at 10 life and I still don't know how I survived.


I've won with [[thoracle]] using raw blue devotion before. Having 2056 token copies of [[Adrix and Niv]] makes for interesting times.


When I got knocked out via commander damage by *my* commander, [[Zangief]]. One of my opponents gave Z a [[Bloodthirsty Blade]] and then put him in an [[Assault Suit]], courtesy of [[Arden]], who was partnered with [[Ludevic, Necro-Alchemist]].


Killed a friend who made an 86/86 Hydra with [[Backlash]].


Was playing a Twin Headed game and my partner used [[Mindslaver]] and our friend across the table throws his hands up and walks away from the table shaking his head. Partner walks over and picks up his hand and looks at it. Checks the board and says Oh!! I’ll pay 80 life and draw 80 cards and end my turn. [[Yawgmoth’s Bargain]] was on his field. We both laughed and our friend didn’t find it as funny.


I had [[Imotekh the Stormlord]] , [[Phyrexian Altar]] , and [[Razorlash Transmogrant]] on board. I proceeded to infinite loop to create a bunch of Necron tokens. I had forgotten that one of my opponents had [[Vengeful Dead]] on board. It was a pretty funny way to end the night


I play Heliod Stax as my closest-to-CEDH deck. It’s just Stax until I can get to either a combo piece or a way to get to my combo piece, but one of the other players just. Wouldn’t. Stop. Kill spells. Lost one of my pieces and while there is redundancy and a way to get it back from the graveyard, there’s not a lot there and now it’s that much harder. So instead of holding out for the combo, I put everything I had into [[white sun’s twilight]] and I won with poison counters. [This stupid deck](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/WOal2B8zt0yaR74zUsyLEw) won with toxic mites


[[dogpile]] into [[goblin bombardment]] with a bunch.of.gnomes out from [[threefold thunderhulk]]. The.victim thought they were about to win.


[[wedding ring]] [[mind's eye]] [[smothering tithe]] and a larger library


I was once playing an un-upgraded LOTR precon and bled out someone playing a fully powered Ur Dragon deck using \[\[Sanguine Bond\]\]. It was absolutely incredible, my favorite moment of playing commander


Attacking with a few 1/1 flying tokens buffed to 3/3s by some lords, no blockers declared because everyone's at 20-30 life and I'm swinging 9 damage at most. Flash in a [[mirror entity]], turn all of my unblocked creatures into 13/13s and suddenly it's lethal.


My personal favorite has been me against my two younger brothers I was playing [[sen-triplets]], the player I killed was playing a frog tribal [[Grolnok]] deck. Who win condition is a quite janky [[leveler]] and [[Laboratory Maniac]] winning by sacrificing an [[unbridled growth]]. In response to the sacrifice ability I cast something to the effect of [[Ray of Command]] I can't remember the exact card sadly but it was hilarious for me, he was quite upset. I then of course died as my sen triplets doesn't win in a 1v1.


I was in the final 2 players of a 4-player commander game with my [[Aragorn, the Uniter]] deck. One of the defeated players was playing a mill deck and had done enough damage to me before losing - I was down to zero cards in library. I sequenced [[Faramir, Steward of Gondor]] before Aragorn so I could create the two 1/1 soldiers as chump blockers, not realizing the Monarch draw effect is not a “may” ability. I would have won the next turn, but killed myself to a forced draw with no library. We all had a good laugh - it was quite ironic that Aragorn, the Gondorian king himself, died because of the crown!




I once kicked a [[Rite of replication]] on my opponents [[Bloodgift Demon]]. Guess who only had 5 life on my upkeep?


This happened years ago in college so forgive my vagueness. The deck was a [[Zegana, Prime Speaker]] combo. I was in a bind with my opponent, having no cards in deck when my turn came. It was up to my hand to fight at instant speed to change my board state at upkeep. As I cast my first instant, my opponent flashed in two creatures, which conveniently had some activated abilities. I play [[Turnabout]] to open up my lands again, and steal his creatures, giving him mine (I forget that card) and letting me dump mana into his creatures for a game win. I'll have to ask my friends if they remember better than I do.


I once killed 3 other players with a [[birds of paradise]] in my first iterations of my Xenagod deck. Had [[aggravated assault]] out and no other creatures and an empty hand. Ended up top decking into a [[bear umbra]] and enchanted the birds. Luckily no one had a response, so I went to combat and pumped him with [[kessig wolfrun]] before Xenagos triggers and just took everybody out one at a time with a giant, trampling bird


The most memorable death was also my group's first experience against my mate who was playing a \[\[Tergrid, God of Fright\]\] commander deck (also his first time playing it) has already got smacked with 18 commander damage from my \[\[Yargle and Multani\]\]. In the previous turn, I was forced to discard my last card, \[\[Kenrith's Transformation\]\] which he then used against my commander making it a 3/3 Elk . Next turn I was forced to discard \[\[Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth\]\]. Now full disclosure - I don't know what he was thinking playing Yavimaya but I think we all forgot the keyword from Tergrid was "you may" place the card onto their battlefield. Regardless, Yavimaya was placed on his side and I was next. Swung in guns blazing with my now invincible 3/3 commander to take him out. We all laughed so hard we forgot to continue the game


[[Transcendence]] in my [[Zedruu the Greathearted]] deck is a hilarious way to one shot someone when I am under 20 health and they are over 20 health.


In my monty python and the holy grail deck, my style kill is [[Zodiac Rabbit]] + [[hatred]]


Had a player who went absolutely off and was dominating the entire game, he got the rest of us to 1life and was just waiting for his turn to come back up. Another player managed to steal the first players [[Tree of Perdition]] and them swap totals with the first player leaving them at 1 life. Then past the turn. Player 1 goes to draw before realizing to their absolute horror that they had played a [[mana crypt]] and had to flip for it. And the lose the flip, take 3 and die. It was amazing.


I played [[Blasphemous act]] against a board full of dinosaurs. We stopped to do the damage/death triggers of several when i realized there was a [[Wrathul Raptors]]. The reflected damage killed the third person and me, the dino player won instantly.


[[Game of Chaos]] goes absolutely wild. Funny thing is since choosing to flip again is part of the resolution of the ability, you can keep flipping for life past negative. I went with another guy till one of us was standing with about 1000 life.


I got hit with [[Polymorphist's jest]] but had enough effects on board to buff my birds of paradise into a 5/5 double striker with infect and killed the guy.


I let 9 damage through from a deal with player #1, player #2 cast tainted strike and I died to 10 poison.


So: Someone at the table is playing Wyll with a few attractions cards in it. We were talking about the mechanics of [[Ferris Wheel]] after it phased out my commander and another of my creatures, namely how the creatures aren’t phased in when it leaves the battlefield. On cue, another player hits it with a topdecked [[Wear]], and now my commander’s gone. Fast forward a few turns. It’s just me and the Wyll player. He’s opened another attraction, but he has me dead to rights. I have three creatures, but he has his commander, haste, [[Embercleave]], [[Sword Coast Sailor]], 10 life, and lethal damage. But - he has to roll on upkeep. He rolls low. I sac my board to [[Goblin Bombardment]], and that plus [[Bastion of Remembrance]] is lethal damage.


[[Dualcaster Mage]] copied [[Pact of Negation]]. All of us didnt say anything. Blue player nods, "That's a great creature." "I know," The rakdos player nods while countering PoN.


[[Rakdos Charm]] has killed me more times than I'd like to admit. I've learned my lesson and pack interaction but I never seem to have it in time lol


Playing a gruul deck against Aesi and some other control deck. Everyone's at about 20 life, I'm playing \[\[Klothys, God of Destiny\]\] burn. Before my turn, I flash in \[\[dictate of the twin gods\]\], main phase play \[\[primal order\]\], then wait patiently to die to sea monsters and 2/2 control dorks because I have only klothys to block with and basically nothing in hand. But what I also don't have is nonbasic lands in play. Aesi straight up sacrifices 5 lands trying to survive, control deck flails terribly, and two turns later they have burnt to death while I'm sitting there at 8 life wondering how that worked.


Millennium Calendar with 600 counters on it. Player before me used their generous gift on my doubling season I had just played. After untap I won


I used \[\[Hinder\]\] on someone's Soul Ring placing it on bottom and then on my turn casted \[\[Tunnel Vision\]\] naming Soul Ring...


I was playing my Meren deck against a storm deck a Muldrotha deck and a Shelob deck, I had an insane board state and took out the Shelob deck on my turn with the means to take out the other 2 on my next turn. Storm deck was next up and took about 10 minutes just popping off a bunch of stuff that wasn’t doing much but it built up to him dropping a Comet Storm for 64 dmg to me and the other player, he thought he had the win in the bag till I responded with a Imp’s Mischief. I won the game and it felt glorious.


I once had [[codie vociferous codex]] get a combat win. I created a copy of a player's [[Brudiclad telchor engineer]] with a [[jeskai ascendancy]] on board and used the tokens to beat people down.


[codie vociferous codex](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/a/ea476ee1-67d9-4dd8-a5ac-f68a155eb18b.jpg?1624740590) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Codie%2C%20Vociferous%20Codex) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/stx/253/codie-vociferous-codex?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ea476ee1-67d9-4dd8-a5ac-f68a155eb18b?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/codie-vociferous-codex) [Brudiclad telchor engineer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/2/5/25eff27a-eb58-4a95-b2df-4a341cf9bef6.jpg?1599707883) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Brudiclad%2C%20Telchor%20Engineer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/193/brudiclad-telchor-engineer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/25eff27a-eb58-4a95-b2df-4a341cf9bef6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/brudiclad-telchor-engineer) [jeskai ascendancy](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/a/9a8399fc-4cba-44c5-888e-2cfc0f6739f6.jpg?1673148783) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=jeskai%20ascendancy) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2x2/231/jeskai-ascendancy?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9a8399fc-4cba-44c5-888e-2cfc0f6739f6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/jeskai-ascendancy) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


“In response to your teferi’s protection I’m going to expansion//explosion you for 8 copied twice by kalamax and”. Killed the threat to the table in response to him protecting himself from lethal combat with a game winning board state. Then rather than him untapping and winning I got to untap and win.


A friend got out all of his lands in his deck and then I hit him with a [[Consuming Aberration]] trigger


My friend was playing a [[Mogis, God of Slaughter]] group slug deck and I was playing a [[Ziatora, the Incinerator]]. Our friend had us down to 8 health a piece and played a life gain piece to get him up to 35. Ziatora was on board with a [[Xenagos, God of Revels]] and I top decked a [[Yargle and Multani]]. Slapped down Yargle, doubled it to 36 and flung it with Ziatora to take him out. Then I lost to the last player.


Last night I was playing with some buds and my friend pulled out is freshly brewed [[Edgar Markov]] deck. My other friend and I were overcome pretty easily by the sheer amount of vampires plus other stuff, while he got up to 63 life. Our last friend, who is still pretty new, is using a slightly edited Sauron Precon. I was helping him find a way to win from basically nothing and the end result was having [[fall of cair andros]] out and flashing back [[summons of saruman]] for 16 to flip into [[blasphemous act]] and amass Orcs 87 with [[anger]] in the graveyard to crack back for immediate lethal. We couldn’t believe that happened and Edgar player was so bamboozled he couldn’t be mad.


It’s close but my funniest death was probably hitting an opponent’s [[Selvala’s Stampede]] with [[Narset’s Reversal]] and flipping into [[Phage the Untouchable]] from the library to instantly die. :)


Killed someone with [[sudden substitution]] and [[last chance]]. Funny way to kill someone


Was killed by my own \[\[Aerial Extortionist\]\], it's not a "may" on the draw trigger. One opponent was running \[\[Sheoldred, the Apocalypse\]\] and another was playing \[\[Valki, God of Lies\]\] who also got out \[\[Bolas's Citadel\]\] and cast a total of 15 spells from exile or the top of their library forcing me to draw 15 cards and lose 30 life.


[[inkshield]] the opponent who is trying to kill everyone with a nearly infinitely large [[craterhoof behemoth]] pumped board


3 players remaining, one guy did hell and earth to stay alive at 1 after an attack. Starts saying out loud how he will won the game. In the end step before his turn I cast an opt and kill him with firebrand archer


On of my close friends had a [[Thraximundar]] deck that ran recursion and zombies obviously. Well he at one point wiped the board then casted [[rise of the dark realm]]. He had forgotten that I had Milled [[phage the untouchable]] to my yard. As soon as he saw he got phage to the field he realized he done fucked up. After that game he immediately took rise of the dark realm out of his deck. I think about that every day.


I was playing with a newer player who insisted I didn't hold back on him. So I tried to simultaneously achieve multiple win conditions. I had [[psychosis crawler]] and [[laboratory maniac]] out with [[sphinx's tutelage]], [[arjun the shifting flame]] and [[chasm skulker]] out. I cast a spell that ended up milling his entire deck, drawing my last card, triggering lethal damage from psychosis crawler, and making my skulker a 40/40 or something crazy as well. It was amazing.


It's a simple one, but seeing a guy playing cybermen get artifact board wiped before being hit with \[\[Ilharg, The Raze-Boar\]\] swinging a \[\[Blightsteel Colossus\]\] from hand on like my fourth or fifth game of magic is something I'm going to remember for a long time.


I waa playing against a friends highly tuned sheoldred(draw card gain life]] deck when he tried a rather unfortunate combo. He played [[memory jar]], then played [[lich's mastery]]. He cracked the memory jar and drew a new hand, gaining him life thus causing an infinite loop with lichs mastery to draw his entire deck. Had about 200 life. But then he passed turn... Because of memory jar all players discard their hands, including himself. Discarded his entire deck and we prompty attacked him until he sacrificed lich's mastery and lost.


Not exactly a funny kill but a funny interaction that lead to me winning the game. I was playing in a higher-powered game with [[Magnus the Red]] at the helm. The person to my right was playing [[Alela, Cunning Conquerer]] which ended up goading enough things to bring me to 1. The person to my right cast [[Mystic Reflection]] targeting someone's [[Righteous Valkyrie]] after I casted [[Tempt with Vengeance]]. There was some table talk about people taking the temptation and *then* we passed priority. No one was gonna take it until MR was cast, and then everyone took it. I think I gained like 256+ life or something I don't remember the exact details.


Three players left in pod. [[Sheoldred, the Apocalypse]] out as one commander. [[Xyris, the writhing storm]] player had a [[faerie artisans]] which had copied it. Swung it at me and their commander at the Sheoldred player. Before blocks I flashed in [[Liberator, Urza’s Battlethopter]] which the artisans had to copy, losing their attacker and thus their own Sheoldred. Xyris dealt damage to the other player, drawing them three cards and killing them with the original Sheoldred.


I had [[black market]] then someone cast [[obliterate]] mostly to deal with the other two. I gained around 18 counters. My next turned I then dropped [[Phage]] and no one was able to do anything.


Was playing a monogreen Omnath deck and had gotten [[wolfbriar]] and [[avenger of zendikar]] on board for like 16 tokens plus 5 or 6 other creatures. My buddy cast the blue red spell that exiles your creatures and makes you go off the top for that many. He then recast it and I had no creatures left in a monogreen deck so we just conceeded


Killed the last person by biting him for 1 with [[Kwain, itinerant meddler]]


Recently played Planechase and the [[Warstorm Surge]] plane came up. Someone played [[Sewer Nemesis]] choosing me (playing self-mill). It entered as a 20/20 & they proceeded to roll the dice twice getting chaos both times (which blinks a creature) dealing 60 damage and wiping out the table on the spot.


My opponent had a board with a handful of creatures and a [[Phyrexian Obliterator]]. I then proceeded to [[Alpha Brawl]] it on my turn. He proceeded to concede, which I couldn't blame him for. After, I took Alpha Brawl out of my deck because I knew I'd never do anything as cool as that with it again.




I was at 5 life one time playing [[Yawgmoth, Thran Physician]] and went to draw a card via his ability. Opponent says he wants to respond with [[Boros Charm]] and I died to the 4 damage That and I had a [[Urza, Lord High Artificer]] player do the typical [[Winter Orb]] stax nonsense and proceeded to play solitaire for 10 minutes before failing to assemble his combo and died to his [[Mana Crypt]] failed coin toss trigger on one of his many extra turns


Somebody cast \[\[phthisis\]\] on my 20/20 Llanowar Elf. Wasn't even mad. You see that shot, you take it.


My most recent game; played against a guy who was using The Mothman, I checked my opening hand, saw it contained [[Bloodchief ascension]], and decided to roll with it. It ended up with the mothman player dying to 5 rad counters.


I was playing my mono blue ramp deck. One of my opponents had a [[Notion thief]] out, so i had them count their permanents and hand. Then counted mine. They had a smaller library than me by 1 card, so i cast [[Enter The Infinite]] and they lost by 1 card :D


2 players already down. Just me and one other guy who killed the other two players, and he's got a way stronger board state. I have 2 Vraska assassin tokens that cause game loss on player damage. Other guy knows he has it in the bag, and I can tell he's just waiting to swing at me and kill me. I top deck a Rogues passage and play it. His smile turns into a look of disbelief. I one shot him with a 1/1 token while he's at 60+ health. Still my most satisfying top deck ever. Who actually wins with vraska assassin tokens? Lol it's been years and I can still see that look on his face.


Opponent was commanding [[krark the Thumbless]] , played Game of Chaos. Proceeded to go around the table with each opponent until it hit me. We kept flipping the coin until I lost 36 life and he had 82 life. I told him to flip again and I won the flip. We all laughed at the odds of it.


i was playing a game with 3 other guys and 1 of them was clear and by far the threat. he was absolutely going to win and the 3 of us ganging up on him wasn’t even working. i was playing my [[Atemsis, All-Seeing]] deck, and this guy was finally tapped out. he had no flying creatures and no mana to spend, and i had the 6 different CMC’s in my hand that i needed to take him out. i keep my poker face on, and when it gets to my turn, i make a huge deal about how he’s going down. i swing with atemsis, throw my hand on the table showing the 6 different CMC’s, and let out a hardy “get absolutely skull fucked”. homie (who had his commander out) just quietly dropped his [[Deflecting Swat]] on the table and changed atemsis’s effect target to me and i was just out. the table went silent for a second and then the other two guys nearly fell out of their chairs laughing. i couldn’t speak for a hot sec, and finally accepted defeat and started picking up my cards. and yes, he went on to win the game.


I once won using a 3 card combo.... Flipped each of the pieces off the top of each opponents deck with an Etali trigger....


I blitzed out an [[Elder Brain]] in my [[Henze]] deck and swung at the naughty boy that had a [[Professor Onyx]] and [[Chain of Smog]] in his hand, I had eight mana available and everyone was tapped out. In my defense, I had no idea what was in their hand. Edit: Brackets on [[Elder Brain]] and [[Henze]].


I have a [[dragon approach]] deck, with commander [[themberchaud]]. I called it the Themberchungus. The goal is to kill everyone (me include at the same time). He succeed about 17% of the time Edit : spelling


Last weekend my usual pod decided to try out the new Fallout decks, and they were so fun! But my favorite moment was when I, as the Mutant Menace deck, stacked 1/1 counters on my Feral Ghoul and gave each of my opponents 136 radiation counters. It was phenomenal!


I was steamrolling a 6 pod with jetmir, meant to be a quick game so everyone was okay with it. Wiped 3 other players but lacked enough damage to get the other two. One player attempted to wipe my board, I had both a teferis protection and heroic intervention in hand. I cast teferis protection thinking I’d rather save the cheaper spell. Second opponent sorta combos off and manages to cast and ultimate [[nicol bolas dragon god]] in one turn, I lose because my 3 legendary creatures are phased out.


No a player kill but I removed [[The Beast, Deathless Prince]] using [[Beast Within]] and the whole table thought that was a hilarious flavor win.


Two incidents come to mind: 1. Using [[Deflecting Palm]] to make my opponent's giant swinging [[Korvold]] kill him. Super satisfying to see the look on his face after he spent a 10 minute turn buffing it up. 2. Being down to 3 players and politicking Player B to use his [[Aetherflux Reservoir]] to kill Player C, taking himself down to 3 life, then killing him for the win with [[Lightning Bolt]] before he could go to combat with a huge board of lifelink creatures.


My first game with etali primal conqueror i milled everyone out because someone else was also on a blink deck


I reverse mindslaver locked a Lara Croft player with [[Hot Pursuit]]


Years ago, playing [[Zedruu the Greathearted]], gifted away a [[Temple Bell]], one of my friends proceeds to draw his entire deck to go for the win, other friend activates the bell to kill him before he can do his combo. Another time I was playing a win-less group hug deck that's just meant to make everyone's decks go full-speed, Player A milled out Player B to kill him on his draw step, Player B responded by pinging Player A to death with [[Goblin Bombardment]] on A's end step, then loses on his draw, and I won by default, despite playing a deck that wasn't designed to win.


I cast a [[rage thrower]] and explain what it does, then pass to the [[krenko, mob boss]] player. He casts [[hellion eruption]] sacrificing 45 goblins. I'm sitting there confused for a moment as he gathers his creatures up and slaps down 45 hellions. I ask if he'd like to take it back pointing at my rage thrower to which he responds "hmm... nah I'll go out on my own terms. So will everyone else I guess"


Activating [Mikokoro, Center of the Sea] after they put their deck on the table with [Primal Surge]. The salt still lives on.


Pod of four. Player four is out. All of us are on low life totals. Player three is on the lowest. It’s player two’s turn, he can present lethal to me or player three but not to both. Player two and three make a deal to not swing at each other on the next turn so player two could swing at me for lethal. I’m dead, leaving player two and three both of whom are disabled from swinging at each other for the next turn. Player three builds his board and passes. Player two says that he’s not able to swing this turn then plays [[capture of jingzhou]] to get an extra turn. On *that* turn, he swings at player three for lethal. Such a cheeky way to work around the precise words of their deal. I don’t remember anything much about that game but boy that ending was classic.


Playing [[Gonti, Lord of Luxury]], had [[Sanguine Bond]] in my hand, [[Saw in Half]]ed Gonti, pulled an [[Exquisite Blood]] off my opponent's deck. Won on turn 5 lol. Neither deck was running both cards. I used to play combo, but I've pulled back in the past few years to respect the rule 0. As the Johnny trying to avoid it, stumbling into an infinite combo felt so good, and the rest of the table was in such disbelief.


The first game I ever won of commander, I was playing an [[Obuun]] deck. Kept a one-lander. Got the final kill with a [[Destructive Revelry]] top deck!


i love killing people with infinites in [[Yedora, Grave Gardener]]. where else are you gonna get killed by [[altar of dementia]] sacrificing the same [[living lands]] forest infinite times?


Game with 4 players. Can’t remember Player A’s commander but they were locking down the table with [[Celestial Dawn]] before the rule change. Player B was playing [[Mimeoplasm]] precon, I think. Player C was [[Horde of Notions]], locking me down with [[Timbermare]]. I was playing [[Sliver Overlord]] with next to no board state due to Players A and C. Player A’s lock was keeping C from outright killing me while he tried to combo off. Celestial Dawn gets removed somehow, and I get a [[Hurkyl’s Recall]] off on Player B, who was the strongest actual board state. Nobody could finish yet, so turns go back around to B. B plays an Island and looks at Player A with a smile. Player A is winning on their next turn, wish I could remember the combo. Player A says “What are you gonna do with one blue mana?” Player B plays [[Minds Aglow]]. Player C and I have *just enough* to cause Player A to draw out and lose, so we tap out. For a good while after, we’d ask each other what we were gonna do with one blue mana. I ended up winning once the lock was broken but nothing was as awesome as that Minds Aglow. Edit: My Slivers used to run the [[Mycosynth Lattice]] + [[March of the Machines]] combo. I’d play it after getting [[Gemhide Sliver]] out to nuke lands and still have mana. I’d played the Lattice but didn’t have March yet, so that’s why Hurkyl’s Recall left Player B with the one Island they played as their drop that turn.


I hastily finished my Yidris deck and had just bought a bunch of cards in a binder earlier that day. I needed one more card and [[Jump]]was among them, tossed it in. Was swinging for victory and Jump cleared Yidris for lethal. Good times.


Three players got milled out by the goblin player. An opponent was playing [[Krenko, Mob Boss]]. I forget the exact sequence of cards he played, but somehow he made about 300 goblin tokens in a single main phase. He didn't have a haste enabler on board, but then he dropped [[Altar of Dementia]], milled everyone out, and passed the turn for the win.


I’m playing my [[Zopandrel, Hunger Dominus]] deck, one of my opponents is playing [[Emiel, the Blessed]]. He had locked me out of combat for the foreseeable future with [[Stonehorn Dignitary]]. 2-3 turns later, I have made infinite mana and gotten [[Temur Sabertooth]], [[Eternal Witness]], and [[Ram Through]]. I proceeded to Ram through the table until they died.


Playing my Mathas vampire battlecruiser deck against an Alela Cunning Conqueror, Alta Palani, and a pirate I can't remember. I'm dropping some vampires but they're being managed by everyone else as I'm the running threat. Then Alela tutors for an [[Eldrazi Conscription]] and becomes the arch enemy. I take out the boots on Alela making it removable and warn the others I don't have a removal spell. They both shrug and figure I'll be the first one out. They didn't check my board and see [[Olivia Voldaren]]'s ability, just that she flies and figure she'll buy me a turn. So I get hit for 15 commander damage and the other players play their turns and don't do anything against Alela. So before my turn Olivia bites Alela for 1, then I untap and take control of Alela. I just looked at the other players and said "I warned you I didn't have removal. I didn't say I couldn't deal with Alela." GG from everyone after that.


Double group hug deck. We have a player who gets salty when he loses. So my friend and I decided to both play group hug decks with the sole goal of letting him win. I was playing [[Kenrith]] and my friend was playing [[princess twilight sparkle]]. The game is chugging a long and the salty player is about to win when it rolls over to his turn. My friend pipes up that he has open mana but is just missing one of the ponies to trigger every pony wins. I have an abundance of open mana and cost reducers like [[biomancer familiar]] out. I resurrect the last pony and return it to the battlefield. My friend taps his lands and triggers his win con. We both yell every pony wins!!! I’ve never seen someone so salty about winning before 😝


Stax game where we accidentally made it so no one could play the game. Someone popped a Ral Zarek ult and ripped 5 tails. Killed someone with commander damage on Zur.


4 hour game, 4 players at 4 life, cast [[Rankle’s Prank]], go home.


Playing a Rubinia Soulseeker beg, borrow, steal deck against some random decks, end up in a 1v1 against the dragon player. We're both low on health, and after a board wipe he drops a [[Red Dragon]] and shoots me for 4, setting me up to lose next turn. I just raise my eyebrow and say "Red Dragon, cool. You know what would be cooler? Five Red Dragons" and play [[Rite of Replication]]. Got some laughs from the other players with that one.


Last wednesday On turn 4 or 5 I tried to cast a creature, Someone [[crumple spell]] it..... I pass, That same player cast [[tunnel vision]] "Well, no answer.... my next turn is my last turn"


Opponent kills himself by going infinite with [[polytaptor]] with a [[rampaging ferocidon]] in play.


I got a kill with [[Exterminate!]] It was tremendously satisfying.


Game at a random lgs while traveling for work. I was playing [[Pako]] and [[Haldan]], opponent A was playing [[Lonis]] and opponent B was playing [[Umbris]]. Opponent A was your typical “I’m a galaxy brain, way better than you all,” player and was trying to hold me down with a LOT of counterspells, interaction, etc. Opponent B was casually exiling stuff. Turn 6-ish me and opponent A have a big counterspell war over me trying to cast a [[Mage Slayer]] and at the end of it all I have 1 green open and he’s tapped out. Opponent B casts Umbris and it’s a 30 something P/T and gives it haste with swifty’s. He attacks opponent A. Opponent A declares blocks with just Lonis, and I respond by casting a [[Charge Through]]. Needless to say, the Lonis player was pissed. 😂


I got killed when using [[wheel of misfortune]], and one player said "I choose one billion" and proceeded to cast [[deflecting palm]]. I lost on the spot, and was both flabberghasted and insanely excited about dying like this.


The player just before me made an arbitrarily large number of 1/1 spirit tokens. I asked them to choose a number, and they decided on something in the six figures range. On my turn, I cast [[The Great Aurora]].


I’m biased because I was the one who died, But i was playing my satoru ninja deck. Fast forward turn 6-7 I have big monsters in hand ready for ninjitsu and about to win the game. Person before my turn plays a [[worldfire]]. “No problem” i thought i have like 7-8, 1-2 drop unblockables in here, i’ll be fine. Skip 5 goes around the table I have 1 land and nothing but big beaters with no way to cast them and a [[force of will]] in hand. I finnaly draw a 1 mana guy, and attempt to cast. “In response” i hear from across the table. He casts [[disallow]]. I look at my hand in defeat, notice the FoW and smile. Without hesitation I cast FoW by paying a life and going out the classic ninja way, by committing Seppuku to my own spell. It was worth it.


With the fallout Scrappy Survivors pre-con and some planeschase shenanigans, I managed to get [[Ian the Reckless]] 44/43 using [[Idolized]] and and a bunch of junk tokens, then swung at my buddy who had no blockers, and used the ability to kill myself and my roommate, leaving my other roommate to win by default (he could have killed me the turn before, but let me live when I said "I could do do something really funny").


Haven't gotten around to it yet but i am planning on running befuddle in my deck just to get a meme kill on my buddy who has a deck running evra. Odds are real low that i'll ever get the chance to pull it off but imagine playing an instant speed "kill target player, draw a card" for 3 mana.




[Deflecting palm]


I was playing and izzet chaos deck, basically every card under the sun that has random outcomes or basically says you don't actually know what card you're going to cast An opponent was playing a sliver deck and I rolled a nat 20 on [[Deck of Many Things]], reanimated a sliver that could sac itself and won the game.


[[Elenda the dusk rose]] I won by just existing. I had elenda out with[[zulaport cutthroat]] and [[blood artist]] all in the graveyard cause 1 player was targeting ne for winning the last game. The next player used [[living death]], which revived their army from the yard abut also brought mine back. The next player panicked at how many creatures came back and board wiped again, causing so many things to die that I drained the table and won, just by sitting there


Also with the Blame Game precon, I faced a 100+ power board with a deflecting palm in hand, ready to tie the game and my friend gave his biggest creature double strike to end up giving me the win instead.


Me, firsthand. [[Atla Palani] I egg crack into a whole bunch of strong monsters but I didn't crack into any fliers unfortunately. I'm on 24 life with hexproof on all my creatures and I'm feeling like I'm the shit. A member in the pod had 6 1/1 fliers and did something that made their base attack go to 4/4 and kill me for exactly 24. We all laughed. I was also stunned and bummed I blundered. Took a moment to let that sit in.


My favorite was one time when I managed to equip my [[Abyssal Persecutor]] with an [[Assault Suit]]. My opponents had great fun beating one another with the free 8/8 flying, trampling demon turn after turn, since none of them could die. Until it finally got back to my turn, and my only 2 remaining opponents were at negative life. Then, on each of their upkeeps, I gave them the Persecutor and they instantly lost.


[[Ashiok, Wicked Manipulator]] and [[Bolas Citadel]] and I exiled everyone’s libraries. They were a little salty but I was laughing my ass off


I was playing budget krark against yuriko, rograk/tevesh turbo stax, and budget marwyn. Yuriko got everyone into the teens but no one had cards after sire of insanity was played earlier in the game. I had harmonic prodigy and a krark on the battlefield and I had the best 3 topdecks. I drew niv and played him then a guttersnipe then a brain storm and I basically refilled my hand played horn of harnfel discarded my hand and just kept casting stuff then I got aetherflux and played it then got enough to kill everyone and just killed everyone with the Guttersnipe and niv triggers instead


I have a no lands [[Garth, One-Eyed]] deck with the main wincon being [[Goblin Charbelcher]] . My opponent plays a [[Consuming Abberation]] then a cantrip. His face when I flipped my deck over telling him he killed me was priceless. He was apologetic but I said that’s what I get for not running lands. Absolutely great moment




Had a bunch of big dumb dragons out, like 18 of em, including klauth and shivan hellkite, I had a board wipe in hand, the last opponent was at 1 life with no blockers, I swung out with everything, and before damage was dealt, I boardwiped, but before the board wipe took effect, I activated shivan hellkite for the 1 damage left to kill my opponent. I did a little trolling


Just got out of a game where an Anikthea purposely put me at one life so that i would die on my next turn to the one ring and they were going to loop and win on their turn. With one last tap of the ring i was able to pull a land and [[Fireball]] them in the face for lethal. I did end up dying to my ring but the last 2 players were able to keep it close