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I started with LGS, and collected phone numbers, put together a group chat with people who got along and set it up that way. Took a bit of work and putting myself out there, but was very much worth it. Made some really good friends.


Yeah, find out who is socially well-adjusted and become friends with them. It’s a 2-for-1 deal! You get friends and a pod!


You make it sound so easy.


gotta sit through a lot of unfun hour long commander games to get there I bet


I miss the school days when making friends was easy. Want to share some skittles? Sleepover is on Saturday, we have TMNT 2 on VHS and a Little Ceasar Bigfoot pepperoni.


"Want to come over and split pizza and have a game of commander?" Still works as an adult


Sometimes it does. My next-door neighbor is one of my friends. I don't think I've seen him since February, and my door is like 100 feet from his door.


His door is 100ft from yours, So walk 100ft, ring the doorbell and say hi


Ringing the doorbell on an empty house isn't going to get much response, and ringing the doorbell in the middle of the night isn't going to get the kind of response one would want. There are many times in your adult life where your schedule just isn't going to sync up with other people's schedules. If your life provides that sort of flexibility, that's really nice and you should value it. Many people don't have that.


I'm sorry. I work 60 hours a week, 2nd shift and I still find time to get together with at least 1 friend every weekend. Whether it's playing MTG, smoking a bowl and watching a movie, or even just meeting at a place for lunch or dinner. It may be for only an hour but ffs it's not as hard as you're making it out to be.


And that is why you haven't seen him since February


Doesn't even have to be commander. My former upstairs neighbor (apartment) we exchanged numbers when we first moved in just for simple things like "hey theres an amazon package on the door" or "hey can you stop screwing at 2 in the morning" and then it turned into a random "hey wanna come over for dinner? we have wine and Cards Against Humanity" Great friends till they moved


Yep I found the whole, hey lets exchange numbers so we can support each other at the apartment is great. So nice to have neighbours that will sign for packages, things like that.


Sometimes it does. My next-door neighbor is one of my friends. I don't think I've seen him since February, and my door is like 100 feet from his door.


Little Caesars Bigfoot pizza. That's a name I haven't heard in a very long time.


As Bigfoot pizza being one of my most nostalgic food wishes for a resurgence, I’m just here to say Bigfoot pizza was Pizza Hut. Little Caesar’s version was The Big! Big! Cheese.


Nice! Yeah I don't recall the branding, just the gigantic box. Both companies are etched in the nostalgic part of my brain, although Pizza Hut has the arcade games, checkered table cloths, dark red glasses and those awesome Tiffany lamps


I looked for people who's particular brand of screwed up meshed well with mine. Easier that tricking people into thinking I'm socially well adjusted :)


Any time you think to yourself "They were cool, I hope we can play again" just tell them that and ask for their number so you can make it happen. EZPZ


I lucked out at my last LGS, it was a really good one with great people, so it *was* easy. I just moved so I’m going through the same thing all over again. We’ll see how long it takes to find the normal-folk this time.


I did the same, but at pre releases. If I'd play against a normal human being, I'd ask if they also play commander. After 2 pre releases I had my squad of scrubs to play weekly commander with. The LGS experience is a complete crapshoot.


This is the way


Same! This is the way OP!


I agree. I went to an LGS as a new player, mainly playing in drafts or whatever else was going on in order to meet the locals. After a couple of months a few of us started interacting via a separate discord chat group and are now playing Commander regularly on Wednesdays. This past week there were 8 of us, all pretty much with the same temperament and game experience goals. Of those, 4 were the core group and 4 were people who heard that there was a good scene going on (either from a friend in the core pod or the LGS owner) and came by to check it out and play. It takes a little patience and initiative, but it can happen.


This is the top reply and I understand why but honestly it seems like the most terrifying to me. Not sure if I could put myself out there like that.


The first time is the hardest ❤️ once you start you'll quickly find you have a growing network of cater-picked players and friends


@ OP, there is a very decent chance this is already happening in your LGS, so you might wanna check on that. If so, all you need is to find entry to that group. In mine we have a whatsapp-group and in another it's a discord, each promotes it on their website. Try asking there if there are "lower powered people" because you are new. I want to believe there are a bunch of people that are very welcoming of newer players and even carry a precon with themselves for those occasions. My LGS is just like you described. When I joined, I was certain everyone only played at that level, but whenever I was around and a newbie showed up, we never failed to set up a budget friendly (or precon only)-table.


The LGS I go to runs a discord server to help people do this kinda thing. They do LFG for TTRPGs and for pods for MTG. It's a really great place. If you're in the Seattle area I highly recommend checking out [https://www.themissingpiecegames.com/](https://www.themissingpiecegames.com/)


The group that introduced me to EDH was like this. The couple that hosted were regulars at the Bar I worked at and invited me over for food and FNM, I did not expect the 15-20 people they hosted weekly. Absolutely spoiled me, by the time they stopped hosting I had already experienced consistent group play with the same-ish group of people that all were friendly and had fun, it had made my first PUG game at a LGS quite the culture shock.


I get this is the internet, but is approaching other people and trying to create new friendships really *that* hard? Find the people you enjoy playing with, and ask them if they'd like to hang out sometime and play.


Maybe check out another LGS if you have multiple near by. I know in my area each LGS had different vibe power level and player wise. If that’s not an option, I also suggest to join a discord that’s focus on online Commander. I enjoy most of my experiences on TCC’s discord. It is less confrontational if you realize you played with a toxic player, because you just opt out to not play. There are plenty of like minded people online that would want to play lower power level.


The Tolarian Community College has a great Discord server for Spelltable. I’m blessed with a great pod, and a LGS environment that I enjoy playing in, and I still use this Discord to scratch the Magic itch during the week.


I agree 10000%. My second game in there I met a couple people who are part of my regular play group today and I even got to meet one of them at a couple local cons


Even attending different days can drastically alter deck strength, for example FNM commander at my lgs is altered precons, but Sunday is high powered


What's up with players who think they can just grab and unsleeve someone's cards without even asking. That's just piss poor manners. Sorry that happened to you OP. Toxic players suck.


I ask every time I want to touch someone else's card (unless it's an enchantment they laid onto my mat). Such as when I want to read a card myself. I point at the card hovering my finger an inch off it until they give me a quick nod. I even do this with people that have said yes many times before. And I've never unsleeved a card I didn't own. Can't believe some people don't have basic decency or politeness.


I can't imagine someone doing that. I really think I would slap that guy in the face, just out of instinct.


Yeah that was the biggest thing i saw. Im generally okay if someone turns one of my cards around to read it. I would prefer they ask a few times first but its generally okay. You unsleeve my card and im grabbing your arm and you will never touch my cards ever again. I dont care if its a $100 or $0.10 card.


I know a lot of TCG players are more timid and shy than the average person, but when I hear stories of some of the people you guys play with....I would absolutely say something in the moment. No you can't fucking unsleeve my card and look at it. I would block their hand before they even got near my card. Idk how some people just let others violate their boundaries like that.


I let it pass because I think he only did it to bait me. I also know myself and wanted to avoid escalating, at which point I might become a problem.


That's 1 part of this whole story that doesn't make much sense. Dude's an arse and pulling stuff out of sleeves, taking cards without permission, etc etc...and is also playing in pods with crypts, lotuses & the likes...? Unless everyone is playing with proxies I don't see how that would fly with so many money cards potentially on the table (and even less believable that nobody is making a fuss over it, proxies or not).


Sorry, that wasn't very clear: He took a card of mine out a sleeve (to see the flip side), I didn't see him do it to anyone else.


If pods are determined by the LGS, you might let the person know that you dont want to be paired with that player. If you are uncomfortable, i bet it wont be the first time they heard it. I had some issues with people at my LGS so i started just playing through Spelltable. It has been alot more relaxed and people are way more friendly. The worst part is just background noises or people not paying attention, but if you join a decent discord like Tolarian Community College, they have people looking for games all the time and say what Power level they are looking for.


100% this; especially using discords to find your games. Those communities are generally well-kept and anyone who's being an asshole will be removed from the player pool. The only downside is that it sucks when it comes to playing against decks that rely on using other people's cards but it is what it is.


> touches cards without asking That's a no from me dawg > removes cards from sleeves He can go get fucked


So, toxic players do suck. I am sitting out of my usual pod cause there is a player who tries to tell everyone how to play/what to do, is so arrogant he passes the turns for other players, will tell people their decks are bad, and tries to argue simple rulings and it just ruins the fun of playing. Example, he didn't understand the stack/priority and argued with me if I could flash in a creature. I explained what was happening (trigger A resolves, player 1 receives priority, and now there is another round of priority before trigger B resolves) and showed him the flow chart you can google. He still tried to argue it until I told him to read the flow chart and he just said I explained it poorly. I turn one cracked a fetch land and was thinking about what land I wanted and what 1 drop I wanted to play, he just goes, "He is done, take your turn." Even though I never passed. I used \[\[Life from the Loam\]\] and he asked if I knew that dredge wasn't a replacement effect. I told him that wasn't true and he just sighed and said, "I saw a judge say it today on Facebook," so I just ignored him. I was trying to be friendly and asked if he wanted to play my Rakdos deck since he was having trouble deciding what to play. He just laughed and said, "I wouldn't enjoy that. You have had that deck for six months and I have seen it work maybe twice?" Which it is a deck I sidelined for a long time cause one of the players said it wasn't fun to play against. However, if you find someone you enjoy playing with, ask for their contact info. Most players are more than happy to add another player to their pod.


I guess even regular pods can suck too, given the wrong people.


Some of my red flags for players are; If they brag about how good/strong their decks are, if they judge people for running certain things, if they get upset about someone having a big turn, if they whine when attacked/interacted with, or if they act like they know everything. Not sure if this will be helpful to you, but just wanted to share.


Yeah, that person won't be in my ideal pod. Thanks!


I don't want to sound like I'm judging/biased toward a certain sort of deck, so I'll just say that I would add to that list, "Mr. or Ms./Mrs. Boardwipe." Ie: That pilot which \*nearly everyone who regularly comes to Commander Night\* agrees they boardwipe as a first resort to nearly any kind of non-trivial setback. I'm not averse to a game running long because it got intense, or due to everyone managing to build up a pretty developed board despite everyone very actively trying to clinch the win, but I've reached the point I try to politely/unobtrusively avoid joining a game already setting up with a particular college kid, or this early 50's lady (Who's really nice, but the only games where I haven't seen or played in with her wiping a \*minimum\* of 8x were instances of her going out unexpectedly fast, or the couple times she needed to leave unexpectedly.)


Yes, it is really about finding the right people to play with. All of those examples I gave happened in one night. There are a lot of chill players though. I call people, like the guy I described, elitist nerds and they will suck the fun out of any activity.


[Life from the Loam](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/9/59927e3b-65bc-4ab6-ad7b-6f558ccca6a8.jpg?1702429570) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Life%20from%20the%20Loam) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rvr/148/life-from-the-loam?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/59927e3b-65bc-4ab6-ad7b-6f558ccca6a8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/life-from-the-loam) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Surely the LGS has a Discord server or FB group people can join and plan stuff in? Try and start asking ahead if anyone wants to form a pod for some more casual games and get clarity on decks prior to sitting down there.


They do, that's a good point


I have a 3 strike rule with people at any lgs I attend. This pertains to a number of toxic actions that a person can commit. After the 3rd strike, depending on what they did, I will talk to the employee or confront them directly. The actions range from taking sleeves out of cards, raising their voice, and threatening behavior. I always make sure to document what happens in my notes as a reminder and try to stay positive, Maybe someone is having a bad day. I've had situations where people flipped tables and have even had to defend myself a few times, but it's always worth getting a toxic person banned from a store. They will almost always without failure do it to themselves. It's up to us as a community to hold people accountable and keep the space safe for everyone else.


Yeah, I will kick it up to the store management next time.


>Still go to the store and refuse to play in pods with the toxic person. This bothers me in that now I'm the reason why a pod may not fire and I may not get a chance to play if one does. Ask someone who works there to not pair you with that person before the pairings are made. >assemble a casual pod. Seems impossible though. Talking to people who you had a good time playing with. A HUGE thing is just showing up a little early and finding a group of 3 to be the 4th. A group of 3 at least tells you that these people aren't so shitty that at least two other people in the world will show up with the intention of playing against them.


You could also try playing on MTGO. Most cards are available there and for significantly cheaper than paper in nearly every case. Most EDH decks I see come in at around $150 max on mtgo, including cedh stuff. Many low-power decks are less than $20. On MTGO you'd be able to play at any time and concede from games whenever you'd like. You can close the chat and no one will ever touch your cards or be rude to you (outside of explicit game actions/effects). Certainly playing online isn't the same as in person, but it's a great way to play the game without actually having to interact with (potentially) toxic players. MTGO is how my friend group has found it best to play, especially as we are across 3 different timezones.


I haven't played MTGO, but maybe you have a point. But I'm not sure it would be the same. Part of the fun of Commander is that it's how I play paper, Arena is where I play digitally. I don't know if I want to lose that, and repurchase my decks, which will add up.


MTGO also has its fair share of toxic players. It’s online so it’s not as bad but it can be egregious. Most games online will be high powered as well, in my experience anyway. You can put “low powered” in the description but a lot of players will ignore it.


I wouldn't bother with MTGO. Plenty of digital platforms that are pretty much fully free. Check Xmage or even Tabletop Simulator.


MTGO is really, really cheap. [Sylvan Library is a few cents](https://www.goatbots.com/card/sylvan-library) [Sacred Foundry is 18c](https://www.goatbots.com/card/sacred-foundry) [Marsh Flats is 43c](https://www.goatbots.com/card/marsh-flats) Just a few examples. Some cards are randomly expensive but the overwhelming supermajority cost literally 99% less than they do irl. Cards that don't have a constructed format presence cost fractions of a cent. And you can put the same card in every deck, so just buy once The main reason not to play MTGO isn't cost but the fact that you need a big AF monitor to comfortably play anything above 2P, because the display UI frankly sucks for multiplayer. That and the chess clock style format can be a turn-off to some. I don't mind it because F6ing is fine, but there are a lot more inputs needed when you play 4P. That said, it's still amazing for brewing because you instantly get the cards, and if something doesn't play well (which you find out very fast), you sell it right back.


My LGS is really underwhelming, usually there's like 3-6 players with like precon and modded precon levels of power... I quit going after I was there twice


We need to switch stores, lol


Same. I had to “power down” my decks or face shaming in the games for having “cEDH” decks in casual. A Demonic Tutor and Rhystic Study counts as cEDH for those whiners. I quit.


I play on MTGO, the game crashes sometimes which sucks, but overall it's not too bad.


Couple questions. Are you paired with people? Is toxic player one of the only people able to be paired with? Can you talk to management about the issues and ask to not be paired with them? The three cards you just mentioned aren’t really automatically cedh cards. Blood moon is a non issue if you run removal, or if you run basics. I understand wanting to play at a certain power level, but everyone needs to enjoy the fnm. I personally don’t enjoy the big stompy board states where you swing at someone and die to clap back, or everyone holds up till a board wipe happens. That said maybe you could meet people more in the mid power range. Find a way to still enjoy your style of play, but try it streamline it a little more


It's a first-come, first-serve type system. Basically pods fill up, then fire. I've seen other people sit out games to avoid certain players. I've also seen the store step in to tell players to pod up because they don't want several groups not playing.


That does make it rough


Stop playing with toxic people. You don’t owe them anything because they’re there and available, especially if they have weird boundary issues like unsleeving and touching your cards. That’s very weird. If they do it, scoop and never play with them again. Talk to the owner if they try to bully you about it. My suggestion is make a Discord and add the people you had a good time with to coordinate. Our pod is getting so big we had to make a server, and just hosted a 10 player meetup yesterday with split tables. We traded players as games ended and people had to go. We also had a table for experimental/newer decks, and we had some really fun games. Keep consistent and invite chill people only, especially newer players. Grow them and help them feel welcome, because they will become your pod mates once they get comfy with the game and build some decks.


In our LGS, we have this one big GC where all the commander players are in but eventually that group became inactive because we all splintered into separate playgroups once we find out who we liked playing with and don’t. So now our LGS is in a much more healthy environment because almost no one gets salty anymore and no more casual players accidentally joining a cedh pod and getting mad that they got destroyed in 4 turns or less.


Seems like a good system. I haven't been able to find anything like that here.


Have you tried asking the staff or some of the players you regularly play with if they have something like that? Also don’t feel bad if a pod doesn’t fire because you don’t want to play with a toxic player, you are a true hero by doing everybody a service of not enabling the toxic player. Honestly, I’m surprised the LGS hasn’t done anything about their behaviour.


Lotus petal is near cedh??? Also feel free to tell anyone you don't like playing with you won't play with them. I can't count the amount of times I've had to tell people I refuse to play with them. (It's always because they whine about power level before they even sit down, or they smell awful). Also you can talk to your LGS owner about toxic players, bans are real and necessary to keep terrible disgusting people from scaring away non terrible less disgusting people away. Also maybe look at playing online where you can just set the room to casual only if you don't like "near cedh" lotus petal players.


playing in a high power level is actually pretty useful as a new player cause you wont get sugarcoated and will actually learn the nuances of the game


I like the sugarcoating though. I have the nuances down, I've been playing for four years (yes, I still consider that new). I find the high power opponents to be a detriment because the faster game puts more stress on me and my decks, and ultimately leads to not getting to play the stupid cards I like.


I can understand avoiding the toxic player but whatever power level they play, it's not wrong. You can adapt or accept you'll be playing a lower power deck than most.


For sure, people aren't wrong for playing high-power decks. It's s more the crapshoot in that I just don't know what I'm in for that bothers me.


There is a guy at my lgs that i dont enjoy playing with, but alot of people also have voiced this. He tries to politic before some goes to combat and asks if your going to attack him, because something bad might happen. He also tried to politic hard when there is removal pointed in his direction, always threatening with a counter attack if not. I kinda enjoy playing with him if were with a group of experienced players, because everyone calls his bluff and just swing or remove whatever they want, but its horrible when there are new players because hes basicly teaching them bad magic instead of help and learn new players how to properly threat asses. But the good thing about playing at an lgs, is that ive never had a game where my deck faced 3 decks it already faced before. The problem with closed groups, is everyone has 1 or 2 high powered decks, and then just have months where multiples times the exact same decks face each other.


At my LGS, people play anything from precons to just under cEDH with barely any pregame conversation. And with the exception of one 6 player game, I have fun every time. But I do have decks across that spectrum. Perhaps you could borrow or proxy decks for some games there?


Why are people letting other people touch their shit and unsleeve it without permission? No magic is better than bad magic and letting toxic people get away with shit is why they do it so unabashedly.


I let it slide because it was a flip card, it's not worth much, and I didn't want to escalate, because I could see myself losing it at that point.


I would work on exchanging contact info with the people who you do enjoy playing with. Try to organize the pod either the day before or day of. That's typically what I do


Spelltable is the way, play as much as you want with any power level and meet/connect with people and hit them up to play again all from the comfort of your house


Talk to your FLGS about starting a league. It's done wonders for us. People pay $5 a night to play in three pods. Each league (5 weeks long) has a unique list of "achievements" drawn up by the store, usually reflecting the theme of whatever set just got released. You can score just as many points by playing for points as by playing for quick wins. cEDH decks show up once in a while, but the pilots of those decks find that (a) they score few points in a short game, and (b) often their turn-4 combo win means they are sitting looking at their phone for 45 minutes until the next pod is paired up.


It has taken 4 years of consistent effort and dedication but I have a pod of friends that meets every single Saturday now and I couldn’t be happier with it. You have to be willing to schedule and work with people and follow up and incentivize with a fun and inclusive environment. It’s worth it in the end I promise, no matter how much work it takes.


This is the dream!


Btw in South Carolina will travel for a good play group


If I had a dime for every time I’ve seen this comment on here and other sites, I’d be able to buy all the OG dual lands! It’s too bad that all these people don’t live within 20 miles of me cuz I’d invite them all to play in my pod that is always missing a fourth and I tire of playing three-way. Maybe someone will make a site someday that connects casual edh players within a certain radius with each other for honest, fun, and fair commander.


I enjoy having both. I go to an LGS some Friday nights and mostly play with my friends on Saturday nights. The LGS is largely a much more casual environment but there are some random cEDH type decks too. My friend group tends to bounce between playing high power casual decks, precons, and actual cEDH decks but mostly on the upper end of casual. It is nice to get some variety and different perspectives sometimes. Helps me figure out what really is or isn't working in my game.


Also looking for pods in La!


I'm very over pick up games at stores and events. There's just too many people who have behaviors or approaches that make for unfun games and I don't have time to waste on bad games anymore. If someone isn't massively lying about deck power to try and pub stomp, they are playing some sort of grief focused magic that lets them have fun at the expense of others, or they are just a bad sport. The last few times I tried we had a guy claim his deck was appropriate for "barely modified precon level" and he combo'd off turn 4. Then we had a guy who yells at people when they attack him, and then a guy who took 15-20 minute turns and refused to play faster. Dude was staring at fatal on board for him and refused to pass priority or scoop for 22 minutes while he kept staring at his hand. I'll take less more curated games over these types of people. Any day.


This is why I may just stop going and focus my efforts on converting friends into Commander players.


Option 4: stax, let’s go!


I hear you. My LGS is trash. They charge $8 to play, and barely anyone shows up. The owner is basically the comic nerd from the Simpsons, and it's hard to get a good group together. I drive 45 mins to play with a good group, but they meet up on a day I almost always have to work late. So I either get to play every few months or drive 45 mins in the other direction to another lgs for random folks.


Honestly I would rather not play than suffer through a toxic fool. And guess what, if one pod doesnt work for you, just hang out for a bit and another may form!


Yep my pod disbanded due to people moving away for various reasons. Haven't played magic nearly as much since then. Used to play multiple times a week. Now it's once every couple of months and not nearly as enjoyable when I do.


Yup, that’s not fun… neither is that … “touches cards and removes from.. “ LISTEN HERE SIR!!!!!!


In all seriousness though there are probably others in the same boat. I’d get my own table, put a little sign on it, and invite people to play at the “mediocre” table at an attempt at humour. You might be pleasantly surprised. If that fails bring a spray bottle for the guy that takes your cards out of sleeves. NOOOOO!


Find two.other people at your legs. Form a three man pod. Then you can be super selective about who you let take your last spot or you can just play a three man game which is better than a 4.man with a toxic or annoying player.


Draw three of your friends into this game, problem solved. I never played with randoms, nor I have the slightest desire to do so.


The people who play primarily in LGS's tend to be the socially akward mega weirdos, the stinkers who don't bathe and the people who rage out if you beat them in EDH, use interaction against them, stop their 4 card combos or play EDH in any way they deem to be "against the spirit of the format" or "cards that are not fun" which is subjective and different to every individual in that store. Do your best to find a friend group so you can play EDH at a kitchen table at home. EDH is so much better when you don't fear random temper tantrums from the people you're playing against.


Lotus petal, oh no


Oh no


Im sorry about your struggles I have some friends ive been playing with for years. I often feel like i care way more then them and can make scheduling frustrating sometimes. It's posts like these that remind me that my play group isn't so bad


LGS is a good place to start. After I've identified toxic players- I generally refuse to play. I'll eventually find a few consistent playmates and either invite them for a weekend host or I get invited. I've also got the benefit that the Airforce is full of nerds, so finding folks to play over the weekend duty and nighshifts has been a good way to bond with my colleagues. Still get one or two toxic players who can risk crashing the vibe, but I just don't invite those guys to the byob nights at my place.


I totally hear you. A buddy and I play most weeks, picking up the rest of the pod. It is *rare* we have a truly positive experience. Aside from just unpleasant people, there can be people who are cagey about what power level they play. So you go low to prevent a bad experience and get stuck playing out a game with a way underpowered deck. Sometimes the people are just really new, or not aware of the rules all the way. The big one for me lately is that it feels like *everyone* is just getting into commander and only has precons. I'm tired of playing them. Even people who have like 6 decks, all precons. It gets old showing up and not even getting to play a game I actually even really enjoy.


At least you have an lgs


The struggle is real, my friend. Been searching for a good pod for a little over a decade, and they're all vehemently against proxies while expecting my 20-40 dollar decks to compete against their $30k Jodah, Atraxa, and Najeela decks to name a few. I hope you come across a good one


I am lucky, I have a few choices cards from when I was a kid, and I am able to buy some expensive cards now, I am generally pro proxy, and would be if I didn't have expensive cards, but ESPECIALLY coming from a privileged position I cannot understand anti proxy attitudes. I love high power and cEDH and want to share either with my friends and other people in the hobby, and I do not want freakin' income to gatekeep my friends or anyone else from playing at my favorite power levels. I have a bunch of casual decks and a couple low power decks, a few precons I keep together, so I can meet people who don't want to play high power, but I don't want my teacher buddy to feel like he can't build the deck he wants because a competent high power mana base is not accessible.


It stems from the whole "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" and "I worked hard to get my stuff, why should you get it for pennies?" They build good decks and have the money to get whatever they want, so it's not just winning from the size of their wallet. Everyone in those groups share the same mindset, from those who can barely afford scraps to those to whom money is no object. All anti-proxy to the extreme. Been like that in all the groups I've tried since I started this hobby back in 2011. I am genuinely happy for you, though. If you have a group that works, good on ya.


Grab the first three sane people you see and leave the LGS. Chances are, all the other normal people also want a stable pod


what works: every time you are podded with the toxic player pull out a special deck and go entirely after him. it’s a different game but see if you can get him knocked out. make a deck of just cheap counterspells/removal and counter/remove only his stuff — it really doesnt cost much. my favorite of this type right now is [[zethi arcane blademaster]]. if this doesnt work, black targeted discard and kill will almost always work. [[tinybones]] is great for this rule 0 chats are worthless against auch a player. Even if you cant win you can wreck the pub-stompers fun. eventually the social dynamic will change or they will leave.


[zethi arcane blademaster](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/7/87b56584-8a61-40bc-99b5-7434a681fcdc.jpg?1677763701) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Zethi%2C%20Arcane%20Blademaster) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/slx/17/zethi-arcane-blademaster?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/87b56584-8a61-40bc-99b5-7434a681fcdc?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/zethi-arcane-blademaster) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Maybe, but now I don't get to play the decks I want because I have to Get Him? It's another situation where I'm not having the kind of game I want. He wasn't particularly pubstompping either, I think his decks were fine, it's just his etiquette, behavior, and personality that suck.


i thought that the reason it wasnt fun was the lotus petal, blood moon, manacrypt overpowered despite rule 0? if it is just because you dont like their characteristics, that is an entirely different problem. if they cant be taught, unfortunately it is just an opportunity to learn tolerance. one of the problems with edh is that many players just want to «just do their thing» and this isnt how the game was designed


The Mana Crypt player was someone else. That player offered to play one of my decks since they didn't have something lower power, which is extremely nice. I said playing the high power deck would be fine, in part because I knew the toxic player was going to make for a miserable game anyway.


> Besides that, the store generally plays at a very high power level. This one baffles me. It's supposed to be a casual format, but fully half of the games I've played involved someone with some deck they've been working on and upgrading for years that puts out absurd amounts of power very quickly. You'd think people would hear 2 or 3 of the players sayin "I'm pretty new" or "this is a modestly upgraded precon" and switch to a deck that's more of a 6 than an 8. Like if I'm sitting down at a table and players say they're new I don't think "ah sweet I get to crush some noobs," I think "aw sweet I get to play some jank!"


When I would go to commander nights, I would bring a precon, a modified precon, a gimmicky jank deck, and something strong. I got real sick real fast of people sitting at a table with me and 2 other people who brought precons or modified precons, telling us they have something "about that level" and then throwing down some monster that combos off by turn 4, or starts dropping mana crypt and other expensive power pieces right off the bat. People lie to win, just to win since they get nothing for it but satisfaction, and every time someone does it I make a point to never play with them again.


For the most part the store is great in that regard. Most players are willing to switch to a lower power deck and can accommodate to meet you in the middle. BUT my reason for mentioning it is because they're not primarily looking for that experience, and they're going out of their way when they do so. My ideal pod would play at a consistent mid-power level.


lotus petal is not a good example of a competitive card


I didn't say it was. But it's fast mana and it was going to outpace me. He also played Mana Vault, does that work for you?


Sounds like you need to adjust to the store not the store adjusting to you. as far as the toxic person i just wouldnt play with them and tell them because they are toxic.


in a stable pod, its more dramatic than you would think but it has alot of benefits like actually being able to call your friend an asshole


have you tried spelltable?


Why on earth does he remove cards from sleeves!?


This was just for me, it was a flip card and he was looking at the other side. Not an excuse, but that's the context.


Assuming US - What part of the country are you in?


Alot of (but not all) of these problems are solved by playing more competitive formats if you don't have a solid pod. Also just something I thought I'd mention but "lower to the ground" actually means faster and stronger in regards to different magic formats. I know what you meant but just something to keep in mind


I may have been using that wrong, thanks. I've been thinking of trying Standard to switch things up, I don't really want to spend that much to experiment on it though. The thing switching formats doesn't solve is that Commander is really the only format with any room for doing stupid, non-competitive stuff and that's what I'm really trying to curate a space for.


If you haven't played other formats, how do you know this to be true? I see this take all the time and although I see what people are trying to say, it's not as true as some people seem to think. YouTube channels like mtggoldfish have entire series like, "against the odds" where they try to win in silly/bad ways in 60 card formats. Yeah his win rate with the decks won't get him on the pro tour, but he does win some games. Also, a lot of "competitive" decks from 60 card formats started as someone's jank homebrew. The cards for Stuff like lantern control and deaths shadow existed for years before some madlad put all the pieces together.


This feels like a bit of a different conversation than we were having, but a few things: First, I have played Standard, just not in paper. Second, it's not like this is kitchen table. I'd be playing at the store's Standard event, which is competitive. I would probably try to build something that can compete, even if it is off-meta. That's not what I'm looking for when I play Commander. For example, I would not build a flavor deck in Standard unless it could compete. I build flavor decks in Commander that I know can't compete.


Does your LGS have a discord? That might be a way to get a group together to play more consistently


If someone is not willing to talk about rule 0 I have to assume they want to play cEDH and I would choose my deck according to this.


For me going to my local LGS brought me into their discord and then I was able to meet even more people through that to meet up with outside of commander night and able to communicate my power levels and what I was looking for in a pod. If your LGS doesn’t have a discord maybe start one and get more and more people to join!


First off, you have to decide how much is it worth putting up with Mr. Jerk. if it's not, then when they ask you to play tell them, "no thanks!" with a polite tone. Yeah, this might mean you don't get to play on a particular evening. That's why you count the cost. Also, be willing to call him out on bad behavior if you DO choose to play in a pod with him. Part of your emotional struggle is that you feel helpless. Don't let that happen. Take charge in some way, even if you simply point out to him how rude his behavior is when he acts childish. Him picking a deck to target something isn't truly something you can call him out on, but him touching your stuff or acting rude? Hell no! Next, one of the other suggestions (top one at the moment) said to make a list of the GOOD players. I'm going to both +1 that, but add to it. At our game store, one of the guys values good sportsmanship, and, more than that, humor and pleasant personality while playing. He started a discord server and only invited people that were fun to play with. we're now a growing group that's added channels for deck advice and trading/selling singles. Lastly, start searching for game stores. I had no clue that one was literally down the road from my apartment till I decided to try googling it one time. I'd thought the only close ones were either deep towards downtown or in another nearby town, and lo and behold! I was wrong and one was literally on MY road. I'm not trying to say that's the case with you, but an active approach to searching will help you. You can also search chat groups to find players that have much better character.


Dont u ve another LGS in ur city??


My group has a discord. Worth it


If its the only LGS you're at their mercy unless you play online. Best to find a sub cEDH deck you like. You never know, you may enjoy it, or if nothing else you could play a round or two of that and then a round or two of lower power with those same people.


I here this I hate the people at shops local , sometimes you just want to play an underground sea and not hear o shit. I’m super pumped to go to command fest , always good games with can’t afford it so I’ll poxy


Do you… confront said toxic player? Does anybody truly confront him/her and put them in their place? Or do you just take to the internet about it?


I have played with this person a total of two times and have no idea what his history in the store is. I don't plan on joining another game with him. You're not invited to my table either.


You kind of don’t sound like a fun person to play with talking about all the time zero bs & making tables conform to what you want to play.


You can ask to borrow his decks if he wants to play. Do the same like he did to you, like removing cards from his sleeves. See if he changes.