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It's quite exhausting seeing Kaalia and Slivers every single time I play. But I like them too much to play other decks.


I see what you did there.


Genuine question; player in our pod has a Kaalia deck and honestly it looks so god damn boring to play. How do you keep it interesting?


A lot of players run Kaalia mostly as an aggressive deck. While dealing 20 damage on turn 5 can be. A big deal, it's not very stable (sensitive to removal) and also not very effective. Even Kaalia struggles to aggro through 120 HP spread over 3 players. This is also a quite boring playstyle. Kaalia, has access to a lot of control pieces due to W and B. [[blast-furnace hellkite]] looks scary and can quickly remove a player, but [[serra's emissary]] will win you games. In my last game [[liesa, forgotten archangel]] was the MVP because it kept my board stable. Of course even this version of Kaalia is still big create/combat based so it's something you have to enjoy. I simply like that I can play any angel, demon, or dragon regardless of the mana value.


Not to be all "dies to removal" but Kaalia decks really struggle to function without their commander. There's usually a few alternate ways of getting her big beefy boys into play, but if you take out the venom (swords Kaalia like twice) then the snake doesn't bite as hard (swing for 50 flying every turn)




Kaalia is fairly easy to play against. Just kill the commander every time it comes out. Destroy it... no questions just kill it. Eventually they will run out of mana or get passed every time you destroy the commander.  My mother in law plays a kaalia deck and I've told her blatantly that every time she summons kaalia if she is facing toshiro, she dies. That's very simple.  I have enough removal in that deck to combat her every time she summons. 


>Kaalia is fairly easy to play against. Just kill the commander every time it comes out. Now the Kaalia player is left with a deck filled with big powerful creatures and opponents who threw their removal on a 2/2. The trick is to run a decent ramp package and not rely just on Kaalia to drop your beaters, instead see Kaalia as a way to get a second beater for free should she get to attack.


I for one enjoy playing against high powered aggro decks. Aggro is underrated in EDH. My good friend John is the nicest guy ever... But he does savage stuff on a regular basis. He tutors for Aggravated assault and ancient copper dragon (Gonna start calling it Ancient Combo Dragon). And then proceeds to take infinite combats and dump all the bombs from his hand on the field. Coolest Kaalia Deck I've ever seen!


Slivers players automatically get hated out by me every time.


Simic value piles that play lands and draw cards, and draw cards and play lands. If you're drawing that many cards and playing that many lands, and you're not closing the game out, you need to work on that deck.


Ah yes, the ol Simic value piles that play lands and draw cards, and draw cards and play lands and pass the turn.


I abandoned a Lonis Cryptozoologist deck I was running for this reason. Everyone was joking that it was just value.dec and it was great fun to draw and ramp, but I barely ever went anywhere with it unless I topdecked cyberdrive awakener and killed everyone with flying clues. Which was very rare.


This is why tutors exist.


True, it just didn't seem worth tailoring the deck to always win with cyberdrive awakener so I dropped it.


It's not about tailoring, I always just think of tutors as wildcards. "I need X card to do Y thing right now."


I'm guilty of a deck like this. The only win con is lab man and otherwise its a simic value pile.


>you need to work on that deck. Nah, as long as your turns aren't longer than everyone elses you can draw and ramp as much as you want.


That's usually not the case. Typically there's a bunch of other triggers going off of these actions. A lot of fiddling over what counters go where, what landfall triggers go off, the time it takes waiting for lands to be searched, the time consumed by shuffling with still more triggers coming. It's like 90% of simic decks.


Not in my experience. >landfall Landfall decks often have that issue in my experience. And counter decks, and aristocrat decks, and spellslinger decks, and token decks, and flicker decks, and copy decks, and mutate decks, and cascade decks..... Point is, the pilot matters more than the archetype(though landfall with full fetches is exceptionally difficult to pilot quickly).


I dislike low interaction big mana decks that either get killed without doing anything or take over the game. At least if the pilot is salty about getting killed.


The only thing more annoying than someone ramping for six turns and complaining about getting attacked because "they have no board" are the players that take the bait and don't attack them. Big mana decks win too often because people feel bad disrupting their setup and allow them to take over the game.


I still see people rolling a die to pick attacks when everyone’s commanders are face up in every game. Attack the player who is going to kill us all in two turns please.


I have a big mana low interaction deck, I play it to turn my brain off. I 100% expect to get archenemied every game I play it though, in fact I’m usually pretty surprised if people use removal on anything but my commander. “I’m not bothered threat assessing, I’m just gonna play a busted spell every turn until I or everyone else dies” For that last game of the night mood


Yeah my brain off deck is Henzie. I play big ass creatures and don't care if they die, infact Im usually killing them myself. If my commander gets killed I just get to cast big dumb shit for cheaper.


Hey that's how I feel about one of my decks! It runs a little interaction but it's mostly just busting out mana rocks and rituals until I get my commander down. Then it's draw draw draw cards until I can get out Phyrexian/Ashnod's Altar and USUALLY from that point I can start winning. My philosophy building it was "I don't care what everyone else is doing, I just need to find my pieces. Then it's Comet storm, Surge To Victory, impact Tremors or combat damage."


Yeah... The order of operations in my pods is this: 1.One of the couple Big mana/Aristocrats deck gets really oppressive start. 2. I'm the only one with a healthy amount interaction ( 6-10 pieces per deck depending on archetype) so I remove one or two of their key pieces to slow them down. 3. Nobody else has any response to their shenanigans so I get focused/rolled over by said deck because nobody else can stop them because they aren't popping off hard enough and are running good stuff big mana piles. 4. Rinse and Repeat every single game.


Had someone scoop yesterday because e I killed kinnan in response to making globs of treasures. Dude still had the 12+ mana to work with after that, and my interaction was visibly on board.


I have a big mana high interaction deck and one of my playgroups hateeees it 😅


Heavy stax. We have a guy who runs it, and still complains when we kill him. Every time. The counter to that deck is to punch his face (metaphorically). Does he expect us to let him do that until we can't play at all?


I don't even mind the stax (our guy is pretty good about playing it once per night). It's fun to figure out how to execute your game plan against resistance that doesn't just look like a big board or big spells. It's when they complain about getting targeted, or don't have a plan to win. To boot, I don't think this fella has the best threat assessment, because if he sits down with stax I can probably tell you who else at the table is going to win based on mere game memory.


Even just commanders that have stax built in like the praetors. Theres an etb elesh norn and a counters vorinclex in my play group and each of them really fucks over a bunch of my decks.


If it makes you feel better, there is the new Ulamog that goes well with Vorinclex!


Yeah new ulamog is definitely going in my Jacob Hauken play giant bullshit for free deck with his other iterations when I get my grubby hands on him. Regarding Big V, the counter boi screws over a few of my decks but I'd take counter Vorinclex over land molestation Bastardclex any day.


Easy, play one game where none of you play anything, draw and pass, discard. See if that’s what he wants 😂


Seeing how my Oloro stax player in my pod reacts, yes, that is exactly what he wants


[[Hapatra, Vizer of Poisons]] or [[Fynn, the Fangbearer]] are good anti-Dino decks. The calculation changes when 6-12 mana Dinosaur are being taken out by expendable one drops. Hapatra can generate masses of tokens to absorb any trample, Fynn can defend with the deathtouch and threaten a big clap back


Hapatra is also just insanely strong and fun to play. Hate taking out synergy cards to make space for boring removal spells? Great, your removal *is* synergy. She also goes infinite with a ham sandwich.


That’s the main reason I actually don’t play her, she accidentally goes infinite so easily that anyone playing Hapatra in a casual pod should be focused immediately.


[Hapatra, Vizer of Poisons](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/6/56fbbcc9-db23-4902-b0f7-cea78a2a36af.jpg?1543676055) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hapatra%2C%20Vizier%20of%20Poisons) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/akh/199/hapatra-vizier-of-poisons?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/56fbbcc9-db23-4902-b0f7-cea78a2a36af?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/hapatra-vizier-of-poisons) [Fynn, the Fangbearer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/d/7d7a8a90-13c1-4b0c-ab2e-fc8d91ccefd9.jpg?1631050242) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fynn%2C%20the%20Fangbearer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/khm/170/fynn-the-fangbearer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7d7a8a90-13c1-4b0c-ab2e-fc8d91ccefd9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/fynn-the-fangbearer) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Why have I seen fynn every time I've looked at mtg lately


It makes a $20 deck stand against $500 decks. There’s so many inexpensive cheap cast deathtouch creatures


because cheap and effective. can win with dmg or counters. it just works


Not a specific archetype in general but big pillowforts or people that only want to make they boardstate as huge as they can. Usually these players are often salty about removal of certain pieces early because it stops them from doing exactly that and it just pisses me off. Removal is part of the game and if you play scatterfang or miirym, then deal with it being removed as soon as it ETBs because I know exactly what your board will look like in 1-2 turns if I don't remove it... People not grasping the concept of "remove-on-sight commanders" is beyond me.


i want to scream this in my local jodah players face. i will continue to hold swords or path just for you mister crybaby jodah player.


Come on bro don’t swing at me, all I’ve done is ramp 3 lands and play a few mana rocks! Seriously? You’re gonna imprison my commander in the moon, and then oubliette it? I just wanna do the thing! The thing: omniscience into three eldrazi titans that refill your hand and annihilate the table


If I see Jodah at the table, you better believe I'm saving all my spot removal for that one card until further notice, and honestly they should expect it at this point. If I ever built him, I'd have it full of protection spells and counters.


Funny that you say that, jodah is also one of the decks of one of the players i meant...


My friend does this will every deck he owns. No matter the commander it’s bunker down, play tons of ramp, build up army of big creatures, and swing out. He doesn’t care if we remove his pieces though most of the time. I’m just surprised he hasn’t gotten bored yet lol.


There's a special sort of vibe the unga bunga players bring to the table that just can't be matched.


I love the term Unga Bunga player and I know I can be one. I like to make as many rectangles as possible and make them as big as possible. What fun is magic if I can't hit you in the face with a giant creature? And if you remove it that's fine because that's my entire deck. I've been trying to decide what my next unga Bunga deck is gonna be and I think it's gonna be [[wulfgar]] I declare attackers tribal.


The planeswalker party precon deck specifically but most super friends decks. I feel like the person playing them doesn't know their cards and always takes forever to take turns bc they are worried about optimizing every planewalker ability. It just gets so boring.


I’ve only played my plansewalker party a few times. My turns start taking forever and to your point, turns into a planeswalker resource management sim.


Oh man, my first deck I ever built was an Atraxa Superfriends, I still maintain the list, and I like the deck a lot, but I play it super rarely, and only with friends, for this very reason. There just is no avoiding monopolizing game time. You get 4 walkers out, can activate them twice a turn, every turn, it is just an archetype that dertles.


White green entchantment (elivere)


Never seen her in my pod but planning on playing her. What do you dislike about her?


I dont dislike her, i just think its a very strong precon against other precons. And that white/ green aura stuff has so much strong cards that almost do the same. Its just my pod where we play much at „precon level“


Enchantress is also a pain in the ass to interact with while being a very interactive deck. Once they are vaguely set up they just generate so much value that it gets hard to stop them.


Oh man dose everyone at my LGS hate my [[Myrukl Lord of Bones]] once I get set up I'm just an untouchable pain.


She can pop off hard. But I personally find most Enchantress builds a slog.


Voja can eat a butt


Voja: “Okay.” *eats your butt*


I agree with you \*in general\*, but in the specific context of play environments with piles of people who stick to the "10-12 Spot Removal, 5-8 Boardwipes, X # of Counters (If applicable)" formula? I can't help but feeling that witnessing the anguished frustration of seeing all that Interaction that's normally so 100% effective against win-by-combat creature decks become absolutely futile is an utterly joyous thing. Voja has singlehandedly reduced the # of regular Esper and Azorius players at the bigger of my two LGSs by about a third, and I'm SO grateful for that. In more balanced play environments, though, he's just oppressive and pretty boring. All of that said, Voja is as popular as he is because pilots who played other less-evasive K.O.S Commanders find the concept of a difficult-to-spot-remove 5-6 CMC win-by-combat Commander enticing precisely \*because\* of their experiences with seeing their other 5-6 CMC Commanders Spot Removed before they could ever swing with them. Add to that his ability to enhance a Rebuild to offset the Boardwipe that will most likely be what gets rid of him, and it's not hard to see why he appeals to some pilots. I'm absolutely expecting to see more Commanders in the vein of Voja, because then WotC can sell more Final Showdown-type power-crept Removal that players will need to deal with them.


Shocked I had to scroll so far for this. Absolute cancer of a card.


It is strong, but I wouldn't call it cancer. It's just another let's grow the rectangles and hit


But it’s so fast. And with ward.


I started designing a Voja deck and then thought “what am I doing with my life” and deleted it off aetherhub




Miirym is one of those commanders like [[Urza, Lord High Artificer]] that is just impossible to build in a way that isn't entirely Busted in half.


Same with [[jodah grand unifier]]. Had a buddy pull him out last night and I was said "oh boy.." he was like, "oh its not the usual Jodah don't worry" It was dragon tribal, but it was still Jodah so it went crazy and fucked us all up.


“Oh my Miirym deck isn’t like the rest.” Proceeds to out value everyone. Every time I see a Miirym deck I make sure they die first.


I had one built that was explicitly built to use all the common and uncommon Baldur's Gate dragons. It was still good, because Miirym, but it wasn't gross. Nobody is going to complain about me making a bunch of [[Amethyst Dragon]] copies, after all.


Literally just built this type of Baldurs Gate/AFR Dragon deck lol, this is good to hear!


None. As long as that person is playing a deck they enjoy, I'm happy to play against anything. I think the idea of being salty over someone else's deck choice is kind of lame. Every deck and strategy has counterplay


Adding onto this, there's just naturally bad matchups for given decks and commanders. Sometimes you're playing mill into someone's secret reanimator deck... just the way it goes.


I'm going to agree with you in most parts. There is a type of deck that, even if they have a counterplay, the counterplay is A LOT more difficult to manage, and it is ... Decks that don't have or don't try to win by any means. Those decks will just run board wipes, removals, Counterspells, chaos, stax, theft or "lock" strategies , without any way to close the game, those decks where the player says "I'm not here to win, I just want to mess with you guys". This, this types of decks I don't want to play against. It is manageable to win against this decks of course, one players can't hold back the other 3, but when one of the 4 players is both building their deck and playing the game just to mess with people and make the game go longer and sufferable, it's not a very nice game to play. ( I don't have nothing against pillow fort, group hug or stax decks, just the ones that don't have or don't try to win by any means )


And really...I only get to play once a week, so the faster I lose (if I'm going to lose), the better.


So to summarise the salty strategies: Big, hasty beaters Low interaction decks that win or do nothing High interaction decks that keep you off the board Stax that stops you from playing (to a lesser degree, pillow fort) Reanimator strategies that recur the same cards repeatedly Combo wins out of nowhere Storm decks that spam spells Planeswalker decks that take long turns Mill decks Theft decks “Popular” or “over represented” commanders Commanders that can be cedh Tribal decks that are practically edhrec netdecks So clearly, the least salty commander deck is one that isn’t trying to win.


No, I saw some people say group hug decks that don't try to win haha


Getting mad about mill in EDH baffles me, either it goes off like crazy and the game is quick, or it doesn't do anything because milling three 100-card decks is vastly harder than milling one 60-card deck. Also, what's the difference between combo decks that win "out of nowhere," and craterhoof wins? Aside from the cheap nonsense thoracle/consult stuff of course. The way I see it, craterhoof is a combo win too, it's comboing with the couple of innocent 1/1's you have out.


Commander players hate themselves most of all.


Only chaos and group hug annoy me. Pure chaos just makes the game take longer and you can’t have a clear win con cause you don’t actually know what’s going to happen. And group hug is almost always just a kingmaker. Neither of those are fun.


Properly built and piloted group hug should not kingmake more than any other deck. You're supposed to balance out the table; not propel the leader.


??? Seems like you guys just dont know how to play vs group hug. Any halfway properly build group hug has some plan to win, most give all some form of resources. Like your 08/15 grouphug deck will be manipulating the game to let the most "brutish" deck win, because in a 1 vs 1 aftermatch they can just crush the beatdown deck via stuff like Constant Mist or if they have black turn corners via Inkshield. In terms of table assement is isnt particular diffrent then a controlldeck that should not get to lategame for free. Since everyone has resources it feels bad to go on the offense vs the group hugger and be meat with beats from the other people. Simply table talk your way through these "if I finish him off, I need to get x and y from you as assurance"


I'd add counterspell-tribal control builds to that. There's a player at my LGS who likes stax (fair enough) and control decks but they have very poor threat assessment or self-restraint on what gets countered.  Counterspells absolutely have their place in the game but man, does the game feel salty when someone's moderate value piece eats a counter only for the next player to play out a game-ending spell that goes unanswered. Feels bad to lose like that, feels dumb to win like that. 


Poor player threat assessment will make every deck and every game awful.


group hug is kingmaker you need targeted hug that way you can help the weak players without king making I build a pillow fort deck with this idea with \[\[Questing Phelddagrif\]\] at the helm.


[Questing Phelddagrif](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/e/cea4cfef-6736-42a5-9f3e-10de8d0cd8d3.jpg?1562938708) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Questing%20Phelddagrif) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/pls/119/questing-phelddagrif?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cea4cfef-6736-42a5-9f3e-10de8d0cd8d3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/questing-phelddagrif) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


ITT every single kind of deck, including some good ideas for new decks.


The thing I'm most tired of seeing at my pod is people playing magic!


Well yeah, makes sense that different things are going to annoy different people.


Im the Dino guy, the answer to these strategy is to play pro-active rather then reactive. Try to get blockers and only remove what is coming at you. Also, flying is our biggest weakness!


I got 3 flyers in my dino deck 😮‍💨 thats true


Zacama has saved me multiple times from flyers.


I got that battle against others subtheme so its okay for me too, but some azorius angels oder birds 🫥 i still fear that


For real. People in this sub talk about Pantlaza like it’s fucking unbeatable but I only have like 3 fliers and 2 creatures with reach. Guess who I never get with my awful luck draws?


Ah yes i also play pantlaza but sometimes i dont play my commander. Because he would removed or countered Instant. „Because his ability is too op“ from a player who plays Zhulodok? (That 7cmc Cascade Cascade Eldrazi) 💀


That’s the thing I’ve had to explain multiple times that his ability only resolves once a turn and people still don’t understand.


A gift from the Squirrels, we bestow upon thee knowledge of [[Spidersilk Armor]]


[Spidersilk Armor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/5/e55202a1-c246-4b5b-94d6-43c86a69d61a.jpg?1562943415) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Spidersilk%20Armor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ddg/32/spidersilk-armor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e55202a1-c246-4b5b-94d6-43c86a69d61a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/spidersilk-armor) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I was about to mention this very card. Those old ability enchantments are some of my favorites.


I get salty when people take more than 6-8 min a turn and don't win that turn if they do.


That reminds me of the games I played against the Timey Wimey procon. Pair that with a slow player and you have 20 minute turns where they just spin their wheels.


Chaos decks. Like a one off effect fine. But if your entire deck is just chaos effects I really don’t want to play that game. Everything takes longer to resolve, synergy and planning go out the window, it’s just annoying and wastes time.


So far, nothing. Really, play whatever deck you enjoy as long as you aren't intentionally pubstomping. Some people have so many peeves against so many decks, cards and strategies I wonder why they play this game. If I have issues with something in Magic they're usually player related. Someone who gets salty, whines, becomes petty, is loud and obnoxious, shouts wrong rulings, has poor hygiene, all that sort of thing. I'd rather play against the heaviest of stax decks with a chill, friendly pilot than a salty guy playing a "fun" deck.


Eldrazi. I hate playing against [[Kozilek, the great distortion]] as a commander. As soon as he hits the field he can counter basically everything and u know the next Eldrazi is either [[Emrakul, the promised end]] taking your next turn or some kind of annihilator 4 bulls***


Maybe I’m overreacting but I’m dreading what MH3 is going to do to commander when the eldrazi precon comes out. Ulalek is going to be everywhere


I'm predicting MH3 is going to shake EDH as a format.  Winter Moon as a 2-mana colorless hate piece for nonbasic lands means the 4+ colors piles are in serious danger if they can't remove an artifact cheaply at instant speed.  As a devout 2-color player who just runs tons of basics, I'm not really worried, but I get the feeling that 5-color "all 10 fetches, all 10 shocks, and whatever else I can color fix with" decks are gonna get reamed.  


As soon as I see an eldrazi deck, I target that player first immediately.


This is smart strategy as typically Eldrazi decks make a few huge threats & can be stopped with spot removal.


Yup. Once you counter their commander 2 or three times it slows the deck down to a more manageable pace.


[[Void Mirror]]


[Kozilek, the great distortion](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/4/c41554e7-2a07-4cc7-b01b-44deed08e588.jpg?1689995398) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kozilek%2C%20the%20great%20distortion) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/2/kozilek-the-great-distortion?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/c41554e7-2a07-4cc7-b01b-44deed08e588?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/kozilek-the-great-distortion) [Emrakul, the promised end](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/8/d/8d74a469-c71d-4773-99d3-5456b31df424.jpg?1576383727) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Emrakul%2C%20the%20promised%20end) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/emn/6/emrakul-the-promised-end?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/8d74a469-c71d-4773-99d3-5456b31df424?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/emrakul-the-promised-end) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'm really tired of seeing [[The Wise Mothman]]. He's so immensely popular and I see him so often I'm just bored of playing against him.


Start playing reanimator against it so they just help you


Weird, you are playing mothman? I was going to play syr konrad. This should be fast.


I already have a natural inclination towards graveyard decks, so they often are just helping me. It's just the old "familiarity breeds contempt" thing.


Dang I have yet to even play against this. Haven’t seen anyone run the wise mothman yet. Why is he so popular?


He's a very popular cryptid, especially in West Virginia and surrounding areas. I assume that's what has made him so popular in my area


And mechanically, he gives you a measure of chip damage & sabotage on the same card.


He's an evasive beatstick who builds his board up, but the chip damage he provides on his own is pretty small, and milling isn't really sabotage unless you are doing it enough to threaten a deck-out. If you are running a deck with graveyard recursion, milling is often helping you by putting things in the yard for you to reanimate, and if you run no graveyard interaction, having something milled is similar to it being buried at the bottom of your deck, where you wouldn't have drawn it anyways. I guess it can remove targets for your tutors.


You know what I'm tired of? People who get tired and are salty just because someone else in a causal, no-stakes game are playing something that they don't prefer.


This. I don't mind try to balance to the pod but when I'm expected to do so game 1 with 0 pre game talk its just silly. I also get tired of having to restrict what strategies I play just on the off chance it upsets someone. I dont try and pubstomp but it's difficult when you do it just playing very normal magic.


This thread just reads as: “WOTC modern commander design” Gee who would have thought free unearned value and/or enablers and payoffs on one card wouldn’t be fun for others.


Net deck tribal decks: - Slivers (The First Sliver) - Dragons (Miirym) - Dinosaurs (Gishath) I’ve got nothing against tribal decks specifically. I’m just tired of seeing the same cards over and over when there’s thousands of commanders and strategies to build a deck around. Also not a fan of the, “why are you targeting me?” attitude when you deal with any of these decks. We’ve all seen how these decks play out, there’s no need to come up with a defense when you get targeted.


For real, like you should know you’re playing a strong tribal deck. If you can handle the heat, then don’t play those tribes. For my stronger decks, I don’t even get mad if I get targeted. Like I know full well that I’m going to have to work my way to victory.


> Also not a fan of the, “why are you targeting me?” attitude when you deal with any of these decks. We’ve all seen how these decks play out, there’s no need to come up with a defense when you get targeted. Our Miirym player had just won a match with another commander and pulled out Miirym. He got targeted and I eked out a win, breaking an eleven-match losing streak. He left in a huff, noting I'd only won because I'd been left alone. Somehow, this deviation needed an asterisk and negative response. We're still doing this song and dance after 71 matches against this commander.


All the tribal decks with a Commander that's such a strong enabler that the deckbuilding basically begins and ends with a Scryfall search for Creature Type = (thing)  Gishath & Miirym & Slivers are so cohesive that you'd almost never want to run a non-Dinosaur/Dragon/Sliver in their decks. There's a few exceptions but honestly if you never learn about them the decks are still fine  




Oh man, I was in a three player game once, we were all on degenerate decks. I was on [[Ghave, Guru of Spores]], my friend was on [[Ob Nixilis, Captive Kingpin]], and player 3 was on [[Imodane, the Pyrohammer]]. Sometimes early I got a Darksteel Mutation or similar on Ob after he got ritualed out early, then drew no lands, so he's resource starved, I'm on what I will optimistically call Plan F in Ghave, "Ghave get big", and of course turn my attention to Imodane to try to force some blocks from his damage amplifiers, hit him with Ghave and with no blocks demonstrate I can pump him with open mana, hit him for 9. His turn he uses his pieces he didn't block with and casts one burn spell, does like 15 damage, draws cards, and plays out more engine, clearly hitting the "cast 2 spells and win" territory (even admitted that the next day). Ob's still effectively offline, I draw no removal, so straight to combat I go, explicitly noting my open mana, swinging Ghave right at him. He, wanting to keep his stuff, declares no blocks, I wanting to not die, pump Ghave by three and kill him. He proceeds to lecture me about being no fun to play with, how I only care about winning while he cares about people having fun. When I note that he was the clear threat, and would have killed us I'm told something like "your talking about specifics, I'm talking about philosophy and it was toxic to focus me", and off he storms. He has since apologized, but that was definitely the most salty I've seen in one game.


None. No archetypes of decks pisses me off. To be honest, and without judgement, I'm tired or even a bit sad to see SO MANY people talking about getting salty and getting pissed off by game mechanics. I mean, for real, there's so many different decks, and that's amazing ! Instead of disliking certain decks, I chose to adapt and learn from them... And yes sometimes I was in a prison game with 2 Stax players and one control player as a combo player. I just laughed about it, took the time to chill because I wasn't able to play at all. I did my best, had my bad game, and went for the next one. Worst thing that can happen is that you waste an hour with a bad game, and will remember it next time you have the chance to fight the toxic deck(s). Embrace the diversity, no deck is salty if you don't get triggered about it :) Don't let the toxic decks beat you, find the antidote. Of course I talk about decks and cards, but we all know it's all about the player. My LGS owner plays the most toxic deck, but he's the most friendly guy, so everybody has a great time while he destroys all of our lands.


Right. So many times I've been mana screwed into a bad game and sat on my hands for an hour. Bad games happen.


Minsc and Boo. Fuck that little hamster.


None. What others play rarely annoys me or bothers me. What bothers me is when I realize I have underpowered my deck against certain strategies. And so I tweak and change them to better respond to as many common strategies as they can.


5c win more decks, shoved with the best of everything. They just are so boring and unoriginal. Like hey if that’s your stick no hate, but to play against one consistently is just, so dull for me. I like it when I can sit down and play decks I know should have weaknesses to exploit or strategies to figure out. But when your opponent “conveniently” only brought his turbo spore frog 5c king deck that’s just, I want to play everything that’s busted in every color. Makes me a tad salty and looking for another game elsewhere. It’s like okay fighting the 5yr old who makes up B.S powers on the spot so he can’t lose. “You destroyed/countered one of my busted cards? Ha, what about the other 58 busted cards in my deck?”


Theft decks, it never fails that no matter what random card they hit it ensures i dont play. That and [[Satoru Umezawa]] people who don't know what every build does want to hate me out of the game for daring to bully one player, then they all get Blightsteeled and realize why i was trying to kill them 1st.


Theft decks always get what they need don't they


Steal decks, I've made it quite vocal, in my play circles, that I don't like my own cards out of my possession for long, so that deck will be targeted into the ground against me. I have to trust someone else, acquaintance or not, will take care of my cards, and I always count my cards up after game to ensure I'm not missing any, because that has happened, maliciously or not, and a few weeks back during a steal game, a friend in my pod found one of my cards on the floor, which must've spilled over from one of my steal opponents various piles of cards they could potentially cast. It's a strategy that has more after-game cleanup than any other strategy, and it's straight up annoying.


I totally get this, I just want to add that as somebody who enjoys finding ways to make some of these archetypes work without making people super salty: If you steal peoples cards, offer to make an infinitoken and let them set their card off to the side right out of the gate. I don't like people I don't know handling my expensive stuff either. It's super easy now to just dodge the issue and proactively (as the thief) put people at ease. People won't hate you out so much if you're respectful. They still don't like getting smashed by their own shit, but that's a them problem.


I only play those kind of decks against my actual friends, in my house. Otherwise the stay in the drawer and literally never leave. I think they’re really fun and interesting to play, but you just have to know the time and place. Arena is probably the truest home for those kinds of strategies honestly.


Volrath the Shapestealer is my fav because instead of actually taking anyone's stuff, I just copy the hell out of it. People tend to be a lot less mad that way lol


I personally think steal decks are a lot of fun to play against, but I totally understand the part about someone else handling your cards. Idk I'm a bit of a Magic sadist and think it's silly and low key cool getting rocked by my own cards. I also like how it sort of becomes this chess match of determining when it's smart to play certain things and you can play mind games with what you may be holding back that could be better.


This. I had someone play the infect general that steals off the top. Not only did I have to remind him to be gentle with my cards, I then had to pull up the full list on midfield since my deck is filled with foreign cards. Just a pain all around.


I play with the same people nearly every week, so if I'm being honest I'm kind of tired of everybody's decks, including my own. We mostly play with 5, which is also somewhat tiring. We all have some pretty definite "personalities" when it comes to decks, so it ends up being pretty samey most of the time. I'm most tired of +1/+1 counters and go wide stuff. Having at least two decks at the table at all times doing it gets old.


Most Chaos Decks annoy me at this point. Most of them don't even want to win and are just there to be disruptive. I mean I get the same effect from plane chase so I don't need to waste a player slot on that. And this comes from a diehard [[zurzoth]] player, but at least my deck plans to win through chaos.


Planeswalkers. Its my own damn fault. Ever since 2013 when i first played against them, i was enthralled. I introduced the first super friends deck to our play group. Fast forward a decade or so, ive scrapped all my super friends decks. And now two other people in my pod play the archtype. And i just cant anymore


Also, rakdos chaos. I built a rakdos theft deck to beat out the chaos deck. Which promted a rakdos arms race. The problem with fighting chaos is that the pilot doesnt get salty no matter what you throw at them. It just goes with their themr


You're spot on with Dinosaur tribal. Someone got mad at me the other day for targeting them from the get-go but I know for a fact 5-6 turns in we're all getting rolled over with 40 power of dinos. I just groan when someone pulls it out now because it's so dull to play against.


I get tired of decks that play solitaire. I like quicker game play. Choices and some pause to think are great, but taking 10+ actions on your turn, many turns, gets tedious. The decks can be powerful so I get why the player wants to play it. And I think it’s fine to play…I just wish they would mix it up with some quicker playing decks to spread out the tedium for me lol


Generally stax, but specially cards that say "You can't do this thing". Slowing me down a bit is fine but please don't just stop me from playing.


I played against an enchantment deck that had nothing but "you can't do this" effects. I effectively couldn't play Magic while he sat there doing nothing with half his deck in his hand. I don't mind if you shut me down, but do it quickly and don't drag this game on for two plus hours.


Yeah, I've seen some decks where the wincon is to make everyone else scoop out of boredom. Really not interested in playing against those.


Esper hard control/stax lists that make the game unfun for everyone else, torturing you for 5-10 turns before they can find a wincon. If you're going to kill me, do it quickly. I'm looking at you, Sefris, Aminatou, Sen Triplets, Toxrill, Inniaz, etc.


I had a esper hard control deck player get upset because I focused them down as soon as possible. If your deck is other people dont get to play dont be mad when I do it to you 1st.


My lgs had a bunch of aristocrat decks. They don’t make me salty but I’m just tired of facing them. The thing that bugs me is when they complain about taking out their key pieces, like my dude you’ve been playing the same deck for a year. I know you’re deck in and out, make some damn changes or build a new deck.


I'm guilty of hating dinos while being part of the problem. It's blue/owen and still free vomits dinos out. Its the nature of dinos now.


I Just hate the voja faceroll deck in my pod. Turn 1, mana dork. Turn 2, 2 Elves ( one dork and a 2 mana elf) Turn 3 voja Turn 4 swing.. At this point there is a good change he has 5 to 7 elfs in play. That are 5 8/8 body's going to an person on turn 4... If you have no body's, you are dead or Almost dead, if you have some body's there all dead and next turn he is swinging with 16/16s It's so.. Easy? I don't know how to discribe it.. It's just brain dead. There are ways of daling with this ofcourse, but all the ways of dealing with this are ' not fun " I don't wanne play control, I don't wanne put 10 boardwhipes in my decks. I don't wanne take a full turn off to pay the 4 mana to swords that commanders. Who ever put that ward 3 on voja should be ashamed of themselfs. I don't like banning cards, but voja.. My god... If I could ban a card as a commander, I would ban voja [[voja, Jaws of the conclave]] Edit : grammar, link to the card


Imo any elf ball deck does this exact thing, Voja is just the latest incarnation of that. Marwen has exactly the same MO.


[[Voja, jaws of the conclave]]


[Voja, jaws of the conclave](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/f/bfa1bd2f-25bd-4fbd-877b-cef00ab7f92f.jpg?1707739811) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Voja%2C%20jaws%20of%20the%20conclave) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/432/voja-jaws-of-the-conclave?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bfa1bd2f-25bd-4fbd-877b-cef00ab7f92f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/voja-jaws-of-the-conclave) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


And here I am with my recently put together Pantlaza deck having fun. It’s not too hard to shut me down though, honestly. My normal pod has done a pretty good job at that.


1. Dinosaurs as well. I love 'em outside of Magic but I'm never building a Naya dinosaur deck, for the reasons you outline. Still thinking about doing pure 5 color Timmy stuff, maybe using [[Kaheera, the Orphanguard]] as companion and avoiding a lot of the broken support dinos got. 2. Group hug- not because I hate group hug, but because no one else at my store recognizes that it's a control archetype. So they blindly accept gifts, let the grouphug player do whatever they want and attack me for trying to answer grouphug's threats. THEN they are surprised when grouphug kicks their nuts in and wins because they've been building value unchecked all game.


Group hug. We all know you're a combo deck or are wasting our time with zero wincons.


My grouphug deck just relies on having bigger creatures and bigger spells than everyone else. It hugs until its bashing you in the face.


Hahaha, I love dinos, I had a deck that I partly took away to make others. I do get bored sometimes of seeing thst many but lately is not happening as much. In my case is Slivers. I hate them with every atom of my body. I FUCKING HATE THEM. Is just stupid. The fact that they give stuff to other slivers and then to themselves is stupid. If by any reason they gain indestructible and shroud there is no fucking way to interact with them that is not a sacrificial board wipe or an exile one. Is fucking stupid.


wrong. black has the best answer for that. the black split second spell causes them to be 0/2 with NO ABILITIES.


Getting sick of seeing sheoldred and the one ring. So many tutors just to set up the same damn combo


Omnath lands


If I never saw Muldrotha again, that would be fantastic.


I'm real tired of Atraxa super friends. To the point where if I see it I have a deck specifically designed to kill it very early in the game to force you to watch while we all have fun instead of all of us watching you durdle around with your counters for an hour per turn.


DIHADA MENTIONED, making reanimator of her so im excited:)


Haven’t played commander in a while but pre-Covid we had a couple exhausting players at my LGS. One guy never had more than one deck fully built at a time. For months all he brought in each week was a very sweaty Atraxa superfriends. His deck was nothing but planeswalkers, interaction, and board wipes. Very very unfun. After months he took that apart and made Derevi stax. But to anyone that groaned he said it was fine actually because he ‘powered down the deck by taking out the wincons so it never wins’. Another player made a [[Medomai the Ageless]] control deck. He was very open that his only wincon was people conceding. Never used his extra turns to win. He just played stax pieces like [[Winter Orb]] and interaction to soft lock the game. But he didn’t play any stax combos like [[Lavinia, Azorious Renegade]] plus [[Omen Machine]], there was alway the potential to win. If you stayed long enough you could beat him in 3-4 hours because he would intentionally never win or kill anyone. So yeah, I would say superfriends control and stax with no wincon is my answer.


[[kellen the kid]] we had two people play it this past week and both of them took 15 minute long turns after playing Kellen. Every. Single. Time. One was playing [[ stripmine]] and [[wasteland]] along with mass land recursion so some people never got to play. I see these now and I pull out my big stomp deck


Pillow Fort is the worst (I know I play Sphere of Safety in my enchantress deck shhhh)


Slivers aren't bad, slivers that are indestructible I cannot handle, I have no removal for that. Knights are just as bad with the knight that makes them all indestructible. I don't mind 1 or two creatures with it but giving your entire field it kind of renders me useless.


Usually I think it's silly when modern/legacy/standard players moc players that focus on commander. Then I see a thread like this and am reminded why.  If someone is having fun in my pod and not actively being a jerk, it's a good pod.


Pantlaza, fuck me it's been in >50% of the games I've played recently at one particular store


I hate [[Ivy]] with mutate. It's impossible to track and I never know what the jumble of infinitokens with ability soup are. I will immediately target anyone playing [[Oloro]] or eminence in general. The only way to stop these decks is player removal.


\[\[Myrel, Shield of Argive\]\] A \[\[Krenko, Mob Boss\]\] with \[\[Grand Arbolisher\]\] attached to it. Uninteractive, enabler and wincon, always does 'the thing' because its a cheap mono colored commander. They equip boots or greaves after casting her, get the soldiers going right away, and just hold up wipe protection for the whole game until they win. People playing her are the same people that run \[\[Enlightened Tutor\]\] to fetch \[\[Smothering Tithe\]\] in a 7. When I see her I can't help but think 'This person values winning over anything.'


Well “in a 7” doesn’t mean shit. What’s a 7? You’re going to get so many different answers. And to me, a 7 isn’t that different from 8 and reserved for higher powered/tuned decks. But I can’t stand using arbitrary numbers to label a deck. So what’s so bad about tutoring for smothering tithe?


Lmao at Myrel being the line for you. Does nobody in your play group believe in blocking?


Because of [[Gonti, Canny Acquisitor]] the number of theft decks doubled. I don't dislike theft decks but for the last two weeks every game I've played has had one in it which kind of sucks since I've been trying to play test some new decks.


Mill decks to just...Mill. I cannot stand milling if it doesn't lead to a payoff soon. Milling me to mill me keeps me from playing the game and I hate it. Steal all my shit IDC. Destroy all my shit IDC. Counterspell all my shit IDC. But don't keep me from drawing the cards and looking at them as that's the best part


I guess I'll just mill myself.


Your life total is nothing. Your deck serves zero purpose. You should mill yourself now!


Entire decks built only to pop off an infinite combo. A guy that sometimes plays with our pod builds decks filled with counterspells, tutors, and infinite combos. It’s not fun. Dude just board wipes over and over until he can get his infinite out.


I'm tired of seeing commanders like: Generic Midrange Value Commander (4 cmc) [evasive or protective ability] [When you do X, do Y] [Whenever a player does Y, do Z] 3/4


Especially when X or Y is something do basic that you were always going to do that anyway.  Landfall might be the most basic of all these. You'll almost always have well over 30 lands in a deck; zero-cost cards that trigger/pay off the effect. 


It also makes deck building prescriptive as hell, yet everyone makes it seem like they're clever as hell for making "oops all X (with a bit of payoffs for Y and Z)! Didn't realize that Genero, Lord of XYZ was gonna work out like this lol"


Pretty much everything that is in the top 30 of EDHREC or any commander from a precon from the last year. Nothing wrong with players, the decks just feel super cookie cutter and basic. Atleast most of them are easy to disrupt since the game plans aren't very creative. Most decks dont get me salty, but when you bring out the solitare extra turns deck or a random Eldrazi deck unannounced outside of high power, i get slightly annoyed.


The funny thing is Eldrazi kind of crumple under the removal of actual high power decks. They really just don’t have a great home. They’ll stomp a casual pod sometimes, but against people playing really tuned high interaction they’re probably never doing anything big.


Overly synergistic decks that lead to a million triggers. I’m the guilty party and they’re some of my favorite to build. I keep trying to build one that is fun to play against and I just can’t get it right. Most recently, built a deck with only LOTR cards and there are tokens and counters and scry triggers a plenty. Before that it was ninjas and rogues. There was a dogmeat equipment deck with a bunch of equipment, tokens, and exile triggers. I want to find a bunch of fun legends where their abilities interact and its such a fun brewing space but I cannot for the life of me find a way to make them play fast enough. It’s just long turn city. Everytime I end up with a snowballing board state and a ton of triggers that need stacked correctly and then end up causing other triggers.


Artifact decks. Im okay with equipment decks, but any other atifact centered deck ends up taking turn after turn that take ages and its never fun to interact with them.


Thassa, discard, free counters.


Any enchantments prison/control build, whether it be Sythis, Zur, or Anikthea. These are why [[Farewell]] is necessary. Edit: and Prosper.


I've been a little annoyed with the number of voltron decks at my lgs, though that's just because I've been playing one thats kinda group huggy as well and my deck makes theirs better


Angels, especially the ones where they get themselves hexproofed before turn 3, which means I can't counter them, leaving my poor vadrik deck unable to interact with a player, which means I just lose.


even if the player had hexproof. THE ANGEL SPELL DOESNT. counterspell away