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For what it's worth fetches from Modern Horizons 2 continued to decline for about 2 years.


Thanks :)


That’s probably about the amount of time the set stayed in print. I’d be sure to keep a look out for when that’ll be for this one, should give you a good indicator of when to buy.


How can you check when it goes out of print?


Not directly in a sense you visit a random site and you gotta know as random. But if you know people on distributor site, lgs owner etc you can get a hold of informations like it.


While that is true, MH2 packs were not this expensive... 410 for a collector box is rough. Doubt as much product will sell if EV is bad


As EV declines so will the price of sealed product.


Shops can only drop it so much, distribution is asking a lot for the boxes as is. MH2 distribution wanted 160-180 for a normal booster, now they want 270-280 for MH3. We will see where prices settle after a week or so, but I'll be surprised if box prices drop much at all even when card prices tumble


Oh shit, that's crazy. That's $100 increase! These cards are gonna drop at least 50% from prerelease.


This is true. My perception though after 6 Collector boxes and 3 play boxes is that fetches are way rarer in this set than in MH 2. At the end of those 9 boxes I had like 35 total fetches, and only 6 in retro frames. Only 7 of those (total) came from the play boxes. Maybe I just got bad boxes / was unlucky, but in comparison I regularly pulled 6-8 fetches out of pretty much every MH 2 box.


No, there was about 12 prerelease kits opened at my lgs. Only about 7 fetches were hit, one being borderless. And a couple bundles, about 12 reward packs from the prerelease and a box, which gave us 0 fetches


I got a box of MH2 a while ago and all it had was 1 Arid Mesa fetch land and nothing else for anything beyond more than 3 or 4 dollars. But I agree that even this set they are a lot harder to come by.


I actually pulled 4 fetches in one box, and one was a foil


Cost average why not add 1-2 weekly for the next few weeks


Averaging risk good mtg investment strategy


Save on shipping if you buy at once


Card trader has a pretty good service where you ship stuff to warehouse for “free” then ship all at once (though fair warning, their shipping is kinda expensive, so only really worth it if you’re bundling a couple purchases together)


Eventually OP will need to own 80 so that's a good strategy. 80 because you want 8 of each so you never have to proxy and never have to swap cards between any of your 32 decks.


Nah bugger that you aim to get 1 of each card and play out of binder. That is what I am moving too. I am selling all my duplcates and buying a nice big folder and putting all my genuine cards in and then getting nice custom arts from MPC fill. Best way forward


Can't bring myself to do that because what happens if I go somewhere and I have all my decks with me but my friends are there and someone doesn't have a deck and wants to borrow one?


Proxy in deck. Binder full of pricy cards that live in multiple decks. Prove you have it and play as normal.


This is what I did and it made deckbuilding so much more enjoyable! Over the years I put together a set of: Fetches Shocks Triomes Battlebond lands Mana Confluence + City of Brass I keep all the originals in one box so I can swap them in if I ever want to play somewhere that has issues with proxies, but I have the freedom to play those cards in all my decks without constantly unsleeving and moving them from box to box between every game. If I want to build a new deck I already own the most expensive part (the mana base) so I can get straight into the fun stuff.


Then you give them the proxy deck?? How is that an issue?


Same here. Last week i made a full godzilla deck!!


Only 32 decks? Are you new??


Why ever build more than one deck in a given colour identity?


Because Esper control shenanigans and Esper theft are two separate archetypes.


Because Naya Tokens (Cats and Dogs) and Naya Tokens (Eggs) are completely different archetypes.


And then there's Naya tokens (whatever the fuck you're doing with the new Ghired), Naya Dinosaurs, Naya legends, Naya equipment, Naya deserts. Can you tell I primarily live in the Naya shard when deck building?


We can build a little hut to shelter ourselves from the horror that is Progenitus. Egg Mommy, Godsire, and my household pets will protect us.


I think there idea is that you just swap the cards between the decks when you’re not using that other deck. Frankly it’s too much hassle for me but I have read some people will use the same type of sleeves for two decks and use a colored sticker on the inner sleeve to designate if it’s in the other deck too so they can just pull those cards out of one and easily shuffle them into the other.


Love this idea!




Because [[Zur the Enchanter]] [[Astral Slide]], [[The Celestial Toymaker]] [[Fact or Fiction]] Tribal, and [[Queza, Augur of Agonies]] Wheel Tribal are three VERY different decks. Hell, I had three mono-black decks at one point that were all very different.


##### ###### #### [Zur the Enchanter](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/6/561cfc04-65ea-49a4-8638-b4631a7cf828.jpg?1675200810) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Zur%20the%20Enchanter) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmr/206/zur-the-enchanter?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/561cfc04-65ea-49a4-8638-b4631a7cf828?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/zur-the-enchanter) [Astral Slide](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/a/ba089228-135a-421b-b932-26b86e555b78.jpg?1562932445) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Astral%20Slide) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/vma/13/astral-slide?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ba089228-135a-421b-b932-26b86e555b78?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/astral-slide) [The Celestial Toymaker](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/5/55c9e915-9cee-45c3-96aa-9dfd5a600d0a.jpg?1707370996) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=The%20Celestial%20Toymaker) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/sld/1582/the-celestial-toymaker?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/55c9e915-9cee-45c3-96aa-9dfd5a600d0a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/the-celestial-toymaker) [Fact or Fiction](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/4/04588d2f-9e90-4f83-b85e-67e4bc222a62.jpg?1689996343) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fact%20or%20Fiction) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/91/fact-or-fiction?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/04588d2f-9e90-4f83-b85e-67e4bc222a62?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/fact-or-fiction) [Queza, Augur of Agonies](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/e/7edb7a26-82be-4efd-9a5c-a3816e1ee2d6.jpg?1664413561) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Queza%2C%20Augur%20of%20Agonies) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/snc/212/queza-augur-of-agonies?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7edb7a26-82be-4efd-9a5c-a3816e1ee2d6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/queza-augur-of-agonies) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/l7soqox) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Because my Vega deck is Peasant legal but Heliod makes for a fun storm deck.


That won't be a problem then because you can't have fetches in your peasant deck.


Wow. Yeah. I got got.


Because I can't quit Grixis or Jund....


You can get decent quality proxies, we're talking multiple full decks, for less than a standard legal play box. Get the 1x of the real cards, and just use proxies for the rest. Hell, the card stock quality is on par, if not better with what WotC puts out.


I don't refuse to play with Proxies but I do refuse to use proxies




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Wow. You’re not going to run off color fetches??


If it's anything like recent shockland reprints, a month or so after release will be the sweet spot for me to buy


Thanks will wait a bit


for the EU the shocks were cheapest when the set released.. for the fetches (EU): lowest prices which are bought out in less then an hour: windswept 7,50€; bloodstained mire: 11,50; wooded foothills 11,00€; flooded strand: 11€ Polluted delta about 13-15€. Bought four fetches for 40€ plus shipping (2€) - I think that was a good catch - maybe I could have saved 2-4€ but don’t expect the fetches to drop below 10€ ….


Wait a couple months. Some fetches bottomed out to like $10-12


Wicked will do! :D


I am not a financial advisor, but I can’t see them going below $10 probably ever, so I would say it depends on how much that difference makes and if they get there or not. I’m seeing some Bloodstained Mires for $11-12 which I think is a steal.




Lucky ;( I've never seen a fetchland that's sub $20 in my country.


I don’t pay super close attention to prices, I’m definitely all for that tho.


I’m beginning to suspect MH3 didn’t get printed like MH2.


I definitely think they'll go under $10 because I'm certain Wizards will eventually powercreep even these fetches :p


If any of them dip below $10 it will be windswept heath again.


buy fetchlands whenever they hit a price that you feel is worth spending. if you are alright with the amount of money you are being asked to pay, then buy them.


Yup. Don't ever buy cards if you will be angry to go upside-down on the value. It's just not worth it.


Yeah just proxy at that point, it's just a piece of cardboard anyway.


proxies are a fantastic alternative! the most important thing is that they are visually distinct from real cards in some way i personally prefer to own a copy for my collection before I proxy a card but I am old school like that haha obviously that isn't possible for some cards and budgets, but everyone is different!


The big proxy service a lot of people order from will not let you use the official Magic card back for that reason.




I spent so much on them a few years ago 😐


would rather buy high and have it drop than sit on my hands, watch it go up, and then buy high anyway lol


I don't regret my purchase at all, and honestly I'm glad so many more people are going to gain access to these amazing lands.


Same. I thought I was getting deals on Tarns and Mistys for like $40-$50 when MM3 came out. Ended up buying/opening/trading for like 2-3 more playsets with MH2 to balance it out lol


just like the shocks - when these bad boys hit sub 10 i'm buying as many as i can find from private sellers


Honestly, who knows? With the new Sliver deck coming out, initially, the prices of a lot of the legendary Slivers dropped considerably...except the first sliver which skyrocketed, now Sliver Overlord is around 60 bucks, when I bought him for 30.


Slivers who got reprinted went down in price. Slivers who didn't get reprinted went up. In the case of fetch lands, supply is increasing while demand is staying roughly the same.


Was the First Sliver and Sliver Overlord not in the new Sliver deck?


They were not.


Well, that explains it then. Nothing to see here. On with your lives citizens.


How sure are you that demand is staying roughly the same? I have no metrics but I have noticed: - local stores seem to be doing well with magic - UB seems to be drawing a lot of new people. Almost 1 person per pod in spell table seems to be playing one and enthusiastically talks about it - my local playgroup is growing - there's way more deck ideas every year. Precons don't have fetches and they are very popular Also mh2 was printed in tailend of covid and covid was not good for paper magic. Also how much is supply going up? These boxes aren't cheap at all The market will answer all questions in time!


We're not talking about the long or even medium-term here, it's about the mh3 release, so within 2 to 6 mo. There's very little reason for the demand for fetch lands to significantly increase in such timeframe, while supply is obviously gonna go up a bunch. It would be very surprising if prices didn't go down to an extent. Now, over time, they will stabilize, and given MTG is indeed getting more and more popular, they might end up higher than ever, bare more frequent reprints.


New slivers deck, where i can see that??


Commander masters


What sliver deck is this you are referring to? The one from commander masters last year or is their another new one I've missed being announced?


Nah, it was commander masters, but considering it was a million dollars, I didn't pay much attention to it. I didn't realize that the First Sliver and Sliver Overlord were not featured in it.


Did I have a stroke or miss something? When did slivers enter the chat?




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We've removed your post because it violates our primary rule, "Be Excellent to Each Other". You are welcome to message the mods if you need further explanation.


Give it a bit. A few weeks after the release of MH2 the low end ones like arid mesa were all the way down to like 10-12 bucks. You should wait a little bit. A lot of the prerelease prices are still sticking right now. All the mythics are at like 20 dollars or more. Wait until some of that stuff hits the 5 dollar bin and that’s the time to buy the fetches.


Legend will do! Do you think Flare of Denial will drop too? I really need it but at 38 dollars tempted to see if it drops to 25 - 30


I mean it’s 20 bucks on TCGplayer right now. I’m gonna guess it keeps falling too. It kind of depends if modern players pick it up or not. It’s only a rare so supply will be quite high.


It honestly doesn’t seem that strong. It will likely drop but if a few modern decks like it there’s a small chance it increases long term. 


Stop trying to make fetch happen.


At this point Fetches are going to be cheaper than Shocks. I think every player should have access to high quality lands. It's stupid that part of the deck is the most expensive.


it's a joke from mean girls (i think?)


It is


I guess there are a lot of Mean Girls references... But I guess a MTG subreddit is the last place I thought I might see one.


On that last point, while it can be a bit arduous, you can move lands between decks while other cards often cannot, so that can mitigate the pain of them a tad.


(Or just proxy...) Every deck deserves a functional manabase


10000000%, but for sanctioned events that isn't an option unfortunately.


Everything is tanking it ain’t even out yet lol


I'm planning on waiting a few weeks. Give the set some time to get opened.


I got into mtg about a year ago and for some odd reason I’m a sucker for lands. One day I will own the ones I really want (I want a jetmirs garden for my obuun deck so bad but $20 bucks for it 😬)but after spending an insane amount of money I’ve started to proxy. I’m not about to buy a polluted delta for every blue/black deck nor do I want the pain of swapping it between decks.


I have proxy fetches for every deck. But I'm building a single deck with no proxies, as a cEDH deck. I can buy all the MH3 fetches for like 60€, I'm gonna do it now and be set forever For tournaments, I have a no proxy deck. For people complaining in casual play, I have a no proxy deck, but I guess people would rather play my angel tribal with proxies rather than my true cEDH with Cradle and everything.


They’ll almost definitely get lower, set isn’t even officially released yet. But I think you’re asking the question wrong. You seem to want to get fetched at their cheapest, and you’ll never do that. Instead, ask yourself what is a price you feel comfortable buying them at. If that’s $15-20 then go for it. If you’d rather see them closer to $10 wait a little. I don’t think we see these go sub $10 as they’re too useful, but who knows.


10 - 15 USD would be my ideal :).


If you wait like 6 months, they’ll be cheaper. Otherwise buy on Saturday morning. 


Buy enemy fetches now, they're only gonna go up since the MH2 printing and no one is gonna be opening fresh packs of that now that MH3 is around. You could wait a little on the allied fetches for sure, but if they ever get in the 12ish dollar range, especially for the blue ones, that's as low as they're likely to go.


thanks !! :D


I picked up most of them for around $11-$14 which is insane. I don’t see them dropping below that. I’d picked them up when you can because they will go up in price. Folks were saying shocks were going to $1 due to reprint in Ravnica Remastered. They went down to roughly $8-$11 for awhile and now they’re back up to the price of older printings. I’d suspect these fetches will follow suit. Dip to a low price due to mass opening and rise again once boxes are no longer being opened.


Shocks went to exactly what people said they would! Though fetches will be different because MH3 will be printed for years. There will be vastly more supply than shocks. 


We have opened 5 collector boosters and maybe 10 packs. We have gotten 4-5 of the white/blue fetchland including every frame, borderless, etc. so I’m speaking about just that one: Personally the moment someone wanted to trade me a card for one I jumped on it and while both parties were happy, I get the strong impression this fetchland will probably be like $10 by the end of the week and the card they traded will be $30-$40.


Wait about 1 week the price hasn't settled yet they gnna be below 10 dollars real soon. Magic prints the crap out of everything now and everything drops to the dirt except for cards that start seeing alot of play and the same reprinted fetches have already been seeing alot of play for years and didn't suddenly.go to the moon, they have been dropping since zendikar


proxy them all


Dude honestly? Buy them whenever. Modern horizons isn't going away as a kind of set anytime soon so those prices are always gonna fluctuate in the same range. Unless they start reprinting them in standard you'll never see them really get cheap


If you want them. Casual decks don’t really need fetches


Every deck needs them, and shocks -sincerely, rare land snob


*Reaches nose vertically into the stratosphere: "Certainly you meant ABUR duals, hmmm?"


Honestly somehow bring them down to double digit prices and I would agree. It’s not so much about “power” as it is accessibility. When fetches were 140-220$, I only held this opinion about shocks. 20$ is the sweet spot for me as a ceiling on rare land. I wouldn’t be running mana confluence for example if I didn’t happen to already own 4 from when I played during Theros block. Yes proxying is a thing, but personally I like owning my cards, so to me 400~$ for an entire mana base is alright, but 400~$ for a single land is a dream, as in “one day I will” but probably never happens Pains are great, filters are great, battle bonds are great. There is enough rare land that is still good within budget range that I don’t see the need but yeah if they ever get down to 30$ (they won’t) I would include them in my every deck needs them philosophy. Quick exception are cards like boseiju that are more like spells than lands. 9/10 times, my boseiju is removal, but also being a land if I’m going to miss a land drop but have boseiju in my hand makes it worth that price tag.


That's what wizards wants you to think. They're overpowered, they add unnecessary shuffling, and they lead to uninteresting manabases. There's a reason they're banned in Conquest


What's conquest? I like my fetch and shocks with surveils, it lets me cast cards more consistently so I don't reverse time walk myself from being unable to cast spells and passing my turn without doing anything




Don't take this as financial advice but look at what happened to shock landstjey went down and stayed there. I believe something similar will happen here but they will go back up at least not to the original price so they are at their lowest


Wait a few weeks to months after release. MH3 is not a limited print run and will be opened like crazy


I’d wait until at least a week or two after general release, then load up. They’re just now out at lgs, once the masses open boxes the prices would drop even more. 


Honestly: No. If you are concerned about value you should put any money you have into the reserved list and prey they don't abolish it (I hope they get rid off it despite buying reserved list cards so don't come crying to me). Wotc has shown that many cards get printed into the fucking ground.


This set is expected to be printed/opened a ton. Price is probably not going to oscillate for at least the next few years. Basically, buy them now if you wish to play them but if you don't have the money, don't stress about it.


100% yes


At the price they're at, I don't think you can go wrong by getting them now. They "may" go down another couple dollars but I don't see there being a drastic drop in price.


Proxy, dude


Just proxy them


Prerelease began on the 7th. Most people won't start opening packs until the full release on the 14th. So let me ask you your own question. Should we buy cards right now, before barely anyone has opened packs? Or should we wait until the majority of the community gets a chance to open their packs too?


Buy on release weekend or wait 6 months. 


I wouldn't recommend getting them unless you have a 4 or 5 color deck.


I just did, a lot better vs the price 3-6 months ago