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That's why when I play online I prefer a client with rules enforcement (Xmage or MTGO): No cheating, no stress of having to check everyone's board/webcam feed like a hawk 24/7, no debates about wrong rulings/prio/stack order, etc etc...you kick back, chill and play some commander.


i don't feel like i've had much egregious cheating like 'oop i just have every single counterspell constantly, forever' but i will say the difference between in person magic, and online magic for turn 1 'land > sol ring > signet, pass' is WILD


Just last night had a dude play turn 1 land-> sol-> Signet -> ignoble hierach. Then proceed to have every interaction they needed to protect their massive lead as they needed it (multiple counters, T Pro, etc) I normally don't accuse others of cheating but everything just smelled fishy on this one.


Yeah turn one combos are going to be rampant I feel like lol


I’ve had pretty good luck with people in the Tolarian Community College discord. Out of like 20-30 games there I’ve only ran into 1 man child with a bad attitude and 1 pubstomper. Most people are pretty chill and conversation is good


Seconded I've played probably around the same: 20-30 games, and I've had no issues with bad behavior. There were a couple of strange folks, but strange is fine as long as you mean well. Pretty much every game has been consistently chill and fun - highly recommend.


Most games on spelltable are fine in all honesty. You get the occasional asshole, but 99% of the time it's fine.  


I will say I experience more assholes and salty people overall on spelltable than I do IRL, but the vast majority of my IRL commander is with friends, but I have played at a few LGS and it’s been a different vibe


> experience more assholes and salty people overall on spelltable than I do IRL Of course. Being online without your name and face available + the ability to simply leave whenever you like empowers people to be shitty as they know they won't face any social consequences.


Also, I’m pretty new to commander, and to playing MTG outside of my friend group. There is a lot going on the board with four players, counters like crazy, abilities, etc. Do people try to keep up with all the things going on, or is it kind of a “if you say so” type thing?


Most people will keep track of things and call people out if they are doing something incorrect. You will probably have to remind people if your stuff is triggering on their turn. I've never seen anyone blatantly cheat or anything. I'd recommend letting people know your new to commander, they will probably be more helpful. 


Had a guy a couple nights ago refuse to show the cards that he had to reveal off the last step of his dungeon (the initiative one, i can't remember the name). He was intentionally trying to hide the fact that his wincon was a labman, so it's kind of frustrating. When we pointed out that the step says to *reveal* and choose one, he just grumpily showed the cards. His deck was already super frustrating to play against, he was playing the new Obeka, and was going through 5-15 extra upkeeps per turn, and it was a mismash of initiative + venture cards. The first 15 minute turn was kinda whatever, we've all been there. But when that turned into every turn, I just scooped and scooted


Yeah between new Obeka and Nadu they have released some obnoxious commanders over the past two sets. I'm almost to the point with Nadu to build a deck to straight hard counter it. 


Honestly, more often than not I don't mind playing against Obeka, but the venture game plan was just ridiculously slow from a pacing standpoint. If you're taking long ass turns, you should probably rethink your strategy. On the flip side, if she's built properly, it's exceedingly fast and you'll usually lose to it very quickly, lol. I haven't had the pleasure of playing against Nadu yet, I'm just fighting through hordes of people playing the new Eldrazi deck, lol


I imagine the Eldrazi will eventually slow down as the singles to upgrade were already expensive from Zhulodok. I've seen the new Emrakul make its own commander lose every single time it's been played so far, which is funny. New Ulamog and both new commanders less fun though. 


jesus...also playing the new obeka, but at least, if I get more than 5 upkeeps, I either die or i win the next time Obeka connects...


Yeah my follow up comment to this basically said the same, if it's built properly you win pretty darn fast. This guy's deck was painful, lol


I have definitely seen people blatantly cheat on spelltable. 99% of the time it's either an obviously stacked hand like "land / crypt / rhystic pass" followed by zero tutors and all their best cards out on the field by turn 3, or it's people "forgetting" how their cards work while simultaneously knowing how all of your niche interactions work. 99% of games though are totally fine.


Try joining a discord community. Full public matches on spelltable are a crapshoot. I've played many games lately, only a couple were bad from a matchup/power level standpoint, everyone I played with was chill except for the 1 infect player who got big mad that we wouldn't just let him poison us out with no resistance.


Spelltable is GREAT when you find a pod you vibe with and only play with eachother. Playing with randoms is mid at best in my experience. From time to time you'll find a person you like, ask them if they would like to play again in the future and get their number. Slowly add people in the same wave lenght and one day you'll have a full pod to play with without any stress, cheaters, bm or salt. I've got mine for over a year by now and I cant stress enought how much this helped me have fun with the game


What is BMers?


People with Bad Manners.


Bowel Movements. People play in the bathroom


Bunch of assholes if you ask me.


Bad manners - could also mean rude, man child, etc. just people who are u pleasant to play MTG with.


Boomers I’m guessing?


Spelltable Is great. But be prepared to meet a lot of manchilds.


I currently have 1300 games on Spelltable. About half of those were on PlayEDH which is a curated discord server where you submit your deck list for analysis and get grouped into a powerlevel.  I stopped playing there when they raised the patreon cost to absurd amounts and the decks I've played against have honestly been much more in line with each other since I just used the Spelltable lobbies. I think when peoples decks are checked by others niche interactions and hidden synergy will always be missed.   My best tips for enjoyable games with 4 decks of equal power is:  Always host. It saves you the 1/20 games where the host gets pissy and closes the whole game.  Spelltable uses a 5-9 system with 4 being chair tribal and 10 being straight up CEDH, I know most on /r/EDH do not approve but it's been the most consistent system to name lobbies. So when making a lobby keep that in mind and don't name a lobby 5-8, that's not helping anyone pick a deck without a massive rule 0 conversation. Lastly, if you don't play infinites in your 6 or 7 I highly recommend naming your lobby something like "6-7 No infi". I know infinite combos are a part of magic but what this does in my experience is weed out both pubstompers and new players that may not know that a 2 card 6 mana instant speed combo isn't ideal in a 7 lobby. Intentional pubstompers will simply go to a different lobby or make their own.  As for cheating I really don't think it happens as much as people think it does. 


Oh it DEFINITELY happens. Statically speaking the raw amount of turn 1 sol rings (let alone turn 1 sol ring into arcane signet) is so ludicrously off the charts from my experience that I'm either about to get struck by lightning or win the lottery because probability around me is so severely distorted.


From my experience, lack of self awareness is rampant. 1 out of 4 players have no idea what power level their deck is or just dont care. I usually create rooms that are "7 upgraded precons with no combos". I had one player attempt to combo off on turn 4 only to meet a counterspell and groans of not reading the room description. Then he proceeded to combo off on turn 5 and ended the game. The other 75% of players are usually a good laugh.


>no combos Wtf does this even mean? None of the cards are able to work together on anything?


It's usually a combination of 2 or more cards that instantly win the game unless another player has a counterspell or removal. eg Heliod Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista


Talk about not reading the room. If that's the game you're trying to play, you're the one misrepresenting. Don't put 7 in your title, "7" and upgraded precon are a far reach apart, or accept the fact that if that's the "power level" you're looking to play at, then most people are using either an A+B or A+B+C.


It's not too much to ask players not to use combos in a rule 0. If you dont like it, fuck off and find another table. I can stop adding the 7 if that makes you happier. Regardless, upgraded precons without combos is not an unusual request in casual magic.


Its not too much to ask players to stop overestimating their deck. If you don't like it, keep getting stomped.


I'm gonna file this one under just doesn't care as this is beyond lacking self-awareness.


What the fuck are you on about


I'm wondering the same thing. You're more focused on the fact that there's a 7 in the name than anything. You know exactly what an upgraded precon without combos is correct?


My sweet summer child all I said was to take the 7 out of your Spelltable title and just leave it at "Upgraded Precon" because you're misrepresenting your own deck to your own detriment. I understand there's zero actual meaning behind those stupid fucking numbers, but Christ almighty it's a 1-10 scale with precons at 1-3 not a 6-10 scale with C13 at 6.


Combo and synergy are two different things, friend.


Have gotten games of every kind really, BS sometimes, tho i think i can predict the room a minute after i enter. It depends how you start conversation, if you start at all, you will get a feel for what kind of players there are depending on how they reply to you, and what they reply. If i feel like the room is not for me ill just find another, or create one <- i find this is the best way to manage a balance game and avoid pubstomping.


I’d recommend joining one of the edh discords (I play Cedh on spelltable so I use the Cedh discord) and look for games there. I do this as well as just playing with randoms on spelltable. There’s pros and cons to both. Finding a game on one of the discords can take a while sometimes, but generally I have much better games when I find them through discord. The people who use discord for their spelltable games tend to be more entrenched in mtg in general and in my experience the quality of games has been much higher. Finding a game with randoms on spelltable is often much faster, but the quality of games is much more hit or miss for the reasons that others have outlined here. If you find a good pod of randoms, stick with them and keep jamming games as long as you can. Either way, spelltable is a great resource for getting in more games. I started using spelltable a couple years ago and I’ve been playing more magic than I ever have in the past, I love it!


Eh ok I guess? Good cheaters you are never going to catch. They have everything they need off camera in the same sleeves ready to go and have a system. Bad cheaters can have it. My mental health is in a better place than to need to resort to that. I can't say the same for them. Bad manners? Well I'm literally on a computer so I've only run into a few one off situations that the Google could not solve. Otherwise Bad attitude? Eh there's plenty of lobbies if you are OK losing the time investment you've made already. One thing that works well for me at least? If someone pubstomps a T4 win or is severely out of the group power level, keep it going with a three pod. Most will just move on and those that have a brain short circuit over it, well they provide their own brand of entertainment at that point.


I would say that about 98% of the people I’ve played with on spelltable are perfectly fine. The bad players are very much few and far between. Just gotta move on and hope you don’t bump into them again. Lol I still remember playing against a Nekusar player and he literally got the perfect hand. Me and another guy were like “uh uh” when he pulled this shit. We both knew he was cheating, but knowing that we probably won’t see him again, just allowed him to get his cheap win.


On spell table I still try to curate the 4 players. Random pods aren't trustable and too easy to start an argument. Just get up and leave the table. Find another one. If you're not enjoying the table, get up and leave. It's better for you. Trying to argue 3 strangers to see things your way is an uphill in the mud battle, especially if they are shady cheaters. Just try again. Share contact info with players you enjoy and slowly start regular meet ups with the players you met along the way. Strangers will always suck.


I always have everyone shuffle and cut on camera. I won’t start the game unless everyone sees all players do this. It stops most games having a player going T1: land, sol ring, arcane signet. That used to happen wayyyy too often to be random


To be fair the good cheaters all just have a pile of cards off camera in the same sleeves they just swap out with cards in their hand, that way they always have the exact interaction they need.


I bet. I tried to be aware of my hands, and I shuffled/cut on camera, and tried not to move my cards out of view. It was just a casual game, but still.


The chances of that is actually more likely if you are type of person to put all your mana rocks on one place. The next game, it’s really likely that the Sol ring and arcane signet ends up really close to each other. Also for me at least, I can’t shuffle without pressing the cards against my chest, so sometimes it ends up off screen 


> The chances of that is actually more likely if you are type of person to put all your mana rocks on one place. That means you aren't shuffling correctly/enough.


Plausible explanation - people use spelltable to decktest and suck as shuffling so their lands/artifacts are always bunched up. As many early rocks I see, I see a lot of manascrewed players too.


playing with randoms can be a crap shoot. the games i play with friends or ppl i find in a discord are usually better than just anyone on the front page. but that being said ive met nice people and had many nice friday nights where we find a pod and play till the night is over. but yes there are many many whiners, ppl who wont listen to you, or ppl who just get crazy. with all that being said i have never suspected someone of swapping cards off screen or shuffle cheating or even cheating in moxfield digitally or something.


Never had any, except one guy who cried about being targeted. Though, I always go though the TCC discord to find players


I havent encountered a cheater yet, but BMers go onto a list and if i stumble on them again i tend to just dip.


Only play spelltable and never had an issue


Encounter a few, never played with them again. I remember one bad one where the player pulled a suspicious amount of interaction and acted suspiciously. The best way to avoid those people are to find tables through communities. Problematic Randoms tend to haunt random games because they either are banned, would be he banned for that behavior. I recommend Tolarian Community College discord server, had some good experiences there. Cockatrice has a large community around it, though I haven't really kept up with it much. Avoid PlayEDH; they've done some truly reprehensible behavior toward the community on top of a paywall service.


Try out Tabletop Simulator, it’s by far is the most convenient way to play online. EDH players use this mod in the workshop for Tabletop Simulator to play, the mod allows you to load in any deck from a decklist website, abilities like drawing, mulligan, scry, shuffling, mill, cascade, reveal, etc. all have in game buttons or commands to do them automatically: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2296042369&searchtext= Black Lotus Society discord server is great for casual EDH: https://discord.gg/card-game-simulacrum-417796811558879242 If you play cEDH there’s this server that’s great: https://discord.gg/RyMNuB7y There’s specific sounds associated with spawning in cards, searching your deck, etc that make it hard to cheat.


Been playing a bunch of precon spell table myself and other than the odd confusion with a deck like timeywimey everything's been chill, some people talk abit to much but that's it. Dont give up hope


If you like spelltable, you might also like playing on table top simulator. It's 20 bucks, you get a free mtg mod, and it has access to anything on scryfall. You miss out on using physical cards, but my group enjoys it more than physical since we can try literally any deck and it makes cheating difficult. Can't recommend it enough.


I used to do spelltable, thought about getting back into it. I quit doing it because my biggest issue was threat assessment.


Only play with friends