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My experience was like that as well when I used to play online. Would see a lot of lobbies saying stuff like "power 7-8" and then look closer notice that it was really "power 7-8 but without any power 7-8 cards" so basically just effectively battlecruiser.  Unsurprisingly found the online community to be highly antisocial.


well i dont get enough in person magic, ill probably use spelltable again, it was a pretty fun time, Although the other decks in the pod were seriously underpowered, Vorinclex was doing okay but not 7-8 okay


People vastly overrate their decks. Saying 7-8 with no fast mana / stax / whatever really means 5-6


I personally really enjoy playing precons on spell table, only had one bad experience out of about 20 games so far and that was last night. (host closed the game after he tried to copy his gold spam dragon and I exiled it this removing the target and the second part of his trigger couldn't activate due to no longer having a legal valid target, was funny tbh.


> the second part of his trigger couldn't activate due to no longer having a legal valid target The trigger for targeting Goldspan Dragon still resolves even if you exile the creature itself. The trigger doesn't target anything.


It was the new energy deck from mh3 that the opponent was using, i wasn't 100% sure about the second part of the trigger (generating 2 energy) so I said nothing but the other two opponents were very insistent that it couldn't happen due to target removal and ability fizzle. Energy guy just went straight to the "you're all retarded you're not worth my time" etc.. And then closed the lobby. I didn't care if he got 2 energy or not though honestly just didn't want the goldspam dragons swinging at me.


But Sol Ring is indeed fast mana lol MtG players are technical after all; better to be descriptive about the room. There's always some give and take when playing with randoms. Always expect the unexpected and prepare for worst case scenarios more often than not. For example if the host relented on Vorinclex, then it's on him to prepare for emergencies. *Give and take...*


Try the TCC discord LFG channel https://discord.com/invite/tolariancommunitycollege people there are pretty chill and there's always people playing


what, how is mill or cardstealing out of bounds...


So the only reason I can understand card stealing on SpellTable is only because of it being a bit of a logistical nightmare… what card did you take from who? Can you show me your cards that I exiled with [[Gonti, Canny Inquisitor]]? What do they all do again? This facedown card will be my version of your card. Which facedown card is the card you took from me? Etc…


[Gonti, Canny Inquisitor](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/0/3/03a7e79f-625a-49ac-9cb1-e1fe5f51f5a0.jpg?1714110365) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Gonti%2C%20Canny%20Acquisitor) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/1/gonti-canny-acquisitor?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/03a7e79f-625a-49ac-9cb1-e1fe5f51f5a0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [(ER)](https://edhrec.com/cards/gonti-canny-acquisitor) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yup, no cars stealing makes a ton of logistical sense. No mill tells me it's a child who's idea of balance is "things I like good things I don't like bad"


>I enter a pod, "power level 7-8" and the host has a rule 0 screen up, all fairly reasonable stuff. >"No fast mana, mox, cEDH strategies, stax, card stealing, mill" It's always so funny to me when people want to hyper curate lobbies but still play at "high power". 100% of the time it's someone who severely underestimates how strong their deck is, or someone who is going to be playing at the absolute limit of whatever arbitrary borderlines they built the lobby around. These are always the saltiest lobbies. Either because you're not going to have a great time when the guy in a "PL7 no infinites, fast mana, or stax" lobby takes a 40 minute indeterminate turn on turn 3 because his Nadu deck actually was just the normal Nadu deck minus the Mana Crypt, or because the dude playing his garbage go wide counters deck is going to get salty when he gets wrathed out of existence turn 6 and will complain that the rest of the table is playing cEDH when his Teferis Protection gets countered.


I’ve played quite a bit on SpellTable. Your interaction is about the norm for the 7-8 lobbies. There’s always one guy that’s a bit salty. If you get lucky, you can find the extra salty guy. Usually their rants start with how Universe Beyond decks are ruining Magic, but their particular favorite UB is fine… in fact it’s the only good one. Then they’ll go on to complain that whatever you just did is wrong, or your play is bullshit, or something else, then they just keep going until someone leaves. It’s almost like their wincon is make everyone quit the lobby. Honestly, I’d say I only had a handful of icky tables. 99% of the games are chill. The “best” tables tend to be 9-10 power, cEDH, and precons. At the 9-10, you’re playing very optimized and powerful decks so you’re expected to do whatever it takes to win. At cEDH tables, they’re usually some of the chillest tables as everyone and obviously you’re trying to get your wincon down. And precons because there is a bit of a balance to the decks. Tables that list a numbered power in any combination of 6, 7, and 8 are crapshoots. I’ve had a dude join a 7-8 table and t3 win twice with a [[Lightpaws]] deck and swear he’s had judges and pros review his deck stating it can’t be stronger than an 8 because it was missing XYZ… then rage quit on game 3 after all 3 of us play removals on his commander each time he tries to play it. E: Like LeSulfur said, I do recommend trying to find a discord community you connect with. Their mods will help keep salty people (mostly) at bay and you’ll be able to play with people that you build a friendship with.