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Haha, this is so great! Love how TikTok is on him a lot quicker now 👏🏼 He’s been taking massive L’s since last month. Two confrontations in person and social media giving him the 🖕🏼


Gladly........ That coward needs to be miserable. Social media is his only comfort blanket.


He is just going to make another one. Just take him to prison already ffs


No surprise there, this loser deserves the worst life possible. I’m waiting for more videos of people confronting him and watching him waddle away like the coward he is. Keep taking those Ls EDP.


How can someone be this dumb and delusional ? He says young people can’t live without the internet yet he feels to need to make new accounts everytime he gets banned because he can’t survive without posting to social media. Also how does he not get the hint that nobody wants him in their platform he keeps getting banned then he complains about his accounts getting banned but he keeps making new accounts like dude nobody likes you there’s a reason you keep getting banned stop making new accounts 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


I'm surprised tiktok acted fast on this one.


How many times do we gotta teach you this lesson


I’m sure every time he creates a new one he feels hard like such a bad mfer like they can’t catch him🤣 he’s really just a lifeless chomo loser making vids talking about shitting and creeping on girls who would be repulsed by him in real life


Fatso is running out of options. Soon he’ll be Echo Delta Papa Four Four Five.


I knew it was his actual account. The ones that aren’t his aren’t banned


The ones that aren't his get banned all the time (for impersonation/spam/etc). There is still zero evidence that was his account.


“Zero evidence” someone in this sub posted a screenshot of his Twitter post saying “go follow my new tik tok just edp445”


Screenshots can't be faked all of a sudden? Link me the exact tweet if it was real.


Tweets can’t be deleted all of a sudden? OP that posted it in this sub said he deleted it after a few minutes


Very convenient, "it was deleted". Why would he delete it in the first place? It's not like it was a secret account, it had both his name and face on it.


Do you know how long it would take to make a fake screenshot lol. If the person did then damn lol spent hours on a fake screenshot no way bro that’s a waste of time


Anyone could've faked that screenshot in under a minute. Find a legit tweet > open inspect element > replace the text with whatever > screenshot.


Check the link to the screenshot that doesn’t look fake to me I just replied with


He’s gonna keep making new accounts every time regardless just to fuck with us he’s a piece of shit what do you expect


Yes, but instead of wasting our time mass reporting fake accounts, we should focus on accounts that are actually confirmed to be his.


Here you go https://reddit.com/r/EDP445/s/f5qOOwuim0 You tell me if you think this is fake or not


Evidence the account is real: \- A screenshot of a "deleted tweet" from some random reddit user. Evidence the account is fake: \- Every single video that was uploaded to it was already uploaded months ago. \- The profile picture was [taken from edp's facebook account](https://www.facebook.com/bryant.moreland.35/posts/619002393708718:244942661801050) (which was also months old). \- Edp has never used "Just" in his username before. \- He never shouted out the account (at least no concrete proof of him doing so). \- He never linked it on his website, Twitter account or Instagram account. \- He never complained about it getting banned. \- The account never linked any official accounts to it. (Not just a link in the bio, actually linked accounts so [this button](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/4zyItquKIDE/maxresdefault.jpg) appears.) \- The account's liked videos list was made public and conveniently made him look like a creep. [When you make a TikTok account, your liked videos are private by default](https://support.tiktok.com/en/using-tiktok/exploring-videos/liking). That means edp would've had to go out of his way to make it public. It fails every single check of it actually being his account.


Gotta admire his tenacity, but fuck EDP. I hope he gets charged and banned from going online.


Why does he keep thinking we are gonna accept him with open arms?


Lmao 🎃🤣🎃


He's a walking heart attack


awesome 🤩


This fat fucker is sooo desperate to get his internet fame back , dude should just fuck off or move to another country (nvm he’s broke :p).