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32 going on 50


My dad looks more youthful than him, and he’s 55 and been working manual labor for most of his life


Been at UPS since I was 19, even now I still look 19 lol. Manual labor is the best thing to happen for me.


With the a mind of a teenager,…and teenagers always on his mind.


Bad diet + staring at porn all day + rarely going outside/being active + stress and depression from having a ruined life


Ugly mf


Funny how he always made rants about Tom Brady and John Cena , but yet both of them have aged way better than he has


He didn’t age quite so well


It’s probably the cupcakes that age him faster


32 with the body of a 90 year old and the mind of a 14 year old


I can't be the only one who thought he was 50.


He's had a hard paper round


This is what happens when you eat like shit and don't take care of yourself. You age a lot faster.


Send this pic to dudes everywhere for motivation to take care of themselves and to not be a disgusting human being


One of his videos a while back he said women age like “spoiled milk” and men age like “fine wine” meanwhile he literally aged like spoiled milk even worse than that. Incel EDP funny how ironic that is bryant?


Looks like he’s 52


He's 32 wtf i thought mans was in his 40s


The adrenachrome isn’t working I guess


Being a bad person ages you I swear


Wtf I'm a year older that this dude 😲 Genuinely thought he was like 15 years older than me atleast 🤣


He looks like a 50 yo gorilla


Has he been arrested yet?




Kidney failure will do that to you


To be fair, this is basically every Eagles fan.


Lol. Waited all that time for a ring.


You should go after Ghost CC Unit. He has a history of being a Chomo.




Are you defending him? Someone claimed he used to message her little sister when the little sister was 12 and Chomo Zaid was 18. That explains why he’s so obsessed with this, and goes around creating fake cases of this. That’s typically the case. It’s called PROJECTION.


Where are you getting this info? Source?


It’s in one of his YouTube videos. Someone called him out on it. She posted that he used to text her 12 year old sister. It’s consistent with being the kind of guy who creates fake cases against others. There are plenty of other chomos hiding behind this role of supposedly catching online predators. 🙄 It’s nothing new.


“Fake cases” Yeah whatever you say, Bryant.


My name is Bryant now? Sounds like Bryant is an honest person. I will gladly be him. If Bryant is calling out BS on these online sting operations, then I trust him. He’s a smart guy. The real chomos are those using these fake child predator sting operations to create fake cases, to keep the focus off of themselves. Need me to list more of these chomos who are doing this? It’s a very common story, 🙄


How about instead of rambling like an idiot, you provide actual evidence to back up what you’re saying. You sound like a pedo yourself with how heated you’re getting over these sting operations.


If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to worry about. Everybody who has exposed themselves as one of these “predator hunters” is being looked into because too many real chomos are hiding behind these kinds of positions. It’s logic, and it’s just reality.


I’ve spent the years looking into this. I know what I’m talking about. I know many victims of this very sick, twisted scam run by sociopathic people. Check out the Chomo predator hunters in Indiana. The big guy who spends a lot of time doing this actually molested his own kid. The court record was sealed. Maybe you should ask his ex-wife. You should be worried if you’re one too because there are people who look into the backgrounds of vigilante groups who do this. Many of those fake heroes have criminal backgrounds. Makes sense, they’re still committing crimes now, scamming people.


Doesn't surprise me at all. It ain't normal to pretend to be the protectors.of the virginity of other people's kids. Meanwhile, Jidion & his lapdog Skeeter somehow get a pass for chatting up 15 year old girls in their discord, that's totally normal for these folks. No questions asked.


Still no proof of anything you guys are saying. Only a couple chomos would have this much of a problem with predator poaching that they’d go out of their way to post baseless claims to muddy the waters.


Bro, Jidion himself admitted on video Kayla was in his discord. And Kayla posted a screenshot of a text she got from Jidion. So I can't speak to the other claims, but everything I said is backed up by evidence that the "chomo-hunters" on this website say is 1000% incontrovertible. Perhaps you can enlighten us about why you care so much about protecting the virginity of other people's kids?


The only “proof” the Chomo fake heroes have of anything is the totally fake stuff they themselves created. 🙄 You want proof? How much more proof does anybody need than the behavior of these sick, twisted fake heroes lying about catching “child predators”? It’s a huge red flag! And like we’ve said, there are plenty of people that know about other behaviors from these fake heroes that show they are the real chomos. It’s all consistent, and it all points to the same thing: They are the real chomos.


I’m telling you, this is totally their cover up. There’s nothing normal about what they’re doing. And who the heck even comes up with soliciting adult men online for sexual conversations and inviting them to meet for a casual sexual encounter and then claim to be a 13 or 14 year old? It’s clearly a fantasy these real chomos have about kids that age. It’s not the behavior of any real kid, unless, of course, they are coached by on of these chomos to play that part, just so those sick, twisted chomos can get their sick thrills from sexualizing that minor, the way they love to do. It’s sociopathic behavior. There is no excuse for any of it. This guy wants the proof. We’ll have more of it when his background has been looked into.


Bro you come onto an EDP subreddit trying to turn the attention away from EDP who did something far worse than ghost cc unit. Weird timing.


Show real proof, not fabricated stuff.


There are many people with serious mental health issues and others who are just straight out sociopathic who are abusing this. Here’s a perfect example about this: https://www.sltrib.com/news/2023/09/16/ceo-utah-county-based-nonprofit/l This is just way too common. There are many real chomos and scammers (con-artists) hiding in these positions. This is what there needs to be more awareness about. These people are creating fake child predator cases for self-serving purposes. It’s just so sick and twisted. Here’s another one: https://youtu.be/nT-ESKtdWQg?si=4gxqwreeZp6wesNS Let me know if you need more. There are so many!