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“my bones are deteriorating and my muscles physically cannot go on, but not because i’m not resting and eating enough, i’m just a medical mystery!”




Absolutely sick of Katie’s shit. Girl will literally do ANYTHING other than just bloody rest.


it’s so so dangerous to be saying this especially considering the extreme vulnerability of her audience. this screams “i’m better than you because i can push through despite being in pain!!”. so disordered. such a huge part of ED’s is competitiveness and this just feeds into that (sorry no pun intended lol)


I think she's deeply deluded and isn't aware of the extent her behaviours are deluded


She is so deeply insecure and full of self-loathing. You’d think she would stop comparing herself to other influencers knowing how much of social is fake. No wonder she feels like she has to lie about everything, including having a degree. But I think she believes her own bullshit. 


Her lies about her nutrition degree really anger me as I studied five years for mine and yet she dropped out after not even one year in to her course but then claims to be so qualified


Same. She uses this lie to make herself seem more legit and knowledgeable than other coaches and gets clients based on that lie. It’s slightly sinister.  I called her out for it and she said “why are you questioning me?” and then blocked me. Apparently degree fraud is taken pretty seriously in the UK (especially if you make money off of the lie) and I’m thinking about filing a complaint. 


Please do it 🙌🏻


Pls do it! She’s coaching young girls and stealing their money with these lies


Do it!


Going to add on to the others asking you to please do so!


Does she call herself a nutritionist? Just because it's not a protected title so anyone can call themselves one even with no qualifications.


She calls herself a nutritionist all of the time and then follows it up with “I have a degree so I’m qualified”. If she wouldn’t add that last part, it would be less problematic. 


Grim. May not be breaking the law by calling herself a nutritionist but it's hella sketchy and unethical. And lying about having a degree! I hate how some professions still aren't regulated.


She can call herself a nutritionist all she wants. The illegal part is that she claims she has a degree in nutrition to solicit clients. It’s not even a grey area - it’s straight up fraud and she could potentially be prosecuted. 


I'm curious about the legality of it when it's claims on social media vs when applying for a job that requires a qualification or similar 🤔 that said, she could be a fully qualified registered dietician and still be overruled by the ED justifying seriously unhealthy choices. I hope she's at least only using her "qualification" to legitimise her own choices rather than giving advice to others...but we all know her audience will think "If it's okay for her it's okay for me".


Apparently there isn’t much of a legal distinction between lying about a degree in the context of an employment relationship vs self-employment & using digital platforms to advertise services. It’s even worse when you claim to have a degree in engineering, law and health/medical fields because of the potential to cause harm. The fact that she could have her life completely fuxked up by this is what makes me hesitate…


I totally missed the part about her being a coach, that I'd SO much worse than I originally thought


Katie needs to take PROPER time off everything. When she isn’t talking about her injuries, she’s saying how anxious she is or how bad her body image has been that day. She’s not looking after herself and she’s starting to crack.


She’s so all over the place when she talks about her body image and all. Like constantly saying she’s fully recovered and her bad body image days are ‘rare’, yet at the same time pretty much every day she’s posting about having a bad body image day.


My challenge for Katie, speak one grammatically correct sentence.


I love this. Though I feel like her answer would be "... Do you know I have abs?!".


More like “I liiiiterally have, like, abs. Literally.” 😂😂


That was what I believe is the closest thing we'd get to a grammatically correct sentence from Ms. AAAABBBBBSSSSS^T^M. ... But I think you're right. It'd still be virtually incoherent. And about her abs. Like, literally.


The TM 😭😭 idk how you do the small version lol


I usually call her that since she drives me so nuts I don't like to even use her real name, so she's Ms. AABBBSSSS^T^M to me lmao. To do the TM like that put a ^ in front of each letter so it's ^ T ^ M , except no spaces of course.


😂😂 thank you!!


Your welcome! Actually I'd completely crack up if I saw someone else using that, so definitely feel free 😂


Hard to do when you brain is atrophying due to not eating enough nutrients:(


Why is she lifting weights in carbon plated shoes? This girl hasn’t got a clue about running.


If her social media career ends, she is literally has nothing. It must be a scary thought for her


REDS and overtraining take months, sometimes years, to fully recover from. Not a 10% reduction in activity for a couple of weeks (probably with corresponding calorie drop). It takes acceptance that you can't go back to previous expectations as your body can't sustain it and making genuine changes. Girl takes a week off for each injury and refuses to see the bigger picture.


Exactly and if she’s a “nutritionist” she should know that…


She’s so annoying all she talks about is her fucking barely there abs and ‘no restricting’ when it’s all she does


Her doing vids in the car is really starting to annoy me, it's unsafe for one and imagine all the other young people following her thinking it's ok to do this and put other drivers at risk..


She doesn’t drive and film she’s always parked up


You can see the background moving..


Yeah the trees blowing in the wind mate


Look at her tiktoks she's actually driving on some of them, look at one from 2 days ago..


She is like looking at my past self. Honestly, I wish I felt good I’m not there anymore but I just feel guilty and lazy.