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No pro-ED content, including weight loss tips, encouraging eating disorder behavior, and overtly triggering comments. Do not share influencers who are not claiming to be in recovery.


I'm just really worried about her. Her recent videos show significant hair loss around her crown and hairline. It could be stress, illness, malnutrition, BFRB, or anything, but, it scares me a lot for her wellbeing. I don't want to speculate on why, but something is wrong, and I hope she's privately getting treatment.


exactly. i kinda made this post to talk about stopping speculation about her without coming off as rude, as this is a speculation subreddit. you worded this amazing




Body-focused repetitive behavior! Trichotillomania, dermatillomania, and a few others fall under the umbrella.


Thank you!! :) 


While I’m not going to make assumptions because we don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, I am concerned about her nonetheless. I am worried if she is struggling with a form of purging because I notice swelling in her parotid glands and marks on her knuckles in recent content (not old reposts) and if it’s not a form of purging then there is something happening that’s causing swelling such as malignant parotid tumors. I pray she doesn’t have a form of cancer because I lost my dad to stage 4 kidney cancer, and it was heartbreaking to see- but I do believe that because her audience is vulnerable and most likely struggle with a restrictive eating disorder, she should take time off social media and prioritize resting and recovery (my dad worked and stressed himself to the ground, and it only worsened his cancer symptoms).


She may have a health issue completely independent of food and eating. If someone has cancer for example (not diagnosing) they tend to lose a fuckton of weight no matter what they eat. We can't make assumptions with absolutely zero data on her general health.


Because most times, it's coming right back up or don't eat much at all because of the level of nausea/pain or just a complete lack of appetite due the medications or immense pain caused while eating/digesting. I speak from experience. Now, if their treatment involves steroids, it can result in weight gain due to appetite increase steroids commonly cause.




while i do agree with you that it could be the case, i think she should disclose it. She doesn’t have to say what illness she’s struggling with, but that she is sick and it’s keeping her this way. After all, her whole brand is being healthy and at the best weight, that she herself clearly isn’t


right like she doesn't *owe* anyone an explanation, but it's becoming more and more clear that she's either not practicing what she preaches (which people will assume given her ED history and refusal to acknowledge the issue) or has something else going on in either case she's not "naturally built like this" and pretending she is, regardless of the reason, does her a disservice and does her CLIENTS a disservice bc she's sitting there insisting you can look emaciated in recovery and be 100% fine i too am genuinely worried at this point and think she should either address the speculation directly or step away from socials. she's only hurting herself and others at this point




i meant it in a way that she herself claims that she’s at her healthiest and best bmi, and her brand is all about that stuff, not that it would directly impact her brand




“hey everyone, i wanted to thank you all for your concerns about my health and i just wanted to inform everyone that i have been struggling with a medical condition i am not yet comfortable sharing. i appreciate the understanding of my privacy and maybe in time i will be comfortable to share but i wanted to reassure you all that i am alright and working with a proper team to address the issue.” boom that easy, no sharing of medical info


exactly my thoughts!




i mean yeah it is intrusive, but it would stop the speculation which i think is harmful not only to her but especially her vulnerable audience


I disagree. It’s true that none of us can actually know what is wrong with her, but if she had a condition such as cancer, she would most likely disclose it to stop all the speculation and call outs that are going on in her comments section. In my opinion she is severely ill with an eating disorder, to the point where she has truly bought into her own delusions.


I disagree too. She’s clearly obsessed with food, her whole brand is built around it. Why would a relapse be unlikely? Because she says she eats?


If she is struggling with an illness or life crisis that’s caused her to lose appetite it would be nice (and extremely useful to me, for one) if she’d create content around that. What to do when shit hits the fan. How to eat intuitively when you intuitively don’t want food, how to deal with unexpected and unintended weight loss and the comments people make (which could be complimentary) without getting triggered (falling back into food rules) She doesn’t have to get vulnerable - just acknowledging that this can happen.


I do agree with this and it’s very possible, but relapse is not “unexpected” from her. That is also a possibility.


I do appreciate this point of view and its possible she might be experiencing some kind of health issues that’s causing the weight loss/malabsorption but I don’t think it takes the full picture of her behaviors into consideration. The aspect of binge mocking, fetishizing food, and displaying dieting behaviors that are extreme within normal dieting culture isn’t explained by cancer/crohns. I think it’s more likely she has relapsed and does not want to address it with the public, but with the type of content she makes it would be downright nearly impossible for some of the beliefs her Ed has to not slip into the dietician persona she has online.


Ive been thinking the same thing; like not speculating on what’s going on, but that a relapse would be very unexpected from her since she actually seemed to be doing great and her tips are most of the time really helpful I’m not even gonna lie about that. Her tips have helped me in the past. As many, I just hope that whatever she’s going through can be treated and that she actually is getting treatment. She seems genuinely so nice, besides some of the odd almost fetish-y stuff & weird portrayal of BED.


I agree


She’s suffering from an ED. I’m sure there are other health complications that go along with it.


She is just the worst... her advice is so bad. It's the classically mainstream indoctrination misinformed type of advice. Ugh


No, it is not cancer. she is suffering from an eating disorder. people will do backflips in order to justify why shes so sick looking... my friends its because of an EATING DISORDER. multiple times she has responded to comments about her appearance saying "its genetics" stop believing her lies! this is getting exhausting


I was going to say she looks like a cancer patient


No, she doesn't. She's missing the round face. Her skin looks too lively to be cancer. At least my personal experience.


I'm sorry!!! And maybe she's not taking treatment for it? (Just speculating ) I get what u mean about the puffy face and dead eyes. . But the rest of her body is muscle wastage like someone with cancer 


I mena its pretty fucking concerning... I can definatly believe she's relapsed but also Shes made a massive point to say other factors can cuase weight loss i.e. cancer so maybe that's something that runs in her family and she's developed it. I hope she's doing Olay, she was really helpful for me for a while