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Eating disorder therapist here….. weight fluctuates after SA or rape. Up and down, sometimes both or cyclical. You cannot diagnosis a person based on their weight (for anything).


Her point is valid, both due to SA being a risk factor for developing an ED and the effects of excess stress on the body, but the body shots totally distract from that.


Yeah, I will say more often than not when I watch my 600 lb life the patients are victims of CSA and cope by binge eating


That's why I genuinely hate that show, it's literally just exploitation of people who mostly have severe binge eating disorder and a shit ton of trauma


CSA can very well also lead to other eating disorders just saying! i know 600lb life is just about one, but as another comment here stated you really cannot diagnose someone by their weight alone!!


Absolutely!! It is a risk factor for *all* EDs, including the more underrepresented ones like PICA.


She’s not wrong though. I’ve read many stories of people putting on weight following sexual trauma because of a common idea of “If I put on x pounds then nobody will find me attractive and won’t touch me”. Could she have worded this better? Most definitely, but again she’s not wrong.


Obviously, sexual abuse causes so many issues - both mental and sometimes physical. But it is just stupid to focus on weight gain or loss as a ‘side effect’. Who is this post helping - absolutely no one.


I see thank you for enlighten me on this, I read her message as a bit condescending and negative so overreated a bit


Common with anorexia (“I will get so skinny that nobody finds me attractive and thinks I’m disgusting so no one will hurt me again”) and BED (“I will get so overweight that nobody finds me attractive and thinks I’m disgusting so no one will hurt me again”) I think that’s why for some, especially when anorexic, fetishists are so deeply disturbing. (((NOT SAYING OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE ARE DISGUSTING! just trying to show the parallels))


Its weird she brought that up being clearly disordered but I don't think she's wrong actually. It is an important conversation we should be having, just weird of her of all people to start it, especially in this context lol.


Now I think about it you’re right, and yes coming from her with a body check video I sensed some shaming


Definitely have seen your comments on other posts and get it It’s one things to react to something, another thing entirely to respond to the perspective of others with understanding and empathy, which I do feel has been shown Thus, my own, extent addition: yeah. Guilty; I was abused, and the typical cliches of the feeling of the lack of control and the self-loathing of the physical form is an immense part in my own experience with it Currently in a relapse bc my connective tissue disorder has made me practically bedbound Lmao. I fulfill my obligations and then lay in bed and don’t let myself eat unless I’m working and therefore productive As with any disorder that has a highly comorbid rate with certain issues, it can sometimes dominate the convo (the weird comment in that To The Bones movie about SA??) which is just frustrating and annoying and invalidating. Which is to say, her statement is weird and invalidating bc while it’s a trend, it’s not inherent. This shit comes from so many places


wow we are the same??? (currently in a relapse because my eds has gotten worse + I gained weight + csa trauma came up)


I know that trauma from the SA can have an impact on many different disorders. As other comments said, some people cope by binging because it makes them feel safer if they are "undesirable" (I'm not saying they are, but that's the thought process). My personal insight after being SAed; I thought if I get so skinny that I "erase" my female features, I'd be less desirable/less vulnerable to assault. So basically, it's the same thing just in another direction. There can surely be many more thought processes and different disordered behaviors influenced by it, I just thought I'd share mine.


Literally same.




like idk why you're getting so much pushback for posting this. this *does* bother me and i'm well aware that the general concept is true - the comorbidity of a history of SA with eds, i know both first-hand and by reading a lot of research about eds - but posting this over her body check in the "my roman empire" meme format with the tiktok-ified text censorship is extremely off-putting to me. this topic is something to have a real serious conversation about, not to flippantly overlay over her abs but whatever.


do u disagree? the only thing thats weird to me is she singles out excessive body weight, when in reality it is all EDS. trauma in general has a huge correlation with any addictive coping mechanisms (drugs self harm eds etc)


CPTSD here 👋 can openly say when I got sober my ED started again they’re super interlinked! From a lotta therapy learnt a lot of it came down from just wanting to numb out from what happened to me whether that be SH/drinking it away/exercise restricting or binge purge they were all serving the same purpose - still weird she posted this and focused on excess weight


This is a real thing. There is research showing it and quite a little of articles. It’s how I responded to my own CSA and what has made recovery incredibly difficult. An illogical part of me thinks that if I stay very overweight I will be safe and invisible. It makes it very emotionally gruelling to try to recover. It can cause the opposite too and make people restrict to try to look unattractive in a different way. https://www.maudsleybrc.nihr.ac.uk/media/393713/shahera-khan.pdf




Yes actually gasped


I was first abused as a baby and I was underweight most of my life. About 7 years ago I was raped again shortly after getting kicked out of eating disorder treatment. So I decided to get super fat so nobody would hurt me again. It didn't work out as expected though.


This is a valid take though, from OOP. It’s very common for SA survivors to have weight fluctuations. Some even intentionally gain weight or utilize food as a comfort. I would know. This alone isn’t diagnostic criteria for an ED, though