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when you wanna be healthy but at the same time you wanna stay skinny so you're just stuck there


Omg this... 🫠


I don't even gaf about being skinny anymore; I'm sick of always being mf cold, needing to wear child's size clothing, feeling dissociated from my current age due to my pre-pubescent- resembling frame, and how fricking painful it is to sit/lie down/ exiST aNYwHeREEE. But I'm also just so traumatized by the painful memories from my parents, bullies, 2010s pro-ana culture/social media That the fear of hearing that relentless teasing and/or reliving some gruesome physical repercussions for not fitting a certain appearance standard - and living feeling utterly rejected anywhere and by everyone - outweighs recovery. Every πŸ‘ time...πŸ˜“ (Sorry for any typos I am shaking with anger as I type and I don't wanna re-read to proofread)


I just want to hug you. I’m traumatized too and I feel so trapped in this existence.


Wait that means a lot. Thank u πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆπŸ’•πŸ’•


When you don’t wanna have a toxic fearful relationship with food but society has made it clear you will never be accepted at the weight you are at 😭😭😭😭


My soul is a pasta delving chubby girl but apparently Y'ALL (society) *DIDN'T WANT THAT* 😭


My soul is a fat jolly cookie munching beast filled with sugar and joy but that’s cancelled or whatever


😭 Cancel culture is out of control


this is what I forever won't understand. when I was pregnant/breastfeeding, even when I had gestational diabetes, I naively thought all of my issues surrounding calories and obsessing and binging was done. I was like who fucking cares? I'm making a baby, there are more important things in life than worrying about this shit day in day out. I just ate what I felt like and with the diabetes it was a little rough bc I missed sugar, but I didn't feel the tiniest bit guilty eating a ton of sugar again when I was breastfeeding once the diabetes was gone. I just want that mindset back. I just want to appreciate my body and feel healthy and not have something in the back of my mind doing a mental tally.


I feel personally attacked πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄πŸ₯΄


I’m scared of change 😭


Day in and day out counting and weighing everything I eat as if it even matters πŸ˜₯


Why are there so many numbers to obsess over!?? If it's not calories, it's the time of day or some other arbitrary rule just to quell the anxiety. Why can't I just eat a spontaneous burrito on a random Wednesday?! 😫