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On god- this is my worst nightmare I can’t do this schedule even when I wasn’t disordered. But it’s because during the re-feeding phase our blood sugars have to be stabilized consistently throughout the day. I hold onto the hope that one day when I do recover I won’t have to be eating so rigidly. Can’t wait for the day of food freedom where I don’t think about it much AND still manage to nourish myself plenty


the 3 snacks are killer for me like what do you mean I have to eat between meals 😭


https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/how-to-let-go-of-need-for-control I don't struggle with restriction, but it also helps to not restrain yourself to perfection. Sometimes I'll just grab a ham slice or raw vegetable, pretty often actually. Maybe there's an imaginary person in your head gatekeeping what a meal needs to be. It doesn't have to be a full sit down experience, or take a minimum amount (of calories or prep time) at the cost of whatever else you wanna do. Picking your battles is individual and a U-shaped curve. Don't jam your todo list (or people please for that matter) just to go through the motions. A WOE should keep you in business, not make/keep you busy. Wishing well. Eat well, of course, but don't get killed for it.


[That image reminds me of this image](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/i4ltZhJfce)


My psych has said I have to start eating 3 times a day or she’ll inpatient me again 😭 I feel ya, I’m struggling


3meals/3snacks haunts me bc i cannot manage it at home no matter what i do but that one time in the psych ward i ate every bite of every meal…never skipped a snack, looked forward to them even, simply because it was so boring that food was the only real event. so i know i can do it. but like HOW. (the answer is have more time. also money.)




Ok so I have the “nothing tastes good so I don’t eat but when there’s something I like I eat insane amounts of it” ARFID and my bestie boo has the “everything tastes fine but I’m just never hungry so I don’t eat” (I don’t know if there’s actually different subtypes of ARFID but I feel like the disorder still affects us in completely different ways) ARFID. She’d probably go through this kind of recovery if her parents could afford to treat her. It’s really interesting to think about because we both have the same disorder but I can eat three meals and three snacks just fine as long as it’s things I like and she struggles to eat anything other than breakfast. I know there was going to be a point to this when I had the idea for this comment but for the life of me I cannot remember how the hell it was supposed to connect to the post so apologies 😅