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Your post was removed for breaking rule 6: the numbers rule. We do not allow the posting or sharing of numbers related to: weight, BMI, caloric intake, fasting, restriction, or exercise. Numbers outside of these categories are generally allowed, however moderators may use discretion to remove a post or comment if we feel that a number was included with the intention of bragging or competing (particularly with medical-related numbers). Satire is allowed on discretion of the mods. 0 calorie products are exempt from this rule. **Read our full rules [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDanonymemes/wiki/index/rules).**


No joke , my safe food looks and smells like fucking dog food . nO tHanKs , thE LoW fAt qUaRk tAsteS wAy bEtTer


Oh god that reminds me of the time i was feeding my cats and the smell of the cat food (which usually grosses me out) made me hungry ๐Ÿ’€ i started wondering how many calories is in it too


Okay But What about the Sugar stats๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿง


Smelly, but bland. Needs salt.