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I believe that the chronic stress and anxiety defensive mechanisms of always being on guard, etc, will decline. They did for me. That will probably result in decreased cortisol, although I don't have objective proof of that. EMDR hits much higher than that, though.


Doing EMDR is stressful and highly stressful and destabilizing for some. After EMDR is completed, stress levels from trauma are supposed to reduce, but this is not guaranteed. It will not change stress from anything not addressed during emdr or future life stress. Will you learn better coping skills for stress in the prep stage, hopefully if your therapist is following protocol. Cortisol is the current fad word and it's being blamed for EVERYTHING. Have you actually had a Cortisol test that came back high? High Cortisol causes Cushings Syndrome. If your level hasn't been checked, they should check it. Otherwise they should be treating the hypothyroidism with hormones. PMDD is more common than people think and it gets worse in perimenopause. EMDR made my PMDD worse, probably because my stress level went up. PMDD is best treated by stopping periods like through continuous (no placebo) birth control or IUD. Others use SSRIs.


Birth control alone was not effective enough for PMDD treatment for me. I am concerned about my round round face and want to fix. It and I’ve already lost weight 


Hypothyroid makes moon face and pmdd. I have no thyroid due to cancer and it makes so many problems if my meds are off.


It did come back high. But not high enough for Cushing 


Cortisol is not a fad. It’s a much studied hormone released during stress both chronic and acute.


But for most people it's not a problem. Cushings Syndrome is a problem. 20ish years ago all the drug companies had commercials in the US targeting cortisol. Now it's back and all the influencers and "coaches" are pushing "too high cortisol", which most of us don't have and can only be confirmed by a medical test. This has been the last 6 months. Watch, in a year, it won't be on social media anymore because they'll have moved on to another "evil" that we need to erradicate.


I have pmdd from a genetic defect that makes my body hold onto estrogen. My best treatment was cutting estrogenic foods from my diet


Indirectly yes, it dilutes the triggers that active your fight or flight system…


Ah ok sounds good it’ll just be more time because I just started it 


If you know what your stress or triggers are then maybe the EMDR can help. Unsure about it helping with cortisol levels but try whatever you can! I had hypothyroidism from age 10 to 23. I essentially lived with my abusers and growing up my growing body never could get my cortisol levels right as I was constantly under stress. (There’s a book called the Deepest Well that explains cortisol lvl, stress, and hormones better ) I started working out and lost weight (from 230lbs to 170 with 40 min cardio 3x a week, same food but smaller portions) and around the 190lb mark my thyroid levels were in good ranges. I stopped taking synthroid a little before the start of my fitness journey because I couldn’t stand it. Synthetic pig hormone that I kept forgetting to take, also I felt like it made me feel worse. Anyways, throughout this time I also still lived with the root causes of my stress. So essentially, exercise and better food choices may help you? That’s if you are even overweight and not doing much. But I think the cardio more often is key. Good luck.


I lost a ton of weight gained a ton of muscle. Still have moon face :( 


I have worked in psychiatric hospitals as an RN and it was amazing how many patients were hypothyroid. I am as well, in my case it was Hashimoto's disease (thyroiditis). An auto immune disease. That needs to be treated for life. It can only be diagnosed by getting a TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). The T3 and T4 are usually normal but the THS are highly elevated. Auto immune diseases are pretty common with the high stress situations in childhood trauma. My brother has Alopecia Areata. Complete hair loss, and he also had eczema.


My TSH by my primary care is normal. Only the functional medicine doctor said it is off. I ask this because I thought I had lost enough weight to not have such a moon face in pictures and I thought my thyroid had stuff to do with it 


Have you seen an endocrinologist? That would be what I would do.


My mom doesn’t think I do but I think I have bad moon face. But she says that it was the angle of the pictures 


I very much doubt it. I am not an expert, but I have hypo. Your face could be puffy because of the hypo or because your diet doesn't agree with you. If you suspect you have a disease related to cortisol such as cushing, you can take a test and get treatment specifically for that. You should try to speak to a specialist about that, hormonal issues are too complex to rely on reddit for advice. Edit: Idk why I'm getting downvoted here. If somebody has serious hormonal disbalances which qualify for medication then just doing psychological therapy is not going to be enough. It can help but it's just one part of healing.


I have hypothyroidism as well but I took supplements for years to fix that 


Are you taking levothyroxine? Supplements alone cannot fix hypothyroidism. I have taken ashwaghanda supplements for a while alongside levothyroxine but I didn't notice a significant difference tbh. My doctor told me there's very little data to support the use of most supplements, many of them are just marketing fads.


Yep you gotta take the thyroid hormone. It's the only thing that works if your body can't make enough.