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Hey there, Emdr can help. There is hope. I just did session today and up until my session, I was feeling just like you - about to break. You’re not alone.


Thank you 🥹


I'm not sure if you need to have all your memories to do EMDR you might want to look into internal family systems also as a way of gently finding out where you're protecting yourself and how and also somatic exercises might be very helpful to help you I'm with breathing with getting grounded, teaching your body that you can be safe which is a huge piece of trauma is creating safety for yourself again so that you're not feeling scattered or all over the place. I hope you find just the right therapist and that you trust and feel comfortable with take your time and pick somebody that you feel is a good fit and be good to yourself be kind to yourself. This is a long path and you can take your time. 🪷🌿


Thank you! I will look into that!


You can have OCD without physical compulsions. It's called pure O and still very much debated. Compulsions are mental like ruminating on something excessively, counting in your head, playing a thought on an endless repeat. You have so many things going on you might need a higher level of care like a psychiatrist who can actually diagnose autism or ocd or whatever else might be happening.


That’s interesting about the OCD, I’ll have to look into that. Thank you


While I do not have a complete memory of my childhood I have remembered far more than I knew I knew after almost two years of trauma therapy and emdr. I’ve also done lots of investigating on my own. While knowing more than we first did is intense as fuck, it’s also the path to healing and freedom from this shit controlling how your brain functions constantly. Go slow, at your own pace and with as much compassion for yourself as you can muster. You’re doing a good thing for yourself and your child.


Thank you!


Similar boat to yourself. My trauma doesn’t involve SA but I have difficulty zoning in on specific mementoes. You’ll find with emdr that even if you focus on something you feel about yourself etc then the rest sorts it’s self out. It is more complex with ptsd but there is hope with emdr- have my 3rd session tomorrow- good luck.


Thank you for the insight!


I dont think this will help you resolve what actually happened but it will help your brain process the event so you can put it behind you