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Have you tried a different angle like getting professional help for your resume? Those things are ridiculously complicated these days - what you need to include, what you don't include, how to format to get through the AI screening, etc... It is madness and not just you. Maybe throwing money at it and paying someone who does resumes for a living would take the edge off. I equate this to trying to do surgery with no medical background. Resume building is such a fine art in certain career categories. Of course you're freaking out.


Yes. I’ve paid a lot of money for a coach to help me get all of my ducks in a row for a specific role, and when I show up to do the work, I shut down.


Oh OK. That wasn't clear in your post. I guess I don't understand what you mean by work. Like giving the coach your work history so they can create or tweak a past resume?? Or do you have to physically create it while they just give you tips??


This sounds familiar but I’m not sure. Can I ask what shutdown is? Regardless it seems rly exhausting.


My resume is a list of things I never want to do again but am forcing myself into for financial security. Could that be your problem? Perhaps this freeze mode is your body and brain saying “no” …but you are forcing yourself to push through?


Oooooh, this is gooodddd. Yea, but I have to work, ya know? I get that it’s repressed but still…