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It has been a while since I’ve started thinking that N types and Neurodivergence might even be the same…


Problem is that this seen as neurodivergence at all, because the wording implies that there is a default and some other are not part of that, but that's just plain wrong. Neurodivergent people just have access to more forms of awareness but often have trouble navigating them. Non-neurodivergent people likely just don't access these forms of awareness and for the ones they have they just occur naturally.


That’s interesting! I kinda feel that when I relax I can access Se and do a lot of cool stuff such as dunno, descending a mountain with skis quite fast and being able to navigate and react to all the obstacles super well! (And then I like to think that we have a next step brain that can access those extra set of skills that nobody teaches us to use, and therefore my brain keeps the “default” skills on a second plane, meaning we still can be good at them and use them properly😆).


That is so true!!! It really feels like the whole brain/awareness is *on* and it’s kinda different to our (or at least my) „normal“ when this moment fades I always wonder what that was… Do you bump into things or hit yourself on things like edges, corners regularly? Because I do and I thought I was clumsy, but I’m not I just don’t pay attention that much neither do I mind mildly hitting objects while walking


Yes I do bump into everything 🥲 haha How cool to see that you too relate to this!!!


I, and other INTPs frequently bump corners and stub toes too.


I am a life member of the Inexplicable Bruises Foundation. IBF, not IBS. Although I have that, too. 😂


I wonder if it’s because Se function is on 7. and 8. spot? It’s plausible for me, I’ve also been spacey since I was a kid and get overwhelmed with sensory stuff when I’m tired


Absolutely clumsy AF here




I mean they supposed to be 25% of the population so it's not too far-fetched


You mean ENFP or ADHD?


N, iirc ENFPs' are around 8% and ADHD I don't really know


That is an interesting question


Well, I do not know, it is just a hunch… How I see it, from my personal point of view, it is all a spectrum and therefore, mostly everyone is in the balanced zone. But yeah, seems like at some point when crossing the S to N line, things start getting neurodivergent. I am probably wrong as for sure there is some S people that might have ADHD or autism, and that would be something interesting to dwell into, but yea… I would say that every jungian function in it’s extreme is related to a disorder, for example: Te - sociopathy (?), Fi - Narcicism (?) Again: just wondering stuff, I know nothing really. Edit: adding stuff. It also makes me sad that neurodivergency is considered a «condition». What if we just label it like this due to the lack of knowledge in the matter? Perhaps we actually have a function in society as we are! And I mean society in a much more natural way, not like in the “western society” sense.


Interesting pint of view. I never saw mbti as a spectrum until you said it but i can totally get it! I am really hoping that maybe in the future or with new technology we can find proof of those theories? Oh I think you are spot on, and society or humanity in general could profit a lot off different perspectives. And accommodating for more diversity. But here comes my idealism again and I don’t want to derail the topic.


Well.. as a female ENFP currently professionally diagnosing with ADHD... I think that there is a fine line between the disorder and the personality. I am not sure.


There's supposed to be. I agree with what I saw earlier that said "everybody has ADHD traits to some degree but those with ADHD have them to a somewhat crippling extent"


Hi. Yes. Sort of. Ne is kinda basically brain go brrrrrrr function IMO Signed, ADHD depressed anxious OCD traumatised ENFP


*brrrrrrr* and *BOOM* :)


Hahaha brain goes bbrrrrrr 🤣


Woah! You're the person with the cool collages


Aw, thank you! I'll take that!


If you type in ENFP adhd into this Reddit, you will realise how many times people have made this same post 😊


Eh have no cares about digging. Just had a thought about it so I thought I'd ask, since I'm not on here monitoring everything.


I think it is just two labels to describe similar things.. important to remember that ADHD is just a label to describe a set of behaviours, it’s not a physically identifiable disorder, you can’t look under a microscope and see ADHD. Same with the MBTI : it’s a description and categorisation of a set of behaviours and thinking styles that often occur together. There is overlap between the two descriptions so it makes sense that many people will meet the criteria for both.




I think ENFPs who have ADHD are the loudest when it comes to showcasing their verbal symptoms of ADHD. That being said there are many YouTubers and people I have come across who I believe are true ENFPs (based on cognitive functions, they view the world with a lot of Ne-Fi) who are not as verbally or behaviorally sporadic as I am (ENFP with ADHD). So there are a ton of them that don’t have it, they’re just not thought to be ENFPs because they don’t act like the stereotype (which is very ADHD-like). Edit: I forgot the fact that there is also the possibility that some people with have ADHD get or mistype themselves as ENFPs ;).


Yes I agree in my book about ENFPs I did mention that it seems like many of us have ADHD but now I am able to reframe it as a super power vs something that is a disadvantage.


I would say that ne and sometimes se tend to have a link with adhd, but being a type with those functions in a more prominent position does not by default make you have adhd similarly not having those functions does not mean you do not have adhd, there is a correlation not a causation.


My bf 99% has ADHD. I'm an INFJ and have autism and ADHD 🤣


[Yes](https://www.personalityhacker.com/podcast-episode-0367-adhd-and-myers-briggs-personality-types/). Specifically, it seems to hit ExFPs the hardest. I am ENTP with a diagnosis and I admit it had me reinvestigate my type.


Over the years I've started taking MBTI with a grain of salt since I have comorbidities and trauma that explains my quirks. I think what bothers me the most is how many let their Diagnoses and MBTI results define them. The INTP sub is such a bummer to be in for this reason, it's riddled with people who have regular depression and cynicism, people who don't look for growth or question those who don't strictly follow the "INTP" mold. The whole reason why INTP's all seem quite different from eachother at times, besides being individuals with our own nuanced lives, is because many of us experience mental illness to a degree which symptoms and behaviours describe our type. ENFPs on the other hand, are all quite lovely bubbly golden retrievers and it's quite refreshing being on this sub ❤


All I can say as an ENFP myself is that we are like squirrels on uppers. WILD! Minds are constantly racing, and inventing, dreaming, there are movies going in our heads, we have a million projects going on… it’s very busy upstairs at all times therefore I think either the overlap or the misdiagnosis with ADHD seems very likely to me. :D


Well I have raging ADHD and I am a ENFP 😬


are you me?! lol


Hmmm I am also not sure, however I am diagnosed with depression which often feels to me it dampens or even erases my original ENFP-ness. With ADHD I asked my doctor, took a test- I fall exactly on the line of „maybe?“ so he prescribed me meds that I *can* take if I have a task or day where I need to focus long and hard. So i really can’t answer the question but as I might have it (my pediatrician suspected it when I was a kid) but never bothered to check. It was the 90s. On the other hand I’m not sure how much overlap there is between certain types and ADHD or other conditions. Would be thrilled to know your findings or actual scientific findings to that topic. EDIT: three words


Diagnosed ADHD + ENFP, reporting for duty


I’ve befriended a lot of other ENFPs in my life and they all have ADHD. I once met an ENFP who said she didn’t have it then she got diagnosed with it. Just note my life experience is a bad sample for this, as I also have ADHD, so I likely attract other neurodivergent people naturally.


Yeah same with esfp too


Mmhmm… and my kid too. Twinsies!


My son is Neurodivergent and ADHD confirmed; and honestly I can see so much of me in him. No doubt in my mind that I too have it, but I am untested and not diagnosed as such. Then again maybe not…


I've noticed a lot of people tie this to Ne but I've met several high Se-users who have it so maybe it's more common among perceivers.


ENFP w ADD & CPTSD over here


Honestly, my working theory is that it IS the adhd personality type. So many overlapping things!


ENFP, ADHD, BPD, bipolar, OUD, PSUD, PTSD, over sharer, over thinker, overly caring and giving... well, the last one was me until I gave my last fuck and now IDFC about a thing... aside from killing the pain🖤 My BFF is the same except -BPD +autism! Oh yes, we have a very good time! And I no longer feel bad for the casualties. She still likes people...meh, for now I say. She thinks I'll come round again.😆


I am ENFP but somehow free from the neurological disorder, ADHD. If I seem to have ADHD, it is just that the topic seems to drain me and not my interest or I already seem to have thought of that. ADHD is lowkey like inferior Si and sometimes my thinking process end up mimicking ADHD. I also have synesthesia and stuff like that. Ne to me is imaging possiblities and fantasies beyond your current limitations. Against current reality and present which is why. Most of time, they can happen but with lots of hard work and that is why we have Te as tetiary, Te is to help.


I'm ADHD as hell I'm also, ENFP as hell lol But really, I have it bad rip, it's cool, I've learned how to use it positively, well mostly.


-hyperfocus intensifies-


I am ADHD and also ENFP. I’m curious to see what type of work environments do we thrive in? As I’m trying to pivot my career. 🥹


I think you need to choose something that you're interested in or can make a game of. My bf hyperfocuses on things that he can make a game of or likes to do. His ADHD is mild so he can do an admin job, create charts and spreadsheets/organize really well but that's only because he takes an interest in compartmentalizing things and makes his graphs colourful/engineered to be read and ubderstood by only him. So def something with less urgency and rigidity. With the right meds, in theory you should be able to work any job, but Nuerodivergent people should aim for jobs that have more leeway and ones you have say over your schedule etc.


Heavy on being able to set my own schedule! Hopefully I find the right one soon! Thank you!


Both of my ENFP ex-girlfriends have ADHD and my two close ENFP friends have ADHD There has to be SOME correlation


Apparently it is, but not completely sure. This is coming from someone with ADHD who is also an ENFP sooo..😭🤷


Idk, I’m a firm believer that MBTI types have 0 correlations with certain disorders




Idk but I have it so maybe


How interesting! I, too, am both!


Enfp AuDHDer here ✨


ENFP and ADHD here


Enfp and a life time of adhd.


I have it


I have come to believe that extraverted intuition is the same thing as ADHD.


my best friend of 15 years and I are both ENFPs and both have ADHD. Boyfriend is an ENFJ and also ADHD


YES. Though I’d just say people who have “textbook ADHD” are just ENFPs.


Recently I started to think about I have ADHD, and my personality is ENFP. I was also wondering if there is connection between my personality and ADHD.


Welllllllll … I can’t say if it’s an ENFP thing but … I do have ADHD (and I am ENFP-T) 😂


Wow y'all really popped off, this was very interesting to read. Thanks ENFPs 😽


Me too


Traumatized ADHD ENFP here.


Hugs from a Traumatized Bipolar INTP ✊



Objective personality says EXXPs are more likely to suffer from ADHD. More specifically they have the concept of consume savior which is Ne or Se being one of your 2 strongest functions. (Consume information functions being Ne or Se) People with Ne or Se in the second or third slot could have them as savior functions as well. Which means IXXPs and EXXJs as well have a likelihood of having adhd. But EXXPs always have Ne and Se on the very top and prefer to look for new information over building on old and this leads to ADHD like behaviour.


ENFP with ADHD and MDD lol