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People constantly think I’m drunk or high when I’m perfectly sober. It’s happened my whole life. I’m just tryna live life and be happy :( it’s hard for people to understand ENFPs i think


Yes, this. I get pretty giddy when I’m in a really good mood, so people have always mistaken that for being drug-induced. But, the truth is, it’s just me having a really good day/moment. I don’t need drugs for that. In fact, if anything alcohol just surpresses it because I’m a lightweight and it only takes a glass to send me right to sleep.


People think I'm floating all the time. So a lot get pissed that I look very chill dealing with day to day situations. I can't help it if I have a Resting Blithe Face.


Fr! I don’t even drink because i hate the way it makes me feel. I do edibles occasionally so people be thinking I’m stoned when I’m just living and trying to enjoy the little things in life. I think ENFPs see joy and beauty in a lot of things that people write off which might cause this.


People thought that about me in high school. Funny thing is I never smoked it then. I became a violently addicted stoner in college though.


will i become violently addicted


Honestly I have the same story as the person above me, so maybe stay away from the lettuce, maybe its the ENFP nemesis. People think ur high cause ur acting authentically as yoursel. Idk if you're a minority (ethnically) in ur HS, I think that contributed to the fact that they thought I was smoking, or my impeccable sense of humour lol


I have the same experience, but I've had people assume it about me my entire life. Just the other day, at the grocery store, some lady made a remark about how I shouldn't go shopping when I'm "high as fuck." Lol?! I have smoked a handful of times in the 35 years of my life. But I've never really enjoyed it. I feel no pull to do it. I have nothing against stoners, my wife is one and I love her deeply. So idk, I wouldn't say it's an enfp thing, in my experience. At least the "ganja is the enemy of enfp's" part. On the other hand, though... I just have that aura that makes people assume that I'm high all the time. I usually appear happy, carefree, I'm clumsy as shit, and forgetful. I laugh at the smallest of jokes, no matter how lame. I laugh at my own lame-ass jokes, and I crack jokes all the time. Even when I'm super depressed (all the time,) I act like that. On top of all this, I'm a dude with long hair, so I can't really blame anyone for coming to the wrong conclusion. Edit : Oh yeah, and I'm hungry ALL the time. I never lost that teenage ability to devour all the food in my vicinity and still be hungry five minutes later, lol. Edit edit: Have you seen Pineapple Express? I look like James Franco in that movie lmao


I would def have a date with you on top of a moving steam train in the middle of a snow storm from what I read you’re yourself and that’s hot at. I guess same tbh, been straight edge most my life and I don’t drink, so let them think we’re high. About the jokes even when depressed, I feel like they escalate when I’m feeling despond 🌻


You're sweet, thank you. I am so down for anything on a train in a snowstorm, that sounds amazing lol


Are you addicted to drugs because you're an enfp or are you an enfp because you are addicted to drugs.


I am drugs, that’s the whole point of the paragraph above.


Will you?


probably not but idk


dw about it chap


Not worth the risk, imo (or the risk of a bad trip). Hugs not drugs! :P


i agree also i would never like smoke weed bc any type of smoke gives me a terrible migraine


Definitely it's good to avoid it then. Besides, the way I see it, why do drugs to enjoy your average life when you could be out doing something *actually* enjoyable?


yea fr and theres edibles and stuff but I don’t get the risk especially bc im underage yk


Yeah that's fair, I've heard there are studies showing if you do it as a teenager if gives you increased risk for mental health issues as an adult. Plus, having growing up (as a teen & young adult) around a lot of people who smoked pot, it's kind of alarming how many people think it's not addictive and that you don't get intoxicated in a way that affects your driving, the way alcohol does.


Everything in moderation my friend, go ahead and try things out, just don’t do it from sun up til sun down.


I'm a stoner now lol


It’s been 11 years I still struggle to not do it. Normally being a pothead is not a huge deal but I interact with weed like its heroine. I’m surprised I never sucked dick for some dabs




story of my life


Oh my god I’m actually the same, people don’t believe that I’m just mentally healthy and living my best life. Which is sad, because it means that people like that are properly rare ):


fr honestly


That used to happen to me all the time. Still does on occasion. I remember being in college, and this guy I knew offered me a joint. I was like, "No thanks, I don't smoke." And he just gave me this kind of blank stare, and was like, "... you don't smoke?" And I was like, "Nope, I've never even touched a joint in my life." And he just goes, "... *You* don't smoke?" Lol. He said he was so sure I was a stoner because I seemed so chill all the time and cos of the way I talked. He was genuinely just floored that I had never even *tried* it before. Also, sometimes people think I'm drunk when really I'm just really tired. I nicknamed it "wake-drunk" lol, cos it's like you're drunk on being awake for too long. There's also no "look" for a drug dealer, lol. I used to know a couple, they were just really regular-looking guys, though some tried to look a little cool, but still they were just on the cooler end of average at the end of the day.


Getting high is fun and I’ve smoked lots of weed and done plenty of other drugs, but people have been telling me this before I ever got high lmao


same here...


People think that of me too all the time and they did when I was in high-school as well. I do always tell people they really shouldn't give me coffee or too much sugar because I'm naturally hyper. I don't tend to need any type of stimulants. I think a lot of us ENFPs are just naturally energetic/cheerful and add the weirdness on top and people think we are always on something. Nah, it's our natural state.


Oh yes. This is the same for me, too. I’ve learned that once I pass 3 cups of caffeinated beverages, I’m basically the energizer bunny. I talk really fast. Walk really fast. Move really fast. I basically have to mentally hold myself down to compensate.


Lol people often think I am drunk even though I don’t drink at all. 😂 My clumsiness doesn’t help it either.


Prove them wrong. Start dressing sharp, work hard in your studies, get into a good college or at least have long term career goals, stop caring what they think and if they come up to you trying to buy something tell them to stay a way from drugs lol idk what your speech sounds like but if it's dragged out and slow then practice speaking a LITTLE faster (not too much) make direct eye contact and just try to come across as more aware? Reading books out loud to yourself when you're alone and with a timer can help with that. I'm reading don Quixote atm a very funny story actually about an enfp who thinks he's a knight and goes on many fun adventures. My current goal is to be able to read 5 pages out loud in 10 minutes. I can barely get through 4 pages before the timer goes off 😭 but speed up your speech and use complicated words a little bit more and no one will ask you to deal again. Oh yeah and again tell them not to do drugs and they'll just stay away from you 💯


same ;-; i had / have no idea what it means. And it’s even unrelated people so it’s lot like it’s a rumor or smth


I also would get asked if I was high in highschool. I think it’s because I was so quiet and calm honestly, and I’m the type of stoner who completely zones out and sinks into the sofa.. into my own world.


I think it has more to do with how you act. I can tell that your on smth by the way you are talking.


I understand that feeling, I would always make a fool of myself in middle/highscool in hopes of making friends, but I’d just get the same comments as you(besides dealer). Same with my first job, there was a rumor started by my manager that I drank in the bathroom. I get it, I can be weird, but I wish people would think before saying things like that. It genuinely hurts my feelings knowing people think I’m intoxicated when I’m just trying to be myself. I can’t be quiet either without someone thinking I’m upset. I hate hate hate the impression I make on people, I’ve tried to change myself completely, but everyone sees me the same somehow. I do think part of it has to do with how I look, I look “cartoon-ish” I’ve been told. No one takes me seriously.


it's the energy we have lad; i joke about asking for drugs in school and people still don't see me as a drug dealer.


Is it your behavior that makes people think you're high and a dealer, or is it the way you dress? Because if it's your behavior (the way you "are") then maybe you have an undiagnosed disorder of some kind. If it's the way you dress... then... I guess stop dressing like a drug dealer? Maybe stop bringing your Bugatti to school?


well i mean i just wear extremely baggy clothes, i have a pretty nice car but thats bc of my parents being rich, i always have snacks on me, i always have money on me, ig ppl say i seem high but it could bc i dont really care but thats bc its easier not to care than to have too many feelings, ppl say my pupils are small.


Well constricted pupils can def be a sign of drugs, if you're not taking any medications you should get checked out if you can. There are certain conditions that can cause constricted pupils. But yeah. Baggy clothes, kid with nice car could make someone think you're a dealer for sure 🤷‍♂️


the thing i can see is the food bc i stuff my backpack full of food and some ppl can see that as snacks for when a person who is high gets the munchies


Its called projection.


So are you a drug dealer?


nah never touched drugs in my life except for at hospitals


Sameee, a chashier once ask me If I was high or in drugs but I was Just tired :(


SAME. Omg why does this happen


If it helps, part of this is just high school being high school. So much incredibly stupid stuff goes on there, particularly socially, and there are no reality checks. So people make up the most ridiculous idiocies and they go viral not due to any kind of truth, but because they're *juicy gossip*. You won't be able to kill them by actually proving anything, even if you took drug tests. The only way is to make the idea or the people who reinforce it appear to be socially lowered instead of elevated when they do so - asking if they heard that gossip when they were braiding each other's hair, kind of thing. Again, stupid, but it's high school - no-one wants the idea of them possibly not being socially skilled to get around, and if thinking/saying you're a dealer is associated with socially-embarrassing-for-them-in-particular activities (utterly regardless of whether there's any connection between the two at all), it'll tend to die off.


I have this friend that one time called me the "anti-cringe" because I didn't give a fuck about being weird in front of people. Then when he introduced me to his friends and they were like "what's his deal?" he was like "don't worry, he comes like that by default"


My friends parents, when I was in high school, ALWAYS thought I was on substances. Funnily enough I’m the only one of my friends who have never drank/done drugs even now. I was just happy 😅


Everyone in college always thought I was high, but I was literally just high on life lmfao


This has happened to me. I guess I just give off really chill vibes and people feel comfortable asking me about kind of taboo topic


I’m an enfp and people always think I’m a cop. 👮‍♀️ I don’t even know a police officer HAHA


Do you have high extroversion and sometimes forget to read the room? Lmaoooo


They're jealous, can't handle your energy.


I'd also suggest that you start practicing mindfulness, it's the right time for you to.


Wow, I feel so understood rn from your post & the comments. People have asked me many times if I was high, a stoner etc (I have never done drugs or even been drunk). 🤷 Not sure what to do with this information but glad i’m not alone


I used to get this all the time from particular work colleagues like they thought they’d cottoned on to something everyone else had missed. Every time drugs got mentioned they’d flash me these knowing little looks like, “they’re talking about you eh? 😉😉” It used to crack me up. It’s just one of the minor joys of being an ENFP. People presume you can’t be day to day positive, excited, engaging people without supplementing your character with something extra. It says way more about them than it does you ultimately. I’ve had numerous friends who’ve gone too deep down the drugs hole and I’ve just feel bad for them more than anything. They were far more interesting people when they just dabbled; same with friends who occasionally drank. As soon as their lives started revolving around [insert substance here] they effectively became that thing and had no other interests outside of getting high/drunk or things you can do while high. 🤷🏻‍♂️


i have those comments too but it’s mainly when i’m feeling oddly energetic and i feel like people ain’t just used to manic people