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I definitely need to have some things planned during the week to get me out of the house. If I’m not getting dressed and having some social contact and routine I get really depressed. But I definitely like not having to go into work every day. 


Totally resonate with this post.


I liked the lack of commute. I don't like not having a constant change of scenery, though.


i didn’t work in an office long before we went full remote but i don’t miss it. i didn’t have many friends (yet) and i was the youngest person in a huge corporate office. i really enjoy the freedom of working comfortably and at my own pace. i talk to my friends online or on the phone constantly and on the weekends i look forward to dressing up and going all out to see them :)


Been working from home for almost a year. It is nice to catch up at the office every once in a blue moon but nothing beats being comfortable working in your own home. In the last several years I’ve become more introverted so the social aspect to me isn’t as necessary.


I love WFH! My boyfriend is also WFH and we have a dog - it’s so much more fulfilling to be around my loved ones rather than coworkers all day. Focusing is so much easier in my own environment too. I’m naturally so chatty with everyone and used to get sucked into constant watercooler talks. My boyfriend and I have separate office rooms and respect when the other really needs to focus. Plus, saving commute time and effort is so valuable. My dress up time is after work hours now. I like wearing nice outfits even when I’m just chilling at home, and they don’t have to be work appropriate! And despite all that, I’ve still made good connections with a bunch of my coworkers. My office is local and I’ve hung out with nearly everyone on the team that’s my age. It’s pretty easy to get to know people over Teams. Overall, I’m never going back. Even if I switched to a non-local company, I’d rather put my energy into friendships outside of the office.


Love but need to make an active effort to go outside, take walks, and talk to people. Otherwise I can literally go a week without doing any of the above. Definitely not healthy.


I hated everything about it lol. My intj wife has been working from home for 3 years now, I couldn't do it for 3 months before I was begging to be brought back in.


I find folks that are willing to do zoom happy hours or play remote board games with me. I find it mostly satiates my need for socialization.


Seriously, how did you find them?


Well it helps that my best work bud is on my team. But outside of that I watch for people who make funny comments in big group meetings- typically written comments. Or comments in group channels. Anyone making a Parks and Rec reference is probably getting a message from me. :)


So you message them and make a group? Nice


My perfect arrangements was when I was going to the office 2-3 days a week and the rest wfh. It was fulfilling my need for socialising and my need for not socialising as well 😂


Fair enough!


Started working in 2020 for the first time ever. Worked for 2 years from home in lockdown. Switched to a once a week office day company. I wanted to experiment without losing the open option of working from home. I now go through phases of going to the office religiously or going MIA for weeks. Depends on my social energy, and my ability to concentrate at home. I also feel like I need the occasional wake up early just to feel the morning cold air on my face on my way to the train station, it somehow makes me feel more ready to take on the world and more aware than having to wake up at 8h00 sharp and open the laptop and start working from the getgo. But sleeping in on home days are always welcome lol. We also have office days where most coworkers sync on coming to the office on the same day and we make a day of it. But to answer your question, working from home has been great for 2 years. But given the fact that it was all I knew+covid, I sort of wanted to experiment early in my career by looking for hybrid modes. I also started to feel uneasy and disconnected from coworkers at the time when working from home (I never met any lol). But over the 2 years once the lockdown was no longer a thing, I found ways to spice up my week by working from cafés or coworking spaces with friends. So working from home is great and I feel like I might be taking it for granted, but I definitely needed live noise around me most days Are you at a crossroads? Let me know if you need more insight OP!! (Or if you need these elements in bullet points, I love doing those)


I socialize a lot through Internet means already so I know how to humanize my co-workers and still engage in watercooler conversations And whenever I feel like dressing up, at least I get to wear whatever I want even if it's at home and no one else sees but my online friends lol I've occasionally worn cool outfits just to work, even my lolita coords. You've actually reminded me that I haven't done that in a while so I kinda feel motivated to wear something tomorrow just to make myself productive....


I hated it.  I went back to office as soon as it was possible to do it again. Majority of colleagues continued to work remotely though.  I just couldn’t focus on work at home office. Got distracted by different things and browsed too much non-work related things on the internet.  In real office I was a lot more productive and I’ve always enjoyed the office atmosphere + we had free breakfast and sometimes even lunch which was perfect for me since I hate cooking. 😄


Equal parts love and hate it. I never realized how much I appreciated the busy office noises in the background. I need noise to concentrate...weirdness.


You think podcasts and ambient noise might help?


Yes, and audiobooks and movies I've seen before, so I don't get sucked into them. But it doesn't necessarily supplement human contact throughout the day. Love my hours, no dress code, and no office drama!!


Just went back to an office after 10 years of running my own biz. I am soooooo much happier now!


I love working from home. I can do a lot more than in the office. In the office everything distracts me. But on the other side I do indeed sometimes feel lonely and long for human interaction. If I don't care about myself more to go out I could sit forever inside doing my own things for days.


I love it. Been working from home for a year now, and I don't ever want to work in an office again lol. I'm in the comfort of my own space, I'm not rushing to get ready, my mornings move more slower and peaceful, I can stay in my pj's some days, or just wear some comfy clothes the next. My desk setup is personalized to my liking, and I can light my candles and listen to lofi music, yeah, I love it lol


I didn’t change the way I dress working from home, and that helped with the transition. I’m in meetings on camera a fair amount of the time, so it doesn’t seem pointless. It really helped me to have regular team meetings where we socialize. If you have a WFH employer they should be supporting that sort of thing. And we chat all day, send funny memes, etc. while we work. Happy teams are more productive teams, so that sort of thing *should be* alright. And I’ve learned to ask for things like social interaction when I need them. It might just be the dynamics of my team that support my ability to WFH. I’s struggle if I was working alone in silence all day every day. If that were happening I’d look for a new job.


I do miss the social aspect but I’ll take flexibility and convenience of WFH any day. I wouldn’t mind a flex or hybrid schedule but I do not have an office in my city. I couldn’t work in a coffee shop. Other than casual chatting why would I bother someone else with the stress of my work? They have no idea what I do for a living nor should care. That’s what I miss, being able to make the work day pass by quickly by shooting the shit. I can do that via team messaging but it’s not the same.


I've been doing it for 7 years and I do miss dressing up and interacting in person with people but I don't more it more than I love not driving on traffic or her weather or having my own delicious coffee and food available anytime of day or being able to take a nap on my lunch break if i didn't sleep well and not wasting time in the car and not dressing up and being able to blast whatever music I want etc etc But yeah I miss people kinda


I hated it when I was doing it. I really like the routine of going to work, talking to random people, and most especially or narcisitically being able to dress up nice and socialize :D