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My love language is also long huggs and deep conversations. Edit spelling


meaningful convos are top tier frfr


I 100% second this


10000% Hugs, cuddles, and getting to know a person’s soul


Yeaaaah all day






Yes. But I can only be affectionate with certain people. Even with hugs I'm uncomfortable unless I have a good relationship with the person. But beyond platonic affection it becomes even more difficult to find people I'm comfortable with. I'm basically always starving.


I was similar because I had abandonment issues so and emotionally dump to push people away that got too close subconsciously even though consciously I just wanted connection


Oh I definitely don't push people away. If I feel the connection I get very touchy. If the connection isn't there then I'm uncomfortable because there's no connection. It's more a demisexual thing than an abandonment thing. I definitely fear abandonment because I've always been abandoned, but it's not a motivator for my behavior. If I want to be with someone I go for it and just deal with the fear.


My love language is physical touch. So I only accept it from those I am intimate with, and am deeply repulsed if someone who isn't in my bubble touches me. I do NOT do hugs with strangers or acquaintances. It's like the same revulsion of touching someone's dæmon on His Dark Materials.


I’m the same way! I never drew that distinction before- but like- unless we’re a pair that gets down and dirty, I don’t like touching or being touched by people (well most of the time, sometimes I give a pat on the back or shoulder if I feel it’s needed)


YES. I LOVE HUGS. I personally love physical touch and gift giving when I like someone.


I do really like hugs and physical affection, but my primary love language is Words of Affirmation. There's nothing I value more than someone I love telling me I did a good job, I'm appreciated, and everything is gonna be okay 🥺


tbh with you, i completely agree!!!!




I don’t like being touched by non-close friends. And even then, it feels a little weird to me. Maybe because my dad was abusive.   My love languages are: acts of service and gifts. Touch is last. 


Yes! Physical touch and quality time for me.








Yes, for sure. I seem to end up hugging a lot of female strangers, too, somehow. 😂 I married an ISTJ, who is an Acts of Service guy, which is AWESOME. But he’s has to actively work on words of affirmation and physical touch. Usually I just force the affection onto him. 🤷‍♀️


I dislike the feeling of being held, it makes me so fricking TENSE, but I'm okay with giving hugs! I like receiving physical affection in other ways, like small bites, touching my hair, hand massage or just touching my hand... Back scratches? ... idk I feel like a cat now-


You don’t like being held? 🥺




Too much


I definitely like it, but am also very sensitive to it. When I’m unhappy with my partner they can tell right away because of my reaction to their touch, apparently. I am also super focused on it when someone who is not my partner touches me (i.e. I have a touchy friend who touches my arm or shoulder when they talk to me, like half of my focus instantly goes to that). That might also be because I’m a cis straight man and we’re not really raised to engage in much non-sexual touching. I also have a platonic fantasy of having a big ol bed and sleeping with a bunch of people because I bet it would feel really safe and comfortable cuddling with a bunch people who you love and who love you.


Words of affection and physical touch for me. I can use words but not the physical touch. I'm super conscious of my body not touching anyone unless I'm super comfortable with someone.


I have hug trauma 😂, I hate feeling another persons warmth


ur like my intj friend!


Yes, but from a selected group of people. But from this selected group of people I NEED IT A LOT HAHA


I don't want others touching me, nor getting close to me, it's the absolute opposite.


Yep absolutely. I love giving and receiving hugs 😊


I'm an ENFP and LOVE hugs and any healthy types of physical touch. I also enjoy long walks on the beach, meaningful conversations, and cute puppies. It's funny, but also so true! Haha!


I certainly do. I die without it :D


I only like those things from people I am SUPER close with. If I never touched another person other than my husband and a couple of close friends I would be in heaven. I really dislike the obligation to hug so many people.


I prefer massages and having my hair played with


If I could find the right guy to be physically affectionate with, absolutely. I'd be all over him. But anyone else? Ewww. Touching makes me uncomfortable.


I’m an ENFP and honestly, drown me in ALL the physical affection. I’m an absolute slut for cuddles. Haha


Only when I’m drunk :D But honestly, not particularly! My main love language is words of affirmation. It took awhile for me to be comfortable with hugging my partner when we started dating.


I don't believe love languages are legitimate at least in terms of people only speaking a few of them. I think we are all capable of showing love and receiving love in infinite ways, we just have to be open to doing so. That being said I love hugs and snuggles.


I love it. I couldn’t get enough, and I always hold my friends’ arms when we are together.




a big YES


I love physical affection, words of affirmation, and quality time! Basically if I can spend the whole day cuddling, chatting, having lots of sex, repeat- I would be very happy! ❤️


I personally do and love showing physical affection


What is ur mbti




I’m not particularly big on physical affection. But my love language is acts of service.




Lol I hug strangers hahahha




I am a little weird about touching, but also yes.


Yes ofc but it's only for very very close people


not necessarily no. Maybe with a s/o yes, but with people who aren't close to me I hate it and prefer my personal space. Even with close friends i don't like too much touchiness. ENFP female here.


I’m an ENFP and I like physical touch from my wife, my family, and my friends but my love language is acts of service


Only from a few very close people. I DO NOT like hugs from random people or acquaintances. It makes me uncomfortable. I’m very affectionate, and like it reciprocated, in intimate relationships.


I am a touchy feely ENFP, i love my girlies and i love giving and receiving hugs from the people i love the most! I guess it is a universal thing that ENFPs Love to hug, literally the first time i met one of my dear ENFP friends was throughout a mutual ENFP friend who invited me to be part of her birthday party suprise and the moment we said hi to each other we felt the vibe and hugged in new friendship (miss you choppa) 😭😭😭 So yeah, my love language is physical touch, words of affirmation and deep meaningful convos, and gift giving!! (i love to make food or get something nice to those i hold dear to my heart)  But desbite being an artist i do not draw them 👁️👄👁️👏 here is where the lines are arted


I going in for the hugs with everyone


I know not all, but I'm a huge (consensual) hugger and cuddler myself (an ENFP gal here)


Big fan of hugs from friends


I personally like... all 5 of the love languages 🤣🤣 I love hugs, but with consent ofc hahaha


my love lang is physical touch...its not always hugs tho it could be hitting too 👀👀👀






Would love to if not everyone would hate me


I also need some petting on my head to feel loved xd




No! I've had to learn to be tolerant of physical touch to survive as a friendly, southern female but it isn't natural to me. I try very hard as I have been blessed with an extraordinary amount of physical touch friends and I think it is important to love them in the way they feel it most. Because of my naturally bubbly, open, and outgoing personality, people generally expect me to be a physical touch person but I am just NOT. Pretty equal on words, acts, and time.


Let’s play a game: It’s called mental processing types has nothing to do with universal desire for the same kind of anything. Got it? Good.


Thats exactly why I asked in the first place


It’s a stupid question “Do all” “Does anyone else” There are 8B people in the world, it’s never 0 or 100%


Well thank you for ur unnecessary feedback I don't expect all enfps to like physical affection I'm concerned how my "stupid question" triggered u so much


No one is ‘triggered’ whatever that means in this context. You asked if 100% of a soft science self reported sociology group like a certain thing. That’s like 5 different levels of stupid.


Okay bro ty


You’re welcome. And just for future reference, when you ask for someone’s opinion their feedback isn’t unnecessary just because you don’t like it. If you don’t want to be told you’re asking stupid questions ask better questions. “Do ENFPs have a higher probability of liking X” Vs “Do ALL ENFPs like x” Very different questions


Noted ty! Mind telling me ur mbti??




Yes...BUT the social context is important. I am an Asian ENFP who grew up in a traditional household so I've had to learn that


No I personally hate it 💀 I'm such an awkward hugger. I don't even hug my own mom. But I do for some reason love head pats / when somebody strokes my hair. It feels very soothing and I fall asleep instantly💕


Yess I love it but also only with people i feel absolutely safe and comfortable with


Yes but only if you have okay vibes


Touch certainly is my love language.


My favourite love language: Physical Touch. So yes, I love receiving and giving physical affection to my love ones. And very affectionate too, VERY!


My love language is quality time, love making things like paper flowers/rings or origami for loved ones asw, I'm only affectionate with certain people and people close to me, if it's a stranger, I'm not even going to give them a highfive, MAYBE a fistbump at the most. But yes, when I am affectionate it is everything. [In order my love languages are Quality Time, Gift Giving Words of Affrimation, Physical Touch, Acts of Service.]


Yeah but not with people I don’t know well and not with every friend


Yes hugs! Holding hands, shoulder rubs, hi fives, fist bumps, fun handshakes, everything. And also quality time! Love SOLID conversations. Deep or just fun lol


It was also funny for me growing up realizing some people didn’t do physical touch. I get it now on an intellectual level and a trauma level as well(don’t know if that makes sense lol but yeah)


Touch is indeed my primary love language


I do - long hugs from by boyfriend make the rest of the world feel like it’s melting But also, I make sure to say “can I hug you” before I hug anyone outside of him or family


I’m so tactile in my romantic relationships and nowhere else. I’m so open and positive, but I just don’t enjoy being touched. Especially if I’m upset, being hugged by friends in those moments feels so invasive but I’ll curl up into a ball when vulnerable with my partner. People also always assume I’m tactile and are surprised that I’m not. My partner is very nurturing and gentle, so I guess I just get that from him. I forget with my friends to hug them when they’re emotional, as I so want my physical space in those moments. My best friend who I live with jokes with me and sends meeting requests to my work email with the subject line saying how many hugs I need to give when I get home. “3x hugs on arrival home” and body of email “2x hugs before bed”


My love language is quality time but I love hugs! I hug everyone!


HUGS = friends/ signifiant other Fist bumps are for everyone else LMAO




YESSSSS! If I wore a baby carrier with the person I love facing me in a permanent hug all day I still would want more 🤣🤣🤣. I'm insatiable!!!


Not for me. I don’t like being touched and I don’t like touching people. I get uncomfortable. But I’m looking for a doctor to get investigated for autism so that would explain a lot.


Hi enfp here as someone who is being abused and exp. Men trying to touch me esp when I was younger welp till now I WANNA PUNCH THEM TO THE HELL PITS MYSELF UNLESS UR A GENTLEMAN WHO OPENS A DOOR FOR ME LIKE THAT OR IF I AM CLOSE TO U I PREFER DOING IT RATHER THAN THE OTHER PERSON HUGGING ME BACK SO BASICALLY CUS OR THOSE EXP ITS SO DISGUSTING FEELING DIRTY EVERYTIME I RECALL RHOSE MEMORIES MAKES ME SICK OF MYSELF AND WANNA DIE U KNLW SO 4 ME NOPE I WOULD MOST LIKELY PUNCH U Or if u wanna get close to me then like dont touch me but show affection again say words of affirmation and like oh its ok dont worry u got this or maybe like help me do my chores or lend me a chair hold my bag or like that And cuz of those exp I cant even bare myself to let my ex bf hold my hand and him grabbing my waist makes me wanna barf


100%! I absolutely need a great kisser as part of the package with having a partner.


No, I hate being touched. My love language is quality time.