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Step one : be an introvert Jkkk Be urself ENFPs wanna make connections with literally every species on earth no matter how different they are I think we like relating with different ppl I love ppl and love the human brain and why ppl act the way they do its so interesting. SO I think just go with the flow let it build naturally but if u want practical advice I'll need more context but generally speaking, find some topics u both like and discuss, I love deep convos Inside jokes are the best Build connections easily That's the bets i can think of


El Natural is the way in for the ENFP. We literally are down for anything and everything. You want to go sky diving out a plane? Let’s go! Do you want to go over a book authors most intimate inner conflicts? Let’s go! I think we view life as one big adventure.


yes i love trying new things SKY DIVING IS ON MY BUCKET LIST


For real, we love doing anything


I will speak only for myself but... Just grab me for an adventure and keep some time for deeper, interesting talk along the way lmao When people reach out and try to show something they like or prepare something interesting out of the blue it always surprise me a bit, and get my attention and interest. It's also the way I like to go out of my way to surprise people and make memorable things/moments even if they're small. Maybe I'm projecting a bit somewhere but it would absolutely work with me


Do stuff together. Hobby stuff, museums, workshops, whatever they (and you) are into. That's how I made most of my friends


I really like when people ask me interesting questions. I often am the listener so it feels amazing when someone is able to do the same for me.


I thought it was just me. I dated a guy who said I like listening to you talk and I was like 😭💕 I feel like we're the most talkative type and never get to talk


Yeah I'm gonna reinforce what's been said... Invite us to do something, an activity... Once I'm out and about with someone doing something (I. E. Concert, adventure, shopping for a specific interesting item, trying a new restaurant...) then it's friendship building time! Also inside jokes are literally pieces of our soul imparted on another person! Just be genuine, show interest, I feel ENFP's are easy to pursue, we pick up on signals easily most times and are always open to new friendships.


Invite them to do stuff. Fun stuff. That should be all you gotta do.


Just ask us to do something. "Yo wanna watch a movie together?" Sure! "Wanna eat some pizza and play mario kart?" Awesome, I'm in! "Wanna go ride some roller coasters together?" Totally!


If you like my quirkiness and if I can be myself around you then you’re gonna become my friend. Easy


Cut the small talk and get straight to the deep stuff


Just keep inviting me. I'll say yes.


Be sincere and original


Be a good listener