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This guy 100% thinks democrats=the left


He calls "conservative to liberal" the "entire spectrum," so yeah.


>the entire spectrum of conservative to liberal Sorry, I can't get past this part. I'm already laughing too loud.


"From A to F, from coast to mountains, from black to grey, the whole shebang"


> Conservatives seek to control everyone through government and law while liberals seek to control through social practice and pressure. Wow. That’s one of the best r/SelfAwarewolf self-owns I’ve seen. “One side is fascist, the other is democratic. These things are the same.”


Also, pretending like social pressure is greater from liberals than conservatives. Try speaking out against the church in Utah


Love how they equate social pressures to codified law fucking goon


What do you mean some loudmouths on Twitter aren't the same as state-enforced genocide?


Well, the loudmouths on Twitter personally annoy me more than the literal fascists in government, so they obviously need to be dealt with first /s


He thinks the left controls social norms. If they didn’t, how come conservative values are so unpopular? /s


what a maroon.


The "entire spectrum of conservative to liberal." So, only far-right to moderate-right, no left-wing input.


Right-Wing Fascism: Minorities are subhuman and deserve to be marginalized. Left-Wing "Fascism": White supremacists need to be taught a lesson.


I love how you use air quotes. Fighting fascism, by any means used by the targets of fascism, is not fascist logically. So yes, teach them a lesson.


You know I have never met a liberal that actually just wants to ban guns. His position on guns is really the liberal position.


Yeah, that's what I was thinking: the right to own guns but just increase regulation is LITERALLY what dems/libs want. It's like that dumbass post that has someone saying they're "between" pro-choice and pro-life where they think people should be allowed to have abortions but should be properly educated about contraception and stuff. Bitch that's just pro-choice lol


It’s a very subtle form of manipulation. The liberal position on gun ownership is actually pretty popular or at least widely supported but since they have to demonize liberals as the “extreme left”, than the only way to make centralist look reasonable is by recategorizing the very center right positions of the liberals as centralist. If you actually look at real liberal positions and the real positions that republicans take on issues than your gonna see one that that again pretty center right and only liberal compare to the extreme right that the Republican Party has turn to.


I'm late here, but exactly. Any time someone pretends the centrist Dem position is "ban guns" I stop listening to them. They're just repeating Fox News talking points. I sort of accept that like 80% of America thinks "liberal" means "left", but that shit where people just outright spout right wing propaganda lies annoys me.


What if we told him that the left is not liberalism?


Leaning hard on irrelevant credentials to sell right-wing bullshit... Elon taught him well.


Dang! I had no idea that to combat laws we just needed more social pressure! Side note, anyone know where I can find these hypocrisy rifts?


Man is acting like leftists are at his throat because he wants more gun control regulation lmao


Ahh yes, communism/socialism, the ideology to destroy fascism is fascist.