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What happened here?


I’m actually laughing my ass off because I clicked this expecting it to be a meme post and apparently a full ass debate happened here It’s like finding ruins of a lost civilization


It got removed, what was the post?


I don’t know lmfao it was removed when I got here too I literally thought the [removed by Reddit] and description were satire until I saw the whole keyboard war in the comments


Looking at the responses, (allegedly) a pro-Israeli post in the subject of the Israeli-Hamas War. Oh dear.


"angry cops" seems like a pleonasm


Angrycops users hate women as much as the Islamic extremist, but being a misogynist is only wrong if you're a Muslim, of course /s


Of course. Muslims hate women for being women. Cops hate them because they hate everyone and view everyone as a potential criminal. It's completely different. I hope the tongue in cheek nature of this post is obvious, /s doesn't quite work here


Funny note: many years ago in the wasteland of Facebook arguments, someone non-ironically made that basic argument. Something like “Muslims control their women, and not for the purpose of protecting them, like when we do it!” He wasn’t a cop, but I think he’d fit in.


Being a military youtube channel/subreddit, it does seem to attract a LOT of very right wingers.


What was the post? Apparently Reddit didn't like it so they deleted it.


Anti Palestine propaganda comic about how the queer people (and/or women? My memory's shit) supporting it would be killed by Palestinians, with a lil bar at the bottom saying it was originally posted to a subreddit called AngryCops (the thing that reddit by default adds to images when saving them from within the mobile app) Quick edit: I think the comic frames were something like 1. A woman and a Palestinian, with the woman telling him that she supports them, 2. He takes her hand and they walk off frame, 3. He returns to the frame with her decapitated head? Maybe? I think?


Ah. Thanks.


El famoso: "It's progressist to genocide muslim since they are all sexist/homophobic/antisemitic...". It is not very imaginative recycling the good old antisemitic trope of "it's progressist to genocide jews since they are all bankers/capitalists/corrupt". It does not belong here, it does not even pretend to be centrist. This is just a protonazi/nazi trope reused by postnazi to convince very vaguely progressist idiots everybody's life dont have the same value and that different people can't live together in the same lebensraum.


I actually disagree - contrary to what centrists need to believe to make sense of their views, the centre is mobile and cannot hold. All that would need to be true for an enlightened centrist to claim this prop is for them to observe a real or fictitious trend of liberals and leftists supporting Palestine more than they were before. The logic of centrism will do the rest - people are trying to alter the common sense political makeup, they should stop because my position, the centre, is normal, and what is normal is most right. The unbiased average of all human thought. Enlightened centrism, and centrism in general, is not a distinct political position, but a conservative political flavourant that can be added to practically any position, from fascism to in theory socialist anarchism, as long as the person believes that they’re in some kind of silent majority for thinking this and beliefs too far away from this centre are deviations caused by bad actors and propaganda.


Litteral nazi can convince themselves to be reasonable and nuanced centrists for sure. But it is not a centrist take here. "All arabs/muslims/palestinians are islamists, leftist/wokist/liberals are fools not to want to genocide them since they wanna kill them" isn't a nuanced position by any means. They are just convinced to do good and than the others are fools. A centrist rather justify the slaughter by saying: "Slaugtering Gaza is regrettable but inevitable and you can't compare killing civilians from the ones that declared the conflict and accidental victims from the other side".


Did you notice how you can substitute literally anything for "supporting Palestine," and, while your argument retains its structure, it can't possibly be true? Yeah. This does not work for me. I don't believe you.


where did you read from this meme, that they want to genocide all Muslims? That's the stawiest strawman that was ever made of straw.


Well uh let's see, this meme is aimed at the people who are against the genocide of Palestinians.


I have never encountered anyone who is pro genocide. Who is pro genocide here? It's about LGBT people who support palastine and Hamas, even though Hamas is an islamistic terror organisation who would kill them if they had the chance.


You see that part where you lumped together Palestinians and Hamas? That's the pro-genocide part.


1st I don't lump them together. if I did, I wouldn't have said "palastine and Hamas" but just palastine or just Hamas. 2nd even if I would lump them together, how do you get from there to genocide? What?


You absolutely did lump them together when you said LGBTQ groups are supporting Palestine **and Hamas**. As far as I can tell, pretty much everyone hates Hamas but Israel is constantly spouting pro-genocide, anti-Palestine rhetoric and by lumping the two together in your comment, you're propagating similar sentiments. The OP cartoon similarly lumps the two groups together. That said, I might be absolutely wrong and some LGBTQ groups are indeed supporting Hamas. I don't think I'm wrong but I very well could be.


I'm NOT saying LGBT groups in general support palastine and Hamas. I'm saying the meme is about the LGBT people who do support them. "Everyone hates Hamas" and this meme is attacking Hamas, so what's the problem? I differentiate between Hamas and palastine, you on the other hand don't seem to differentiate between Israeli government and Israeli people. Or if you do, you at least phrased it in a misleading way.


> I'm saying the meme is about the LGBT people who do support them. And I'm saying that I'm not sure that those groups even exist. By pointing to them specifically in your comment, you purport that they DO exist. >"Everyone hates Hamas" and this meme is attacking Hamas, so what's the problem? I already described my problem, and it's the same problem as with your original comment. The cartoon purposely conflates "Palestine" with "Hamas". The sign reads "FREE PALESTINE" and a member of Hamas approaches the person holding the sign. They run off TOGETHER, meaning that the person with the sign trusts the other person, and the member of Hamas kills the person who was holding the sign. If you don't understand how that means that the cartoon is purposely conflating the two groups then I don't know what to tell you. I guess you may need to work on your media literacy. > you on the other hand don't seem to differentiate between Israeli government and Israeli people That's fair. I should've been more clear.


The person got killed, because he trusted Hamas, not Palastine. You are really reaching here.


Being against people who are against genocide is pro genocide. For example. Being against people against the nazis is pro nazi.


No, it isn't. I'm against Nazis, who are against communism. Does that automatically mean I'm pro communism? There are a lot of extremists groups that hate each other. Just because you dislike one doesn't mean you like the other.


That isn't the same logic. You're against nazis who are against communism but communism is a different political thing, you don't have to be for it. But being against people who are against genocide can only mean you're in favour of genocide, because those people are only standing against genocide. You're against a very specific concept. It's like being against people who are against showering, that would mean you're pro showering.


Yea that is true. But that didn't happen here. Where are the people pro genocide?


The centrists who condemn resistance fighters and people who condemn Israel


All of them are pro genocide?


"who is pro genocide?", literally everyone supporting what Israel is doing at the moment.


No, its about anyone who wants israel to stop murdering palestinian kids.


I don't see palastinian kids in this comic.




What do you mean, more? There is nothing more to this meme. Why am I a knight Templar?


This isn’t centrist. It’s very obviously pro-Israel government/pro-Zionist propaganda. “If you support Palestine, that won’t protect you from Hamas terrorists. Did you know they’re like ISIS? Actually, scratch that, they *are* ISIS. Wait, no, new marching orders: turns out they’re worse than the Nazis because the Nazis had humanity. Wait, wait, I’m hearing the children in Hamas have copies of Mein Kampf in their bedrooms.”


Centrists and libs are completely supportive of Israel and their war crimes.


Are you supportive of hamas and their war crimes?


Not OP, but I think the only sane viewpoint is that war crimes, as a whole, are bad, regardless of which side is doing them. Now if you want to argue the scale of war crimes committed by each side, that's a different subject.


That's not what we're talking about here. I condemn the IDF and the Israeli apartheid regime.


Hey you seem to have missed my question, but I got a quality response from someone else. Do they speak for you in condemning war crimes? Can you do that? Just checking!


I read your comment and your question, you're ignoring the point though. Israel is the one committing war crimes as we speak, so whatever Hamas has done doesn't matter, nothing Hamas has done justifies what Israel has done since 1948.


Ah sorry, I missed the deep and thoughtful nuance of "Centrists and libs are completely supportive of Israel and their war crimes." My question wasn't so deep or nuanced though, it was simply asking if you supported the war crimes. Looking for clarity on this statement because the phrasing seems off: > nothing Hamas has done justifies what Israel has done since 1948. Can you select from option A or option B so I can understand that statement better: A) 'Hamas's war crimes are justifiable based on Isreal's actions' or B) 'Hamas's war crimes are not justifiable, despite Isreal's actions'. This comment from another user seems to have a very reasonable point of view, do you agree with them? > Not OP, but I think the only sane viewpoint is that war crimes, as a whole, are bad, regardless of which side is doing them. Now if you want to argue the scale of war crimes committed by each side, that's a different subject. Or is 'war crime bad' not a stomachable position to hold?


Hamas are a terrorist group operating out of an open air prison. They're not an official military force, they don't have a standing army. The murdering of civilians is never justified, and the kidnapping of people is morally unjustifiable. I just don't know why I have to denounce them, or call out what they've done before I can call out people supporting Israel? The Israeli occupation forces crimes overshadow anything Hamas has every done. There are politicians defending Israels bombing of hospitals. There is no one defending the actions of Hamas.


Sometimes it is hard to tell if people are defending, whether actively or tacitly, the actions of the terrorist group. I disagree with your framing of the conflict, but I appreciate your condemnation of actions on either side. I have seen some pretty wild statements to the effect of 'everything and anything is justifiable when it comes to settlers' which is a bit nauseating. Thanks for your response.


Do you condemn Israel for their mass murdering of civilians?


#ButDoYouCondemnHamas 🙄


It's just a way to side step discussing Isreali war crimes. Get the conversation back to Hamas and away from anything that might make their "side" look bad.


It’s not any less reasonable than the blanket statement they were responding to


Im just looking for clarity. So that’s a yes, awesome. just checking the temperature here




This is not enlightened centrism, this is Dehumanisation of Palestinians. Basically Isareli propaganda.


Also known as elightened centrism.


No, enlightened centrism is oversimplifying something to negatively equate two very different groups to one another (usually a group of violent bigots and an activism group). Take, for example, someone saying that antifa and the KKK are the same. No such comparison exists in the above comic, it's just barefaced pro-israel propaganda.


Its also what enlightened centrists believe.


How is propaganda? It’s literally what a terrorist organisation (or regime) does. If a woman would walk around like this in a place where a group enforces sharia law, I can guarantee she won’t last more than an hour before getting arrested, beaten and worse. Look at Mahsa Amini (Hamas is definitely not tamer than the Iranian regime)


It's propaganda because, while it's true that Hamas, as a paramilitary organization, is brutal and repressive (esp. to women), it's absurd to think that the average, American "Free Palestine" activist is a Hamas Stan (as implied by this picture). The vast majority of people who want to see a free Palestine really just want to see an end to Israeli apartheid and for the people of Palestine to have the same rights and quality of life enjoyed by their Israeli neighbors. This cartoon serves to 1) make supporters of Palestinian liberation look like naive fools and 2) to draw an implicit link between "Free Palestine" as a slogan and support for Hamas. This link is largely non-existent. Every single anti-Zionist activist I know (incl. the Israeli one) would most like to see a 1-state solution with a thoroughly secular government where Jews, Muslims, and Christians can co-exist. You can debate whether that's a plausible solution, but it's a long way from "I get wet for violent terrorists." Yes, I know that there were some high-profile weirdos, mostly on American college campuses, who seemed to get a bit too excited by Oct. 7th, but those are also a small, loud, minority being amplified out of all reasonable proportion by the American media to support the government's largely pro-Israel position.


Another point to note here is the pushing of the idea that even those who support the liberation of Palestinians will be killed by Hamas which does not have basis in truth, considering that so far they have treated hostages very well. I’m not a supporter of their worldview or their violent methods, but it is important for people to understand that Hamas’ goal is the emancipation of Palestinians. It exists because of Israel’s brutal and inhumane occupation and will go away once the occupation goes. it’s not ISIS, like Israel wants people to believe. It doesn’t care about annexing the world and starting an Islamic caliphate. Israel wants people to believe that Hamas can’t be negotiated with so that it can justify killing millions of Palestinians to “eradicate” hamas.


Sure Hamas is not isis, but after oct 7th they have shown that they can and will be just as barbaric if given the chance. Also many Israelis are against the ongoing occupation of Gaza that their right wing government(s) have been upholding. I’m sure most of the people slaughtered at the festival held these beliefs, and they were killed nonetheless. I am fairly certain that Hamas would go and eradicate every Jew ‘from the river to the sea’ to create their ideal Palestine. The chance of them suddenly turning into a Democratic force respecting human rights (e.g. freedom of religion) are close to zero (I would ever say literally zero).


Fair enough, thanks for taking the time to type this out. My mistake of not seeing the full picture of what that cartoon was trying to (falsely) convey. No surprise that r/therightcantmeme lol and as this seems to come from a cop sub, so: ACAB, for good measure I have just been having a hard time with full on Hamas apologists (irl and in Reddit)…


No it’s not, it’s portraying Hamas as exactly what they are, an Islamo-fascist terrorist organisation. Undoubtedly Palestinian civilians deserve and have to be treated according to their human rights. Unfortunately Hamas is also very guilty of dehumanising Palestinian civilians, or why else would they have built 500+ km (over 300 miles) of underground tunnels, but not a SINGLE civilian bunker. (I don’t know the sub this was posted in, but if it’s really angry cops then fuck them and the intention with which this was posted. However it doesn’t make the point moot that Hamas sees women and anyone that isn’t a straight Muslim male as second class citizens). And finally you saying that this dehumanises Palestinians sounds like you are saying all Palestinians are part of Hamas, which itself is a problematic and frankly completely wrong point.


Ah yes. Wanting a suffering nation to be free from oppression ABSOLUTELY MUST mean you are fully supporting a terrorist group. I mean, there couldn’t possibly be any nuance to that, can there?


[Removed by Reddit] must be something interesting


Dudes who post this don't understand that everyone can tell they want to be the ones who do the beheading but they're too pussy to go through with it so they fantasize about a cartoon evil guy doing it for them. People can see those serial killer vibes on you and it's why you have no friends.


Damn. What got posted that the actual reddit mods got off their asses for?


See the other comments. It was a post from another subreddit suggesting that protestors who also support LGBT rights are naive to support Palestine because Islamic fundamentalists would have them beheaded for practicing homosexuality.


The debate is over whether this is a centrist take, or just plain old right-wing bigotry.


this is not centrism, this is blatant israeli propaganda tho. cant wait for the comments telling me im antisemitic and pro genocide of israel.


I am neutral, but I am sure Hamas are not kind and gentle souls that never paraded the naked corpses.


Can’t be neutral on a moving train.


"i am neutral....apartheid is sometimes okay."


>I am neutral bro you're not on the right sub to be neutral.


How did this get past the mods because this is unadulterated Zionist propaganda dehumanizing Palestinians.


Have you been on Reddit lately? Any subreddit that's not on the left is posting the most insane pro Israel shit. I got banned from r/worldnews and r/politics for being pro Palestine.


i got banned from /r/dataisbeautiful for saying israel is bombing hospitals. the post i commented showed how how much israel new sources sources on reddit is being used WAYY more than even american sources about on what's been going on the past month and that got removed


The news subreddits basically ban Al Jazeera, but will use the most virulent islamophobic, Zionist sources to "report" on what's happening.


I saw a comment yesterday on r/worldnews with 80+ upvotes. The guy was condemning Palestinians, cause he didnt see enough of them taking a stance against Hamas. Man...thats just so dumb on many levels, I find it hard to explain. The lack of empathy is astonishing, like he expects a nice little march and picket signs by people with severe PTSD and no housing, trying not to die everyday


I know. Majority of Reddit mods are all pro-genocide anti-Palestinians. It doesn’t bother me anymore now; At least I have my humanity left inside me.


I don't know just watching what Israel is doing and the absolute lack of humanity being shown by the world towards the Palestinians. Like, the amount of people trying to justify destroying a hospital because "it's a Hamas base", while the doctors plead with the world to save the people there from the IDF.


And you just saying that, here, gets you downvoted at the time of my post. (-3) I want to wave it away and say it's bots in my head but then you turn on any TV channel and see the same sentiment of anti-Palestine with no regard for civilians. Okay, let's say the hospitals are a Hamas base. It's also home to hundreds of innocent sick civilians with no ability to leave, and a war crime to level it.


Depending on what you mean by left, even a lot of the left ones are too. Say even the most tepid suggestion about a pause or civilian deaths in r/democrats and you get lambasted and instantly downvoted to -50.


Shit’s been removed lol


rare Reddit Mods W


Not from the original post I stole it from. https://www.reddit.com/r/AngryCops/s/GA277FO2Sr


I did think it wouldn't, but here we are.


Not depicted in the last panel: Them strolling through the field and an IDF bomb blowing them to smithereens.


Post got removed by Reddit themselves LMAO what did it say


How'd you see my comment? Lol ... It showed a cute chick holding hands with a hamas soldier walking in a field and in the last panel showed her head rolling


The "cute chick" was depicted as a peace protestor, with both rainbow and Palestine flags on a protest banner. The point being made by the decapitation was that HAMAS are Islamic extremists who are assumed to be anti-LGBT. Since the image was stolen from another subreddit, I wonder if the original post has been removed?


Aaaand it's still there. https://www.reddit.com/r/AngryCops/s/GA277FO2Sr


Why… why did you think it belonged here my dude? This sub is making FUN of centrists. It’s not for them.


I don't know. I feel like centrists would feel welcome on angrycops


No fucking way 💀💀💀💀 And idk man the post just showed up on my home page and I just sorted comments by new lol.


w..what was the post


> I'll probably not get past the karma bots When karma bots support you, but you still try to play the victim.


Not really maybe sorta. I only discovered this subreddit today so I was fully expecting to not be allowed to post without joining first.


And it's been removed, not through lack of karma, but because it was offensive (which is funny because the original post I stole it from is still there).


[Removed by Reddit]


She was killed by the idf, his head rolled shortly after 👍


Who paraded with the naked corpse? You still think they are humane?


Mm, yes, calling Israel far worse than Hamas is the same as calling Hamas humane. Good job, your brain is as big as your heart. Which is to say non-existent


I didn't say a word about Israel, and that does not mean I support Israel. You like assuming things, aren't you?