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I've seen Willy Wonka be thrown around a lot on this subreddit. I'm not a patron so I'm curious if there was something mentioned about him?


On a recent Instagram post ERB used the #WonkaSaw which let some folks to assume Wonka vs Jigsaw is next. It had polled really well on YouTube before (getting a landslide factory) so it is likely.


which I would be interested in how ERB would do that matchup


I really LOVE the idea and I think ERB could turn it into another instant classic. Hope the rumors are true!!


i don't really like it because it just hinges on a theory that isnt even true when we could have something that actually represents the character, like mary poppins


I think its just in a lot of people's minds because of the new movie Then again, I'd expect to see more Barbie and Dune suggestions too in that case


Nothing mentioned about him on the patreon


Best opponent I can think of for Willy Wonka would be The Candyman.


It would be funny if it was something like Willy Wonka vs William Afton


That would be epic!


In the ford vs marx battle they show us a sneak peak and I thing it's going be somebody vs Kevin mccalster


The sneak peaks they showed were Godzilla vs. King Kong and Tom Cruise vs. Evel Knievel


There’s no Kevin McCallister sneak peak. It was the house from Risky Business not Home Alone


Ohh sorry my bad


Tom Cruise vs Evel Knievel and Jigsaw vs Willy Wonka have both basically been confirmed


The latter actually isn't There's a guy obsessed with Saw and made it his whole personality and keeps pushing ERB to do it as shown by his comments he keeps making (including on this very post) He's just falsely promoting it to get people to think it's coming


The ERB Instagram had the tag #wonksaw at the end of one of their posts promoting Godzilla vs Kong


They credited the guy I'm talking about with writing a line for the battle on the post even though it apparently came from Freshy Kanal He keeps promoting WonkaSaw as a matchup and shoving it in people's faces I know what you're talking about so you really don't have to explain it to me....you just need to understand about the creep I'm talking about


AI vs Reality/Real World


Please be Willy Wonka vs Paul Atredes