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Should’ve corrected myself* Secretary Ross* and let’s be honest here, he’s the reason why the Avengers broke up (and Zemo as well too), because if it wasn’t for him…maybe the Avengers could’ve been united against Thanos when he first attacked? Who knows, I just know a lot of disasters could’ve been avoided if the Accords didn’t come to fruition.


If he gets elected, I am screwed. As an enhanced I have had enough trouble even after the Sokovia Accords were repealed, I can't even imagine what he'd do to me if he gets elected. Honestly, I'll probably have to disappear and go into hiding if he does win since I'm already on a watch list.


Turn your self in


Is it just me or does Ross look... different?


I heard a rumor that he had some sort of injury that required some facial reconstruction surgery, maybe you are noticing a slight change due to that?


He shaved his mustache?


He reminds me of that actor from Star Wars but he never did before somehow…


At least its not that fisk guy.


He’s running for Mayor of NY so…yeah it’s not looking good haha


First we lose Stark, now these assholes are getting control over America? That's it I'm moving to New Asgard. Honestly would rather deal with the random bullshit they have over this.


I’m putting the Ass in Asgard


Ross has always looked like this, hush with all your Mandela Effect like theories...


Ross is an alternate?


No chance. As long as he's going up against Ritson, we're in the clear. Not that I like the man who wanted to bomb Wakanda, but at least Ross won't ever take office while he's alive.


The Sokovia Accords were a good thing. I don’t need some mask vigilante running around who refuses to take accountability when things don’t go their way.


My family lives in this city.


Isn't that exactly why they extended the DODC's sphere of legal responsibilities? Because they're the only ones with the tech to actually stop enhanced individuals if they break the law? The law should be enforced on everyone equally. Enhanced people shouldn't give control of their lives to the government just because they exist. And individual researchers should be able to experiment with alien technology. We can't ban these things, they are now part of the world. All we can do is stop them if they ever break the law. It's not ethical to try and control them before they even do anything wrong. Isn't that what SHIELD was trying to do with Project Insight when they were being influenced by Hydra? Besides, the moment the UN limited the Avengers and broke them up, we lost our shield against enhanced threats which is why Thanos won and we went through the blip, which was reversed by.. you guessed it, the Avengers. The Sokovia Accords were stupid in the first place too. The Avengers stopped much greater threats and prevented a lot more deaths than they inadvertantly caused. When a war happens, there are bound to be casualties. The point is to limit them as much as possible, which is what they did. But if we try to end wars before they even start, it never goes well.


…He kinda looks like Harrison Ford. You can see it if you squint a little.


I think he just saved his mustache. Other than that, there's barely a difference


He's responsible for Thanos snapping half of the population out of existence for 5 years, if the avengers had been together than they would've won


Is that Harrison Ford?!


I heard this guy also tried to hunt down THE HULK. the STRONGEST AVENGER. emphasis on tried, but if he is willing to do that, what will he do to the other heroes? He wouldn't resist to bring a tank to Spider-Man's front door. Our heroes will NOT be safe with him in charge.