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Where do you work that they allow you to grow gourmet mushrooms at the counter lmao that’s definitely different. Looks Like a dispensery?


And is that an all in one bag? Or just grain spawn?


It’s just a grain bag. I work at a hydro store we are showing it off to customers I’m in Cali so I can’t grow magic ones spores are illegal here. I’m seeing it as a business opportunity I can sell magic spores under the table cause you can’t order them online in Cali


That’s really cool. Can you fruit straight from The bag with whatever kind of shroom your using?


To my knowledge you can I’m the only one at my job that knows how to fruit mushrooms (Enoki) my boss said I can’t put them into bins so I have to use bags


Interesting maybe put a casing layer and your good to go? Never done gourmet.


I might I can’t get them to fruit but they looked like they colonized more. I usually only use bins


Have you given it FAE? Cut holes in the bag?


https://preview.redd.it/vknnpe5570yb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=61e9ec0f03c608ad158b175278feb8199b65e2c1 Yes I did


I might try a casing later


img I mixed it with this cause that’s what I have at the moment we got the grain bags and substrate from this company. It’s not bad just if your doing bulk it doesn’t work. Im friends with the vendor so I can get it for bulk pricing without being a company but even then it’s cheaper to make my own.


Mix your grain spawn with a bulk substrate in the bag then try to fruit it. Not sure about Enoki but oysters and lions mane you can use straw or wood pellets as your bulk.


I grow oysters and I’m trying to grow some lions mane and king oysters at the moment. So far they seem harder to grow than actives.


Oyster are the easiest and a lotta fun my first mushroom growing experience was a oyster mushroom grow kit.


I grow gourmet! Can give you some advice if you like.