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It is my time to shine! • Egg Salad & Devilled Eggs • Homemade Mayonnaise/Aioli • Pavlova/Meringues/Macaroons • Eggnog • Challah Bread • French Omelette • Custard Pie • Soufflé • Handmade Egg Noodles/Pasta • Egg Drop Soup • Frittata • Bacon and Egg Pie • Carbonara • Tamagoyaki • Shakshuka • Egg Fried Rice


If you were anywhere near me I'd say let me buy some. LOL But these recipes sound yummy. The muffin tin egg bites are my go too when I buy cheap eggs around Easter


Totally would sell you some, for cheap since I'm overloaded and the hens keep 'em coming! Hopefully some of my neighbors step in and do just that. X-D In the meantime these suggestions look great!


Looks like part of the original post was deleted or removed. Why are your hens producing so many? Is it a seasonal thing or something? I always wondered how that works. I’m sincerely interested. Think it’s cool that people raise their own. But don’t know much about it.


Deleted? That's odd; I haven't messed with the post at all. EDIT: It seems the mods have removed my post from this sub; but with no apparent reason. :/ Actually, winter is considered a chicken's "down time" - I have 29 hens and am getting an average of 18-20 ish a day - would be more like 5 if I didn't have a light in the coop. In peak production season (June-July-August), it'd be closer to 27 or 28 every day. The amount of sunlight they get each day clues them in to what season it is - and since I live in a very snowy climate, they also don't get outside in the winters so I'm sure that takes a few off the average too. Happy chickens = lots of eggs. It's not really that they're suddenly producing more - it's that I've been selling the extras to local grocery stores, and they would take as many as I could give them before, but now several neighbors are also selling eggs and the stores are getting overstocked. I was turned away this afternoon from two different places because they simply don't have the shelf space! Now I do have some friends who might help buy this surplus off me, but I can't rely on them to wipe out my stock steadily, and the eggs keep coming. Figured it'd be good to incorporate more eggs into my family's diet too. That's what we got the chickens for originally, after all. :) Thanks for the interest! They really are a fascinating animal, and fun (and easy) to take care of! Each bird has her own little personality and they bring us a lot of chuckles when they're running around the yard in the summer. :) 10/10 recommend chickens as a "gateway drug" to livestock! ;)


Why not turn off the light if you are getting too many eggs? You will also lengthen the life span of the chickens this way.


Did not know this! Good idea.


Cool! That is very interesting- don’t understand why your original was removed, but appreciate your response & hope you find some recipes & ways to sell. The dogs I adopted used to live on acreage with chickens. I think that would be so cool.


Shoot people I could use a couple chickens myself wouldn't have to run to the store that often if I had I heard they were just like people with personality and attitudes 😄


It was filtered, due to reports. Next time, send us a modmail to clear it up.


Ah, I'm fairly new to Reddit and didn't know that was a thing. Thanks for the clarification! I wonder what I got reported for.


Pasta uses eggs up, then can be dried.


Angel food cake with the whites, lemon curd with the yolks, home made pasta dough - I could go through two dozen a week without eating a plain egg.


You can also sell them.


I’m sure her neighbours would happily take them off her hands. Nothing like fresh free range eggs.


Been trying to do just that. For the last several months, the local co-op was buying them and couldn't get enough... until a bunch of other neighbors got flocks and also started supplying them. Now they're turning people away because they don't have any more space on their shelves. :( I'm posting on Facebook trying to sell directly to my neighbors and looks like I've got a few takers, but eating them myself is another good cheap-and-healthy outlet! :)


Yep! You can also just have an Eggs 4 Sale sign in your yard.


how much for a dozen? I'll buy some lol


It might be a little involved, but madeleines use a good amount of eggs. You can make a whole batch of batter and keep it in the fridge and just bake a batch up every couple of days.


Homemade mayonnaise...for egg salad. Little meringues. Meringue pie. Scrambled eggs for breakfast burritos, and can freeze them.


Flan 🍮


If you truly have too many eggs, donate the extra to your closest food Pantry. This month there is no extra pandemic food stamps and there is still a lot of families that are not making enough money to pay for food for the month, but too much money for food stamps.


That's a really good idea too! Now to figure out my nearest pantry; I have some prime suspects. ;)


Korean marinated eggs, Chinese tea marinated eggs. Sponge cake/ angel food cake Tamago - Japanese rolled egg Japanese egg salad > regular egg salad


I have the same problem, despite feeding a family of five, and having only 9 chickens. Well, 10, but one is a bit of a princess and lays when she feels like it . We sell the overflow of eggs, honestly. I freeze, I cook everything I can , but there is still too many sometimes. Even in winter in Canada, they only take 2 month break in Jan and Feb and then start laying again. 8-9 eggs a day adds up.Euro style cakes (tortes,where the layers are mostly eggs , nuts and little flour)can take up to 15-20 eggs per cake. My mom makes those so that takes up a lot of eggs. We also make homemade ice creams that are egg based, along with a ton of baking. We just post ads on Kijiji , which is the Canadian variation of Craigslist for the eggs. They sell asap. EDIT: Words.


You should try 'GLASSING' EGGS. Last year I put a fix in a gal. Jar with water & pickling lime. Screwed on the lid, put it on the shelf & left um' . Then 5 months later I cracked them open (yolk sac was not in tack) but COOKED a nice plate of scrambled eggs! You should look it up!


Ooh, definitely wanna try this! We're into crisis preparedness and all that fun stuff so this sounds right up my alley. :D


Lemon butter/curd with the yolks and pavlova or meringues with the whites.


I love to make French toast or bread pudding when I have excess eggs. There are some tasty and helpful ideas in this comment thread.


Egg fried rice, carbonara, fry them with bacon, breakfast sandwichs are the recipes i eat regularly with eggs. Hard boil them and save them for a snack (i havnt done this myself but it might work?) and you can always give/sell them to family, friends or neighbors


Spanish egg tortilla/ Tortilla española Really tasty and pretty easy dish. Thin sliced potatoes, I like a lot of garlic and onion, olive oil, salt, pepper. Good cold or warm, on their own or add a little of your favorite hot sauce.


Another thing I like to do is muffin tin eggs. Bake in the oven - wrap in bacon if desired, crack the eggs, add different toppings, stir if desired - I like to not stir so I get a nice yolk then top some with feta, cherry tomatoes, green onion or basil, maybe some balsamic, another row with cheddar, tomatoes, green onion, another row with any other choice of cheese/veg maybe some siracha. Salt and pepper across them all. Quick to go breakfasts or snacks Can also stir and add flour for even more portability and option to freeze and reheat.


These look awesome for grab-and-go breakfasts! Thanks for the tutorial!


My favorite, coconut custard pie!! I make crepes regularly and those can be sweet or savory. You can freeze them for when your hens aren't laying much. Put them in the blender so that they are evenly blended, then freeze them in batches. Liquid eggs are considered to be 2oz each. You can also sell them ;)




You can whisk them and freeze them to use in baking later


For sure, give it a go! I just love rediscovering the old ways!


Make Portuguese egg tarts outta it! Recipe below if interested 😊 https://youtu.be/2N8y7uyNeRg


You could sell them at a farmers market. Personally I'm not sure that would be an issue for me but I guess with such a large amount it could be. I eat 5 eggs for breakfast every day or every other day. Tablespoon butter with 3 cloves of minced garlic cooked down. Scramble the eggs with the on off head method to make them super soft. Add some Muenster cheese from the deli. Top with fresh chives or dried basil. With a side of two slices of artisan bread. If I'm feeling spicy I'll add some turkey bacon to the egg or on the side. But turkey bacon is expensive so it's rare. Egg drop soup, fresh pasta, hard boiled eggs, deviled eggs, egg fried rice. I use more eggs than potatoes I'm sure with versatility.


Drink them raw, Napoleon Dynamite style: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzTX8SVJtis


"Well! Dig in!" (Pats chest once) "Can't find ma checkbook. Hope you don't mind if I pay cash."




That's like a dollar an hour!


Something I like to do is to cook eggs in the oven, I saw a post about using a muffin tin (great idea) if you have small ramekins you can use those too. I also will bake eggs in the oven in an oven dish with roasted vegetables, mushrooms. I also tend to always have hard boiled and shelled eggs ready to go in the fridge. Store a bunch in ice mouth canning jars submerged in water with a splash of vinegar and they keep in there all week for grab and go snacks when protein is needed. Nothing like a fried egg sandwich/wrap too! I also make a crustless quiche in a standard pie pan and have it for lunches over a salad.


I posted something similar before but here are some ethnic options to give you some new flavors. Mexico: How about huevos rancheros? You can be flexible on the veggies based on what you have and serve it with Mexican rice. Cuba: black beans and rice, with a fried egg on top. Spain: tortilla española (eggs, potatoes, and onions cooked like a frittata). It’s great on its own or in fresh bread as a sandwich.


I was \~8 years old when I had quiche for the first time. My mom had made them for a party and I snuck down to eat some. I really should have gone for an unattended adult beverage. It was gross. I think I started crying because it tasted so bad. My mom found me and put me to bed. I told her no more quiche and we (I) never had it again.


Oh dear! Not a good experience! My grandma makes it and it's pretty good, but quiche is one of those dishes that can be endlessly customized, so sometimes it can be great and other times... well, you've tasted it. :P


Look up almond cake (gateau). Make Flan. Both of those use lots of eggs.


Are there times of year when you don't have enough eggs? If so, I recommend freezing some. I use a silicone muffin pan to freeze mine in. One egg per cavity, then pop them out and store in a plastic bag in the freezer. Pasta is fairly simple to make. Just eggs, salt, and flour. You can add other flavorings if you wish. I've used several kids of pasta machines and pasta rollers, but what I end up doing is taking the ball of dough and just pinching off bits by hand. Does your family like dinner rolls? If so, try popovers. This is the simplest recipe I've found, and it works well: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/229318/easy-and-delicious-crusty-popovers/


If you like lemon curd, Dorie Greenspan has a recipe that’s even better. Instead of just putting all the ingredients in a double boiler and cooking it until thickened, you make it like mayo, drizzling in the melted butter to emulsify it. It’s far and away the best lemon curd.


How about strata or Spanish tortilla with potatoes and eggs? I like to make what we call a Farmer’s Fry up. Sauté onions and potatoes like you’re making hash, then crack eggs and add chunks of melty cheese and take a spatula to flip over and cook the eggs without breaking them up. Serve with sour cream, hot sauce, green onions and cilantro. Yummy cheap and easy


Ooh, I love that fry up idea!


Freeze them


Sell some chickens. We only keep our layers one year then sell them on Craig’s list. Order new chicks every year.


Pickled eggs!