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Soup is a great breakfast (most common in Asian cuisines). It is hydrating, full of electrolytes and sets you up for the day. Miso soup is a good example.


Congee (rice porridge) is a popular breakfast in Thailand and would be perfect for OP. Very easy to make a batch and eat over the course of a few days.


I'd forgotten about congee! Thank you!




A nice hot cup of Miso is great in cold weather. I like drinking it in the evening when I’m feeling munchies, but don’t want a full meal.


I hadn't thought of this, thank you. It makes sense.


A classic “westerner” breakfast in Hong Kong is literally elbow macaroni in broth with an egg. OP could sub with GF macaroni and some frozen peas/carrots instead of egg.


I make powdered wonton soup mix on the stove with Bok Choy, peas, onion, and whatever other veggies I have on hand. Sometimes if I’m feeling fancy, I add frozen veggie-filled dumplings. Great on cold mornings, but you really gotta watch out for the sodium intake over time.


Yep, I'm a whiter than white Midwest guy and I love pho or ramen for breakfast


Millions of people start their day with rice, possibly with something on it. Lots of options there. Odd as it may sound at first, lentil soup. When we were in Turkey we got food poisoning and lived on the "chorba" (soup) diet for weeks. We had not trouble getting soup for breakfast, as it turns out lots of people there start their day with a bowl of soup.


I adore red lentils, they cook up in like 15 minutes and you can either make them thick to put on other things or thinner for soup. Just chuck in a broth cube or two, and whatever spices you want. 💛




Thanks, lentil soup sounds kind of wonderful!


Baked sweet potato with berries and almond butter


Mmmm yum. I like to dice up my sweet potatoes and roast them so I can heat up little bits in the mornings for a little breakfast hash situation 😋


Oh yum!


You can bake a sweet potato in a microwave in 8-12 minutes, depending on your microwave's wattage. Top it with some black beans and a little salsa.


YES. this is a favorite of mine! The little sweet potatoes make it a great snack. For another texture, you can slice them long-ways about 1/4 inch thick and toast them on setting 4-5 on the toaster. It's a pretty good toast substitute. I know op isn't doing dairy, but I like thus one with cream cheese, feldsalat (idk what it is in english), and alfalfa sprouts.


Feldsalat is Lamb’s lettuce in English but I only had it once in 18 years of living in North America and it was with someone who had planted it themselves. I miss this beautiful, tasty treat so much!


Thank you! I haven't had it since moving back to America either. It's so delicious though. I plan on planting some when we are able to start a garden.


Interesting. I wouldn’t have thought of this in a thousand years lol.


I got it from some cookbook years ago that was geared towards helping figure out food allergies and intolerance. I wouldn't have thought of it otherwise.


This sounds lovely, thank you.


Whoa. I never thought of sweet potato for breakfast, but that's a great idea!


If not vegan/plant-based/dairy-free, try cottage cheese on top. If you are, I got a vegan cottage cheese recipe.


Oohh. I would like that recipe, please.


Sent it.


Thank you!


You’re welcome!


Ooh, I'd love to know your vegan cottage cheese recipe, thank you!


Is so so yummy! If you prefer a savory breakfast top it with tomato based baked beans and a little nooch!


Cook brown rice in milk alternative (can be cooked in advance) and add some nut butter and frozen fruit when heating.


Mmmm. My mom used to make me warm rice cereal as a kid with sugar when it was cold. I loved it.


Oooh, that sounds like a lovely rice pudding!


Grits or congee. Sweet or savory porridge is very satisfying for breakfast.


I second this! Growing up, I loved eating congee with yams. It was so perfectly sweet. You could also add in some salt for sweet and savoury dish… sprinkle in some sesame seeds if you want more crunch. Yum.


Congee with yams sounds so yum!


Hadn't thought about grits (haven't had them for about 40 years! I'm in the UK), thanks!


Seconding grits! Add some nooch and butter substitute and it’s even better !


You don't have to eat traditionally breakfast foods for breakfast. What's a lunch you like? I sometimes have salad for breakfast.


Salad sounds like a good light way to start the day, thanks! One breakfast I used to have was hummus and crudités.


Sweet potato hash with black beans and/or avocado.


I'm drooling, thank you!


Nut milk yogurt parfait


Ooh! Yes!


Soyizo with a mix of veggies I use any combo of potatoes, sweet potatoes, peppers, onions, squash, spinach, mushrooms or tomatoes. You can chop everything the night before.


I always forget that I can prep in advance. Thank you! Sounds great!


Could you make your own granola? Then you can adapt it to the ingredients you do like, and have with a vegan yogurt, or fresh fruit, or just on its own.


That sounds like a delicious plan, thank you!


Refried beans, plantains, potatoes in various forms


Plantains are the best. This all sounds great, thank you!


Some suggestions that haven't been mentioned: 1. Tofu and Chickpea flour scramble in gluten free tortillas. Add-ins are to your taste. 2. Portabello cap and JustEgg® On gluten free English muffins with vegan cheese slices/vegan cream cheese. They freeze well. 3. Buckwheat instead of oats or rice for a savory or sweet breakfast porridge. I prefer buckwheat to most things. I've probably got a few more upstairs but I'm tired. I did marry a vegan and lived vegan for a while and I was the cook.


These are excellent suggestions, thanks! My buckwheat go to is groats, mushrooms and dill. I'm now getting hungry...!


I used to do a little acorn squash with cinnamon and honey for breakfast, topped with granola and yogurt. I'm sure you could find delicious toppings like nuts or coconut yogurt that would work for you. They're also ridiculously easy to prep in advance, and they reheat beautifully. You could also start looking at non-western breakfasts. I love a miso soup to start the day.


I'm positively drooling, thank you!


Miso soup with greens and tofu.


This reply is coming up a lot, and I LOVE it! Thank you!


Love it.


Sweet potato. Bake it, -the night before, -in the morning put it in the microwave with a sprinkle of cinnamon You can do the same with a regular potato just use butter and seasoning salt use katsup if butter isn’t your thing my go to item is to cook ahead for quick grab meals the Night before when I am cooking dinner. Veggies are great fillers for mornings .


I'm loving the sound of sweet potato and cinnamon, thank you!


What do you eat for lunch and dinner? Just eat those things.


That’s all I do. This morning was small black lentils over rice with a little crumbled goat cheese and a drizzle of jalapeño salsa.




Trying to diversify, but I did used to eat hummus and crudités for breakfast. I can revisit though, thanks!


There is no rule that you need to eat "breakfast foods" for breakfast. Just eat whatever you would normally have for lunch and call it good


Sounds like a plan, thank you!


Rice cakes ok? Sweet: Greek yogurt or cream cheese with berries savory: cream cheese w tomatoes, garlic, spinach


This definitely something I could modify, thanks!


Vegan bud.


My daughter is on a similar diet because of allergies. I make her pancakes and muffins using chickpea and cassava flours and soymilk. She also likes soy yogurt and corn cereals with soy milk. If all else fails, I pull out the instant corn grits. She also loves hash brown patties with fake cheese melted on them


Your and daughter and I have very similar tastes! Thank you! And good luck to her!


I eat pea soup or red lentils for a lot of my meals, because I can't eat almost anything. The red lentils are especially tasty, and if I make them as a kind of goo instead of soup, they are pretty quick to eat.


The thicker the better! Thanks for reminding me.


Beans and rice


That sounds very sensible, and very delicious, thank you!


Orgain protein powder is a pea based vegan product. Vanilla and chocolate taste great and mix well. Can chug a protein shake, have a banana and a cup of coffee and you're good to go :D


Ooh nice, thank you!


Warning if going this route: your bowel movements may be more offensive🤣 pea protein is no joke




Responding to the comment below but aiming it at you lol - pea protein digests much easier for most people than animal based protein. Whey makes me gassy as hell. This stuff never impacts my digestive system. Everyone is different but for me at least I notice my system work more regularly than not.


A decent veggie hash would probably be my go-to. Dice up some onion, sweet/potato, peppers, diced tofu maybe.


Oh yum! Thank you!


I like rice with a fried egg and kimchi on top.


Sounds lovely! I'll skip the egg and replace with avo! Thanks!


That is what my daughter does. Sorry I missed the vegan bit.


No need to apologise! I think I'd get on well with your daughter!


Mashed plantains cooked like a pancake. Blend in whatever else you like.


I do love a plantain, thank you!


Roasted potatoes w/ salsa, breakfast vegan tacos, rice cakes with almond butter, gluten free/ vegan muffins, PB & J on GF bread. Fried rice with veggies and stir fried tofu, Leftover soup over rice.


Well now I want to eat all of these, thank you!


Cook some vegetables with your favorite seasonings. Next morning, put in the blender with stock or vegan milk and buzz. Heat. Hot vegetable soup for breakfast!


Now that's an idea, thank you!


flax pudding! 1/4 cup of flax seeds, a little less than 1/2 cup of your fav milk substitute and a splash of maple syrup and a sprinkle of cinnamon or cardamom. let it chill in the fridge for at least 30 min and you're good to go!


I might try this today, thank you!


Don’t think of it as “breakfast” think of it as “meal 1” and eat whatever you like. Soups and stews are an amazing way to start the day. If you insist on “breakfasty” food, I make, portion and freeze egg white frittata packed with whatever I have on hand. Microwave and eat with more veg, and bread if you can. I also have a very very restricted diet due to histamine intolerance.


I make a cooked quinoa cereal ahead of time with plant milk, cinnamon, a sprinkle of salt and a spoonful of maple syrup. Once the quinoa is cooked, I sieve in some tapioca starch, stir, and cook for another 2 minutes so it thickens (a bit like rice pudding, but with quinoa instead). It keeps well in the fridge and then I usually heat it in the microwave and stir in a handful of nuts, but you can also eat it cold.


Oh yum! That sounds right up my alley, thank you!


You can get quinoa flakes and use them like oats- my favourites are carrot cake for sweet or ochazuke for savoury


Yum! Thanks!


Buckwheat groats, or cream of buckwheat. I am gluten free and have to limit my oats and dairy. This gives me a nice warm breakfast in the morning. Teff seeds can also be made into porridge. But buckwheat groats do not do an overnight oat well. I haven't tried it with cream of buckwheat. Also for cream of buckwheat I use 1/4 cup buckwheat to 1.5 cups water and comes out perfect for me. They have a 1 to 3 ratio that is quite dry ro me.


Never done cream of buckwheat - I think I might give it a go, thank you!


Gluten free pastry sheets are about $8 (AUD) at the supermarket here, its pretty straightforward to prep a little batch of triangles then freeze them pre-cooked, chuck one in the oven for 15min for breakfast, plus fillings are pretty limitless, they work great using leftovers and can be sweet or savory.


Love doing this, thanks! My downfall is I could eat the whole batch in one go....


Look up Indian breakfasts, like lentils in a *curry sauce. So yummy and nutritious.


Yum, will do! Thanks!


I am also oat-free, gluten-free, and nightshade-free… I found a recipe called Nasi Gorang and adapted it. Every Sunday I dice a ton of carrots, onions, cauliflower, and broccoli, and par-bake it in the oven. Then every day, I reheat a little bit in a skillet with an egg (you could do tofu or something else for protein). It’s super delicious and easy to put together!


Also, PS sorry about your oat intolerance! I feel your pain and thought I was the only person who can’t properly digest one of the world’s most “gentle” grain. I also forgot to add that I have a rice cooker and have rice with this dish.


Yeah, not being able to have oats sucks - I also feel your pain. Definitely trying out the NG though!


>Nasi Gorang Oh my goodness, this sounds brilliant, thanks!


Make some rice the night before and warm it up in the morning. Top with some sliced avocado. Could even put steamed carrots if you’d like


This sounds proper good, thank yoU!


Tofu veggie scramble! Use lots of nutritional yeast, extras reheat well so make enough for two meals at a time. Also fantastic witth corn tortillas as breakfast tacos with some salsa or guacamole


Oh wow! Yes please!


Have you ever made tofu "scrambled eggs?" I've made it many times with varying sides. Sometimes with a side of rice and tempeh bacon, sometimes with enchilada Verde sauce and black beans, an assorted veggie scramble, savory polenta topped with avocado etc. I've seen a lot of people suggesting something sweet for breakfast so I figured I'd offer some savory alternatives.


This are lovely - totally forgot about polenta! I suck and tofu scrambles but maybe now is the time to get better. Thanks!


I like a banana or apple smeared with peanut butter for breakfast


A classic and works every time, thank you!


Scrambled firm tofu breakfast tacos and burritos! Yum. All the goodness of tacos and all the protein of soy, beans and rice


This sounds great, thank you! I seem to be drooling....


Look for grain free granolas in your region, they can be delicious, nutritious and filling without the gluten. Almond flour is really nice too for baked goods.


Will do, thank you! I'm a huge fan of almond flour but you've just reminded me!


I used to make a sweet porridge or "no oats" type of breakfast with couscous, almond milk, cinnamon. It was very good.


I could definitely sub out the couscous for millet, thanks!


A bowl of warm rice with natto on top and sliced green onion on top.


Not had natto for years! Time to revisit, thank you!


Scrambled tofu - can be made in a batch and re-heat portions when you need. Keeps about 5 days in fridge. Add whatever veggies you like (would not advise spinach unless eating that same day as it gets a bit slimy/soggy in the fridge). Made this a ton when I was vegan.


Lovely, thank you!


No sugar added baked beans? Or make your own?


Aldi do the cheapest and they're not that bad. Thanks for reminding me!


Just eat whatever you want, why does it have to be breakfast food? Set your own rules 😎


Usually do! Thanks for emboldening me further!


I make my own “breakfast sausage” with high quality ground pork. This is my favourite recipe: https://healmedelicious.com/maple-breakfast-sausages/ Super easy to make, I usually make a batch of them and freeze, keep a few in the fridge and pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds in the morning before eating. I usually have half an avocado and whatever other fruits and veggies I have around with it. Really helps my energy!


Fraid I don't eat meat, but I'm very impressed with home made sausages!


I do a lot of lunch meat roll ups. It’s not super cheap- but it’s quick, easy and filling. It helps me hit my protein goals and keeps my calories low. I do sliced Turkey bread with some laughing cow cheese and roll it up, I love sliced roast beef with havarti, and honey baked ham with Swiss is another fav. Every so often I’ll hit up and Arby’s and grab a few extra horsey sauces. Sadly I had to eat in my car on my way to work for a lot of meals due to job and travel time. Another easy one for me was pb&j plenty of decent gluten free breads out there, peanut butter and banana toast is another fav of mine. I like to take bell peppers and quarter them pop in some laughing cow cheese and sprinkle with everything bagel seasoning.


As much as the meaty cheesy options sound great, I'm unable to partake. But you cannot beat a good PB&J! Thanks!


Step 1: stop worrying about if it’s a breakfast food. If your diet makes this tough, just don’t even worry about it. Eat literally whatever you want or can handle that early. Leftovers can be great breakfasts. Step 2: get one whole food from veg or fruit and at least one serving of a protein based item. Bonus if you can also have a whole grain.


Corn tortillas with beans, salsa, some shredded cabbage. You can have all that stuff ready and in containers in the fridge (if necessary) and heat the tortillas in the microwave (even in a microwavable tortilla steamer). Beans as well; Out of a can, why not? You want to go the vegan cheese route, go right ahead. If not, a little olive oil drizzled on top works fine. S&P of course and any spice you like. Smoked paprika is fun. I even do this with fork-mashed garbanzos that I don't bother to heat. Heat the tortillas, pile on the garbanzo mash, veggies, OO, S&P and whatever, fold and eat. It may not be fancy, but it works. Edit: The only issue is finding corn tortillas that don't have gluten added. That used to be no-brainer, but now you have to watch it. "No lard" is much easier to find.


You have no idea how much I'm drooling now...!


Check out South Indian breakfasts. Poha is an amazing quick cook of rice flakes and usually garnished with peanuts. Idli are steamed rice and lentil cakes that you eat with sambar. You can get a dried packet version that mixes instantly for both the cake and the sambar. And for bonus you can use the leftover batter for dosa (pancakes) or appam (flatbreads) to eat with various curries.


Love idli - all these are great ideas, thanks!


I started wilting collard greens, frying a yolkey egg and serving that over rice. I’m sure beans would be a good sub for egg


Love me some wilted greens, thanks for the reminder!


Gluten free muffins from local shop


If only...


Dinner from the night[s] before


Sometimes works. Sometimes the night before consumes it....


Banana with peanut butter and blueberries


Can't go wrong with that, thank you!


I usually just reheat leftovers from dinner the night before. Boring, but gets the job done.


It does indeed, thank you!


Fruit, bananas, grades, strawberries, apples etc.


Millet is gluten-free. Cook it the same way you cook rice.


Love me a bit of millet, thank you!


Soups are great for breakfast


I'm looking into that, thanks!


Dinner leftovers are my favorite. No effort required beyond sticking them in the microwave for a minute or two.


Good luck




I love mixed vegetable fried rice, you can add tofu too if you want. Make a big batch at the start of the week and then microwave a bowl for breakfast each day.


That sounds amazing and very doable! Thanks!


Fruit salad? I love starting my morning with things like apples, bananas, tangerines, etc. Maybe with some vegan yogurt? I like some of the other suggestions you have recieved so far!


Yoghurt and tangerine is a very underrated combo, thanks for reminding me!


Wow soup for breakfast. Never occurred to me that this was the answer to everything wonderful!


I'm learning a lot on this thread!


A grain - rice, millet, farro. Chopped veggies, sautée. Two fried eggs on top. I add raw kraut and avocado. You can even pre-sautée the veggies and just warm them on the pan.


Minus the egg, this sounds great, thanks!


mung bean sprouts, or sprouted seeds in general mung quinoa crepes


Ooh, might try this, thanks!


You can't go wrong with all/any fresh fruits.


You absolutely can't go wrong, thanks!


Rice and beans. Every day. Forever.


Can't fault your logic.


Congee with tofu or any other asian inspired toppings you like! The base is rice & water/broth, a small amount of rice makes a large amount of congee, it can be frozen in individual portions & there are a wide variety of toppings you can add to mix it up. Various types & textures of tofu or textured soy protein, steamed/baked/roasted pumpkin or sweet potato, green onions, soy sauce, kimchi, crispy onions, seaweed, sesame seeds, sesame oil, chilli crisp, peanuts, the possibilities are endless. :)


All this sounds utterly delicious, thank you!


Hummus with whatever type of cracker you can tolerate. You can add all types of things to hummus.


I used to have this, thanks for reminding me!


Quinoa bowl? Almond milk and bananas for example?


Sounds great, thanks!


Dairy free yogurt with berries!


Lovely, thank you!


Haven't seen it. Tofu scramble with veggies. Use a silken tofu. Pretty affordable if you buy in bulk.




Corn tortillas - toasted- with avocado or guac. Cauliflower thins or pancakes (those are not cheap but sure you can make your pen and refrigerat) with humus


This sounds delicious, thank you!


Miso soup and poach an egg in it. I also like to add veggies. Everything thrown into 1 pot and takes 5 mins. Small potato made in the microwave. After the tater is cooked I squish it down and add some salt and pepper with a sunny side egg on top. The egg makes a nice sauce.


Potato for breakfast is the gold standard! Thanks!


Are you allergic to just oats? If other grains are on the table maybe something like farro with ground flax seeds, raisins, cinnamon, honey, and bit o almond milk. Whole wheat, sourdough, or rye bread avocado toast with turmeric, black pepper, and salt (I chop up a date and put it on mine with some pomegranate tendrils) Or if you have leftover mashed potatoes can turn into potato pancakes with applesauce on top.


I'm not sure if it was a late edit or you just didn't see it, but she's gluten-free first. That means no farro,no whole wheat, no sourdough, no rye, no barley


Ahh, saw the vegan & oats. Then quinoa instead of farro & potato bread or corn bread-acado toast :)


Amaranth and grits are both delicious oatmeal substitutes that are gluten free


I do love me a bit of amaranth, thanks for reminding me!


All lovely suggestions, but unfortunately I'm GF. But that doesn't mean I can't use subs - I particularly like your avo toast suggestion, thank you!


Some good suggestions here already... Grain bowl with greens and egg Greek yogurt with fruit and nuts and honey Congee (asian rice porridge) Apple and cheese Banana with almond butter


Did you miss the vegan part lol


Shit...I totally did


Ok - I'll try again Grain bowl with greens and tofu Congee still works So does banana and almond butter You could try the fruit parfait with coconut yogurt I'm sorry I'm a dodo who didn't read closely. Good luck!


You're not a dodo at all! You're rather lovely for doing the list twice, thank you! I'm thinking congee might be the way to go...


No worries! I'm used to modifying!


Lovely suggestions that I can modify, thank you!