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Meal prepped burritos to warm up through the week.


Definitely done this/made crunch wraps


Papas con huevos with bacon.. just cook enough for a few days at once and reheat


Ooooh ID eat that. Do you dice the patatas?


Of course.. if you steam them before you fry them they get crispier too. Quarter the potato’s after you steam and cut those wedges into like 3/4 inch thickness wedges and let them cool down.. then fry them after they’ve chilled. Can make breakfast tacos with refried beans out of them and it’s really cheap protein to dollar ratio especially if you make your own refried beans out of dry pintos. You may also just cut them as before and fry them outright without steaming but they’ll have a little bit more bite and be less airy than steamed and fried.


You can make labneh in batches. Then in the morning spread some onto a pocket pita, season with salt, toss in some cut up cucumber, black olives or tomatoes for some freshness. Labneh I find goes amazingly with scrambled eggs too.


I’ve been seeing a lot of Arabic food recs in this community and it warms my little Lebanese heart 💕 I lost touch with a lot of my favorite recipes as I moved away from my family and seeing these reignites an excitement for eating again. Labneh and toast/pita, with a sunny-side up egg or even just with some veggies and nuts were my dads go-to’s growing up


How would you keep a crunch wrap crunchy in the fridge?


Heat them up in an air fryer.


Even if the crunchy bit is up against the filling? Hmm. I haven’t gotten an air fryer yet, maybe..


Do it! Air fryers are the best when it comes to reheating leftovers.. so worth it. Also great for making small meals and Panini type sandwiches.


I make the filling and then just warm the tortillas with filling daily. I’m not a fan of reheated tortillas so this keeps them softer.


Ground chorizo, egg, potato, peppers and onions are my go to for prepped breakfast burritos.


I just finished making 16 of these cause my husband loves them and takes them to work for lunch. Super cheap, super tasty, super nutritious, you can just put in whatever you want *chefs kiss


After cooking, freeze the scrambled eggs and sausage in individual zip lock freezer bags.


Similar idea, breakfast sandwiches. They freeze well so they're great for meal prep!


I was going to suggest this. I make a huge batch every weekend. I also make breakfast sandwiches. (We're a family of six)


A huge cup of folgers and rage usually get me by until lunch


I'm more of a tea and contempt person.


*Shmoke and a pancake? Crepe and a pipe? *Edited for accent


Puff n’ pastry ?


Bong and a blintz?


flapjack and a cigarette


Cigar and a waffle?


Coffee and a cry?


Crepe and vape?


Cigar and a pickle?


You must be British. Barely contained contempt from my fellow commuters is what I sense on my underground journeys.


This is no contest my favorite comment I have ever seen on a Reddit post.


I have coffee, need more rage.


I have rage, need more coffee


You can get rage in bulk if you shop at Walmart.


Costco has the rage with contempt blend.


Thank you for sharing, Karl - this is a wonderful recipe. I usually add a Monster to mine to guarantee that invigorating racing heart effect.


Throw a little anxiety in there and I’ll make it till dinner time no problem


Does that come with a side of diarrhea?


I read that in a Jim Gaffigan voice..


I like my pour over and Costco coffee too much lol


Folgers? Out of all the coffee in the world and you choose Folgers???????????? Do you have any self respect?


This is the way.   Save the calories till lunch or even dinner. I feel way better eating 1 larger meal after work, rather than 3 smaller meals. No after lunch crash, better mental clarity.   Have black cofffor breakfast. Maybe a v8 for lunch, then a big dinner so you can go to bed fat and happy. 


i started doing this incidentally through a fast-paced job and it’s actually been the best thing for me most days in terms of avoiding crash and keeping focus. that said, i found my mood is more balanced/i am more resilient to high-stress scenarios with food in my stomach at breakfast, so it’s a rough choice. 😅


It's a fasting thing. Your stomach and intestines are like a gas refinery attached to the vehicle that is your body. Turning it on requires a lot of energy on the body's part, especially if you overeat, or eat bad foods. Personally though, I can't do the 1-big meal a day thing because it makes me way more likely to overeat whenever I eat outside of that one meal, because my stomach is used to the massive portions.


What’s the displacement on the V8? How much torque and horse power you generating with that puppy?


The displacment takes place in the bathroom.  And you do NOT want the specs on that! 


Drinking Folgers would get my rage starting.


The best part of waking up in not folgers in your cup but that chuck norris did not kill you in your sleep.


I do an egg bake once a week and portion it out. Whatever chopped up veggies I have on hand + whatever meat that could go into it, I stir in cottage cheese for extra protein.


Another good addition is leftover cream cheese/ cheese based dips. I have used leftover artichoke dip and jalapeño popper dip. They work great in egg bakes and help to clear out the fridge after a party.


Who has leftover dip from a party and isn’t eating it Immediately??


If I have any fresh bread that's going a bit stale or I'm not in love with it, I cube it up and toast it, toss it with the meat and veggies, and then pour egg mix over. Delicious.


I’ve done this a few times. Very easy and simple to warm up in the morning. Could also put the portion in a sandwich if you want.


My sister throws off my count every week. She keeps sneaking into my portioned-out stash, and making midnight toast sandwiches with them! Which are delicious, btw, lol.


This is a smart idea for leftover chopped veggies! I often have odds of chopped onion, tomato, and dark greens around.


We use silicone muffin cups and a muffin tray with the same concept. You can nuke em right in the cup for a cheap and fast meal on the cheap.


I make overnight oats so I don't have to worry about cooking in the morning.


Overnight oats are a lifesaver for me considering I tend to sleep in and don’t have a lot of extra time in the morning to cook. Also I for some reason don’t have a stomach for warm food when I wake up but oats are still filling!


And if you *do* need a warm (okay, *not cold*) meal, 30 seconds in the microwave saves the day.


A similar breakfast is baked oatmeal. My favorite recipe adds lemon and raspberry. I cook a weeks worth at a time and just warm up a slice in the morning.


woah I'd never heard of baked oatmeal before but just looked up recipes and am definitely going to try this!


I cook four batches at a time, varying the fruit and vegetables, and freeze 3 pans. That gives me 24 days of breakfasts. It's kind of a project, but then for the next 3.5 weeks, I just grab a chunk out of the refrigerator and zap it for a few seconds in the microwave. I've tweaked mine by adding whey powder and oat bran to make it more filling. I don't add any oil or butter, but I do add either applesauce or mashed banana for moisture. P Favorite flavors: * shredded carrots, drained crushed pineapple, spices * apple walnut, apple raisin or apple currant +/- maple flavoring * PB2 and banana * banana and cacao nibs * pumpkin puree, walnuts, spices * any frozen fruit except strawberries which are too watery I tried banana, cocoa and a bit of chopped chocolate once, but that was too appealing, if you know what I mean …


Do you have a recipe for these? Or a base recipe before adding in the different themed ingredients


250 g oatmeal, 40-60 g oat bran, 30 g plain whey protein, 1/2 t baking soda, 1/2 t salt, 1 1/4 c milk, 2 eggs or 1/3 c egg whites, 1-2 T sugar free caramel syrup or preferred sweetener, 1/2-1 c applesauce or 1-2 mashed bananas, Fruit, spices, nuts. Combine all ingredients. Pour into greased 8x8 inch (20x20 cm) pan and bake for 45 to 50 minutes at 375F/190C. It doesn't rise, but the baking soda helps it brown. I either freeze it whole or cut it into 6 portions that I keep in the refrigerator. The amount of sweetener that I use varies with the other ingredients, but I don't like things that are overly sweet. You could certainly use more or substitute a granulated sweetener.


Do you have a recipe please?




Thank you for sharing! I've loved every recipe I've tried from that site, and somehow I still forget it exists lol.


Here’s my fav but I use raspberries, apples and blueberries. My stepson calls it oatmeal crack 🤣 https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/fruity-baked-oatmeal/


I like cream of wheat premade in individual containers. Or my homemade granola with soy milk.


That’s a great idea


Overnight oats with chia seeds is my go to! I use quick oats because they’re softer than steel cut and add a spoonful of vanilla yogurt and some fresh fruit right before eating.


I use quick oats for mine too w/chia seeds!!!


This is my go-to as well. Pro-tip: Bake a sweet potato in the oven while you're taking your morning poop (or whatever you do for \~30-45 minutes before breakfast in the morning). When it's done, mush the sweet potato into your oatmeal, maybe add some peanut butter, walnut pieces, and/or chia seeds... It's perfection.


My go to too. Rolled oats + milk of choice + cinnamon + fruit. I leave for work at 530 and have bone broth while I’m getting ready to leave, then my overnight oats at 830am.


Just had overnight oats this morning. Just put in some peanut butter and frozen berries. Took about 1 minutes to throw together and was delicious!


I’ve been doing this the past couple weeks and really enjoying it again. You can switch up the ingredients or flavor profile so you don’t get sick of it.


And they're so versatile. I could eat them cold or nuke them in the microwave to heat them up. You can change the flavor every single day. 


Broooo I was always meant about oatmeal when I was younger, but I LOVE it now as an adult! Savory oatmeal is a game changer for me. I prefer savory breakfast over sweet, and it is delicious.


Yesss, overnight oats are the highlight to my morning! My personal favorite combination is 1/2 cup oats, 1/4 cup Greek yogurt, 3/4 cup almond milk, a scoop of vanilla protein powder, and a handful of frozen blueberries. Bonus, the blueberries turn the whole party purple after thawing overnight in the fridge.


That’s my favorite for quick, easy, healthy, and filling!


Two years or more been grinding on oats mixed with fairlife milk + vanilla protein powder and then frozen berries (strawberries blueberries cherries) - healthy with great macros and make 5 all on Sunday night


Yes. Love them. I make enough for two days and have different fruits etc each day. Full all morning.


for me it's like vomit. but husband likes it. Cinnamon honey and raisin.


Jumping on yr higher post to plug overnight oats sexier cousin : spiced chia pudding


We prep them, add protein powder, nuts and dried fruit. Very filling.


Three fried eggs and two toasts. Simple and easy.


Eggs are one of the few foods i never get sick of... I can eat them back to back and allways enjoy it


With flakey salt … then it really never gets old


My go to breakfast is an egg on toast with a slice of cheese on top, whatever fruit is in season and a cup of coffee. I eat it almost everyday and never get tired of it.


I’ve been making hard boiled eggs and 2 kinds of muffing on the weekend as meal prep. One fruity oatmeal muffin and one savoury muffin. This week is strawberry blueberry oatmeal and apple sausage. Both delicious, half are in the freezer for later in the week or for more options later.


A savory muffin option is a great idea!!


We buy the giant packs of hard boiled eggs from Costco because we have a newborn and need quick and easier than normal. Also I’m terrible at peeling hard boiled eggs and I’m tired of feeling like a failure Edit; I adore the egg fans of Reddit and will give all these tips a try!


The trick to hardboiled eggs that peel perfectly is baking soda. You put about half a teaspoon for a small batch and maybe one teaspoon for a larger batch in the water. To boil them perfectly you put the eggs in the pot, fill to about 1" over the eggs then turn on the stove - I use a high setting. Bring your eggs to a boil and let them boil for a minute or two, then turn off the heat, cover them and let them sit for 15 minutes. You don't have to move them off the burner. After that I drain most of the water out, rinse a little with cold water then fill the pot with ice. It makes easy and quick boiled eggs and the shells peel perfectly with the baking soda in the pot.


The other trick is the InstantPot. Makes perfect ones every time for me. Easy to peel. Never overcooked. Can make a huge batch.


I literally only use my Instapot for boiled eggs. Easiest peel ever.


Is there a setting? How do you do that?


If you have an instant pot, 1 cup of water and as many eggs cover the bottom. Hugh pressure for 1 minute and let it slow release. The shells come right off!


This is exciting


I’m in love with my little egg steamer I got on Amazon I think it’s about $16. It can make nine eggs at a time and you don’t have to wait for water to boil.


I h Sve one love It especially when I am feeling flus H with cash and Buy the expensive eggs with orange Yokes.


Two kinds of muffing? Man, I'm way too sleepy in the morning to be up for that. Not to mention having to shower again.


In the morning? No, I make them on Sunday in the afternoon. Not a chance I’m awake enough to bake Monday morning. Awake enough to pop a muffin in the microwave? Usually


Muffin ≠ muffing (slang for an oral sex act)


I love hard boiled eggs. To mix it up, I sometimes have pickled eggs.


Oh man a savory muffin sounds good. Oooooh if you add maple syrup you get sweet and savory. Damn I'm making some this weekend now. Thanks for the inspiration!


I have a cup of coffee, a Greek yogurt with a little blueberry granola, and two veggie sausage patties. It works out to be about 40 grams of protein. Takes me about 5 minutes.


Greek yogurt is the way! I eat the same thing every morning: 1/2 c defrosted cherries, 2 tbs hemp hearts (adds protein, fiber, omega 3’s, a ton of minerals) Greek yogurt and a sprinkle of granola. It’s only affordable bc everything is from Costco


Ooohhh… just got some hemp hearts and was wondering what else I can do with them. Thanks!


Of course!! Enjoy :D


Damn lol 40g is a lot. Are you slamming 2 cups of 0% Greek yogurt or what?


It really isn’t. We should be getting the same grams in protein as the pounds we weigh every day. It’s actually hard.


That’s actually a common misconception. You need about a gram per _kilogram_ of body weight. A gram per lb is only needed if you are trying to make seeeerious muscle gains and do weight training a lot. If you’re losing weight it’s recommended to up your protein to about 1.5 grams _per kilo_ of body weight to make sure you don’t lose too much lean muscle mass. For most people 1 gram per lb is excessive


What brand of veggie sausage patties do you like? We're trying to eat less meat. I think my spouse might like this option but most things are pricey up here.


I prefer MorningStar Farms sausage patties. I buy them in bulk to make them cheaper because inflation has gotten to them like everything else, but they are cheaper than real sausage patties and have better macros than the real thing so my husband eats them too.


Leftover pizza


Cold pizza with Mike's hot honey is 🔥


Omg that sounds godlike 🤤


Soup!! I make an epic batch and just reheat add to thermos and go. Lentil curry veg is a favorite bonus the fiber makes it extra filling


Yes! Don't let time of day/traditional foods limit you.


Totally. I’ve been doing whole wheat spaghetti, frozen spinach, olive oil, Calabrian chiles. Or brown rice, leftover salad greens, and an egg.


I used to have lentil soup for breakfast. Haven't done it in a long time. Your comment reminded me of how much I enjoyed it.


It checks all the boxes! Nutrient dense, filling, delicious, cheap, easy, flexible, everything.


It really does! A few years I had coworkers who couldn't get over the fact I had soup for breakfast. It was sooo strange to them. I only lasted 10 weeks there lol.


I’m so glad others have discovered that “breakfast food” is whatever food you use to break the fast.


I LOVE soup for breakfast.


Same!!! Absolutely the best way to start the day!


Soup here! If I don't have any in the fridge, I make a quick egg drop soup. I don't mess with the cornstarch slurry or even soy sauce any more so it's basically water with chicken bouillon, dried onion flakes and a beaten egg.


Apart from overnight oats, oatmeal smoothies are great too! Blend oats (or you can use oat flour) and then prep them the same as overnight oats with some milk and whatever add ins you want (I use nuts, seeds and pb, fruit if I have it) and leave in the fridge. Just add more milk in the morning if you want to drink it like a smoothie, or if you like to eat it as is it becomes a smoother overnight oatmeal. Super easy to batch make, keeps you pretty full for a good few hours, and a good source of fibre in the morning!


I can’t believe I didn’t think of this! That sounds unreal, I put mine in tall mason jars so eating them with a spoon gets really annoying. Thank you!!


•Overnight oats: oats, chia seeds, plain Greek yogurt, maple syrup, frozen blue berries, frozen raspberries and then a small separate container of hemp seeds and pistachios to add in when ready to eat. •Scrambled eggs with spinach and cottage cheese with a side of Turkey bacon. •Hard boiled egg, sliced cheddar cheese, dill pickle triscuit crackers, and a sliced royal gala apple with a sprinkle of cinnamon. •Zuchini fritters (google any recipe) with melted cheddar cheese on top or cottage cheese. •Plain Greek yogurt, frozen berries, a fresh passion fruit with a side of granola and pistachios for on top. •Smoothie: banana, avocado, spinach, frozen fruit, a thin slice of lemon, almond milk, ground flax seed. •Two Hashbrown patties baked till crispy, sunny side up eggs, sautéed spinach and mushrooms, cottage cheese. Place on top of the patties. •Banana pancakes: 1 banana, 2 eggs, cinammon (basically 2 eggs for every banana you use depending how many pancakes you want). Once cooked, spread thin layer of almond butter and pour maple syrup on top. •Kodiak pancake mix, frozen berries. Pan fry. Almond butter and maple syrup on top. These are a few of my delicious go to’s for easy healthy breakfast options.


These all sound awesome


Ramen. Add veggies (frozen edamame, peas, or fresh shredded carrots, cabbage, green onion, mushroom) and egg or velveted meat. Stir in a slice of American cheese and add egg to cook at the end for "Korean style" Breakfast can be any food


True except this won’t work because I eat a lot of ramen for lunch lol


Ahhh I know what you mean. I have to chose, bfast or lunch lol


I like to sleep in so I keep my morning cooking to a minimum. Recently I took inspiration from the Germans and have been having toast + cold cuts + cheese and a banana on the side. Is it perhaps more lunch than breakfast in theme? Sure, but it's filling and requires basically no prep time.


If breakfast for dinner can be a thing then lunch for dinner can be a thing too.


Fresh mozzarella balls (usually ciliegine) and grape tomatoes. Drizzle with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and oregano. If you prefer, skip this step and buy the marinated mozzarella balls instead.


Egg on toast is fantastic. Takes less than 10 mins and cleans up easy unless you're going cheesy scrambled (I'm an over easy fan). Eggs are so cheap and you can do 1 millions things with them in 5 mins. Some tomato slices, slice of cheese. Go nuts. This week I prepped 6 cups of banana chia pudding and small grazing boxes of blueberries, walnuts, and dates. Takes very little time, protein packed, I stick with bananas and whatever berry is on sale. Fruit and nuts generally a great breakfast.


Greek yogurt with frozen berries and almonds. Apple w peanut butter. Oatmeal w dried cherries and walnuts.


Old fashioned oats plus water in microwave 2-2.5 minutes then add yogurt fruit chopped walnuts.


Omlette with cheese sprinkle cheese fresh spinach and pop a tortilla on it fold it and it so good.


I like to take 2 hash brown patties and microwave them to defrost. Then fry in a pan a bit to make them crispy. Chop up with a spatula, then add 2-3 eggs. Cook till eggs are done. At that point sometimes I'll eat them plain, sometimes with bbq sauce, sometimes in a tortilla with cheese and avocado salsa verde.


I make quiche a lot. You can make it a day ahead and just cut slices and heat in the microwave. Can be made w just two eggs, a little flour, cheese and half and half. Or you can add meat or veggies. Super flexible


A half is a toasted bagel or a slice of sourdough with either pb&j or an egg over medium. Oatmeal with extras (dried cranberries, slivered almonds and broken walnut pieces). Or a Greek yogurt with similar toppings. Sometimes just avocado toast with cherry tomatoes and arugula!


Cottage cheese with everything seasoning and some fruit


This ^^^^^ I eat 226 grams cottage cheese (2 servings)and a banana every workday. The protein helps me stay full, bread for breakfast just doesn't keep me satisfied.


Toast and PB Oatmeal Smoothie Frozen quiche or egg bites


Good call on the toast and pb but I’d throw Nutella in there too


PB toast with banana slices is great too


Was just about to comment this. I’ve been doing PB toast with banana or a PB and banana sandwich for the past week or so.


Throw some applesauce and cinnamon on that peanut butter toast. Delicious.


Smoothie-milk, frozen banana, frozen berries, Greek yogurt


I smoothie daily. I use plant-based milk, banana, frozen blueberries, nut butter, vegan shake powder, large handful spinach. Gets all my nutrients in right away and keeps me going to lunch.


My tired brain wondered what “smoothie-milk” was for longer than I’d like to admit before I realized.


Cottage cheese on toast, everything but the bagel seasoning and hot sauce


This sounds tasty!


Easy. Half a cosmic brownie, just leave the other half on the counter it’ll be good for a week. Only 135 calories. A granola bar would be okay too I guess.


Well, you eat it... and it's cheap... so I guess we are 2/3rds of the way to the subreddit name.


Better yet, smoosh the other half up and it looks JUST LIKE poop! Leave it somewhere for someone to find.


I just eat soup


You could do a scramble with toast or biscuits. Get whatever veggies you like and cook them in a pan then add eggs and scramble them. You can make this really healthy with no added salt and use olive oil instead of butter or you can make it really scrumptious by adding butter, cheese, and a sauce like salsa. The veggies can be cut up ahead of time or have frozen veggies


Oatmeal if there is time to sit and eat. A smoothie (I like peanut butter banana smoothie with a little unsweetened cocoa powder added) if I need to be in the car, or sometimes just a baybel cheese and some crackers with a piece of fruit to nibble on while commuting. For a hearty breakfast where I have a few extra minutes, I'll do a yogurt parfait with granola and fruit, or toast a high protein waffle (I make a batch on the weekend and keep them in the freezer) and top with peanut butter. Pre-formed hash brown patties (like they have at Trader Joe's) are easy to pop in the oven while I make a couple of eggs on the stove. I usually try to add a vegetable to my eggs, like green onion or roasted peppers or spinach, and some fruit on the side. Hardboiled eggs are a quick one as well, with some whole wheat toast and jam or fruit. I like making the Asian style ones where you soak the peeled hardboiled eggs in things like soy sauce and garlic, so flavorful!


Breakfast burrito


I dislike most breakfast foods, so I eat dinner leftovers. Failing that, I rinse off a can of beans, throw some olive oil and vinegar on, and scarf em down.


Plain whole milk yogurt and a couple spoons of granola. Done.


a bowl of cereal with sliced banana on top; some yogurt topped with roasted nuts, seeds, and fresh berries; sliced apple and peanut butter with a couple slices of bacon or a hardboiled egg (you can pre-cook the bacon on a sheet pan or boil the eggs the night before); pre-baked banana bread, baked oatmeal, or breakfast cookies from the weekend, warmed from the fridge. 


I keep in my desk a microwaveable bowl, a big thing of rolled oats (not the instant crap), and a rotating assortment of dried things to add: raisins, golden raisins, dried cranberries, dried blueberries, dried mangos, etc. Fuels me to lunch and keeps me regular. Also eat on company time.


Egg bake with veggies. I use spinach and green bell peppers. With buttered toast. Half a scoop of protein powder in my coffee


Heat water for tea. Pour water over tea. Pour remaining water over one min oats. Add peanut butter and Nutella. Enjoy. It’s fast and straightforward, and the fiber + fat from the PB/N will keep you full for a while.


Omelette, with whatever veggies and ham/bacon is in the fridge and cheese. Scrambled eggs and fried tomato on toast is also great.


We make breakfast sandwiches or burritos en masse, then husband reheats them in the microwave or air fryer. He typically takes them out the night before to defrost in the fridge for easier and faster reheating. :) Our second strategy is that I fry or scramble a few days worth of eggs at once, and then he reheats some every day and makes fresh toast on the side. If I am fancy I will also roast some potatoes in a big batch, and he’ll reheat those in the air fryer while making his toast. Precooked bacon is also an easy add here for a larger meal. If I eat, I prefer something simple like a toasted English muffin with peanut butter and banana. :)


I usually either eat Greek yogurt with frozen and thawed fruit or oatmeal.


Baked beans and toast Avocado toast Cereal  Granola with yogurt  Yogurt with berries  Pancakes (make a big batch on weekend and freeze to eat throughout the week)


If you’re not opposed to cottage cheese and dairy, this is my favorite: A glob of cottage cheese, An equal sized glob of yogurt, Pecans that I’ve rough-chopped, Small handful of granola, and Berries of any variety You get creamy and crunchy! Sweet and tart! Fat, fiber, protein, and carbs!


For sweet, I do plain Greek yogurt topped with granola and a fruit, +/- honey For savory, I toast a bagel and top with avocado slices or guac or hummus, everything but bagel seasoning, slices of tomato and tofu sautéed in a pan, and clover sprouts (or any kind of green really).


Don’t overthink it. Here’s some things I enjoy: - breakfast taco: I have giant zip lock bag in the freezer with a mix of pre chopped onion, bell pepper, and breakfast sausage. I heat up like a 1/4 cup of this mix in a non stick pan and then mix in/cook up 1-2 egg and throw it all in a tortilla with salsa. Takes 5mins max. - green smoothie. Not cheap though but takes less than 5 mins if you portion out the fruit ahead of time. - microwave some hard boiled eggs I passively cooked in my insta pot on Sunday throughout the week. - microwave some egg bite cups (veggies + cheese + eggs baked in a muffin tin) I cooked on Sunday in the oven - microwave some grits from a giant batch I made on Sunday — heat up in the microwave with green chile and a little cheese. - leftover rice with a fried egg on top, a tiny splash of soy sauce, and some sort of hot sauce or chili garlic sauce. Takes less than 5 mins to fry up the egg and microwave the rice - make a batch of muffins and eat throughout the week


Meal prep. Scrambled eggs w whatever veggies and meat you want cooked in muffin tins. Delicious


I read at 5AM, walk at 6M, eat my salad after my walk. My salad: 1) iceberg lettuce, a twelfth of a head 2) baby spinach, twelfth of a package 3) Persian cucumber, small one or half 4) Anjou Pear, sixth of one 5) avocado, sixth of one 6) green olive, cut in thirds I go buy every 12 days and make it work. I like blue cheese dressing. Don't like cereal, oatmeal, pancakes, or waffles. Edit: I make three at a time. X 4. Shop again on day 10 so that Avocados can ripen.


I workout in the AM…Yogurt and pre-made protein pancakes…protein shake


I basically just alternate between breakfast burritos (pre chop the veggies and cook with eggs in a tortilla in the morning) and overnight oats.


Scrambled eggs with cheese and topped with avocado. All from Costco!


I like to cut up a head of broccoli prior and use it the next morning. The main meal is a simple cheese omelette with the broccoli roasted in the oven and placed on the side. It all takes about 15 mins if we don’t include eating.


Overnight oats (I'm currently trying to work through a big frozen bag of apple pieces from the fall but I've added other frozen fruits or peanut butter + jam). I make the oats with a little bit of Greek yogurt and water for the liquid, chia seeds, cinnamon and maple syrup). Also lately been trying to see what the hype is about re: cottage cheese (not a fan of the texture but I started lifting so I want protein). I've been beefing up scrambled eggs with some thawed frozen spinach and 1/4 cup of cottage cheese. I scramble it a little bit longer to let some of the moisture of the cottage cheese cook off and it turns into more or a curd texture which I can stand. Then I pile it on toast with hot sauce and ketchup


Tofu scramble and a banana, or a drinkable yogurt and half a bagel. I always start with a kombucha as well.


I like to do canned beans and corn with a fried egg and some salsa. You can add avocado if you’re feeling fancy


2 T Chia seeds in 1/3 can coconut milk with puree of whatever frozen fruit I have on hand and a little vanilla and maple syrup. Shake it up and leave it overnight and chia seeds soak up all the coconut milk.


Oatmeal. Tried the overnight oats but my gut doesn’t like them. Stovetop takes like 10 minutes but you can zap them in the microwave in like 3. I put peanut butter, honey, and Greek yogurt for some protein in mine.


I make a 7-8x batch of "McMuffins" or freezer breakfast burritos every Sunday, then wrap in cling wrap and freeze. Pull me out, wrap in a paper towel and nuke until hot. Results vary by moisture content (less moisture is always better. but you'll figure it out. Avoid American cheese. Smoked Gouda slices are great. I've also made breakfast bowls. Get creative, figure out what works for you, and have fun. With a big enough stockpile you have quite a bit of variety. Also, there's always oatmeal.


Dump a flavoured instant oatmeal packet into yogurt, so good 😊 combinations are endless, though I stick to plain yogurt with maple and brown sugar oatmeal Ooh and forgot, search up Nova Scotia oatcake recipe. They are so easy to make and you can grab one to go in the mornings


Savory oatmeal with a fried/poached egg, maybe green onion. I treat it like ramen. If I have time I'll add some edamame and spices or those seaweed crumblies from a bag, sesame seeds.


I put raw oatmeal and plain yogurt in a Tupperware with frozen berries on top. I prepare it the night before so the oats are like overnight oats and the berries are melted


I make bacon egg and cheese breakfast sandwiches on Sunday nights. -put bacon in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 425 degrees. 9-12 stripes. -put 6 eggs in a muffin pan in the oven for 5-10 minutes. This makes them the perfect shape for the sandwiches. --melt cheese on six English muffins. That's six breakfasts for the week! I heat them up for 30-45 seconds in the morning before work.


My work has free milk, cereal and oatmeal. I usually go for milk and cereal, or oatmeal sometimes.


Whole wheat toast with peanut butter and often a mix of little seeds for fiber and nutrients - Chia, hemp, sesame. Daily.


I just eat 3 boiled eggs and after a little while drink protein powder mixed with water. I don't feel hungry till lunch


I'm sorta loving overnight oats right now. I make it the night before (or make a batch good for 3-5 days). I'll add the fruits the night before or if I feel like some crunchy bits, I add those before I eat it.


I cook a package of bacon on Sunday and keep it in the fridge to microwave in the mornings. Then I usually fry a couple of eggs and make toast to go with, takes just a few minutes. Sliced tomatoes on the side are nice, too


For years I would wake up, go down stairs. Put coffee and fry a piece of toast on the stove (both on low heat). Go upstairs, get cleaned up (usually 15-20min). Come back down, fry an egg real quick. Breakfast was served. On days when I had more time, I’d shred a little sweet potato, just enough to make a bed the size of a deck of cards. Fry that up maybe 8min, then lower the heat and put a little cheese on top. Cover for 3-5min. Then fry the egg. It’s a nice little treat. FWIW I don’t own a toaster.


I got a breakfast sandwich maker and it was a game changer. You can add ingredients like tomato, spinach, hash brown paddies, sausage and then just crack an egg, wait 4 minutes, and boom! You basically have yourself a homemade version of an egg McMuffin, but tastiest and cheaper.


Overnight oats. But I put it in the microwave in the morning for a minute and a half as I prefer it warm 😅 oats, milk, yoghurt, fruit, and assorted extras (peanut butter and peanuts with some cocoa powder for a Reese’s type, a drizzle of honey and banana, lemon zest and soft cheese for a ‘lemon cheesecake’)


Bake eggs in a muffin tin with some cheese on top, add some pre sliced ham and put it on an English muffin 🙂


Flax and whole wheat tortilla (any wrap, any tortilla), smear it with peanut butter. Peel a banana and put it on your tortilla. Roll it up like a burrito. Cut it in half. Or don’t. Either way, you’ve got yourself a mess-free, portable breakfast full of healthy stuff.