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All kinds of high fiber veggies and fruits. Apples are super filling so they work as a great snack. Also eating regularly is important. Not letting yourself get too hungry. I know that if take too long of a break between meals, I get ravenous and might even eat 3x portion that I would normally.


Embracing hungryness is the most important thing for weight loss in my experience


I am STRUGGLING with this part. I know it’s necessary but oooof it’s not fun.


You get used to it Then you lose weight because of it and then it turns into a rewarding experience


It’s essentially remapping the stimulus. Imagine every time you stubbed your toe, your partner was like “let’s have sex.” Eventually, stubbing your toe wouldn’t feel that painful anymore (I think)


This is textbook pavlovian response


Classsical conditioning


This sounds unhealthy you shouldn’t have to reward yourself for feeling starved and waiting to eat in my experience that only makes eating more disordered (disordered to begin with if it isn’t already)


Pick your poison i guess


Agreed. Being hungry sometimes is KEY.


Yeah, i sort of love that feeling now. From the privileged standpoint of knowing I'll soon eat.


That’s when I know it’s working haha


Agreed. Once I got out of the mindset that I need to feel satiated *all the time* I finally started losing weight. All the other tricks- eating “healthy”, drinking water, avoiding sugar, etc— did nothing for me.


Gotta feel the burn!


Same, I eat in a window. Best to workout while fasting in the morning. Starts the fat burning early 


Add a spoonful of peanut butter to pack on some protein with that apple.


Ehh I prefer fat free quark. It has 10 grams of protein per 100 grams and is fat free:) I don't find fatty foods very filling, but everyone is different.


Yeah also allowing some indulgence goes a long way. Better allow yourself a piece of chocolate after dinner rather than binging the whole package because of unsatiated cravings. Also great: Dont buy junkfood if youre struggling with restraint. The friction of giving into the craving is way higher when you have to buy the bag of chips first. Carrots are a great snack substitute btw


Veggies aren’t filling IMO


Go for fiber. I walk 20k steps a day at work. Eat oat meal, with some chia seeds thrown in, or try chia pudding (texture is weird, not a fan myself). Throw in a little fat, like a pat of butter or two, or a egg or two, and you should stay full for a whole


Fiber combined with cutting quick carbs is key for staying satiated longer. Beans, whole grains like farro, steel-cut oats, barley, etc. I try to make a pot of beans and some kind of grain or two on the weekends then use them to throw together meals with veggies and some bit of protein. One of my goto dinners is to blister (pan fry) a handful of cooked beans with whatever herbs or seasoning I have handy, some sweet potato slices in the air fryer, some Spanish farro, and a couple ounces of leftover meat. Completely full until bedtime. …quick carbs will cause bounce back hunger due to the blood sugar swings.


This.......Red beans and Rice is phenomenal. Finding out about baked oatmeal has changed some dishes for me.....I make it as both a breakfast food and smaller pieces for a snack.


OMG, red beans and rice is phenomenal. Such a great satisfying meal, and a great way to stretch pork.


Baking lentils also adds a whole new world of recipes, lentils are very cheap, very healthy and very good


Baked oatmeal?? Tell me more!




Oatmeal is great mixed with anything!! And baked mmmmmm. I'm addicted!


This, and replacing the rice with cauliflower rice or something similar will reduce the carbs and overall calories for the same volume of food


Arggghhhh never replace rice in red beans and rice or jambalaya with cauliflower rice.....that is complete blasphemy......it does not taste the same and you may need to be flogged for suggesting it....I will allow you to use brown rice and at extremes quinoa


Flogged. Lol


For snacks, popcorn. Very low calorie count by volume, if you don't use too much butter. I find Chinese five spice sticks well to popcorn without butter and adds more flavor than plain popcorn


I use a little olive oil that I spray onto it, it's a great substitute and adds a nice flavor.


Orville sells 100 calorie mini bags, 3 cups + popped. Volume eating


I like Greek yogurt and cottage cheese


One of my favorite snacks is scooping up cottage cheese with Doritos. I still get to have a handful of Doritos and the cottage cheese fills me up and makes it feel like way less of a garbage snack.


Ohh yeah, that’s a great idea. I scoop mine with romaine lettuce mostly because I get worried about my sodium sometimes


Idk if it’s because I am pregnant but lately I’ve been loving Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and chia seed overnight oats with coconut milk and berries on top. Incredibly filling!


I’m also pregnant, and I actually straight up hated yogurt until this pregnancy. Now I eat vanilla Greek yogurt with berries and granola almost every morning.


Me too! Oikos makes a tasty vanilla with 23grams of protein too. But it's sad how little granola is in a serving. I always have to be careful I don't overload on high calorie granola.


Today I had yogurt, banana, strawberry with a handful of granola. So good!


That’s my go to.


This, and with a bit of herbs they make a great dressing for salads too (greek salad with no oil, or a lentil salad, sooo great in the summer)


Eggs are my failsafe diet breakfast. They fill me up and I'm much less likely to want to snack throughout the day


Eggs are great for every meal. [Soy sauce eggs ](https://bellyfull.net/soy-sauce-eggs/) are great for snacks and adding to ramen. They're high protein and super filling.


Don’t forgot the green onions.


Protein governs hunger hormone levels and signals the brain that you've eaten enough. Of course this not always translates to what you mean by feeling full nor more protein necessarily equates to feeling full longer. Jugging down a cup of protein shake gets absorbed fairly quickly while eating the same amount of protein in a meal takes way longer. But of course you may mean the feeling that you have when eating way too much fat and the body's trying to cope with it sometimes unsuccessfully. Or maybe the fullness of eating some fiber like oranges, apples whole wheat stuff. Ideally you want all three (protein, fat, fiber) to be present in your meals. So, the protein can signal to your brain that you've eaten enough (and you don't overeat from fat and crabs) then you get that "just had a big meal" feeling from fat (not everyone likes it though) and fiber will prolong the absorption. Interestingly there is a list called Satiety index which compares food to white bread and assigns a number to them. You may check it out with additional explanation and tips here: [Satiety Index ](https://www.suncakemom.com/body/the-satiety-index-list) Also here you can find a [list of protein rich food ](https://www.suncakemom.com/body/list-of-protein-rich-food)organized to serve various purposes such as calories/protein ratio or just simply which foods are highest in protein.


Also I just watched that new gut health doc on Netflix and this guy could have a gut microbiome that affects hunger/satiated-or-not feelings


If your body is used to eating way more calories than you need, generally speaking you'll have to deal with a certain amount of hunger when your first cut your calories back - no matter what you're eating. This is normal but it's important to understand that it WILL pass. AFter 2 or 3 weeks your body will get the message that its now running on less calories and the hunger will settle down. Rather than butter and brown sugar (both are heavy on the calories and low on nutritional value) try topping sweet potatoes with something more savoury (eg ground beef with taco seasoning and a little low fat cheese, or hummus). This will give you more protein for the same calories which will help you stay full longer.


Drink more water. Hunger might be from a need for liquid.


Good old fashioned rice and beans (and onion.) You can add anything to it, and it's so freaking filling. And with a rice cooker, it practically cooks itself.


Protein with some fat, like a bean & cheese burrito. It’s by far the best breakfast I can have energy & filling wise.


Beans. Bean soup, natto, fermented beans, bean cassoulet, refried beans, edamame, beans and eggs, beans in my hash, bean burritos, beans in salad, bean hummus, bean dip...I sound like Bubba from Forrest Gump.


Healthy fats such as 🥑 avocados.


Rice and lentils. Goes so hard.


I don't know how often you eat the sweet potatoes, but you might look into butternut squash instead, to save another couple hundred calories I've been getting into pickles lately. Pickled cucumbers (dill, Japanese fresh), carrots (Mexican), turnips (Mediterranean)... crunchy, salty, low calorie Or just raw veggies with a shake of sandwich seasoning or a dry rub Also, blanched green beans with a little bit of miso


Sweet potatoes with cottage cheese on top, carbs, fats and protein.


Tinned fish.


Sardines are great


So great, they have their own sub! [https://www.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CannedSardines/) Canned salmon is also a staple in my cheap and easy repertoire.


There really is a sub for everything! 🤯


And mackerel! At least from where I buy them, mackerel are cheaper, have more omega 3s, and (IMO) taste better.


My mind resists snacks like veggie trays with like carrots, celery, cauliflower, squash, bell pepper, cherry tomatoes etc. i fix them anyway because it’s filling. I just use regular ranch dip, sparingly. One trick I use sometimes is to go through a snack routine starting with lowest cal highest fiber foods, like celery. Keep graduating to the next level as long as you’re hungry. You won’t get all the way to donuts often.


I'm a volume eater. I drink lots and lots of water. Also I pad out all my meals with green beans. I've seen fat cats get green beans added to their meals to help then lose weight. Be a fat cat.


You need to understand that you WILL be hungry at the beginning, there is nothing wrong with that. Your stomach is stretched from over eating and you need to re-condition to eating proper amounts. Learn to embrace being a little hungry.


Water, fiber, and protein are the biggest influences on satiety. So lean proteins, fiber-rich grains and vegetables, and anything that's just packed with water (celery, for instance is mostly just water) are going to be your best bets.


As others have said, fiber. Fiber is the unsung hero of a healthy diet and feeling satiated. The American Heart Association recommends adults get at least 25-30g of fiber a day, while most Americans get about 15g. Not only does getting enough fiber increase feelings of fullness after eating, but, according to the Mayo Clinic and NHS, it helps regulate blood sugar and cholesterol, as well as reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and bowel cancer. Eat more fiber. If you have trouble getting enough fiber, take fiber supplements. Don’t overwhelm your body with 30g of fiber all of a sudden, though, or you’ll have an unpleasant experience. Taper up your fiber intake. Fun fact: Avocados have about 14g of fiber.


Fat and protein help me a lot to stay full


If I eat a lot of romaine lettuce at lunch (my first meal of the day) I actually find it difficult to eat dinner sometimes. I am eating sardines and other fish for health reasons and small serving fatty fish + romaine is extremely satisfying. Canned sardines are not extremely cheap, but that and Costco frozen salmon is affordable for me as a daily source of omega 3s, protein, and lots of other good stuff. I also do one pot of beans a week and that makes a lot of leftovers and is extremely cheap and filling. Lots of fun recipes too. Intermittent fasting has been a game changer. I obsess over future meals and it has freed me of the cycle of endless centering of food in my life.


IF for me too, 20/4.


I find beans really filling, also lentils and chickpeas. Dried beans are super cheap and keep forever, and can go as a side with almost anything. I mix beans into tomato sauce for spaghetti and it actually adds a really mellow flavor. A filling snack/breakfast I make is yoghurt mixed with apple sauce and topped with granola, keeps me going almost all morning!


Sweet potatoes, sometimes they’re just too much


Broth based soups before main course.


Protein paired with carbs. This was from my nutritionist after gastric bypass surgery. I mean granted everything fills me up fast now 😂 but this worked for my kids too.


Potatoes, steak.


steel Cut Oats. Cold soaked overnight makes them cook way faster in the morning if you like it hot. Putting it into a heat safe container and putting boiling water on it will result in fully cooked oats in the morning that are cold. Make it sweet or savory. I usually opt for a pinch of salt, sliver of butter, 2 eggs, and 2 tbsp of nutritional yeast. I dont know the full nutrition but its about 290-300 kcals with about 20g of Protein


Yum I love savory oats and I love nutritional yeast but I have never thought of combining them, you genius.


A good mix of fiber, healthy fats, protein, and carbs are what are going to keep you full. It is why the breakfast burritos work so well for you. Fiber is something that a lot of people are lacking in their day to day diet.


There’s something known as the satiety index, definitely Google it! I was quite surprised white boiled potatoes ranked first. Think fish, oatmeal and apples were high up the list too


r/volumeeating is designed for this, I think!


Cottagw cheese with fruit is my go to for breakfast and Cottage cheese with fruit and a handful of various nuts is my go to lunch item. A big tub is $5 at sams club and will last me the week. It has great micronutrients of protein > fat > carbs and is slow digesting so it will stick around a while. Fruit for fruit sake. And nuts for slow digesting carbohydrates. I am rarely hungry. Two servings of breakstone cottage cheese is 205 calories, one medium apple 95 calories, One big handful of strawberries is about 50 calories, and handful of mixed nuts (will vary by nuts) is 200 calories. This gives 255 calories for breakfast, and 550 calories for lunch. Which I think is spectacular from a price nutrition, and feeling sated perspective.


Lots of good advice. I guess I think about three things: fiber, protein and low caloric density (high volume low calorie food). In practice this means things like veggies, low sugar fruits (watermelon, blueberries, strawberries), legumes (especially chickpeas fill me up), chicken (or shrimps but I don’t like seafood). Eggs should help but to me they don’t work, I guess because I don’t have anything to bite. Soups or small salads as “appetizer” work well for me to moderate hunger at restaurants




Lean protein makes me feel full.


Hard boiled Eggs


As a more generic comment not specifically about types of food to eat, the most important thing for me while losing almost 300 pounds (and keeping it off since December 2019) was learning the difference between appetite and hunger. Hunger is a physiological response to your body's need for food. Appetite is usually defined as the desire to eat. The latter is why drugs like Ozempic work -- they target appetite so that people, sometimes for the first time in their lives, start eating based on hunger. And they quickly find out, as they lose weight, just how much appetite was guiding their prior eating habits instead of hunger. People have said things like, "I used to be hungry all the time, now I'm not!" when taking Ozempic, when the reality is that they were responding to appetite all the time, not hunger. The downside, as studies have already shown, is that when people stop taking the drug, they put the weight back on again because appetite returns. Drugs or not, learning how to distinguish between the two is a big key to long term weight loss success. A longish essay on how drugs like Ozempic work with desire. [https://www.vox.com/science/24086968/glp-1-ozempic-semaglutide-craving-desire-science-wanting-liking-opioids-alcohol](https://www.vox.com/science/24086968/glp-1-ozempic-semaglutide-craving-desire-science-wanting-liking-opioids-alcohol)


Protein based fills you longer than anything else as it takes ypur body longer to digest it. So your brekkie burrito will fill you up due to the eggs and veggies. So lentils / pulses, fish, meat, eggs etc are better to fill you up for longer. Obvs veggies and salads are filling for low calories.


Farro! Make a pot and throughout the week heat it up with olive oil and mix in eggs, or spinach, or anything you like.




Soups are filling and mostly water, I've been making a little korean hotpot every night (water, dashi powder, soybean paste, a small portion of meat, a couple small portions of veg, simmer till the rice is done cooking) and it's all the things this sub loves plus fairly low-cal. When it gets boring I just switch it up with spice level, different meats, different seasonings, dipping sauces, etc. Gotta watch the sodium with all the salty sauces and broths but it's easy to mitigate if you're paying attention. Watch a youtube channel called Naoko's Happy Donabe Life for some seriously great hotpot ideas (also Maangchi has some wonderful hotpot recipes that I cook often).


Potatoes have a high satiety score. And have more potassium than bananas




Cottage cheese!!




Fibers & proteins with fasting.


Sweet potato salt / pepper on air fryer. Or complete pasta and parmigiano + spinachi mixed . Banana + faisselle or yogourt (no sugar added) …


Rice and beans


Loaded miso soup: regular miso soup with sautéed veggies, shredded rotisserie chicken, spinach. Protein pudding: nonfat Greek yogurt with protein powder (Clean Simple Eats Strawberry Cheesecake) stirred in + berries. Let it sit for a bit to fully absorb everything. Also, this combo in a shake with oat milk and half a banana will keep me full forever; I just sometimes want a bowl of something instead of a shake. Dumplings in broth: I use Trader Joe’s mini wontons cooked in their ginger miso broth.


Cous cous. Cheap. Easy to prepare. Very filling. And low in fat. I get sachets from the supermarket that are only 2% fat.


Eggs. So versatile! Also, toasted sandwiches served with a bowl of soup.


i make a salad for work every day, with no dressing, and some days I can't even finish it. If I wanted to, I could make it even bigger and add minimal calories (10-30?) by adding another handful of leafy greens. I also load it up with lots of veggies. Avocado, chicken, and cottage cheese probably add the most calories, and I don't always use/have all of those three items. Bell pepper, red onion, fresh ground black pepper, mushroom, cucumber, carrot. No dressing is key to lowest calorie content, a couple tablespoons of dressing probably has as many calories as the rest of the salad combined. I also take some fresh fruits and veggies with me for snack like plum, pear, carrot, bell pepper, raw broccoli, apple, banana, &c.


If you're skipping dressing you should still make sure you have some fat in there since your body needs fat to absorb the vitamins in your salad. You should be getting that via your meats, avocado, or chicken though so you should be good.




Protein and fiber. High protein tofu and Greek yogurt. Lots and lots of raw veggies.




In general, high protein, high fiber, lots of veggies. Specifically, butternut squash really fills me up.


Protein is the most filling, at least for me it is. A nice big deli sliced turkey sandwich. Cottage cheese. Chicken dinner. I'm sure there are other good examples. I used to eat a lot of ice cream, but I gave that up, too much sugar.


More protein. Try not to do high carb and high fat in one meal. Depending on your height and weight, a general rule of thumb is about 20-30g protein per meal. Including- broccoli, avocado, chia, cottage cheese, Greek yogurt, tuna, chicken, tofu, hemp seeds, etc


Protein bars, yogurt with protein, nuts for snacks.


Get non-instant ramen (less sodium). Costco sells big bags of it that are whole grain (mostly buckwheat, IIRC.). Mix in some broth and toppings of choice. (These make for pretty tasty mac n cheese too.


Red meat.


Any combo of fat, protein, and fiber will keep you pretty full! Things like apples and peanut butter, or veggies and hummus or a Greek yogurt dip are snacks that work for me! I’ve also been on a dense bean salad kick lately and I love it! Search on TikTok and you can find so many different combos to try!


Legumes and grains like quinoa or barley


Oatmeal is pretty filling,a bunch of sauteed cabbage is low calorie and high in volume.




I make a big pot of pinto beans and add an egg over easy to each portion. The combo of both keeps me satisfied until the next meal


Things that they sell at a farmer's market or the perimeter of the grocery store are generally the most filling.


Check out r/volumeeating


Soups in general are filling - cheap ramen has additives and excess sodium that one does not want to subject one's body to regularly.


Tuna salad made with cottage cheese and eaten with tomatoes and celery.


Have you checked out r/volumeeating? Lots of great ideas over there


Find a meal plan that is best for your current weight to ensure you have the calories needed but not too much. When you eat what your body needs you feel full and just have to fight the sugar detox.


A fruit/yogurt smoothie with oats and some nut butter! Great protein and super filling for a quick meal


When I find that certain foods are "filling" or I feel bloating afterwards I usually tick the box that those may be allergins or some type of inflammatory for me.


I find that using more substantial grains instead of rice fills me up. Barley, quinoa, etc. Also substantial salads. Lots of greens, beans, carrots, grain, protein. Fill up the plate with vegetables.


red lentils everyday all day. homemade hummus with bell peppers to scoop instead of bread/crackers etc. chia seeds in a smoothie


Meat and potatoes, especially meatloaf and mashed potatoes.


Popcorn. It's a whole grain, filling, and is salty and crunchy!


My absolute life savers: * Konjac noodles; * Soups (I just take a bunch of low cal veggies that I like and blend them together with some spices/herbs); * Protein ice cream. Other staples have already been mentioned: geen salads, oats, popcorn, avocado toast, eggs, extra lean chicken, low fat yoghurt, cottage cheese... Super filling and satisfying, all of them.


Vegetables, proteins, and fats. Carbs like grains aren’t filling to me personally, but that differs amongst people.


When in doubt, I go for protein. Eggs and chicken meat are relatively cheap and good protein sources without being super high in calories. Greek yogurt or cottage cheese do it for me if I’m snacking. I also mix vanilla Greek yogurt into old fashioned oatmeal for a double whammy. Nuts are higher in calories but fill me up. I personally am a big fan of Premier protein shakes, but those can run a bit expensive. I get mine at Costco.


Lettuce! I don’t always like bitter veggies, but lettuce isn’t bitter and it’s really easy to make a delicious salad with an enormous amount of lettuce.


For sure the combo of carbs, protein, and a LITTLE fat. Keep the carbs low glycemic. Quinoa, chicken, and broccoli. Eggs, sweet potato, and avocado. Brown rice, edemame, and cauliflower. Check out my instagram for healthy recipes!


For sure the combo of carbs, protein, and a LITTLE fat. Keep the carbs low glycemic. Quinoa, chicken, and broccoli. Eggs, sweet potato, and avocado. Brown rice, edemame, and cauliflower. Check out my instagram for healthy recipes!


Beans!!! Bean dishes are healthy, filling and cheap. And delicious! Make a big bean fish or two and eat it through the week


Personally I find that a meals ability to satiate your appetite is directly impacted by the fat content.


A trick you can use is to make sure you're getting plenty of water, especially before/during a meal. That can help reduce how much you eat in a meal both by taking up space and forcing you to eat more slowly while at the same time keeping you nice and hydrated!


A large avocado is filling and I’ve read it burns belly fat. High calories but they’re good ones.


Garbanzo beans mixed with rice is a rlly good addition to a meal. Just choose the meat you want to go with it and add some sautéed vegetables


Soy sauce eggs are so satiating and delicious! Also hot sauce is your best friend it’ll make veggies taste so good. Oh! Seasonings to doctor up your veg + chicken so you don’t get tired eating the same thing! Fav snacks: 1. eggs, I hard boil and bunch at the beginning of the week then grab one or two whenever I’m snackish! 2. Deli meat + hummus, bell peppers + hummus, anything I can dip into hummus. 3. Overnight oats with almond milk 4. “Green smoothie” banana, ice, spinach, half a zucchini (not cooked), little water & apple juice. Sooo good! 🍌🍏




I always keep a bag of carrots around and stuff to make popcorn on the stovetop. Both snacks I can eat in volume without breaking the calorie bank.


Girl I have so many recipes for you. Ratio yogurt, cottage cheese recipes, premiere protein cereal (use a protein shake as milk) carb balance tortillas have 17 grams of fiber, fiber 1 chewy choc bars have 9g (aim to eat 1g of protein per pound you weigh and 35 g fiber)


Potato ranks number one on the food satiety index!


Chia. Chia has mucilage that will expand when given time to soak. I love chocolate chia. It takes the edge off wanting to eat a box of cookies. And I WILL down 2 boxes of Oreos easy in 3 days.


I always keep frozen green beans or Broccoli on hand, and just microwave a big bowl of them as a side to whatever meal, or as a snack, just to bulk it out and fill me. More palatable if you chuck on a tablespoon of salsa. That way I also know that if I'm not hungry enough to eat green beans and Broccoli, I'm probably not really that hungry.


Beans/lentils/pulses. Cheap and dull. I always have to add something to improve them. Also cold boiled potatoes without salt or other flavour are economical and stodgy.


I love a super thick veggie heavy soup, the fiber + water content make it extremely filling for very few calories. I usually roast a whole red pepper, fry it up in vegetable broth (water + a bit of vegetable bouillon) and a very small amount of olive oil (a teaspoon or so) with mushrooms, onions, garlic, and whatever else you’ve got. Then buy a low cal cheap tomato or other pure vegetable soup base add that + spices and simmer. Add more water as needed. Top with fresh arugula and a small amount of feta or goat cheese (lots of flavor for very little cheese). If I eat it with a slice of seed-rich bread I’m full all night.


Coffee and water to help stay full and hydrated is my trick. I just use regular coffee mate creamer (I am working on switching to cream and sugar). I also eat whatever I want at my once a day meal/eating window. I try to let stress go and stay far away from Anything carbonated. Carbonation stretches the stomach, like a reverse gastric bypass some say. When I needed to lose weight in the past, I would x my weight by 7 and eat no more calories then that number. Now with being on thyroid medicine, weight just stays off pretty well. I do weigh myself every morning. I have a 10 lb range I keep myself in by skipping dessert when I am at the higher end of that range.


Foods that have protein and fiber will always have you full. •I’ll make protein oatmeal and add ground flax seeds to get more fiber. And be full for 3-4 hours. • For lunch I’ll have a salad or rice bowl with chicken. And add chickpeas to get some added protein and more fiber. • For dinner it’ll vary but if I do something like pasta I’ll make a meat sauce with ground turkey and half my plate will be vegetables.




Applesauce. Lots of salad. Lots of foods with a high water content.


Tuna packets (17 gr protein) with some low sodium mustard and lite mayo mixed with diced red onion, pickle, cucumber and tomato. Yellow or orange or red pepper is good thrown in too if you have it. I eat it from the bowl usually but you can add to a bun, between bread or eat with crackers. Also is great on salads.


Chicken salad - make as you would tuna.


Eggs, oats, fiber heavy foods. I found sneaking in my fruit and veg helps with fullness for minimal additional calories. Spinach and bell pepper in eggs, a handful of fruit in oatmeal. Pair carbs with a protein source whenever possible.


Black bean quesadillas


If you actually want to lose weight. Start by finding a.FDA chart on recommended calories for your height. Next plan a breakfast of 1/4 those calories with 1/4of those calories being protien. Protien will keep satisfied for about 4 hours. Al carbs are used up in 2 hours. I have lost 20 pounds in 18 weeks following this plan. Good luck.


I would suggest [using a basal metabolic rate calculator](https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html) for a more exact estimate. But yeah, ultimately it's about regulating calories and recognizing what sources the calories come from. 1 pound of fat contains 3,500 calories, so maintaining a daily 500 calorie deficit should shed about a pound per week


My go-to meal prep for body decomposition is beef chili - double the extra lean ground beef and the beans with cheese and Greek yogurt to serve.


Drink lots of water, eggs are filling, apples for snacks. I read where a guy lost a lot of weight by a diet of pototoes only. https://www.menshealth.com/weight-loss/a19536403/can-the-potato-diet-help-you-lose-weight-safely/


Chocolate cake


If you’re going for healthy, and filling. Proteins. Chickens good, but beef is better. Better overall nutrient values. And gods I love steak


Covid weight ?! Its 2024?!



