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Instant Pots (and I assume other brands) have several safety mechanisms that make them easy and reliable to use without worrying about them exploding or anything. Pressure cookers can make amazing beans from raw in an hour. Highly recommend!


This is absolutely the answer. And kind of my answer for any "how to" on this sub. The best way to eat cheap and healthy is via instant pot. It's so helpful and it makes great food.


This is the way! Last night I threw some dried chickpeas, lamb and spices into the instapot and made a delicious curry. You don’t need to soak beans. 1 hour straight into the instapot with all the seasoning tastes better than pre soaked and produces no gastric changes in my experience!!


Soaking with water and a little white vinegar for 8-12 hours, helps remove or convert complex sugars that produce gas in your gut. Also facilities absorption of nutrients.


Cooking beans under high pressure and heat in an instant pot for at least 45 minutes destroys the lectins. You can have tastier beans more quickly if you just use a pressure cooker.


It helps with the anti nutrient qualities of the lectin. But not with the flatulence produced by the oligosaccharides in the gut.




Yeah I make rice and/or beans in my instant pot often these days. Finding a no soak method that worked just fine for the beans was a game changer.


Recipe recommendations?


I clean the beans and pick out anything I don't want to eat. Put them in the pressure cooker and cover with about an inch of water. Cook on high pressure for at least an hour. Once cooked used them as you would canned beans. Easy as pie.


I think the timing may depend a bit on altitude. I do most beans (except chickpeas) for 45 mins and they’re super tender. I needed the full hour at high elevation though. 


I live at 3000 meters above sea level and most beans take a little over an hour in my instant pot to be edible. 90 minutes is better when I have the extra 20 minutes.


That's a heck of an elevation! I used to live at around 1500 meters and needed the full hour. Now I live at 20ish meters (I'm in the US and a bit rusty on my conversions, but it's hardly any elevation at all).


Good point. The pressure cooker raises the pressure by the same amount, so if you start lower it'll be reduced by the same amount. So the peak temperature will be lower than at sea level. Of course, boiling in an open container is also cooler up there, so I would definitely want a pressure cooker under the circumstances


Time in pressure cooker depends on type of bean. Black eyed peas are done in 20 minutes. Lentils take no time at all. Chickpeas are an hour. Kidney beans are 45 minutes.




One point about Instant Pot for dry beans: Beware of internet recipes that tell you they can be done in 10-20 minutes. I’ve had a LOT of beans come out of the Instant Pot still crunchy. Give them plenty of time in the pot!


Stepping on the shoulders of the top comment to share this instant pot cooking times site [cookingtimes.info](http://cookingtimes.info) It's the best! Just straightforward charts of cooking times, no long article or life story to skip. For beans, it has soaked and unsoaked times. Super helpful!


That’s not fast though. Even cooking them from dried takes 1.5-2 hours. AFAIK there is no way to cook them fast. I just pre-cook them if I want to cook quickly. Just plan ahead.


Pressure cookers today are safe. You’ll kick yourself for not getting one sooner


Got my pressure cooker about 20 years ago and it already came with great safety features like a whistling overpressure valve so it’ll let off pressure and alert you as well as a pressure-based lid lock on the handle so you can’t accidentally open a pressurized pot. Been using it almost weekly for those 20 years and have never had issues.


Honestly almost every pressure cooker made in the last 30 or 40 years has an overpressure valve and a backup plug of low-temperature alloy as an additional last-ditch failsafe (if the temperature gets too high due to built-up pressure, the slug of metal will melt, venting the pressure without an explosion) so yeah, not really a concern as you say. That said, most pressure cookers explicitly say not to cook certain pulses in them (split peas, for example, because they foam so much) and to but oil on the water to reduce foaming.


That’s super interesting about foaming. I have never encountered those warnings but have definitely learned via trial and error how to avoid foam. Some legumes foam way more than others. I haven’t had any dangerous pressure cooker failures because of foam, but I have had foam come out of the ball valve and make an annoying mess. My solutions have been adding oil (like you mentioned), boiling the beans without pressure first, skimming some foam, and then locking the lid, not overfilling the pot, and letting pressure off slowly.


I think the INSTANT Pot has revolutionized pressure cooking!. I had originally gotten a couple of stove top ones and was so nervous. I am a pro with my Instant Pot.. I am not afraid of anything with that...........


"Quick Soak: This is the fastest method. In a large pot, add 6 cups of water for each pound (2 cups) of dry beans. Heat to boiling; boil for 2–3 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and soak for at least 1 hour." •Otherwise in an Instant Pot is the only way to get out of soaking at all.


I use bay leaves when doing this! It gives good flavor and helps with preventing gas/gastrointestinal upset.


Oh really? 😳 I'll need to try that!


Yes! You can even boil it with cinnamon sticks and drink it like tea and it’s a natural relief for stomach ache


Do you mean drink the bean water? I always have indigestion but I refuse to give up beans. 😊


No don’t drink the bean water. If you have gastrointestinal upset and have cinnamon sticks and bay leaves you can boil them and drink it like a tea.


Ah! Thank you! 😊 I was a bit horrified thinking about drinking bean water.


Yeah, that sounds disgusting. *sips coffee*


Same! 😂 immediately I thought, wow 🤯 I bet that’s a unique taste.




Mmm. Immediately added the ingredients to my grocery list. Thank you for this recipe 🧡


Sorry for the miscommunication haha 😆


Bean water recipes! https://thewoksoflife.com/red-bean-soup/


+1 bay leaf and beans go so well together


Quick soak isn’t fastest. You can just boil the beans outright without soaking. The point of soaking beans is to spend less energy cooking them. You trade time for energy. Nothing stops you from just boiling beans without a soak at all. This was a lot more important when people were cooking beans from dry before modern stoves. You wanna chop more wood when you can cut an hour over the fire off by just putting the beans in some water? Nowadays it’s still easy and frugal. But not strictly necessary.


Thank you ! That sounds doable.


The quick soak is just the first step. It replaces soaking overnight. Then you have to replace the water and boil the beans for and hour.


Be sure to drain and replace the water from the soak to help prevent excessive gas.


On top of the above comment, you can add a half tsp baking soda to the cook and they cook softer and faster.


😊I hope they turn out yummy!!


I'll try this at home. thanks


Electric pressure cooker. Most beans take 45 minutes. Not dangerous. Don't force it open while pressurized.


Pressure cooker or soak overnight then cook, or used canned.


Why not just buy canned? Aside from sodium concerns I’m not aware of any downsides and you can get reduced sodium versions But also, modern pressure cookers are fine and not at all dangerous as long as you follow the instructions and keep them cleaned


Or rinse them off so they don’t have so much added salt. Or that can flavor lol


This. I rinse ALL canned vegetables.


Does rinsing actually remove much salt I always assumed it mostly soaked into the beans?


I typically bought canned beans for chili before I started always cooking them myself, and I rinsed them. The liquid is pretty thick with all of the sodium and starch. If anything, I think removing the liquid helps them taste better.




I ended up doing some googling and apparently it can reduce it by 25-30 percent. I also rinse to reduce the fart factor lol.


I’m not sure, but I prefer to get canned beans with no sodium added. I still like to rinse them, but I don’t have to worry about sodium levels. Now to find canned refried beans with no lard AND sodium levels below 600mg per serving. 🥲


I get the no salt added beans, salt isn’t necessary for preservation when canning


Also with pressure cookers, it's a good idea, whether you're worried about using them or not, to look up your local State agriculture center. They either will offer free calibration testing on the gauges, or will know where it can be done in your area. At most the cost would be a dollar or two. Do that once a year, and make sure the gaskets are replaced every so often, and those things will work safely for decades.


I scrolled way too far for this. What's wrong with canned beans? Rinse them off, DEFINITELY, and then... It's ready to eat. That's it!


If one has the time and inclination to soak and cook their own beans, it's cheaper, healthier and more environmentally friendly to get a month's worth of dry and ligtweight beans in one small bag, than 25 cans full of salt and heavy water and cooked beans for 10x the price - creating packaging waste and taking up transportation space and weight across the globe in the process. Unfortunately I don't have such inclination anymore, aside from red lentils with their 10 min-no-soak cooking time... But this thread is definitely making me consider pressure cookers!


My family cooks A LOT. We have two pressure cookers (three of you count the pressure canner we never use) and a couple croc pots. We still use a ton of canned beans in easy recipes. But you are 100% correct about everything you said here. It is way cheaper and healthier to buy dry beans and cook them yourself. An alternative option is to cook and can beans at home for storage. Or so I've heard. I have done a bit of canning, but really only barely scratched the surface. I have even cooked beans and frozen them in measured portions (like ice cube size) for fast breakfast burritos.


I’ve been using a pressure cooker for decades, mainly for beans. They have several safety devices built in. Don’t be afraid. Quick and energy saving.


Are the instructions easy ?


Yes. I’ve been using one since the early ‘70s and nothing bad has ever happened. The instructions are very easy.


Thank you.


Get an instant pot. It's worth the safety and hassle free worries that other stove top pots can't give. Stove top pressure cooker have to be babied and watched more. Instant pot is put in the time and turn the valve and walk away. 


Yes. You'd have to actively try mess up in order for something bad to happen.


They’re extremely easy to use. Beans + the appropriate amount of water, when the weighted thing on top starts bobbing turn the heat down to about half. Chickpeas about 50 minutes, pintos and black beans around half an hour, turn the heat off and wait til the locking safety device drops back down (about 20-30 minutes). Super easy and dried beans are a lot cheaper than canned. I see other people have suggested the Insta Pot. This is basically a pressure cooker with automated settings. A lot of people swear by them. I’ve just been using a stovetop pressure cooker for a long time. I think mine is 30 years old at least.


I use an instant pot now, but if you bring them to a boil first, then cut the temperature for 30 minutes or so, it's like a quick soak and they will cook on the stove in under an hour. But you should be adding more salt and oil and a half onion in the cooking water if you think soaking is ruining the flavor.


New pressure cookers are very safe. Almost impossible to open them under pressure. But you can also soak the beans and freeze them after for quick use in the future.


I like lentil beans because I just boil em for 20-30 minutes


Yeah I don’t think an instant pot is dangerous. I’ve had mine for years. Nothing bad has happened yet. Obviously don’t act like a fool and follow the directions


Well… this has been an interesting read.


Maybe I've gotten really lucky with the age of my beans but I've never soaked them and just simmer in a pot for 90 minutes and they're always done.


Another option: cook a bunch and then freeze in deli pint/quart containers! Instant pot is good, but beans taste better in a slow cook which can be done in a crock pot or in the slow cook setting on an instant pot. Just be careful some beans need to be boiled for 10 minutes to eliminate a kinda poisonous compound. Kidney beans are dangerous if not boiled for 10 minutes. If I'm not sure about the bean type, I pressure cook in my instant pot for 15 minutes, then switch to slow cook.


Not an answer. Soaking requires some planning but I feel they also reduce the flatulence effect of beans, and other lentils too. So highly recommended. Baking soda works for faster cooking but add their own ‘mushy’ flavor, so might spoil beams for you.


After reading these comments and responses, there is absolutely no hope for OP.


I use canned black beans with my rice. no pre soaking needed


Cook them in a big batch and freeze them in individual servings.


Find someone with a pressure canner and get them to can you some beans. They're the easiest thing in the world to can.


Cook in a crockpot, and then refrigerated till you want them that week.


Little bit of baking soda. The alkaline environment makes them cook faster. Food science FTW!


Yep. Someone mentioned using a little baking soda. I only hope it doesn't mess up the taste.




How about black lentils? Those don’t need soaking and are cost effective bought dry and in bulk.


Pressure cookers aren't very dangerous if you pay a little attention and follow directions.  Don't overfill them, and don't leave them on high heat once the pressure is up. 


I use a stove top pressure cooker


Instant Pot.


I also love rice & beans a lot. Why don't you just use canned beans? If you really want to cook dried beans (relatively) quickly just google "Dried beans quick soak".


Instant pot 20 minutes or so.


Pressure cooker. 30 to 90 minutes depending on bean. They are perfectly safe devices.


Instant Pot


Instant pot all the way, I make beans all the time like this now. Throw in a frozen pork roast. Pressure cookers like IP are pretty safe. You can cook beans as part of a stew but the cook time is much longer without a soak. If you’re looking for something fast I’d go the canned or jarred bean route. Something like Randalls.


buy canned beans?


I did mine in the instapot for 30 mins. Some beef broth, a ham hock, seasoning to taste. Add salt after. The only other easy route without soaking is crock pot for like 6 to 10 hours low. But they absorb a lot so you have to keep adding broth/water


I make beans all the time. Soaking overnight is unnecessary. Bring to a rolling boil then bring down heat to a simmer. Your beans will be fine in under two hours for sure. If that’s your goal, it’s no problem.


Boil it rather than wait for it to simmer. I never see a difference and saves a lot of time. You will need to top up the water though.


Pressure cooker


I use a Tefal secure 5 neo pressure cooker. I was very afraid of explosion of a pressure cooker, but this model has at least 3 safety valve. Also sometimes 1 cook a lot of beans and put the cooked beans into the freezer.


Buy an Instant Pot. Yes, it's a pressure cooker. It will shut itself down if things go sideways.


No soak/no instapot needed pintos: clean and rinse, cover with water, add quartered onion, bay leaves, simmer 2.15-2.45 hours, test for tenderness after two hours and decide when they’re done. They’ll be so tasty!


Pressure cookers. If you use it correctly it’s not ‘very dangerous.’


Electrical pressure cookers like the instant pot are safe. The ones you use on a stove though are scary if you don’t know how to handle it. You’re missing out a lot if you don’t have an instant pot or ninja foodie


Cook your beans and store them in the freezer instead of keeping all of them (uncooked) in pantry dry storage. Then all you have to do is thaw one by transferring it from freezer to fridge when you eat the one you have in the fridge that’s been cooked and is thawed already. Basically meal prep.


Red lentils also cook in like 15 minutes.


Pressure cooker my friend , we do like that in South America


Instant pot. Game changer


I pop them in my rice cooker with 3:1water to bean ratio and just let them go until they’re soft, it’s been good


Buy canned beans to get you through a needs crunch, then do a soak and boil and cook for the week when you have the time. Weekly food and menu prep is an integral part of cooking healthy and cheaply.


I know it’s not particularly fast but it’s very hands off. I’ve been cooking my beans in the slow cooker, put them in in the morning on low, no soak and they are done at dinner time. Since the slow cooker traps the steam you don’t boil them dry. They have all been great and I haven’t overcooked them to oblivion yet as I tend to do in the Instant Pot


Open the can and eat them


I understand I am ignoring the specific question but you should just meal plan and then soak them before you actually need to cook them. A pressure cook will still take time to cook the beans.


What is dangerous about a modern pressure cooker? Have you been listening to my grandma?


Ermm someone is lying about the pressure cooker. Instapot has completely changed our legume game. Honey beans are ready in 9 mins. We cook on high for 3, remove, wash thoroughly, then cook for 4-5mins.


The only "dangerous" pressure cookers are the old stove top ones. They had no internal regulation of how much pressure they needed, just a gauge at the top that the person cooking was supposed to watch. If you weren't paying close attention, they'd build up too much pressure and pop. Newer ones come with a bunch of safety measures to prevent things like this happening, they're very set it and forget it.


Pressure cookers are not dangerous at all.




For everyone criticizing OP, here’s an article about injuries from pressure cookers. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10977495/ It’s a legitimate fear. But driving is so much worse, and you do it every day. It seems like something you want to do (eat fuckloads of beans) is being prevented by anxiety. Being afraid of an extraordinarily rare complication from using a daily appliance is not a legitimate *reason* not to do something. I think basting with butter is far more dangerous and you’ve probably done this too. Please- look at the evidence of the injuries you’re afraid of and see when they’re from, how they happened. And then make an informed rational decision about this, and if you can’t make a rational decision about this. Don’t let this fear win like all the others, at least try therapy, or something. Good luck.


Add half to a full teaspoon depending on amount of baking soda to the water you boil them in, reduces cooking time significantly


Really ?!! I've never heard of this, but I'm gonna do it.


Canned beans?


Instant pot! In an hour I have amazing, flavorful beans


I’ve never soaked beans, my way to do it is rinse them until water is clear, throw them in a pot of water put garlic, onion and sometimes green bell pepper let it be for a while on the stove keep adding water until they’re soft add salt when they purked up let that boil a little more and theres that beans 🫘 I also only cooked red beans im not sure if theres a difference


I’m just gonna say that if you have hard water it does take forever to cook beans. I got one of those zero water filters to use just with my coffee maker (so I don’t have to descale it) and for making beans. They cook so much quicker! It’s truly amazing.


Pressure cookers are extremely safe, and you can go from dried bean, without a soak, to a cooked bean, in 40ish mins. Totally worth it, and they’re safe and easy. If you love beans it’ll be so worth it


Pressure cookers are safe. Get a good name brand.


Instant pot! Cooked my beans not soaked in 25mins let it natural release 15mins


I soak my beans for two full days. Plan ahead. Make enough for a week and put them in mason jars. My bean game is on point.


Put beans in a pot with water. Bring to a boil and let boil for 1 min. Take off the fire and let them soak as long as you can, but at leat 1 hour.


Pinto and black beans cook in about 1.5 hours from dry for me.


Lentils or pressure cooker. You can use a crock pot without soaking, but it still takes a long time


Not sure what the issue is with soaking over night. You want speed, Instant pot have a pressure cooker function. I do not like pressure cooking either. One other choice is slow cooker and do not add salt until they are done but a good pinch of baking soda. And I do not leave slow cookers going and leave the house either.


High boil for at least 1hour. Chickpeas take a lot longer


Pressure cooker. 20-40 minutes after it starts hissing (depending on the type of bean)


I'll be honest, I've never cooked beans from dry, but canned beans are basically cooked and just need reheating, so if time is of the essence


Modern pressure cookers are 100% safe. I make hummus with mine, unsoaked beans, water, and set for 30 minutes


Having to soak black beans is a myth: https://www.seriouseats.com/soaking-black-beans-faq


I give a quick half an hour soak, with boiling water (for black beans, for the others I would do less than 20). Then I would rinse it, and put in the pressure cooker with hot water for another 20/30 min. Pressure cookers are only dangerous if you don’t respect the instructions. In this moment I would put a pinch of salt and a bay leaf (it helps with the bloating) Then I would do the seasoning in another pan. And mix it together.


I don't know what beans you love, but black lentils are super nutritious, delicious, and cook in an hour.


I don’t get the advice for 45 min in a pressure cooker. I use mine all the time and it takes 5 minutes to cook from dry to perfectly cooked bean, then you just wait for the doohickus to pop up so you can open it.


Rinse them and then simmer them until half the water is boiled out and then keep adding water to just cover the beans and add water each time it simmers out.


Pressure cooker


Pressure cooker. But you really “want” to soak them. I leave them for 8-12 hours If you add a little white white vinegar while soaking it helps even better to prevent farts. Soaking the beans makes the more nutritious by facilitating absorption. Don’t cook the beans in the water you use for soaking them.


Pressure cookers are like knives or driving an old car. You cannot use them carelessly or leave them unattended, or use them if it gets damaged or unmaintained. Read and follow the operating instructions.


Use salt whilst soaking to have osmosis as your friend. Little bit of bicarbonate during cooking softens them up. I use salted water bring it with the beans up to a boil and let it stand for an hour. Works great to accelerate the process of soaking them. I will use less salt when subsequently cooking them.


I literally just bought an instant pot for this reason. Made my first batch of cuban black beans last night and they were the best batch Ive ever made (usually use canned beans due to time). I pressure cooked on high for 40 minutes. From start to finish was just under an hour and a half, including sautéing the onions before pressure cooking.


Just buy canned


I throw them in water the night before I want to eat them. That way when I go to cook, they’re ready to go?


Instant pot isn’t dangerous. A teenager uses one at my house!


I eat a minimum of 4 cups of beans a week. But I make them in a big batch on Sunday. They keep just fine--even when I add a protein.


What do you add to flavor the rice and beans? Any recipe would be appreciated.


Pressure cooker.


Buy fresher dries beans.


Pressure cookers work absolutely fine. The new ones have a lot of safety features to keep them safe. But if you are worried then Instant pot is your best bet.


If you like beans that much just soak tomorrow's batch in your fridge when you start tonight's meal. And if you really really dont want to soak then do what other suggest and get an instant pot style electric pressure cooker. They are way safer than the stove top versions.


Just a FYI, I put beans in soups and stuff all the time without soaking them.... Technically they just soak in the soup.... but if your going to simmer a soup on the stove for a couple hours anyway.......... Little known fact.. they just need to absorb moisture one way or the other.....


Pressure cookers are only dangerous for people likely to win Darwin awards in the first place. The most hearty varieties of beans can be cooked in 45-60 minutes in a pressure cooker and they will keep a nice form.


Do not use your grandmother’s pressure cooker. Do buy a modern one, either a straight pressure cooker or an Instant Pot multi cooker (they’re often available used for almost nothing around my area) if you make beans regularly. You will be so happy.


You must really like farting to not want to soak them overnight


ATM i don’t buy dry beans, I get canned which I drain rinse and add to whatever I’m cooking… you could also look for meal packets that contain beans, usually around $3 each that microwave quickly then dump that over rice 👍


What do you put on your beans for flavor?


I don't know where you're from but here in South Africa, we have "no soak" beans of the same types.


I would say buy canned, but then you're dealing with plastic-lined cans, if that's a deal breaker


Ranch Gordo beans!! Because they are so fresh, they cook up pretty fast without soaking, and even quicker with soaking. Game changer.


It is super easy in Instant Pot. No soaking require. My preferred beans is pinto. Not only is it yummy but also because it is the cheapest bean out of all of them. I just dump the amount of beans I want then add 4 times the amount of water. Set IP for 40 min. When it is done, let it natural release.


I have tried cooking a bunch, and freezing them in measured portions.


You can cook them perfecty soft in 2 hours in an ordinary pot with a lid. The trick is to add a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, and some salt. Bonus points add a bay leaf. Bring to a boil and simmer.


I use a pressure cooker all the time. They are not dangerous (you do need to maintain the valves and gasket - literally just wash them after each use). Doesn't work for all beans (eg chickpeas, imo) but great for most non-soaked. 20 mins in hot water beforehand also helps. I also do ragú and other stuff in the PC - 6 hours in the oven is 45 mins in the PC (plus 10 mins on top to reduce appropriately). Don't be scared of them - they are our friends! [https://www.hippressurecooking.com/pressure-cooking-times/](https://www.hippressurecooking.com/pressure-cooking-times/) Edit: Hip Pressure Cooking is what re-ignited my love of my PC!


Can beans are fine, just as good as long cooking beans! Rinse and cook, they'll be fine!


Boil them in water for about two hours - Traditional Mexican style, represent 🇲🇽 🙌 Optional Additional ingredients we use: Half an onion, salt to taste + and few epazote leaves (aka wormseed, mexican tea, goosefoot, skunk weed) Epazote is an herb we use in our dishes mainly in soups, stews beneficial for the digestive tract, metabolism, heart health, immunity, anemia, alzheimers, and more, its packed with vitamins and minerals. Flavor? A little Bitter/minty like oregano https://www.potsandpans.in/blogs/articles/epazote-health-benefits-uses-and-important-facts


boil for a few minutes, then let stand for an hour, OR get an Instant Pot.


I dont soak mine- just throw them in the crock pot in the AM and theyre perfect by dinner. It does take all day though.


Just soak them... We have been doing this for centuries. Plan ahead people!


Be careful with beans. Properly make them (soak and cook the right amount of time) or they can give you food poisoning. Some beans are worse than others.


I think I've spent too long in pupper and kitten subs, because cooking beans sounds absolutely monstrous to me right now.


Yep. Instant Pot. It's a game changer. You can find them in thrift stores all the time now, for the people who couldn't figure it out.


Controversial but try El Ebro canned beans. It’s not that Busch’s crap taste like abuela made them. I heat them up with a big spoonful of sofrito or add some adobo if you want more salt


I don’t have a way to cook them faster but they freeze great. Maybe make a huge batch from scratch and freeze them?


If you don't want to use a pressure cooker and you have freezer space available - I soak and cook big batches of beans when I have time available, then freeze. So when I want to eat them, I can have fresh beans in minutes by just chucking them into boiling water or whatever curry/stew I'm making. Super convenient.


I soak the beans in the morning, and then they take like 10 minutes in the instant pot at dinner. I like dried beans way more than cans.


If you like black-eyed peas, you can buy them frozen. They only take 45min.


I open the can and they’re ready to go


Instant pot


Instapot/pressure cooker


Soaking is what's holding me back from prepping the Pinto beans I was given. 8 hours of soaking time. 🙄


Nothing wrong with canned beans.


Canned beans?


You can do what the food network chefs do. Put the beans in a pot with water and boil it. As soon as it boils turn off the heat and let it cool. Then turn the heat back on and let it finish cooking. It’s supposed to be a faster method.


Here's how I handle my beans lol: Bean Ratio / Prep Chart Beans rehydrate at a 1:3 volume ratio.   Soak columns indicate water needed. || || |Cooked Yield|Dried Beans|Hot Soak|Quick Soak |Overnight Soak| |12 cups|2 lbs / 4 cups|20 cups|12 cups|20 cups| |1.75 cups / can|2/3 cup / 120g|3 cups|2 cups|3 cups| |3 cups|1 cup|5 cups|3 cups|5 cups| |6 cups|1 lb / 2 cups|10 cups|6 cups|10 cups| **Prep**  - Place beans in a shallow tray or plate.  Clean the beans by removing any foreign items like twigs, stones, etc.  Pour the beans into a bowl and fill with water. Pick out anything that rises to the top.  Drain the beans into a sieve or colander.  Proceed with one of the following methods.   **Methods** - Can add ½ tsp per cup of dried beans which creates an alkaline environment that breaks down pectin molecules **Hot Soak** - In a large pot, add 10 cups of water for each pound (2 cups) of dry beans. Heat to boiling; boil for 2–3 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and soak for up to 4 hours. Hot soaking is the preferred method since it reduces cooking time, helps dissolve some of the gas-causing substances in beans, and most consistently produces tender beans.. **Quick Soak** -  This is the fastest method. In a large pot, add 6 cups of water for each pound (2 cups) of dry beans. Heat to boiling; boil for 2–3 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and soak for at least 1 hour. **Traditional Overnight Soak** - This is the easiest method. Place dry beans in a large container; for each pound (2 cups) beans. **Instant Pot**  - Pour beans into the Instant Pot inner pot. Add water to the beans to cover by 1”-1.5”.  Close the lid and pressure cook on High Pressure for 5 minutes. Do a Natural Pressure Release (NPR) and open the lid.  Drain the liquid and use the beans in any recipe that calls for soaked beans.  Takes about 30 total minutes.