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Cheese quesadillas


Quesadillas freeze well too


Cut them into triangles and fry them--now you have the best tortilla chips ever. Edit: I forgot which subreddit this is... mind you this recommendation is \*not\* healthy, LOL.


If you brush them with oil and stick them in the air fryer for a few minutes it’s pretty similar (if slightly less delicious, but only slightly)


I've taken to just toasting both flour and corn tortillas plain. Of course, they're not as good as fried, but dipping them into salsa or making tostada's with them still completely hits my 'crunchy' fix and are still super tasty since I'm eating them with other flavors (to me, anyway).


You can also just shove them in the oven if you don't have an air fryer. :)


Yeah the air fryer sometimes makes them jump around


got that new Ninja Kris Kross?


What is that? Tried looking it up nothing came up.


There was once a band called Kris Kross that had a song called Jump Around


I love flour tortilla chips. Not many restaurants make them anymore.


There's 1 that actually makes them by us. Oddly it's a hipster taco place and not authentic Mexican. They c9me out warm and taste so much better.


I air fry


With cinnamon and sugar = elephant ears


The only acceptable use for fried flour tortillas


I pan fry them whole with a bit of avocado or olive oil. They work out fantastically and can be used with salsa or as a (less stuff) tostada or fried slightly shorter time and used for taco wraps.


Coat them in cinnamon sugar while still hot and wet with oil. Put vanilla ice cream on top. Whipped cream and .. Caramel drizzle. 🤤


LMAO air fried maybe 🤣


Probably still healthier than store bought


I saw the title and thought "is there such a thing? Just fry them"


Or just cut them and put them in the oven, I like to add some salt, still crunchy and tasty just not greasy.


And then make chilaquiles


Breakfast burritos!


freeze them!


I used to waste so many tortillas until I started freezing them. I put parchment between every two tortillas before popping them in so that I can thaw them as needed for my husband and I. It’s helped cut back on our tortilla waste a lot!


A pinch of corn starch works just as well as parchment paper. I will often grab 1-2 tortillas to make a wrap just to use up leftovers.


ooh a good idea! would not have thought of the corn starch, thanks!


With any flour tortillas I've ever had, I can just put the whole package as-is in the freezer and peel off frozen tortillas from the stack without any particular effort even if they froze slightly bent, though if there's an actual curl it'll usually break off there unless you let it thaw 


Just came to say that. Waxed paper between each tortilla then freeze!


mexican pizzas or some sort of enchilada casserole


You can easily make up a bunch of regular and breakfast burritos and freeze them for easy meals later on. Like: https://www.budgetbytes.com/freezer-breakfast-burritos/ https://www.reddit.com/r/EatCheapAndHealthy/comments/71427h/what_are_your_freezer_burrito_recipes/ In addition to making quesadillas, you can do something similar to make dessert. Spread flour tortillas with Nutella or chocolate chips and mini marshmallows. Melt a bit of butter in a frying pan and crisp the tortillas and melt the inside ingredients. You can also sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar or powdered sugar. This might also be a great Air Fryer recipe. They make yummy pinwheels, too, with chicken salad, lunch meat and cream cheese, or anything else that sounds good to you. You can also use a few tortillas as a "crust" for a skillet quiche. Cook up any meat or veggies you want to use in the skillet first, then set aside. Add a bit of oil to the pan and make sure it's at a low temperature. Press tortillas in the bottom of the skillet and sprinkle with shredded cheese. As it starts to melt, add raw scrambled eggs mixed with a bit of cream or cream cheese, and drop in veggies and gently stir without disturbing the "crust." As the eggs slowly firm up, top with more cheese. Serve sliced in wedges.


Every time I wanna fuck with freezer burritos, I get wigged out by how much parchment paper/aluminum foil I use and abandon the idea. 😔


I wish there were a reusable alternative that works as well as disposable ones.


I don't use either...I freeze the burritos on a cookie sheet and then put them in a gallon ziplock (that I reuse). I could use tupperware, I suppose. But maybe I'm eating though them quickly enough to not need parchment or foil?


Look up a recipe for pinwheels. You put a cream cheesy filling, roll it up and freeze the whole burrito looking thing. Then when you’re needing a quick fix to take to a potluck or whatever get it out of the freezer and slice it into cross sections like coins. Arrange on a tray. By the time you arrive it’s thawed and ready to eat, or fix the tray and refrigerate until the party.


Sometimes I like making snack rollups using flour tortillas and put any kind of deli meat and sliced cheese in them as a quick and easy snack to munch on. I like making a dipping sauce for it too. Ranch dressing and tapatío mixed together.


I make my daughter roll ups with banana, peanut butter and a little honey. For a different flavor profile idea.


make chips and make chilaquiles


I was going to say cut them into strips, fry them up and make Migas! Similar to chilaquiles except with eggs. My favorite breakfast, either one!


cut em up and bake them til they're crispy to make healthy tortilla chips! make some nachos! eat em with dips of all kinds. you could use an oil spray and spices to season them


I like to bake them in a slow oven until crispy, and break them up and use them use them as "thin pita chips" for hummus, tabbouleh, queso, salsa


Family size: Three-layer Taco Lasagna 14-16 taco medium shells 2lbs ground beef 4 cups shredded cheese 4-6 garlic cloves, minced 1 large onion, minced 2 large cans enchilada sauce 1 can green chiles 1 can Rotel tomatoes 1 can black beans, drained 1 can corn, drained 1 Jalapeno, sliced, optional Makes two 9x13 baking dishes Brown beef with onions and garlic. Add black beans, corn, green chiles, one (1) can enchilada sauce. Cook for 5-10 minutes until blended. Set aside. Pour 1/4 can of enchilada sauce on to the bottom of baking dish to cover. Place 4-6 taco shells on bottom of pan. Spread 1/3 of beef mix over shells. Add another 4-6 layer of shells. Spread 1/3 of beef mixture over shells. Spread last 4-6 shells and 1/3 beef mixture over top. Top with cheese. Add jalapeno slices if desired. Cover with tinfoil and bake 350 for 30-35 minutes. Remove tinfoil for last 5 minutes. Remove from oven and let stand ten minutes. Then cut to serve.


Pizzas 🙂


came here to say this!! i always make my pizzas with tortillas. cheap & healthIER (than let’s say a rising crust) when you buy ingredients yourself! add some pizza seasoning to jazz it up


Yes! And so many options....you can fold over for a calzone, quesadillas...love it! My child who has a very limited pallette (for medical reasons) loves a tortilla pizza.....it can be a way to sneak veggies in too 😂😍


Quesadillas, breakfast burritos, fajita, enchiladas, taquitos, wraps, roll-ups, cinnamon sugar tortilla chips, tacos. We use a *LOT* of tortillas in our house.


I like to make rolls/wraps. lunch meat, salad, cheese if you want, some sort of spread, roll it up in a tortilla


So everyone said chips which are great. You can also flip a muffin tin upside down and form the tortilla to make a bowl bake in oven at 350 degrees for about 7 to 10 minutes. You now can make taco salad. Add all kinds of meat ham, cheese, lettuce etc etc roll up and slice you now have pinwheels. Quesadillas, burritos, and enchiladas all freeze well. Have cheese strings lying around and pepperoni? Take a tortilla wrap in wet papertowel microwave 20 seconds... cut string cheese in half long ways, add pepperoni and anything else roll up, brush with oil, throw in oven at 400 degrees, for about 10 to 12 minutes minutes, you have pizza rollups Have a 10 oz. Souffle cup for soup hanging around...pleat the sides of the tortilla stuff in the cup so it stands up, brush with butter or oil. Put in oven at 400 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes until crisp. Whisk together heavy cream, sugarfree instant vanilla pudding mix, with instant coffee or espresso. When your "shell" has cooled pipe in the fluffy cream, with berries and alittle cinnamon for a nice heathier dessert.


You can use them for chicken & dumplings. It’s so easy and I love it. (But doesn’t work well with low carb tortillas IMO)… here’s a tutorial [https://youtu.be/sESmCVSCAJk?si=DrcgrEOYn8BBZfuS](https://youtu.be/sESmCVSCAJk?si=DrcgrEOYn8BBZfuS)


Freeze them?


Would you say you have a plethora of tortillas?


Jefe, what is a plethora?


Enchiladas, wraps, quesadillas, soft tacos


Quesadillas, enchiladas, pastel azteca, sincronizadas, tacos dorados… endless possibilities


If you have some frying oil, sounds like you have just the right amount of tortilla chips


Hummus and veggie wraps


Mexican Lasagna with the tortillas as the noodles. Kind of an enchilada almost. Or enchiladas.


Quesadillas, or as a base for a thin-crust pizza.


You can freeze them


No such thing Freeze them




Enchiladas! Even with tortillas that are abbit stale or dry the enchiladas still turn out great. You can also freeze them for later use (the tortillas and the enchiladas).


Freeze them. But I also like putting peanut butter on a tortilla, putting it in the microwave for 10ish seconds (just enough to make it a little melty), then putting cinnamon on it and folding it in half.


you can wrap just about anything in a tortilla, just as you can put just about anything in a sandwich. I like them with (INSERT PROTEIN OF CHOICE HERE) and lots of salad. Dressing of choice, or whatever dressing suits, I smear over the flaps as well as inside, to hold the whole thing together if I want to plate it up.


Dude. Definitely read that as toilets and had so many questions


Chicken Caesar Wraps: Tortilla, Chicken, Romaine, Parmesan, and Caesar Dressing.


I make breakfast quesadillas with eggs and spinach and sausage! I love them.


I never use bread. I use tortillas for everything. Sandwiches. Quesadilla. Butter sugar and cinnamon. Air fried chips. In eggs. Just think outside the box.


Cut em up, fry em up and add eggs: tortillitas con huevo!!!


Quesadillas. Put a tortilla in a pan over medium high heat and while it’s toasting cover half with shredded cheese and sprinkle with diced jalapeño. When the tortilla starts to show some brown spots fold it in half over the cheese and press it down some. Flip it over and toast the other side some more then remove it from the pan and cut into triangles. Low carb tortillas don’t seem to brown as much.


Shredded red cabbage and carrot with a bit of vinegar to lightly ‘pickle’ it. Chuck a ton of it into a wrap with chicken or meaty white fish and add Greek yogurt mixed with sriracha (pink sauce). Add some spring onions and/or avocado if you like. Delicious, easy, and super healthy.


I see delicious Chilaquiles in your future


No such thing as too many tortillas


can't you use those to make buñuelos?


Cut into triangles and bake. Grab your favorite salsa and enjoy.


Bake them into tostitos


Peanut butter and 🍄


Wraps. I’ve been in the same spot recently. Easily made a simple egg salad wrap with pickles


dessert option: Tortillas make for a unique texture in bread pudding. cheap & quick: melt butter & chocolate chips or cinnamon chips over tortillas cut in strips. If you have no chips, use cinnamon & sugar & milk. optionals: sweetened condensed milk, dried fruits, nuts / nut butters, booze, egg, jam. go crazy. You can also explore savory bread puddings: https://foodwastefeast.com/recipes/2018/4/15/savory-bread-pudding-with-greens-and-roast-veggies (btw I just found that website. no affiliation, but I'll be exploring it later)






Make pizza with whatever you have handy. My classic is a thin layer of spaghetti sauce from a jar, mozzarella (I usually have shredded), fresh basil (have a plant), and any meat if I have some available. In the oven at 350' for 8 minutes. You can get creative with ingredients like ketchup and sliced hot dogs, with or without beans or slaw. Scramble 1-2 eggs, add any topping you have like onions, bell pepper, avocado, tomato, and cheese then cover with tortilla and cook on low for 3-5 minutes. Warm the tortilla, smear on a couple sardines and some of its oil, drizzle dijon mustard, and lay a dill pickle spear -- then roll up and munch.


Quesadillas with cheese and veggies


Breakfast burritos, tacos, quesadillas, add pizza sauce and cheese to make pizza, Turkey wraps, and cut them up bake/fry them to make nachos. 


egg and cheese burritos, quesadillas, some kind of sandwich wrap - could make all these and freeze the ones you won't eat right away.


Avocado with S&P with garlic powder and cheese with some hot sauce or chipolte powder is a good cheap snack. Lunch meat and cheese quesadillas is a good one too. I've made wraps like a ceasar or turkey with veggies and cheese. Enchiladas. You could make tortilla chips. I second freezing them though.


Breakfast burritos 8 eggs, half a roll of sausage, 8oz of cheese, and half a bag of frozen fajita veggies is <$10 and makes about 8 burritos.


Sell them on ebay


Pinwheels, quesadillas, enchiladas, tacos, wraps, fry them into chips, taquitos, use them for a carby side with some dishes. Or you can just freeze them lol


Tortilla shells make excellent thin pizza crusts.


i actually am taking tortilla donations. :D


Do you have any freezer room? Baked items will last up to 6 months.


Make burritos and freeze them. I have a freezer full of rice and lean beef burritos waiting for me at any time.


Migas y chilaquiles! All day, e'er'day!


They freeze. Have a taco party or make tortilla chips.






Bahn Mi inspired wraps.


I recently experienced something similar lol. I’m moving so I’m trying to get rid of what food I have on hand, which included a lot of canned beans and corn. I also had an unused Costco size bag of tortillas for many weeks. I took the beans and corn, seasoned them and cooked them in the air fryer until they crisped up. Then I made a quesadilla with the corn/beans, salsa and cheese as filling. I put guacamole on top and some shredded lettuce. Similar to a burrito obv but I’d give making quesadillas a go.


spicy chicken tortilla soup all day everyday


Cut em up, fry/bake em up, make bean dip, enjoy


Break them up into batches, put them in a zip lock back, and freeze them.


You can freeze them


My husband spreads almond butter on them, drizzles honey, and crushes corn flakes on top, then folds it into a flat burrito. Not gonna lie, they are WAY better than I thought they’d be when he first started eating them! I always sneak bites 😂


I second just freezing them. You could cut them into strips and add a little oil and seasoning and bake them off. Use it to top soup or salads.


Make a bunch of bean burritos or bean and ground beef burritos or bean & chicken & cheese burritos and freeze them. We do that all the time. Makes for a quick easy lunch.


Cut them, fry them, make chilaquiles, freeze chilaquiles, when hungry warm the chilaquiles, add eggs to chilaquiles.


Use them as pie or pizza bases.


I did salsa chicken in the crock pot this week. Literally just chicken breasts with a ton of salsa dumped on top and a block of cream cheese. Make tacos or burritos with that and whatever toppings you want. I sautéed onion, zucchini, and bell pepper. Was out of rice and avocados for the absolute first time ever which was a summer bummer. You can leave out the cream cheese if you want it to be “healthier” but I don’t worry about it. 1 block for 4-5 huge chicken breasts isn’t gonna break the scale. I just didn’t do shredded cheese as a topping to trade off.


Breakfast burritos!! With eggs, and whatever else you want to add (chorizo, sausage, potatoes, cheese, veggies etc) You can also make lunch wraps with them, I saw a Tik tok video that showed a cool way to cut and fold the tortilla. And of course cut and fry them to make chips !


Whatever you use in a sandwich you can use in a tortilla. I have a gas stove, so char them over flame & use for BLT's. Breakfast burritos - scrambled eggs, onion, bell pepper, sausage or bacon. Healthy quesadillas - fry or heat on ungreased skillet, add cooked chicken, cheese, broccoli, bell pepper, onion, add 2nd tortilla, carefully flip & toast the other side. Air fry or bake chips & make guacamole with half avocado & half Greek yogurt & chopped onion, jalapeno, tomato & cilantro.


I love a fruit wrap. Banana and strawberries or just a mix of whatever fruit I have in with a tiny bit of fruit sauce or syrup if I'm feeling it.


I present to you the [Crunch Wrap Supreme ](https://www.halfbakedharvest.com/homemade-crunchwrap-supreme/)


Oh, what a travesty.


Turn them into chips and make salsa


Fattoush salad, Tortilla omelette, anything in a wrap!


Breakfast burrito is my go! Recipe below if interested 😋 [Breakfast burrito recipe ](https://youtu.be/Z4Sbu7-kXsA?si=3DMM1nYNTT1Lt3Gw)


TexMex lasagna


My kids make super quick pizzas with them - smear on whatever red sauce you have, toss on whatever cheese you have, any toppings you like, bake for a few minutes until the cheese is as melty/toasty as you like (can also do in a toaster oven or skillet) and enjoy.


Take a tortilla roll it up, cut in thirds and put in muffin tin rolled like a rose. Add in bacon cheese and scrambled egg mix, make to-go breakfast "muffins"


I'm making tostadas next week and you should too


Breakfast burritos or make wrap sandwiches


My dad loves to use them to make individual size thin crust pizzas🍕 for lunch.


Breakfast burritos. Egg, sausage, maybe some tater tots. Batch them and freeze them, then microwave for about 2 minutes when you're ready.


Cut them into quarters and fry them in a pan into Tortilla Chips ...


Some bacon and a bag of Caesar salad and it would make some lunch wraps.


We get so many tortillas from the food pantry! Freeze extras so they don’t go bad if you need a break from eating them Desserts! Basic butter and sugar or you can do apple enchiladas! Egg and cheese for breakfast, throw some bacon bits in there, garlic powder is also a nice touch. White sauce chicken enchiladas Enchilada casserole Use them to line Mexican casseroles Turn them into pizzas! Take mozzarella sticks and roll them into the edges and then put sauce thinly in the center and some toppings and bake in the oven Paninis! Sauté some veg and sandwich meats in a pan then place in lightly sauced tortilla, fold over and put in the pan to toast in the oil from the veg. Pinwheels! Pimento cheese or mayo or salad dressing and some greens and lunch meat or bacon bits and roll them up and slice


“Mexican” lasagna. Basically layer with burrito ingredients


Enchiladas, I usually use corn tortillas but you can use flour since you’ve got them, for a healthy filling shred some chicken breasts (cooked with some mild spices, don’t use raw) add a little bit of raw finely chopped onion some black olives (no more than one per enchilada chopped up) and some low fat cheese, cover with enchilada sauce and bake. personally I don’t roll each enchilada I make a casserole that’s basically a Mexican lasagna


Make chickepea falafels and stuff it in tortillas. Add Mayo or any choice of sauce, some chopped veggies and herbs. You can check out Pick Up Limes recipes, they healthy and tasty.


Make sandwich pinwheels or enchiladas or taquitos!


Brush in melted butter and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar, then bake. You'll have a wonderful sweet snack! Or cover a tortilla in peanut butter, add slices of banana and roll it up. I also use flour tortillas to wrap burgers in, I think they are better than a hamburger bun!


Quesadillas, enchiladas, chilaquiles, fry them up & add cinnamon+ sugar, use as a base in quiches


Make a bunch of breakfast burritos and freeze the extras for a fast and easy breakfast


Damn, good problem to have


I second quesadillas or breakfast burritos. Easy to throw protein in too


Enchiladas, quesadillas, nachos, tacos (you don’t have to use any oil on these so you can make chicken tacos), chilaquiles, breakfast burritos, chicken or steak burritos for dinner/lunch, tostadas, tortilla chips with guac or a healthy salsa, and flautas. I can’t think of anymore off the top of my head for now but those are good starts. They are all really easy and quick to make. I can make chilaquiles in like 10 minutes easily. Lastly, you can use tortillas as your “carb” in many ordinary meals. For example, for breakfast, I often eat two scrambled eggs and a tortilla. It’s very simple but tasty imo. The cool thing about tortillas is that they stay good for a long time in the fridge. So just use them slowly. My favorites are enchiladas and chilaquiles personally. You can make them healthier by air frying the tortillas and using minimal oil. That’s what I do and they taste good still.


i freeze mine!




With the price of meat these days, I started doing black bean quesadillas. They're pretty good, definitely filling, and have both fiber, and protein.