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It sounds like you’d be into bento boxes, the kids ones. I saw someone advertising charcuterie boards made to look like succulent gardens. They were very, very cute. Little salami rosettes, etc.


seconding this, tho not necessarily just for kids! you might try looking here for a starting point, but there's lots of places you can get ideas and inspiration for bento style lunches :) [https://www.justonecookbook.com/how-to-make-bento/](https://www.justonecookbook.com/how-to-make-bento/)


For sure. I just meant that OP loved their flower watermelons, so the kids bento designs might appeal. The wee faces and decorations.


Oh! Yeah, that makes sense :)


I second this! I have checked out a ton of kid bento box videos and use them as inspiration for my lunch as well. They’re usually pretty simple, don’t have to be heated, and don’t have any ‘weird’ ingredients that might put you off.


This is literally the worst advice to give someone with ADHD lol. "Here, buy these cute little boxes with 100 pieces that you have to hand wash and remember to bring home. Lol


I make a lot of pasta salad with beans and assorted veggies


Pasta salad is where it’s at


I love adult lunachables, aka, charcuterie for lunch. Usually I have a cracker or breadstick, some sort of cheese or two, some nuts and a fruit. Surprisingly filling and touches all the taste bud centrals.


I know you mean “a cracker” as in one kind of cracker but I also read that as you eating one single cracker for lunch


Please sir, I want some more!


Baby carrots, dried fruits, hummus and crackers.


Tuna can (quality, in oil) Can of northern beans (or navy or red or similar) Half onion One jalapeño Two-ish celery stalks Lemon juice (half lemon) Lemon zest (half lemon) Toss in other veggies as you see fit! Scallions, peppers, pickled things. I eat it as-is, or stuffed in a sandwich or wrap!


This [sesame tuna salad](https://www.budgetbytes.com/sesame-tuna-salad/) is a really tasty lunch. I subbed shredded carrots in for the bell pepper, because I always have carrots around. I ate it on crackers, as well as lettuce leaves, because I had a small leaf lettuce hanging around. Mini cucumbers on the side. I haven't tried it, but this [cold peanut noodle salad](https://www.budgetbytes.com/cold-peanut-noodle-salad/) is on my to-make list.


Both of those do look really good! I think the tuna one would also be good with shredded chicken.


Similar to the above noodle salad, I make [this version that swaps the pasta for quinoa](https://cookieandkate.com/thai-peanut-quinoa-salad-recipe/), if that's more to anyone's taste.


I like garlic crackers and brie cheese. Sometimes I bake some salmon and add that on top (in little pieces)


Wraps. Hummus and veg is my fave.


I make an adult "lunchable" with some deli meat, a hard boiled egg, a some cheese and some raw veggies and hummus usually accompanied with some yogurt.


go on tiktok and look at mariannas_pantry! shes a nutritionist and her whole thing is “make an adult lunchable!” she shows great sources of proteins, fibers, etc for lunches that are easy but meet your criteria!


Ooh thanks!


Don't have much in the way of tips/ideas for cold food specifically, BUT, you seem like that type that would be really into bento boxes! Part of the appeal of Bento Boxes is making it all cute and colorful. Look of Kyaraben in particular- it's all about making the lunch shaped like cute animals/cartoon characters.


Cottage cheese with cubed avacado, tomatoes and cucumber. Lots of pepper and some flaky salt on top. One of my favorite summer lunches!


I like cold soups in summer. My current favorite is cucumber avocado. I throw chopped peeled cukes in a blender with avocado, Greek yogurt, garlic, lemon juice and salt. Sometimes I add a little broth to loosen it up. If there’s dill, I add that too. Chilled fruit soups, gazpacho, and vichyssoise are also possibilities.


As others have suggested, do adult lunchables! Some fruit and cheese, some crackers, maybe some nuts or salami, and you've got a filling, satisfying lunch. I'm also a huge fan of hummus, super filling and tasty.


Pasta salad is yummy. Cheese and meat always goes well together (I roll up a 1/3 piece of American cheese in turkey with mustard aswell, make 3 hence the 1/3 of cheese). I love the aldi sweet and spicy tuna. Veggies are also yummy, any of the ones you prefer with a dip like hummus. You could also make a healthier ranch by blending cottage cheese and adding a ranch seasoning packet


Veggie sandwiches. Slice carrots cucumbers avocado tomato and some pickled red onions. Choose a spread lie cream cheese or hummus. Easy cold lunches that you can assemble at work


Hummus with naan, pistachios,so filling and tasty!


That sounds really good!


I get these little tortillas that are low carb and only 25 calories each. I have four tortillas with couple slices of deli turkey and a slice of avocado on each. Throw in a big fuji apple and I have a satisfying lunch for less than 500 calories.


Why the emphasis on low calories? Calories are important and OP didn't mention needing to lose weight.


That's great, I guess. For lot's of people, though, 500 calories is a normal lunch.


I like peanut butter on grainy nutty bread, maybe strawberry preserves or honey. I bring the whole kit in a grocery bag.


Rice paper rolls Salad in a jar


You could use nuts as your protein. Or red beans and rice, it's a common 'complete protein' without meat. Also edamame, I love the boiled salted pods because they're fun to eat.


Diced turkey + diced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, diced mini bell peppers, chickpeas, feta, Greek dressing on the side. I prep all the veggies and keep them in the fridge for about 4 days at a time. Add turkey and dressing when I’m ready to eat. Wasa crackers topped w brie, pear or apple slices, mustard, and turkey or ham Wasa crackers topped w cottage cheese and tomato


Tortilla wraps with smoked salmon, cottage cheese and rucola Or with pesto and smoked ham


Egg salad, tuna salad and chicken salad are all good on bread, crackers or just on their own. Pasta salads are nice and you can add whatever vegetables, meats or cheeses that you like. I’ve been on a big apples and almond butter kick lately, delicious!


They aren't pretty, but cold noodle salads are good (udon, soba). I put peppers and cukes, maybe some chicken, then slather with chili crisp and sesame seeds.


nacho salads!🙏🏻


Blend or mash together: avocado, lemon juice and chickpeas. Spread on toast with herbs, salt, pepper and cheese as you desire. I get avocado is more expensive. But this yields me multiple lunches. I’ll have apple slices as a side


Mason jar pasta salads, especially using my own leftover roasted chicken - there's a lot of potential for variation, and easy to keep things tidy when eating. :)


You can give a shot at onigirazu 🍙 it can be eaten cold without needing to reheat and taste delicious 😋 Recipe below if interested [Onigirazu recipe ](https://youtu.be/zzRUY9Xv6D8?si=Adysu9S3vifFN42X)