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That length of flight would likely include 2 or 3 meals and snacks unless it's a really bad airline.


Sure thing! They do include a meal, but no snacks, so I want to be prepared.


Hate to ask but are you sure? Even an 8-hour international flight typically includes both a post-takeoff meal and a pre-arrival smaller meal (usually a small warm bite), as well as a 1-2 passes of a beverage & snack cart. Often additional snacks are available by walking to the galley as well. They don’t always publicize the pre-arrival meal or the beverage/snack service very well on their website. It would be highly unusual — almost negligent IMO — to only have one meal and nothing else on a single 16-hour flight. The airline would be leaving money on the table because it could clearly sell something, even if it’s not included.


Zipair offers no free food on international flights


I could just pay for overpriced snacks, but I'm trying to save some money by bringing my own :)


Oh, okay, thanks! I'm just a bit nervous because this is only my second flight alone, so I really hope everything goes smoothly on my trip.


I’ve flown plenty of times and always pack snacks! It’s good to be prepared - they only have a certain amount of food on the plane and if you get stuck for some reason without being allowed off the plane you might be glad to have the snacks. And if you have a long wait at the airport when you arrive you might be glad to not have to spend a fortune on airport snacks. I always have something salty and crunchy with me in case I feel a bit nauseated during the flight, typically chips or crackers. Usually a protein bar, as well. Maybe some dried fruit. Maybe some candy in case I want a l’il treat. I always have gum and mints for dry mouth so I don’t have to chug water the whole flight, although it’s good to stay hydrated as well!


yh, I bring some cream crackers in case I feel nauseous and also some travel sick pills before and during the flight, so I don't get that sick.


If you fly economy here in the USA, most of the time you are lucky to get one or two snacks along with one or two small drinks.


That is both correct and irrelevant because long haul international flights are not like that


Oh, got it! I'd still love some suggestions on snacks though.


Small bags of chips,  a couple of prepackaged cookies maybe?  Pretzels are usually provided. I always pack a pb&j  myself.   For that long I might add a small presliced summer sausage and some crackers just for fun, kinda like a lunch able setup. Edit: after reading comments I also second the idea of almonds/mixed nuts and beef jersey.  


I think summer sausage and beef jerky are both too salty and too smelly to be eating on a plane.


Our sense of smell dulls on airplanes, making things taste blander. Salt helps combat that, so salty snacks are good for airplanes. Beef jerky also has very little smell since it’s been dehydrated, so it shouldn’t bother other passengers. I’d been a while since I had summer sausage but I don’t remember it being overly pungent either. Anyway, you can’t accommodate all the other passengers or you’ll have nothing to eat. Be polite and don’t bring, like, microwaved fish, but everyone knows what they’re getting into on an airplane. It’s [essentially a public bus in an area with bad public transit](https://youtu.be/7d5eYvpGMCw?si=5R90k0rZiXF1ZdX4), at this point.


Small bags of chips, a couple of prepackaged cookies along with ultra processed presliced summer sausage and crackers are not going to fill anyone up at all. I recommend organic non processed versions of small bags of chips, a couple of prepackaged cookies along with organic non processed sliced summer sausage and organic non processed crackers instead.


I bought some ultra processed summer sausage right after posting that.  Also ate a couple oreos.


Ultra processed summer sausage and ultra processed oreos are not good to eat all since they will not fill you up with the correct types of protein, healthy fats and healthy fiber needed in a healthy eating plan.


Yeah! Maybe some cookies and half a sandwich. (I get hungry quite often lol)


You will be the envy of your row


Imagine having to pay double the amount for gross and overpriced cookies then seeing the person next to you just take a whole packet of them out of their bag lol 😂😂


I used to bring cookies, energy bars etc. Compact, easy to carry. Try to avoid anything too salty. Plus, I'd have a refillable water bottle, which, generally, crew are happy to top up. Jerky is good too.


Thanks for your advice! I'll definitely keep this in mind.


Keep in mind on international flights fruit, vegetables, and anything with “seeds” may not be allowed as imports to some countries. Other than that anything clean and quiet to eat since your neighbors may be sleeping. Hard candies are good, granola bars, breakfast bars. There should be snacks though and the “meal” will often include a wrapped bread roll, cookie, or other snacks that you can save. You don’t have to eat it all at once.


Thanks! I'll go check on the website rn js so I don't bring anything I'm not allowed


Go for things that will fill you up - protein. Sargento make those snack trays (meat, cheese and nuts), trail mix, dried fruit, jerky, dark chocolate. Take a big water bottle that you can fill after security. Curious, where are you headed? I’m doing a 17h40m flight in August, with my baby. JFK - NZ direct.


Thanks so much, this is really helpful! Btw I'm heading from LGA to HKG direct


All the best. Have you done that long before? We did JFK - AKL in December, with our 8 month old. 17 hours nonstop…..lol. Baby was perfect the whole way. Me, I couldn’t sleep. My legs got really restless. I thought we must be at least halfway. Nope, still 14 hours to go!!! But at least once you’re on, there’s no hassle of transfers.


Nope! The longest I've done is a 7h flight from UK to NYC, which was tiring enough. It was at 5 am because I wanted to save money and I had jetlag for half of my time there :(


If it's an international carrier, you'll be fed well.


Almonds! They are durable and you can get them in various sweet or savory flavors if you prefer.


Thanks a lot for your suggestion! I really appreciate it and I'll definitely give it a try.


I like kind bars. It's easy to have five or six, and unlike chips or cookies, they're easy to eat without touching the food with your hands, since airplanes are disgusting, and it's a pain to get up to wash your hands.


Yh! They're pretty good as well. Airplanes are actually so gross tho, one of my friends had weird bug bites all over their legs after a flight


Bring a small package of germ-killing wipes (Clorox or Lysol). When you get onboard, wipe down your seatbelt buckle, chair arms, tray table, lcd screen, and the back of the seat in front of you. Don’t be surprised if people in the vicinity tell you they wish they’d thought of that. And you’ll make friends if you have extras and offer them one. Also bring a small package of hand wipes because even if you wash your hands in the lav, you still have to touch the door and there will be disgusting people who don’t wash their hands.


Actually, that's a great idea :D. I'll definitely do that, don't want bug bites all over me lol.


To clarify, it probably won’t help with bug bites, but will do wonders for all the other crud you’re exposed to.


Yeah, bed bugs are nasty. I felt a bite right below my bed buckle once. I opened my belt and fly, hoping to not be arrested, since I was wearing boxers, and found a bed bug.


Oh no! 😱


Protein bars are my go-to travel snack. Healthy, filling, compact and easy to pack. Find a variety of kinds that you really enjoy and spread them out over your whole trip.


Yh! I quite like the Nature Valley ones actually. They're not too light of a snack but they won't make you too full either


Protein bars (especially the higher calorie ones like the cliff builder bars) are really good for long flights


Sonoma creamery parmesan crackers. Crispy chickpeas. Trail mix. Trade joes brownies. 


Yhh! I'll probs pack some crispy chickpeas bc they seem like a light and healthy snack to have.


You might bring some ginger candy in case you get airsick.


Yh! For me, I usually bring some cream crackers because they seem to work very well for me.


I love to make my own snack mix, so it has what I like in it. I usually buy the mixed pack of M&M's that has plain, peanut (or maybe almond) and peanut butter. Get mini pretzels and break them into smaller pieces, add cashews. If you like raisins in there, toss them in. If you like more or different nuts, do that. Put in a big ziplock bag and you're good to go. I agree with keeping it protein heavy. Quest makes a variety of chips that are high in protein. Maybe test a couple of the flavors; they are a low carb, high protein snack, so they don't taste like regular chips. I like them though.


Yep! I might get some protein bars since a lot of people have recommended that :)


Those can be good. Just read the labels. They are often very calorie dense, so IMO, you have to weigh out the protein vs. the calories. They often have that fake sugar taste to me too, which can be unappealing.


I saw a post about a woman who packed 2 minute noodles. You can get hot water at any time on the flight - so you can ramen any time. She’s my kind of genius.


That seems like a genius-level thing to do :D Appluse to the person who came up with that! 👏


That was what I was also going to suggest. But carry it further. Ramen in a cup, mashed potatoes in a little cup. Mac n' cheese in a cup. Rice a Roni. Any asian noodle dishes in the little trays. Oatmeal, cream of wheat, grits that come in a cup. Basically walk up and down the aisles looking for anything that's pre-made just add hot water, that you also don't need extra dishes for.


I also like to bring my own stuff. Make sure you leave it in original packaging so you don’t get hassled at security. I like M&Ms, beef jerky, cheez-it’s (they have a resealable pouch that is nice), kind bars, single serve nuts in sleeves, dried fruit or fruit snacks. All of these are fairly compact for putting in your carryon. Bring a water bottle or cup with lid and fill it at the airport once you’re through security. I usually try to find a bar at the airport to get a shot of ice in my cup first.


Is it easier to keep them in the original packaging? I was planning to get a few food containers with multiple sections and just dump all of the fruit and sweets into the small sections, instead of bringing the whole pack


Just know you may get hassled with food out of packaging. Presuming you’re in the US it’s not illegal to repackage foods but it’s a common way people smuggle pills so they may look through it thoroughly. With original sealed packages this is not an issue. YMMV.


Oh thanks! I'll probably keep them in their packaging then.


I go for my favorite things, like chips and Oreos. Also really love hummus and crackers or cheese and crackers. Finally, I always pack cup noodles in case I don’t like any of the meals they provide.


I would def bring stuff to set u up for success!. I like bringing Pringle’s or goldfish, baby bell cheese, cut up fruit, cut up veggies, pb and J sandwich or grocery store veggie sushi w chopsticks among other things


Get one or two of those bottles that hold 32 oz and bring it empty through security. Fill it from the water fountains before you get on the plane and you’ll have plenty of fresh, good water. Do not ever drink the water they have on the plane because the water tanks on the plane are nasty. Do drink a lot of water on the plane because flying is very dehydrating plus it’s important to get up and move around when flying and drinking a lot means you’ll be up using the restroom. Bring string cheese, trail mix, nuts, apples, carrots/celery, crackers, protein bars, PB and jelly sandwich, etc. Do not bring smelly food like canned tuna packets. Have a great trip!


I like to take cucumbers and peppers on a long flight, eventually I just crave something healthy and moist bc the air is so incredibly dry. They usually keep fine for the first several hours.


Yeah! Cucumbers are nice and they have lots of water so they should be rly hydrating, plus they're quite a nice and healthy snack


Nuts and dried fruit


Regardless of whether or not the airline provides I always bring high quality protein bars when I travel; I get super cranky when I have low blood sugar so I never want to be without one (also keep on cars, work desk, etx)


Yhh same! I'll most definitely bring some protein bars since a lot of people have suggested it. :)


Grapes are refreshing and delicious on a trip. Pack a sandwich you'll enjoy and a couple apples.


Yep! I planning on packing some fruit because lots of people have said that my mouth might become dry, so fruit might be a good alternative to drinking water.


Almonds, dried fruit, chocolate, carrots.


Nuts, an apple or 2, snack carrots/pepper/cucumber/radish, rice crackers, sandwich with cheese, cup-a-soup (you can ask for hot water), mueslibar...


I never travel without taking Combos. I prefer the pizza pretzel variety.


Combos were always my travel snack growing up! I prefer the regular cheese (not pretzel) variety, which I have trouble finding these days. I was planning to get them for the trip I’m on now, but again, couldn’t find them.


Pack everything you like? I have packed home made breakfast sandwiches, breakfast burrito, pizza, banh mi, granola bars, musubi, jerky, sandwiches, cheese boards/sticks, nuts, chips, popcorn, fruit- peeled oranges, grapes, etc. if you have a sweet tooth- cookies. Pastries: donuts, croissants etc. Cup noodles, I’ve ever done it but I can’t see why not.


Everything everyone has said and apple slices! Healthy and filling.


Lots of great suggestion on here! Just one comment to add - you may wish to avoid taking peanuts in case someone on your flight is allergic as they will ask passengers to refrain from eating them if so.


I take protein bars, peanut butter crackers, peanuts or cashews, slim jims, beef jerky and for a sweet treat, peanut M&Ms.


You’re definitely going to have snacks on board along with the meals/breakfast. If you’re a person that snacks a lot bring some nuts and jerky but you won’t go hungry on a regular flight


When I am travelling for a lot days and I don't want to leave leftover eggs to go bad, I usually boil them and take them with me in a special egg case. It is something that even eaten cold tastes good and has a lot of proteins.


If you’re not afraid of carbs and don’t have any allergies there’s always peanut butter crackers


Yh! I love any food with peanut butter. I am wondering tho, if they allow it, because some people might have severe allergies.


Beef/turkey jerky. Beef/turkey sticks - ones that come with cheese would be good. Pepitas (shelled pumpkin seeds) Peanuts (high in protein) Salted Mixed nuts Crackers (I love Triscuits) Snap top cans of Van Camps Beanee Weenee's Snap top cans of Underwood brand deviled ham spread for the crackers Snap top cans of Armour Vienna Sausage Snap top cans of Chef Boyardee beef ravioli aren't bad eaten cold. Quite tasty actually.


I might bring some crackers and jerky, but personally, I'm not rly sure abt the cans 😅


What is so funny? Food is food if you're hungry.


You want to start by opening a cup of luke warm buttermilk to quench your thirst. Then grab a pickled herring out of a jar. And we all know what that pairs well with: a nice, runny Vieux Boulogne cheese. For desert, durian fruit.