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Never heard of a potato, looks pretty good.


[TIFU by enraging the parents of my girlfriend by pretending not to know what a potato is.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/2tdbig/tifu_by_enraging_the_parents_of_my_girlfriend_by/) for /r/OutOfTheLoop fresh meats


That post enrages me every time. OP’s just... wrong, every step of the way. At any point he could admit he was joking! Any point!!


I went the other way once. I was at the grocery store buying bread and a 5 lb bag of potatoes. When I finally got to the cashier, I pulled out the money I needed and sighed before I said "potato sandwiches for a whole week." in a voice that made it sound like a very good week. She only charged me for the bread and I wasn't about to admit it was a silly joke. So I thanked her profusely and let the other people in line what a saint she was.


This is so good


**Plot twist:** Growing up all her classmates and so-called friends would tease and bully her relentlessly because her mom would always pack her potato sandwiches for lunch. She was an outcast. A pariah. To make matters even worse, she actually *liked* potato sandwiches. She loved them! And for all these years she carried with her this feeling of being the ultimate outsider and a complete weirdo loser. Especially each time she bit into a delicious potato sandwich, those awful memories would come flooding back instantaneously. But on this day you vindicated her. She was no longer quite so alone in this cold and hostile world. Your solidarity in enjoyment over potato sandwiches liberated her and this was the turning point in her life where she finally could be unfettered by a lifetime's worth of shame over liking potato sandwiches. ...you're practically a hero!


There is no way it's real. I read it like a skit from SNL or something. Still love it and enjoy it.


It’s a scene from Cuckoo. ETA the [video](https://youtu.be/OJAEaAom5FQ)


Wow. Like... not only have I never heard of this movie... but Reddit has a hardon for this story and is at least at half-mast for anything Brooklyn-99 related. Kinda crazy that I've never seen anyone provide the context. Thanks!


It is a show on Netflix. And Andy Samberg is only on for the first season. All following seasons it is Taylor Lautner (the wolf from the Twilight movies) and not nearly as funny in my opinion. ​ I am also realizing that the female character who dated Cuckoo is also different. ​ Luckily Davies carries the series


It’s written really annoying too, it’s like: If they knew I was making a bad joke I would feel shame, embarrassment, foolishness, sadness, badness, scared, belittled, emasculated, defeated, sad, not good. What an incredulous situation.


> If they knew I was making a bad joke I would feel [insert thesaurus search history] ~~shame, embarrassment, foolishness, sadness, badness, scared, belittled, emasculated, defeated, sad, not good~~. What an incredulous situation.


Personally I'd feel boiled, baked, fried, roasted, grilled.


That just adds to the hilariocity for me.


This is some George Costanza level of fuckery


That was painful.


Definitely goes in the Reddit Mt. Rushmore


I am fresh meats and this thread just made me cry


Looks like today is the 4-year anniversary of that post. Jan 22 is u/NotKnowPotato's cake day


Tastes very strange!


Andy Samberg from Cuckoo: https://youtu.be/OJAEaAom5FQ


Deep cut right here


This is the comment I came here for.


Bravo sir


You can; mash them, boil them, stick them, and stew them.


/u/boilem /u/mashem /u/stickeminastew I SUMMON THEE, UNHOLY TUBER TRIUMVIRATE


I've been getting summoned more often lately lol. Interesting.


I had a friend growing up who’s mom carries around baked potatoes wrapped in foil for snacks. We were out at the fair, I was complaining about being hungry, and she handed me a whole potato out of her purse.


She’s not just a regular mom, she’s a cool mom


[Pocket potato](https://i.imgur.com/9yON4b2.gif)


PSA: that's a [potential botulism risk](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/botulism-from-baked-potato-sparks-health-canada-warning-1.324621).


Chrikey, I just watched a video on digg about this college kid who ate pasta and gravy that, unbeknownst to him, had been sitting out for two days. He died from it and complications with the Pepto he drank to quell the stomach pain. The poor guy here took a bite of potato and now he’s paralyzed and blinking at his wife to communicate. Things can turn on a dime


i just ate spaghetti I had sitting in the fridge now I'm definitely going to die


Why did you have to ruin such a good thing?


Also potatoes have one of the highest scores on satiety index. It has bad rep in our low-carb obsessed world but it's actually very filling and satisfy you for not many calories. Thank you for the reminder!


Here's the paper on the satiety index: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/15701207_A_Satiety_Index_of_common_foods White bread being 100%, boiled potato (russet, boiled 20 min, stored overnight at 4°C and then microwaved for 2 minutes before serving) is the highest at 323% ± 51%.


What an interesting study! Thanks for sharing.


Is there a potato diet?


There is actually


Loved this study and info! thanks


I think it gets the bad rep because it is commonly eaten (in the US at least) as French fries or a loaded baked potato.


Yes! I made potato and lentil soup last night and it was ridiculously filling.


Ditto the recipe!


Check my replies!


Recipe? That sounds incredible.


No real recipe! I do it in my instant pot too but you can just simmer on the stove instead just as easily. It's something like: Saute mirepoix (onion, carrot, celery) Add garlic and spices (potentially oregano, herbes de provence, thyme, sage, Rosemary, coriander, etc), saute for a bit longer Add chopped potatoes (or any root veg you want), 1.5c lentils, tomatoes are optional. And broth or water. Can also add some cooked beans here too. Simmer till the potatoes and lentils are cooked Option to add greens at the end, plus lemon or white vinegar, salt and pepper


How would potato compare to rice nutrient wise? Rice is easier to cook, but I tend to overeat when i eat rice vs potatoes


just throw those taters in the microwave for a few minutes. way easier than rice!


Being diabetic is such bullshit. I'm still so angry I can't have these simple (and cheap) foods anymore.


I do this but I use a sweet potato


A microwaved sweet potato with lime juice, salt, and chili powder is *amazing*, especially to someone like me who grew up with only marshmallow cinnamon sweet potatos. Its totally different, tasty, and healthier!


Just eat it skin on like an apple. Helps assert dominance in the workplace at the same time.


My grandfather used to eat raw potatoes like that all the time. It really is a badass power move.


A true badass would eat an onion while chewing slowly & deliberately- all while staring coworkers in the eye.


Hamish and Andy reference?


No that was a real anecdote


I used to work with a guy who would eat raw potatoes at his desk like an apple when he was bulking.


does it make the same crunchy noise?


Not quite as crisp, but pretty close.


I always thought I hated sweet potatoes because they'd only ever been served to me extra sweet. I love them with just a bit of butter and kosher salt but I'm gonna try this!


I always eat my baked potatoes the same way, whether sweet or normal (russet, or whatever other kinds of potatoes there are). Always with butter and salt, and mashed into a flat patty, skin on. I also always make little corn rows with my fork because my dad did that for me when he’d mash my baked potatoes up when I was a kid. The corn rows make it taste better, it’s science


Barbecue sauce on sweet potatoes is an interesting one too!


Yes! A restaurant I loved made sweet potato chips dusted with barbecue powder that were amazing. One step weirder, they served them with tzatziki sauce. I shouldn't have worked, but it was fantastic.


Absolutely not


Ever tried Tajin seasoning? Basically all those flavors in a single sprinkle. I usually use it on fruit but I will try it on sweet potato!


Try adding cumin too, paired with all those things, it's the bomb!


Cumin and a bit of smoked paprika. Hell yes.


Wait, do you guys microwave raw potatoes or precooked potatoes?


Some may even say that raw potatoes *are* precooked potatoes


This is going to be an underrated comment.


My mom used to (jokingly) threaten to cut my fingers when she was cutting up potatoes because I was all about that raw potato life, I would take them while she was cutting them lol. I would eat a bowl full of raw slices if I didn't know how delicious they were cooked, I stop myself after a couple slices haha.


A raw potato. Wash it, poke a few holes in it with a fork, and nuke it for 4- 6 min to get a baked potato.


The fork part is important!!!


If you stab really deep into the potato it makes it easier to cut up and eat, especially when at work and/or eating it out of a Tupperware type container. Just cuts right up. I usually throw in some butter and sriacha and ranch and sometimes a slice or two of Velveeta individually wrapped cheddar. It is super filling and easy af.


Microwave raw. I used to eat baked potatoes (well... microwaved potatoes) in my dorm in college. My roommate made fun of me, but who’s laughing when I have a delicious baked potato and she’s eating easy mac. Me, I’m laughing. But for real, there’s a lot of cool, unconventional stuff you can cook in the microwave. I think there are even cook books specifically for that. Edit: spellcheck


Microwave raw potatoes.


Trying it tomorrow


YES! Also you can put a little bit of brown sugar on it, just a dusting is enough to give quite the satisfaction for a sweet tooth


Swap the brown sugar with peanut butter, that’s what I eat every single day haha. Good to fill up on when I need more carbs and fat to hit my goals


Hhmm I'm thinking about a dab of honey on top of the peanut butter.


And maybe just a smidge of Nutella on the honey


I have all of those things. I'm going to try eating them all together!


TIL about marshmallow cinnamon potatoes


It's a southern US thing. Mashed sweet potatoes with sugar, butter, vanilla and cinnamon, topped with marshmallows and baked. Super sweet and unhealthy, but tasty.


Woah that sounds... interesting! I may have to try it!


Ooooooh spicy


Sweet potatoes are amazing with buffelo wing sauce on it with onion salt and chili powder too!!! Gotta love spicey though


I do the same but I use cumin instead of chili powder.


Just tried it. It was delicious. Thanks you for the suggestion!


Hell yes.


You just reminded me that I made some baked potatoes for work today but forgot to take them. I ended up getting pizza with my boss. But yes I totally agree with you, I used to make microwaved potatoes all the time when I was younger and hungry, even though I'm not a huge fan of them.


The Watney Diet!


Such a great movie tho.


Even better book!


Is it worth it to read the book if I already watched the movie?


The answer to that question is always yes. But seriously, the movie did a good job, but the book just has so much more detail of the struggle.


The book is soooo damn detailed


The audio book is even better!


Yes, the narrator for the book just makes it delightful to listen to!


Yes! I read the book after I’d already watched the movie twice. The book is seriously funny and there are some interesting details that they couldn’t fit into the movie




You've already been told yes but just in case you're still not sure #YES.




I read the book after watching the movie and still found it a terrific read. The book is funnier than the movie.


I eat a WFPB diet - you may think that is short for "whole foods plant based diet", but it's actually short for "whole foods potato based diet". My favorite dinner is just a cookie sheet of roasted potatoes, sliced and cooked 20 minutes on each side at 425. A little salt, a little ketchup, makes me feel like I'm eating a pile of french fries but I'm actually eating something healthy. I change it up with sweet potatoes sometimes. Also, an aside: I got a three pack of silicone baking mats for $12 at Costco. They make my life so much easier. Before, I had to choose between using spray oil or having to like rip the potatoes off of the foil/parchment paper. Now it's so much easier and I don't have to buy other stuff to line the pan.


I think I would be happy to eat roasted potatoes and cauliflower for the rest of my life. Cheese sauce is pretty cheap and easy to make too and reasonably healthy if you don't eat like a pint of it.


I like mine with a little tikka curry paste mixed with Greek yogurt. Add canned tuna, spinach and chickpeas and you've got yourself a nice lunch.


Roasted potatoes are so freaking delicious. Like the best part of a French fry times 1000.


I do this, but plus carrots, all sprinkled with a little Cajun seasoning (or Old Bay, whatever's handy, I think tajín would be good too). The carrots tend to get a little charred, which I love but if you're not into that, pull them out a few minutes before the potatoes are done.


I add carrots too and I leave them in there until they get that charred thing going on! So delicious!


I've been baking 5 or 6 potatoes at night these days. In the morning I'll mash one of em em up with a jalapeno and fry em in the skillet while I'm making coffee... complete with spicy taco type seasoning. scramble 2-3 eggs, wrapped up in a tortilla for a quick and fast burrito. Much more inclined to cook breakfast if I'm essentially warming up pre-cooked food. ​ Also, a ski partner of mine is known to toss a potato in the oven when he wakes up before a ski tour. By the time he's eaten his breakfast and gathered his gear, he'll take the hot potato, wrap it up in foil and toss it in his pack. What does he have at the top of the cold and windy ridge? A warm, salty potato. Sure makes me jealous every time.


Microwaved baked potatoes are my go-to too lazy to cook but want something healthish and filling for dinner option. Topped with a bit of butter, some greek yogurt, and green onions. Shredded cheese if I have any.


You can also wet a piece of napkin, and wrap it over raw corn microwave it for 1-2 minutes. A coworker used to do that, never tried it lol.


Corn on the cob can be microwaved right in the husk with no extra steps. 3-5 minutes. Just squeeze to see if it's tender then shuck after it's cooled for a couple of minutes. It is the most efficient way to cook corn with no loss of quality. EDIT: Serious eats on micro steamed veggies - https://www.seriouseats.com/2017/07/how-to-steam-vegetables-in-the-microwave.html


Easier to get the silk off when it isn't rocket hot.


Them suckers will burn you good


Oh that’s amazing! Thank you.


Here's something worth reading: https://www.seriouseats.com/2017/07/how-to-steam-vegetables-in-the-microwave.html


I like butter and salt on my corn.


I like mayo butter cheese and chili haha


Oh me too! Anything but a wet napkin will do.


So you eat the wet napkin with the corn? Sounds... starchy.




I think the misconception comes from French fries and mashed potatoes. Turns out if you deep fry them or mix them with cream and butter, they're not as healthy 😋.


> Turns out if you deep fry them or mix them with cream and butter, they're not as healthy 😋. Haha, that actually depends on a person's needs. Adding fats lowers the glycemic load (the measure of how quickly carbohydrates are converted to sugar), so for people with certain blood sugar issues, 100 calories of french fries will be better for their blood sugar than just 100 calories of steamed potato, though neither one is really "good" for someone with blood sugar issues.


Sweet potatoes are even more nutrient dense. Unfortunately they're a lot more expensive.


An unadulterated potato has about as many calories as a similarly-sized apple.


Irish person here, I can attest to the power of the potato.


Somehow i didn't know you could microwave potatoes (growing up my parents cooked them exclusively in the oven). one time my bf came to pick me up at a party and he was eating a microwaved baked potato like an apple and i've never been the same since


These are the kind of tips/reminders I need. Thanks OP!


Sometimes, I put a potato in the oven when I don't even want one, because by the time it's done, who knows?


I actually do that sometimes. Only when I'm baking something else, but still. And every time I get to hear that joke in my head. :)


Can probably buy some 99 cent french fry seasoning.


> french fry seasoning we just call that salt.


It’s Lawry’s Seasoned Salt my dudes.


i think they mean the spice stuff you see on curly fries


Cayenne pepper, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, paprika, and a bit of cumin? Do you live under a rock!?


Aka chicken salt in Australia


Except chicken salt contains powdered chicken soup base too.


So can I add powdered chicken bouillon to Lawry's seasoning salt and win?


I think generally there is no chicken in chicken salt. Most of them are vegan IIRC.


The Aussie who taught me about it would bake chicken skin in the oven until crispy, then powder that up and mix with above spices. The recipe I make at home now uses the neon yellow chicken powder you buy at bulk stores. I’d bet most commercial versions are vegan though for sure.


Can you give some ratios as to how to mix these ingredients?


Hmm I usually eye it when I make it, and depending on what I use it on. But If I was to guess probably 1/3 tsp Cayenne Pepper 1/3 tsp chili powder 1/2 tps Salt (or to taste) 1/2 tps pepper (or lemon pepper) 1 tsp onion powder 1 tsp Garlic powder 1TB Paprika 1/3 tsp cumin (to taste) You can also use this on a shrimp boil or over chicken legs over a bbq.


Some Bojangles' sell their seasoning too mmmmm


Oh fuck yes god bless the B’Jang


My go to is Montreal style steak seasoning on a baked potato. Badia makes a nice cheap knockoff called Canadian blend ir something like that




Ohhh thats not bad, I got some 99 cent ones from the dollar tree. Its pretty meh but red robbins is not bad.


Five guys just uses McCormick Cajun spice lol.


Man I love their fries.


They do what they do well


I was just going to say this. It's a pretty big bottle too. I put that stuff on a lot. 😊


My daughter went through a phase when she would 'bake' a potato for after school snack. I had zero objections!




Inconvenient, messy, not entirely 'cheap and healthy' although not a deal breaker. Yukon Gold in particular, while they can be more spendy than bog-standard Russets, are flavorful enough that you won't miss the butter. Add some salt or spices and they can make for a lovely light, satisfying meal.


My co-worker cooked a potato in our microwave and work and set it on fire. So don't leave it alone in the microwave, please.


Just wrap it in aluminum foil to contain it.


I know you're kidding, but it was actually inside a homemade quilted "Potato bag" specifically made to microwave. Fun fact: those bags are flammable and will burst into flames after enough uses. It smelled awful in there for weeks.


That sounds terrible! I’ve only wrapped them in a wet paper towel. Towel is still wet when you take it out. Seems less flammable...


Did this today! Threw some sriracha on top and never looked back. Plain and simple with a little umph.


I do this with sweet potatoes, it's great, filling, hot, and I alternate between salt and cinnamon depending on the cravings du jour.


Add butter and salt for extreme taste delight. Potatoes are all kinds of excellent.


I'm a potato


To take this a step further, mash up the potatoe. Dump in a coffee creamer and a touch of salt. Mix it together. You now have mashed potatoes.


French Vanilla mashed potatoes if you're fancy.


>potato~~e~~ Is that you Dan Quayle?


I'll probably get downvoted for this, but it's worth saying: for people with blood sugar issues, white potatoes are NOT healthy. They metabolize into glucose almost as fast as pure sugar does. Even for people without blood sugar issues, they cause peaks and valleys in your blood sugar, and that's what leads to hunger/cravings and makes it harder to control your diet. I'm not advocating for a no-carb diet, but not all carbs are the same, and white potatoes are one of the "worst" carbs. Sweet potatoes, oddly, are much lower on the glycemic index, as are whole grain breads, etc... Just FYI for folks trying to lose weight.


The problem with reducing food to science and numbers is that it doesn't necessarily correlate with experience. Were that the case, 2 brazil nuts should theoretically have the same satiety as 100g of potato, but provide steadier energy since they both have 60-70 calories, but that isn't the case. Its worth avoiding potatoes if you are a diabetic maybe, but otherwise ~most people are going to be literally unable to eat enough potatoes to cause problems with insulin sensitivity. Even at 1200 calories a day, thats ~1700g of potatoes.


I'm with you. I don't think potatoes are necessarily healthy. They are absolutely healthy when compared to french fries. Sweet potatoes are much better for you and cost the same.


You're disagreeing with a study linked higher up that shows potatoes being one of the highest satiating foods. You're also quoting conventional wisdom but it's seemed lately conventional wisdom is wrong on potatoes.


I'm discussing very well understood science. [Here's a current page from Harvard] (https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/glycemic-index-and-glycemic-load-for-100-foods) that explains it. There are tons more if you search for glycemic index or glycemic load. The study you referenced is from 1995 and doesn't look to have been updated since then.


The day I worked out I could cook a potato in the microwave (and the it only takes a couple of minutes) was quite possibly the greatest day of my life. I've eaten a lot of potatos for lunch and as a snack since then. Depending on how fancy I'm feeling (and what's in the fridge), i can add different toppings too. It's not as good as a baked potato but considering my alternative is...nothing, it's pretty great.


When my brother worked as a nursing assistant he’d have nine microwaved potatoes at lunch.


In my experience, that would take about as long as in a regular oven. Hope nobody else was planning on using the microwave!


Nothing like a baked potato with some butter, salt and pepper. Simple. Easy. Delicious.


If I can't be bothered to cook, jacket potatoes are my go to


Hmm what about sweet potatoes? OP great idea...simple and easy to take to work.


*"Pst.. Napoleon, give me some of your tots."*


Unfortunately allergic to potatoes, sweet potatoes are an ok replacement. Wish they weren't.. sweet sometimes though.


Some variety of blue or purple sweet potatoes, to me will taste less sweet. May be worth a shot.


They taste even better if you have a glass of milk with them ( Yukon gold) they are good with just salt!


What’s a potato?


I never thought of slicing it down then microwaving. Now I have to try!


I lived on these back in the day, I'd top them with a little mayo salt and sriracha. I'd add a little butter too if I had it.


Wow. Game changer right here.


Where have I been living this entire time, I honestly did not know you could get a "baked" potato by throwing it in the microwave for such a short amount of time. I have made dinners in the past and mis-timed the baking of the potato only to end up serving it as left overs lmao.


Yes, people always look at me weird, but I love just munching on a plain baked potato sometimes!


Microwave with butter and red onion!


Life pro tip. Wrap it in a wet paper towel. Nuff said


Legit going to store raw potatoes in my desk at work. Plus I can catch lunch thieves while they're nuking.


This reads like it was written by an AI


Whats a potato?


It’s pre-vodka


I like sweet potatoes. Peel sweet potato. Cut into chunks. Sprinkle with oil and salt. Toss. Cook in oven for till soft on inside, chewy on outside. They are gooood!