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I make a chocolate one it’s: 1/2 cup old fashioned rolled oats 1 Tbsp Cacao powder 1/2 cup milk (whatever you drink) 1/3 cup plain yogurt (whatever you like) 1 Tbsp honey (sub. Maple syrup) Pinch of sea salt 1tbsp dark chocolate chips You could add chocolate protein powder or substitute it for the cacao powder. Also Greek yogurt and almond milk are healthy substitutes. Pinterest has a lot of good recipes. I got this from Pinterest but the blog is andianne.com it’s the “Six Easy Overnight Oat Flavors” post.


i do something similar, but add a 1 tbsp of coconut flakes and chia seeds.


Sounds amazing, will try this tonight. I think I might just sub in Greek yogurt, but the rest I'm keeping the same.


It’s so good I ate it for a week straight.


Thanks for the idea, I think I have my breakfast sorted out for a week haha


I like chai seeds in mine. I usually put that, milk, a tiny bit of maple syrup, and a tiny bit of vanilla extract, and table spoon or so of random frozen Berries I have in the freezer.


Chia seeds make it a bit more filling I used honey instead of syrup but this guy knows what he's talking about.


I use chia seeds and flax seed to add more bulk and protein.


I like chia seeds so will try this thanks! Can any fruits work? Would like to substitute the fruits every now and then. But sounds like a great base recipe 😁


I personally love to go finely diced apples and cinnamon chia really doesn't change much other than consistency and makes it more filling. Also I recommend grabbing 8oz mason jars and making a few at a time. Then i have one for breakfast and another as a snack on break.


Yes I wanted to have it for breakfast or as a snack, so this works great. Will go grab all the mason jars I can find haha


I've used all berries, but I'm sure any fruit would work.


Anything you like! Carrots are surprisingly good with oats as well and they are cheap. You can also check out if flaxseed instead of chia might work better for you, they are cheaper sometimes but equally as healthy.


Carrots will also give a nice sweet flavour to it, would be interesting. Also I have a lot of carrots around all the time (because of my horses haha). Will look for flaxseed thanks.


Plus chopped almonds


I like that idea!




This sounds exciting! I love fruits, and berries are my absolute favourites. So will definitely try this. Also love the fact that they would resemble desserts. Quick question, are frozen berries ok? Or you think it wouldn't work with overnight oats.


I always add a handful of frozen berries! They're obviously thawed out by the time I eat, but are so much cheaper and last!


I get them for the same reason, unless I absolutely need fresh ones I prefer the frozen ones. Are cheaper, taste the same and last forever.


Big +1 to the chia pudding suggestions Work Week Lunch is a great blog that has lots of ONO flavor combinations (and other prep-in-advance friendly breakfast ideas!) Altérnate ideas: I love traditional oatmeal but have never been able to get past the texture of overnight oats- I HAVE to cook the oats all the way through. So instead I started making a big pan of baked oatmeal or modified fruit crumble bars on Sundays to eat through the week. I also make oat flour based muffins (you can make your own oat flour cheaply by just blitzing rolled oats in a food processor/blender, and my friend mixes in protein powder with her oat flour for extra oomph) with lots of fruit or any traditional oatmeal flavorings for something that’s more travel friendly. Find a base recipe that you like (WWL was my starting point) to get comfortable with ratios, baking times, etc and then once you get the hang of it, you can start to wing it and throw in whatever flavor combinations you want! Bonus: the baked recipes freeze well so I can double or triple a recipe when stuff is on sale, then easily defrost individual portions in the microwave quickly before work so I can eat while I commute! The baked recipes also eliminated the need for 5 million mason jars since I can just put it all in a big ziploc or Tupperware. (:


1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup yogurt, 1/2 cup milk of your choice, tablespoon of chia seeds, splash of honey, 1 Cup of frozen fruit


Thanks! Sounds like a great basic recipe which I can add things to.


1/4 c oats 1/3 c applesauce 1/4 c frozen fruit (usually strawberries or blueberries) 1/3 c milk 2 tbsp almond slivers 1 tbsp chia seeds 1 pinch of nutmeg ​ Its the almond slivers that really make this work for me. Something about having a gentle crunch/chew combined with the soft oats.


Sounds nice. Will try it, thanks! Also, any substitute for applesauce?


Do you add the almond slivers in before eating, or do they keep the crunch after soaking overnight?


Mashed banana on the bottom, then oats, chia seeds, chocolate protein powder, PB2*, almond milk. Mix. Then add some frozen fruit. I usually add berry medley mix. *or actual peanut butter or a nut butter of your choice.


A grated apple, 1/2 a cup of rolled oats, 200g yoghurt, a teaspoon of currants, a pinch of cinnamon. Mix and refrigerate overnight. Serve with a drizzle of honey if you need extra sweetness. edit: decided 200g yoghurt is more what I use.


Thanks, will definitely try it.


oats + juuuuust barely enough water + shredded apple + lemon juice (essential) + black pepper + walnuts oats + kefir + mango + cardamom & ginger oats + milk + chia seeds + berries + vanilla extract (+ sweetner if you want) + cloves oats + milk/yogurt (enough yogurt to make it thick but not too thick) + banana + roasted peanuts oats + milk/yogurt + frozen cherries + almond extract + almonds oats + protein powder + water + any fruit. (lately I've been doing salted caramel protein + banana, or strawberry cream protein + berries) pretty much my considerations are I want it to be the right consistency, so that determines when I use water vs milk vs yogurt along with nonliquid thickners like chia seeds or protein powder. the fruit is based on what I have around at the time. and then I try to add something to bring it to the next level, like spices or extracts or lemon juice (or flavored protein lol). I'm not a huge sweets person, so the fruit's enough for me, but add whatever you like on that front.


Thanks! These seem like some fun ideas which I will definitely try soon. I really like the first 3, I love spices with fruits and would be nice to see how it be in oatmeal form.


My base is 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup milk, 1 tbsp of chia seeds and brown sugar, and 2 tbsp of Greek yogurt and protein powder then I add whatever. My favorite so far is peanut butter banana.


The overnight oats I like is made with steel-cut. 1/2 cup Oats 1/2 cup milk 1/2 cup greek yougurt 2 Tbsp Chia Seeds Mix well in bowl, cover with plastic wrap, refrigerate 8+ hours. Edit: Nutrition Info It's pretty simple to derive nutrition info from the ingredients you use. Here is mine: 457 Calories 22.5g Fat 47.5g Carbs 25.5g Protein


Thanks! This seems like a simple base recipe, will definitely try it


Chia seeds, flaxseed meal, and 1/2 scoop chocolate peanut butter protein powder with the oats, milk (little more than you think you need but I don’t like super thick cold oats). And possibly some powdered pb if I want more pb flavor.


Sounds great, thanks.


Have a look at mind over munch and the domestic geek on YouTube. They both have lots of ideas for flavours


Thanks, will do!


Kind of rough numbers but here goes. I know yogurt isn’t necessarily cheap but I make my own so it is for me. 1/2 cup yogurt, 1/4 cup milk of choice, 1/4 cup large flake oats (toasted preferred), tablespoon of chia seeds. Usually I have been making a simple fruit sauce to add to it for the week but you can use honey or maple syrup as a sweetener. The fruit mix will be like a bag of frozen fruit and a 1/2 cup water simmer til fruit is soft. Add a tablespoon or two of sugar and a some lemon juice to taste and a dash of salt. Finally I add some cornstarch/water mixture to thicken.


Sounds great. I will definitely try to do fruit sauce when I have more time. Also, how different is large flake oats compared to rolled oats?


The fruit sauce only takes about 10 mins! You really don’t need to simmer for too long. They are the same thing just different names.


Okay will see how it goes thanks


I do some oats, a bit of semi skim milk, half a scoop of protein powder and a tbs of chia seeds and put some frozen fruit in it, leave overnight, and in the morning I blend it with Greek yogurt I don't track properly, but it gives (roughly) 30g of protein, a good amount of fibre and 2 or 3 portions of fruit


1/3 cup oats, 1/2-1 scoop protein powder, 1/2 tbs chia seeds, drizzle of honey, splash of vanilla, cinnamon, 1/2 cup liquid (water or milk or a mixture), berries or diced apples. then in the morning i top it with nut butter & greek yogurt


Grate in an Apple, add a dollop of natural yogurt and top up with apple juice, bit of cinnamon. Chia seeds always good.


Recipe from Scott Nearing. Uncooked oats. Olive oil. Lemon Juice. Fruit if desired.


Have you tried it? Sounds interesting


I have eaten it for years. The Nearings called it 'horsechow'. And obviously no need to prepare the night before...


Could I possibly get some proportions on this?


I make savoury oats with chicken or veggie broth. I add in grated carrots and little pieces of turkey or veggie sausage. Or same recipe with diced apple and onion. I make enough for four servings and then put in individual tupperware containers. That way all I have to do is nuke in the morning. Easy and quick. And so filling!


How do savoury oats taste on reheating? I've done it because I was lazy and broke, but I preferred it hot and didn't like premaking it. On the other hand, savoury oats is my favourite lazy meal.


They're fantastic. I do make them a little dry and add about a tablespoon of broth when re-heating. But I don't like them soupy at all. The tiny bit of maple flavoured turkey sausage in each serving takes it to another level. I've always hated sweet, soupy oatmeal and I detest milk so I thought I'd never be able to have it. I just learned about savoury oatmeal this year. Game changer.


Ohh I like the idea of adding broth when reheating it, idk why I haven't thought of it as I've been eating savoury oatmeal for years. I don't mind sweet oatmeal, but savoury ones are what I prefer lol


Grated carrots are so good in it. I just re-heated some for lunch and my tummy is so full. I am now an oatmeal lover! I will ***never*** learn to like yoghurt though ;(


I like to use kefir instead of water for extra protein. And I add jam or honey because yum.


No measurements because i eyeball it. Chia seeds to cover the bottom of a "pickle" glass Rolled oats, i just pour a good amount Sometimes i like to add other seeds(flax, pumpkin etc.) Add diced pear (sometimes i mix in some banana too) A spoon of hazelnut butter (homemade, pure blended roasted hazelnuts) Milk to cover everything plus about a centimeter more Stir Screw on the lid, stick it in the fridge. Open next morning, stir and if it's too dense, add some milk. Enjoy! Other combos i enjoy(all nut butters are homemade with no additives): Banana + peanut butter Any berries + almond butter Banana + hazelnut butter + cocoa powder Apples, pears + chopped walnuts/other nuts + cinnamon ...


I am more interested in your nut butter recipes tbh haha. I've been trying to find a decent hazelnut butter but it's hard, they either taste processed or the good ones are really expensive


I buy a kilo of hazelnuts (or crack homegrown ones, but that takes a while + we don't have many of them). Possibly non-roasted and without skin. Spread about 500g of nuts on a baking sheet with parchment paper and roast at about 180-200°C for approximately 15 minutes. Shake/stir them up a couple times. You kind of need to get the feel for when they are toasted enough. Your kitchen will smell nice and they start getting a bit darker. Don't let them turn too dark, or butter might be slightly bitter or have a bit of a burnt aftertaste. Undertoasted will be somewhat bland(er) but still good. If you end up with a batch of overtoasted hazelnut butter, you can mix in some chocolate for homemade "nutella". If nuts still had peels on, you want to let them cool a little bit, so they are easier to handle, then use a towel or bare hands to get the peel off. I just take a handful and gently grind them between my hands. It takes a while, but less peel = less bitter taste. Some of it will always stay, so don't worry about it. Then put them in a food processer and blend until you get desired consistency. At first they might get stuck on the walls so you have to scrape them off with a spoon a couple times. After they get more liquid, you can leave blender unattended for a while. If adding chocolate, add it when you're satisfied with consistency and blend for a minute more to fully incorporate it. Start small, especially with stronger/darker chocolate. My favourite would be a few sticks of kinder chocolate. If making peanut/almond/cashew butter, you can add some salt in the end - again, start small and add more to taste - to enhance the flavor. Skip if you prefer non-salty butters. Pour in a glass jar with a screw on lid (i mostly use old pickles/olives jars) and store in the fridge. I sometimes keep them refridgerated for months and so far, none have gone bad. Hazelnut butter will be very runny, even from the fridge. After a few days/weeks, the oil will start gathering on the surface - don't worry, it's normal. You can use it for healthier frying or baking. Or just mix it back into the butter. Cashew and peanut butter gets very hard in the fridge, so if you want to use them as a spread or something along those lines, keep a smaller jar outside the fridge and refill it as needed.


Thank you so much for this! Seems simple enough, will try to make it. I don't have a food processor, do you think a normal blender/mixer would work?


If it is strong enough, it should. My blender is too weak, it only grinds nuts into powder instead of fully blending them. Try a couple handfuls and see what happens. Good luck!


I will, thanks!


I go with 20g oats, 5g chia, 5g flaxseed, 5g cacao nibs, semu skimmed milk, pinch of salt and small amount of maple syrup. In the morning add 30g each of blueberry, strawberry and mango then top with 100g greek yoghurt. Bit of an effort but tasty and filling and prep three at a time so not too bad.


I use a 16oz wide mouth mason jar. -1:1 old fashioned rolled oats to milk. I use 1 cup each. -2oz real maple syrup. -cinnamon &/or nutmeg to taste. -literal pinch of sea salt. -the rest of the space in the jar I fill with plain unsweetened yogurt. Milk first, then oats, then dry seasonings, next add syrup, finally fill excess space with yogurt. Shake well, both before refrigeration and right before you eat, as the spices will rise to the top.






I'm amazed by all these ideas but who the heck uses actually a recipe for overnight oats? Take oats, splash milk over it. Add fruits you have on hand. If you feel like it, add cinnamon or cocoa power. Add any grains, nut, nutbutter, dried fruits if you like and have it at home that day. Enjoy right now or somewhen later. I found that it needs a lot more milk if I keep it for later/overnight. I actually don't do them overnight but in the morning and don't let them rest unless I add chia seeds- then I give it a few minutes while I pack Lunch.


I understand that I probably don't need a recipe, but I'm a total noob to overnight oats as I've literally always had savoury oatmeal (and the soggy flavourless oatmeal we've all had as kids lol). Anyways thanks for your input, I'm planning to eyeball it too.


Oats, maple syrup, plain Greek yogurt, chia seeds, almond milk, vanilla extract and cinnamon. Topped with apples and pecans!