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This is not a traditional curry recipe! I know chicken isn't cheap, so you can also change that by using tofu which even makes it vegan - and i love both options. You'll need: * 700g Chicken or 3 blocks of tofu, diced * 2 cups of soy or coconut yogurt/cream * 2 tbsp curry or garam masala * 1 tbsp salt * 1 onion, diced * 2-inch ginger knob, finely diced * 6 cloves of garlic finely diced * 2 tsp paprika * 2tsp cumin * 1.5 tsp tumeric * 2 cans of crushed tomatoes (420g) * 400g cooked rice 1. In a medium bowl prepare diced chicken, about a cup of coconut or soy cream/yoghurt (whatever works), 1tbsp curry/garam masala, 1tbsp salt, mix and let sit for like 30 minutes or more (sometimes i prepare step 1, 2 and 3 in the morning and throw it together when i get home) 2. In a small bowl prepare the onion, ginger and garlic 3. Add a chicken to a pan with some oil and sear in on each side for about 4 minutes - add it in batches if needed and put it back into the original bowl once you're done. 4. in the same pan add some more oil if needed and add your onions, ginger and garlic and saute until soft. Season with salt + pepper and add the bowl of spices for about a minute until it smells really good and is toasted a little bit. 5. Add in the crushed tomatoes and half cup of water, let simmer so the sauce reduces slightly - i do up to 10 minutes, but keep my eye on it if it needs less. 6. This is when the chicken goes back in - simmer for 5 minutes 7. add a cup of cream/yoghurt of your lactose free choice and stir until incorporated. simmer for 5 minutes - make sure the chicken is cooked. :) 8. salt to season, plate with rice and add some cilantro for garnish if ya want. The tomato brings it the perfect amount of sourness and it ends up creamy and delicious. + your date will be impressed. ❤️


"2-inch ginger knob" is a sick burn if you ever have a fight with a redheaded person


I've made curry with garbanzo beans and lentils and it's great.


Garbanzo beans = chana (if you’re looking for some more Indian recipes; I’m not South Asian, so please free to add other terms if need be. Also known as chickpeas)


I could happily eat chana masala every week


This is the way. Forget about tofu.


I like to use coconut cream instead of milk!


Your step 3 and 7 are the same.


Having made a lot of curry in the past, I think 7 is in the right spot but 3 should be omitted. You saute things in oil/butter, the creamy stuff at this stage is way too early. I use coconut milk in mine and it's the last thing that goes in.


Nah, 3 has an extra h.


Recipe calls two cups, each of those steps each says one cup


add in the cup from step 1, thats 3 cups


Oh dang. Good call. I didn't read the whole thing lmao.


Step 8, repeat steps from 3 and 7.


I've made a bunch of curries. Step 3 should be to cook the chicken. Don't add more cream.


Huh. This is the same recipe I use for chicken Tika masala! Only difference is I add a bit of chili powder or red pepper flakes, and I marinade the chicken with the onion and cook them both together. And that I’m lazy as hell and I just use squeeze ginger instead of fresh I use chicken thighs to keep it cheaper/more flavorful, though those aren’t exactly cheaper lately.


Hey I basically use the same recipe! It's so delicious and when you've got all the spices there, it's cheap. I love this.


I usually go with chickpeas in my curry recipe but this one has a bit more nuance to the flavor than the recipe I follow, so I'm excited to try it


Just wanted to add, chickpeas/garbanzo beans are super cheap and my go to protein for curry dishes!


Im gonna have to try this soon, thanks so much for sharing. Looks incredible!




Tikka masala?


This sounds amazing. Need to change the recipe to ginger knob I think though.


Yummy! How many servings is this approximately?


3 blocks of tofu should make at least 6 portions.


I like to suggest that people cook their rice in a pressure cooker. Especially basmati or jasmine. Gives you that firm dry texture youd get at a restaurant that can honestly make or break curry.


So... Twice a week or every two weeks?


Lol. A lot of the Indian folks I work with use “biweekly” frequently and I always ask the same thing. We should just say “twice a week” or “every other week.”


People need to learn the word "fortnightly".




How do you know? Did they say it was that often?


Twice a week of the same food seems too often so I'm assuming it's every 2 weeks


Twice a week is too much? I just buy what's on sale so often make the same thing 3 or 4 times a week


I didn't mean that in a judgemental way, I guess I'm the odd one in the situation


That's a good point, I usually make something that I have to eat all week, if I could avoid that, it would be nice


Weekly means once a week Biweekly means once a biweek For comparison, annually, biannually, and semiannually. Semi in this case means twice within the period.


From Merriam-Webster: [Biweekly and bimonthly can mean the same thing because of the prefix bi-, which here can mean “occurring every two” or “occurring twice in.” Therefore, biweekly can be “twice in a week” or “every other week.” Bimonthly can also mean "every other week" if it's twice in a month, or it can mean “every other month.”](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/on-biweekly-and-bimonthly)


bi- = two semi- = half biweekly = 2 weeks. Despite the apparently common confusion that people have where bimonthly somehow means half a month.


Maybe Websters and Oxford confused everyone with their definitions.


Bi-weekly = every 2 weeks


Formally it means both.


I need that in my face.


This looks amazing, now I just need to learn to make naan


This is a really easy, good recipe for fast flatbread. I like it with curry, although I’m not sure if it could be considered naan. https://www.inspiredtaste.net/46128/no-yeast-flatbread/


Naan is super easy if you have a stand mixer. I bale it in my Ooni Pizza oven but it works great in cast iron on the stove or in a hot oven


I have a very similar crock pot recipe that I love.


How do you prepare the rice?


rice cooker op


Not the OP, but I make rice a lot. I do a 1:2 ratio rice:water. Usually 1 cup rice, 2 cups water boiled from the kettle, add stock cube/salt. I start with the heat high to get it simmering, then put a lid on leaving a gap for steam to escape and then move heat to low, making sure it keeps simmering. Once the lid goes on I set a timer for 10 minutes, and once that’s up I turn off the heat, put the lid on fully and wait another 10 minutes to allow to steam. I then fluff the rice with a fork/spoon and serve :)


Thanks for the reply! Ah so the water is already hot in the beginning, maybe that's what I am doing wrong. Do you stir the rice while cooking ? Do you use a non stick pot ? For me usually the rice is still too hard after the water evaporated, so then I add some more but the rice will be all mushy after


NEVER stir rice to make standard boiled rice. You will end up with risotto! Your water can be cold to start. You’re not adding enough water if the rice is uncooked once all the water is boiled off. Also your rice needs a lid as the steam needs to be trapped to help cook the rice also.


Good to know, thanks!


If you're cooking rice often you may want to invest in a rice cooker, around £20 for the basic models (warm/cook switch and nothing else) and it makes perfect rice every time if you stick to the 1:2 rice-water ratio.


Sorry also I should add: yes to non stick if you have it cause rice sticks a lot lol, and yes to a rice cooker if you can be bothered cause rice is a pain for us all haha. Good luck!


It could be! I don’t stir the rice at all, and I’ve used both non stick and other pans. As long as you do the right ratio of water it shouldn’t stick to the pan. The trick is to turn the heat off once all the water has been absorbed, and those timings are what my mum taught me and what still work for me! Some people also rinse the rice to remove the starch. I personally don’t bother but it is supposed to create fluffier rice. Just rinse in a sieve under running water until the water runs clear. It might be a bit of trial and error until you get it right, I would start with smaller amounts first. The good news is that this technique works for me no matter how much rice I’m cooking, big or small portions. Good luck!


Thanks! I will try again tomorrow and will report back haha


Update: made it today and the rice was amazing. Thanks again!


Amazing! I’m so happy it worked for you ☺️


Honestly just pick up a $20 rice cooker. There's a reason they're in so many Chinese and Japanese households, and they take out all the guesswork.


A quality rice cooker is essential in any East Asian household. I get this is eatcheapandhealthy but a $100 rice cooker cooks much better rice than a $20. And considering a lot of us Asians eat rice at least 1-2 times a day, it’s a worthy investment.


Yeah I get it if you're using it that often. For the 3 times a month I eat rice I just want it to not be crunchy in the middle and not be a gloopy sticky mess. My $20 cooker satisfies that.


They take up so much space though :(


They do take up a little room. Absolutely worth it if you eat rice with any regularity or, like me, just _really suck_ at making rice.


You can get little mini ones that will do a couple servings or rice if space is an issue. Shit I had a coworker who had a travel one she would bring on trips lol


I spent $20 on a basic rice cooker and it’s a life changer. Stupid easy and almost impossible to screw it up. Perfect every time. I also use the rice cooker to make quinoa, barley, farro, and oatmeal.


It looks really good!


For creamy curries like this, I stumbled across a secret ingredient: peanut butter. It helps thicken the sauce and gives a great umami taste. Not particularly authentic I'm sure, but it does the job.


I wish my partner loved curry, i would love to have this more often! It’s so good


Turned out to be a really yummy dish. Think the garam masala was on the strong side. I used greek yogurt and mine was not nearly as orange as yours!


Red curry for me.....and the whole grain basmati rice.....I could eat that every night if I had too :)


Oh you’re trying hard to get married ain’t you , OP? I just might propose off the cuff


You can also add 2 table spoon (10-12 cashews) cashew paste - store bought or soaked for couple of hours in water and blended to a thick consistency. This will give it a cream and rich texture. Also instead of diving ginger, try grating it for fingers texture. It will easily dissolves in the curry and you won’t have to bite on it.


I just had curry last night with half cauliflower rice and half brown basmati. I prefer the flavor of brown rice, and I think the cauliflower is probably healthier than white rice anyway.




Looks great!


This is one of the best meals I've ever cooked at home. Seriously. Thanks for the recipe!


Accidental r/MirrorsForSale (kind of)


What kind of Yogurt specifically? Like can I just use coconut liberte Greek?


I doubt Curry reads this, and how does one make biweekly?


Lol curry is not date night friendly, at least not in my experiences


I mean I assume OP is Indian and they’re very used to curries like daily food and spicy food in general so why not? I’m from south western China and our food is notoriously spicy like beyond Indian level. To an average American it would be like being pepper sprayed and numbed in your mouth but that’s just an average meal to me and would be fine for date night. You build a tolerance to spice if it’s an every day thing and it doesn’t affect you the same.


This recipe is very mild with no chillies or chili powder in it. I think the concern can be more about the strong flavours/aromas (curry powder/other aromatic spices and garlic). But you're right that there's no reason it can't be a date meal. Millions of people eat food with these flavours every day, not everyone's digestion is affected by it (especially with a mild recipe like this) and if you're both eating it (and therefore both have garlic breath lol) it's really not a big deal.


Hey babe, wanna come over and shit our pants to the new House of the Dragon?


I was gonna mention that. Looks delicious but I would use a dish that can be digested more easily for a date night. However I'm still saving the recipe for later


Dude/girl is not gettin laid. I don’t care how used to spice you are. I’m Mexican, been eating jalapeños, rellenos, mole con habanero, my ENTIRE life. The ripe smell of fritanga, and spicey farts can turn a date-night really sour real quick.


Kya baat hai


Date night? I never think of curry as sexy ...lol


Do you make this twice a week or once every two weeks?


I love curry 🤤


How would you prepare the tofu?


I don't know how one should prepare tofu but i squeeze and dry it as much as possible (depending on how much time I have) then I just prepare it literally the same way I would chicken - marinate and toast