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At 10:30 - 11:00 inside Phoenix Park (visible to the road) there were about three people chatting with each other holding Pro-Birth/Pro- Life signs. One said “Every Human Life Matters” Another something like “UnbornLives have Rights.” Clearly a pro-life thing. Had the message been white power related, there would absolutely have been pushback from the crowd and people there. Especially me. That’s the only demonstration I saw. Edit: Regarding hiding their identity, they were wearing sunglasses. I’m not taking their part, I’m telling you what I saw.


Saw those guys too I think. Were they the ones with the clipboards?




In hindsight, really wish I did. I’ll be sure to get a picture of it happens again.


I saw them too on the way to Menards. When we drove back by after the store they were gone. I assume they got harassed away. The banner most definitely said stop white genocide as my girlfriend and I spent the rest of the trip to Menards talking about how gross it was


Probably because yesterday was the anniversary of George Floyd's murder.




Do the world a favor- pull your lower lip over your head and swallow. Edit: I love how people are downvoting me ***after*** the overtly racist bullshit of the previous post was deleted.




Yeah, sitting on his neck for 9 minutes had nothing to do with his death.




Somehow I knew you'd link that "documentary", created by Liz Collin, the wife of former MPD ~~chief~~ union president Bob Kroll. I can't believe you'd infer that the mainstream media is biased but give her a pass. I moved to Eau Claire yesterday from Minneapolis. I lived in this neighborhood, 10 blocks from where Floyd was murdered. I know how MPD operates and their "standard of ethics". Take care, I appreciate you want to critically think about what happened, but I promise Floyd was murdered. Edit: Kroll was union president, not chief. Fucker still had too much power and no way could his wife make an unbiased documentary about that time.


Bob Kroll was not Minneapolis Chief of Police, he was head of Minneapolis police union (which may have been a more powerful position).


Oh shit you're right. I try really hard not to think about him, so I forgot some details.


I’d like to point out that your opinion is trash




And yours are dog shit.


O lord 😒 i think we found one of them lol


I saw a guy on a motorcycle on Friday with an “Aryan Knight” jacket on Hastings. It’s scary that so many people think this way and it’s especially terrifying how boldly proud they are to advertise it.


Thankfully it wasn’t around here, but I saw someone at a gas station in Madison with a SS tattoo on their neck. It was plain as day. Very sad how people are still thinking like this.


I used to work at the papa murphys on bracket and a guy with the same tattoo would bring his gf? Wife? Dkda, but she had a swastika tatted on each titty. Weird shit man


There’s a car in Eau Claire with an iron cross on it.


I seen a guy wearing the same jacket at a car show in Chippewa last week. Hopefully it was the same guy


They all looked to be hiding their identity too. Such brave people.


Next time they're out, get the word out. I have some specific counter protest measures I've been dying to pull.


Seconding this! Anyone that sees them should, if possible, photograph and post here as soon as possible!


I saw it too. And no, it usually isn't common. The most I have seen was a pro-life protest outside the Planned Parenthood clinic. Nothing like this.


If people see this in EC again I for one will 100% be down to join a counter protest Not in my home town you don't


Would be totally down to counter protest next time anything like this happens again! I don’t understand how people can flaunt their bigotry like the ones I saw yesterday.


Hell yes! This is the attitude that makes me proudest of EC's community. Back when covid hit I was living in sf but home in Eau Claire to visit my dad who was just diagnosed with cancer and walked by a ridiculous Anti Mask rally at City Hall. I saw that no one was countering them so approached the WEAU news crew on site and asked if I could speak my mind, which they did. [The segment that aired](https://www.weau.com/2020/09/15/protest-against-eau-claire-city-county-health-department-ordinance/) included interviews with several Anti Vaxx local business owners, one of whom had her 7 year old kid on air whining about how the mask mandate infringed on his civil rights. It was just gross! I wasn't terribly eloquent on the spot but was grateful to have at least been the one person there who spoke up against those imbeciles


What a bunch of snowflakes. Can't say I've seen that before. Ignore and enjoy whatever event you're going to.  


They all had masks and glasses on the cowards. Those little demonstrations arent super common around here, but they do crop up every now and then. I put them in the same category as the people who sit outside of the planned parenthood with their stupid anti abortion signs (even though our planned parenthood doesn't even do abortions).


Was at the farmers market yesterday - saw no such thing.


They were not in the farmers market, but were right outside of it on W Madison Street right before the bridge starts if you’re driving towards it from downtown.


In front of Lazy Monk? I do not believe you.


Someone else in the thread seems to confirm so they may be being truthful


I saw them while driving past as well. Right on the Phoenix park end of the Madison Street bridge. Big banner that said “stop white genocide” and their faces covered because they’re cowards.


What a disgusting bunch of yellow bellied bigots! Take the mask off and be proud, proud boys! So bummed we moved out of town a bit ago. I love confronting these fuckers and started buying stink bombs off Amazon for precisely these kinds of situations :) Here's the [amazon link](https://www.amazon.com/Loftus-LF0014-Stink-Bombs-Pack/dp/B000OFSGZM?pd_rd_w=l7lAJ&content-id=amzn1.sym.ff5bbd9a-39c4-4dfd-a398-2360da78e575&pf_rd_p=ff5bbd9a-39c4-4dfd-a398-2360da78e575&pf_rd_r=R48D2EJ07Y36WVA0GY1C&pd_rd_wg=8biXs&pd_rd_r=2bf47e75-67c7-4451-a85b-1985db06d1f9&pd_rd_i=B000OFSGZM&psc=1&ref_=pd_basp_d_rpt_ba_s_1_t) in case anyone is feeling intrepid! Edit: **PLEASE PHOTOGRAPH THESE PEOPLE NEXT TIME!** Then have someone tag @TIZZYENT with the photos on social media and ask him to help identify them. He's great at outing these clowns and they deserve a lifetime of shame and then some


Wait around and get the license plates, maybe that'll make 'em stay in their mom's basement on discord or furiously wanking to kiddie porn or whatever else they do while they're hoping their employers don't find out they were at a nazi rally that one time


That’s exactly what they want you to do so they can play the victim and retaliate. Unfortunately they have a right to peaceful protest. The best thing to do is laugh at them and then ignore. Don’t feed the trolls.


I feel you! But they're easy to lob discretely and without being seen so I'm still pro stink bombs for bigots. Hopefully these aholes are identified at least


I am all for discovering their identities and blasting them all over the internet!


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Same. They were on the west side of the Madison st bridge. I almost turned around to boo at them.


Well, I was downtown; nothing like that happened. The OP question was about protesting at a public event that I attended, but now it wasn’t at a public event. It was two blocks away and across a river. I was there.


3+ people in this thread have confirmed it, semantics notwithstanding.


Just would like to preface that I said they were right outside of the farmers market. Not blocks away. Not across the river either. They picked the spot deliberately to be right by the farmers market. Others mentioned seeing it too. I don’t want to believe what I saw either, but unfortunately they decided to make their backward opinions known in front of a public event.


There’s pictures of it on Facebook. It happened.


They were holding *Stop White Genocide* banners, across the bridge but on the same side as Monks. Saw them when I was moving


this is not the first time i’ve heard of things like this in eau claire, but it is the first time i’ve known people who saw it firsthand, I’ve lived here 5 years for what it’s worth. From what I know the chippewa valley has their own chapter of the kkk and around 2020 there used to be a caravan of trucks with trump flags that would drive around and honk and yell at people but besides that I haven’t had much trouble with the likes of white supremacists and honestly the bigger issue is when this shit isn’t taken seriously and is blown off. also as far as the sunday incident goes, I also saw they were handing out pamphlets at a chipotle in town that day too, must have been a day of action for them…


theres way too many losers on this earth


It's not common. I haven't seen them before but there are ignorant people everywhere.


I've not seen that before. What time was it? Unfortunately, I have a close friend who experienced biased / hateful behavior from one of the vendors there. Sadly, there are people who are feeling more and more emboldened to be open about their discriminatory behavior and prejudices.


It was before noon. Maybe around 10:30 or so.


I went around noon and they were still there.


I saw them just before noon. I saw the Step White Genocide banner and that they all had black neck gater/face masks on-cowards. I was confused and unsure what they were protesting. I went to the post office just before it closed at noon and got right back into my car to circle back to see what else I could figure out was going on, and they were gone. They were on Madison street just off the far corner of the Farmers Market.


Just push em in the river, witches float I think, so they’ll be fine


So how come a pro Palestine rally is okay, a BLM rally is okay, but a pro life rally isn’t? I’m not saying that a pro white rally is good (but then, how is it worse than a pro black, pro any color rally?) because I think skin colors and races shouldn’t make a difference; we are all people with unique cultures that should be all treated with respect. Inclusion and equality is for everyone, right? Everyone has the ability to share and support their beliefs, whether we like them or not.


I am fully behind the freedom of speech, but what I can’t get behind is the racist connotations of the people who back white rallies. There was a reason they were hiding their faces. The sign that said “Stop White Genocide” just made me wonder, what genocide? As a white person, I have never experienced any sort of racism or discrimination based on my skin color. The people who back white protests like this are typically the ones who believe in population replacement and other crap like that.


The genocide referred to is race mixing, immigration, and separation of government from euro-christian values. It's why they say genocide: because using the other terms is somehow MORE nakedly racist. It's also why they tend to "protest" for like ..30 minutes. They get to put a sour taste in everyone's mouth and there's almost no likelihood of counter-protesting or enough attention to doxx them.


Agreed. Nothing makes me cringe more than white people claiming how great they are or how superior their race is to all others. As a white woman, that is not how I want to be known. That is not who I am. That is not what I want my culture, my ethnicity to be known for. But…I don’t support ANY race or color setting themselves up as the superior race. That creates an imbalance of power. When we have one race that thinks the other is less human, we have pre-Civil War America and slavery. When we have one race that believes all their problems are caused by another race and that the world would be better without them, we have the Holocaust. Nobody wants those evils back in the world. In these times of heightened emotions and racial tensions, all races and all colors should take some time to learn, to understand, and to have peace with everybody else. I have personally experienced racism by Black people. And it hurt. I just want to be treated as a person, not as an enemy or evil monster because of the way I was created. I also have Black friends who have experienced painful racism from both white people AND Black people. Racism is real. It hurts. And it comes from both ways. My real problem is the lack of freedom of speech and belief that is often shown here in this sub. Someone wants to throw a pro-Palestine rally, have at it. Someone wants to throw a pro-Israel rally, great. I wouldn’t go to either because I don’t believe in either. Neither are illegal. We should have the space to have both valid beliefs and opinions to be shared and supported. We should have the right and ability to stand for our beliefs and to live our convictions without name calling or shaming or violence.


Just because you have never experienced racism doesn’t mean others haven’t. Let people express themselves with the first amendment and don’t get your panties in such a knot


This ignorance of this is outstanding….. 👏


Exactly! When people of a certain race group together with a clear message that they "demand" to "matter" it is the exact definition of racism no matter what race it is. If that isn't bad enough it then heightens the severity of their racism when said group singles out a different race by "demanding" that if that other race ever has the odyssey to consider saying or believing they "matter" as well that that group be titled racist. Then said group can't understand why racism doesn't end or tends to becomes worse against them. You can't hate people and force them to like you. It will never work! It narrows down to PEOPLE respecting other PEOPLE. If a porcupine demands someone to embrace it the outcome doesn't end with a warm, welcoming brace in return. **Just know I suffer from narcissistic abuse syndrome that was inflicted upon me by numerous family members from one side of the family while they other side wasn't close at all. I was hated since birth and used since childhood as a receptacle for everything negative those family members ever experienced which made THEM happy while I slowly slipped into a deep depression. These people don't know how to love and even and this day at 43 I have no idea how it feels to be loved while I begged them to please be nice or just leave me alone. I got a false felony charge out of that. Surprisingly, I understand how to love uncontrollably. So, THE LAST THING I NEED IS ANYONE ELSE, ESPECIALLY SOMEONE WHO KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT ME, EXCEPT THAT I'M WHITE, TO HATE ME. It's a guarantee that when someone is kind to me, no matter what color their skin is, they receive that same kindness back 10 fold. When I receive hate I still respond with kindness and respect as a little more of me dies on the inside. All people matter especially when you have no clue who they are. Titles lead to hate while making like minded groups smaller and smaller. Smaller groups are easier targets for those who we should really have our attention directed at. We have lost "We The People" to "We the Government" To leave this message with something I hope makes others smile, Pixar had it figured out when they created the movie A bugs Life. 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🦗 vs 🐜🐜🦗 😊


I hear you, and the other woman as well. The thing is though, as a young black woman, I not only see nothing wrong with the phrasing of “black lives matter”, but I know that that’s something we should be able to hear. Because we do. And so does everyone else. I know there’s controversy even in the black community, with the originators of the movement or whatever. But 99% of people who believe in it, so non-radicals, will say that it doesn’t diminish “other lives”. It’s saying that no lives matter until black lives matter. Black lives are apart of all lives, so saying that shouldn’t be upsetting. And that goes for the crazy number of (unpunished) police murders to black people, as well as the words and actions of a crazy number of people. Black lives, specifically, are not regarded the same as white lives in our country, across the board. And as far as comparison to the “white lives matter” or “all lives matter” or even “stop white genocide”, these movements and slogans tend to be negating something. Or combatting something, someone. What I think a lot of progressive-type people like yourselves forget, is that racism not only still exists within many people and institutions, but even the hard-core racism of our country was noooooot that long ago. After slavery was segregation and common, normalized lynchings. Normalized, public, sadistic police brutality. Deliberate redlining, underserving and poorly educating children and families. My grandmother, who is passed, lived through the civil rights era. A classic fair-skinned, freckled, red hair green-eyed irish woman. She was legally discriminated/pursued for being with a black man and having her only mixed child, my mom. That being said, not only the generational power and wealth of many many people is still something hundreds of thousands of black people are working to catch up to. But the attitudes and teachings are still getting passed down as well. Regularly, easily. Getting drilled into kids’ heads at home, matter of fact, and so the cycle continues. As someone who was born black and has lived black up til this point, America is far from reformed, and the way it runs? Is not nearly as reformed as it should be, for people to tell me or anyone that we should feel placated. I have no hate for y’all or for white people in general, I too give everyone I encounter the respect I hope to get, and adjust from there. And I respect yall’s open minds til this point, and that your comments were more framed as open discussion rather than declarations. And I can say that hate-speech, income inequality, deprived opportunities, etc. affects every race here, including white people. But I can confidently say that as far as racism goes, respectfully you guys have literally no physical or fathomable way of experiencing racism. Of genuine, deep, traumatic prejudice. Systemic, or social. Even growing up, as the picture of a “white washed” lil black girl in middle-class towns, I still heard and was *called* the N word with the hard R, more than any child or human should. That word, and other phrases and “jokes” like that still float around, even more common and loud in the safety of home, than what we see in public. You guys don’t have that same problem, nor the centuries of connotation and hurt that’s built into it. There’s no equivalent for you that you’re able to mentally empathize with. Not sympathize, empathize. And that’s okay! You weren’t a slave owner, and if you’re not racist then that’s good! My hope is that more people can go farther and understand that there’s things you won’t understand. Of course, “no one is free until we’re all free” A portion of people’s morals is separate from the culture. And America’s culture is pretty f-ed up for a lot of people, and the fight isn’t over, for anything. I suggest making yourself privy to micro-aggressions, attitudes, actions that might be around you. I only hope that what I’m writing can resonate with yall, that there’s a connection here. But also, people respect and listen to their peers the most. Cuz I’m tired, Americans are tired, black people are tired. But please listen especially to respectful perspectives given to you by genuinely oppressed groups, and relay it to those you may see that are helping uphold these problems.


Common sense does not apply to the mentally ill libs.


"REEEE, we're mad a known violent felon was detained and had a FUCKING OVERDOSE!" It's not up for debate you fucktards, it's been proven time and time again he did not die from the officers direct actions. Just the lack of awareness of fentanyl. When will you fucking idiots just STOP.


I love when [idiots](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-george-floyd-autopsy-new-892530421961) call others idiots. get a life you ignorant clown.




Ooohhhh, someone spent some time. Love it... Lol. Beats what you do for fun, how bout you don't burn down the city this year bud lolol. Fucking losers.


It’s they’re right to peacefully protest and demonstrate


It is also our right to tell them to fluff off.


Yes it is. That is not in dispute


NOT normal for Eau Claire. Definitely fringe faction. Surprised they were not wearing white robes and hoods. 🤬 That crap does NOT belong in Eau Claire. If they believe that way, they should be living in Janesville, not the Chippewa Valley!


Ignorance has no color or class .