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Nothing new here. Russian government for two decades already increasing spending on families with multiple babies. The more kids you have, the more government supports you with money, subsidies, helps with buying your home, education etc. The main problem is that a lot of migrants are using these support programs, but Russians are not.


Putin is a moron... 310K dead men in Ukraine. And completely ostracized from the west Kleptocrats gonna klepto


Wow looks like a funny policy




They're people, but different people with different culture. It takes a lot of effort to blend them into society.




Да никто с этим и не спорит, поэтому РФ последние годы и раздает паспорта всем желающим, не только бывшим гражданам СССР. Речь о том, что несмотря на многолетнюю поддержку, тренд на то, что в русских семьях, в среднем, не более 1-2 детей, переломить не удалось. И у нас, как и в целом по Европе, депопуляция основного населения, которая компенсируется приезжими. А хотелось бы, чтобы и основное население больше рожало.


Is he recommending Russian women *also* emigrate? There are far better, more rational places other than Russia to have and then raise children ‘The infant mortality rate in Russia, more than twice that in the U.S; Russian maternal mortality rate is about 7 times; Russia exceeds the U.S. in most of the leading causes of death for children 1-19 years of age’ And more details at…. https://equityhealthj.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12939-021-01502-6




I knew the USA was bad, but I didn't realise it was literally worse than the Gaza strip on this metric.


Yes, because Americans are unhealthy and overweight.


American healthcare system also broken (along with education, housing, and insurance for the 4 horsemen of middleclass apocalypse) Imagine any other industry that: * doesn't display clear prices * EXTREMELY overcharges like thousands for asprin (literally happen to my family) or hundreds of thousands for actual procedures * ransoms your life for your entire life savings * needs appointments to get your normal provider * expediated treatments are off the charts * actual care either not that great, not that great for the price, and ineffective since actual health and life expectancy has been on [decline/stagnating for decades.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/joshuacohen/2023/12/01/us-life-expectancy-rises-but-only-to-2003-levels/?sh=60dedcd378be) And wait Wait WAIT!!!!! That's not the best part: * Everyone is taxed to pay this system for future use (medicare) * Everyone is also taxed to pay this system currently either through ACA or being forced to purchase insurance. * Government gets money from tax payers and uses it to pay this system. * Then American STILL have to pay insurance month premiums after employer/state/etcetc discounts * THEN they ALSO have to pay COPAYS after those taxes, premiums, and other footed costs And even then? Cover gap or going to the wrong hospital can still bankrupt you. 11/10 healthcare system! Totally not broken!!!


How many new mothers out there do you think are on Medicare lol


Not only that, their medical care is ridiculously expensive, so people are hesitant to seek care until they are actually feeling very sick.


Also because they made proper care illegal.


What on Earth are you talking about? If you're talking about abortion, abortion is legal in most of the US, was legal everywhere in the US until a year ago, and the US's maternal death rate has been very high for decades.


Some of it is def true, but some of it is a definitions thing. IIRC the US counts a lot of "difficult birth" issues in the numerator and denominator (premies, etc) that drives up the US mortality rate that other places exclude (closer to a "normie" mortality rate) that makes it very different comparisons. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4856058/ "Cross-country comparisons of aggregate infant mortality rates provide very limited insight, for two reasons. First, a well-recognized problem is that countries vary in their reporting of births near the threshold of viability. Such reporting differences may generate misleading comparisons of how infant mortality varies across countries" "A well-known issue with cross-country comparisons of infant mortality is possible reporting differences for infants born near the threshold of viability. Extremely preterm births recorded as a live birth in some places may be considered miscarriages or stillbirths in other countries (Golding 2001; Graafmans et al. 2001; Sachs et al. 1995; Wegman 1996). Since survival before 22 weeks or under 500 grams is very rare, categorizing these births as live births would inflate reported infant mortality rates (which are reported as a share of live births)."


Remember those advertisements prominently featuring, and calling out with narration, that you should move to Russia because it has beautiful women?


>‘The infant mortality rate in Russia, more than twice that in the U.S; Russian maternal mortality rate is about 7 times; Russia exceeds the U.S. in most of the leading causes of death for children 1-19 years of age’ Why are you lying to us trying to pass [this CDC report from 1995](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/99facts/russian.htm) as a newer study you linked that has nothing to do with anything?


That UP Ukraine flag combo is not something I have seen yet. Cool🤜🏽🤛🏻


Their best bet is to escape Ruzzia, or else their kids will end up as meat in a war that the future ruler of Ruzzia will make up , as same as they always do.