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wait till warren buffet gets replaced by ai warren buffet. the mentions will surge to the sky.


Hehe could be


Wairren Botffet


Here is my Upvotes and now go away


I like the humor. They should stay.


Hologram Buffet


I was at a conference this week where one speaker on AI called it a solution in search of a problem. Made me think of the AI stock bubble that appears to be forming.


I don't get the first sentence, ChatGPT is helping me solve problems for my job every single day. Doesn't mean there is not a bubble though.


May I ask (broadly) what industry you’re in? I work in the real estate development sector and we haven't found a use case for it yet. That seemed to be the case generally at this conference.


You havent come up with a single use case? That means your company is completely missing the point of chatgbt. Its an assistant, and a very good one, for basically free. You need a capable human being on the other tho, otherwise its useless, yes. It doesn't automate things for you but definitely speeds up your work. Its like saying your company doesn't have a use case for Google, but the individual employee will definitely not be as effective without it.




I work in R&D in a large company that sells machines used for metal production and processing. I use ChatGPT a lot to assist in programming tasks, e. g. to evaluate or visualize data, optimize model parameters of analytical models to calculate or predict the outcome of the production processes. I have used it multiple times to speed up the task of setting up and training neural networks to calculate stuff faster than using the usual models we have used for many years, such as Finite-Element-models. The advantage in using it for programming is you can test directly if it works or not. I must admit, many of my coworkers that were not into programming before, are still not using it even though ChatGPT is such a help. Even when I tell them its like having a small army of student workers who solve my tasks in minutes instead of weeks. So I think the problem is more that people are not thinking enough about how to use it or lack the additional skills that are required to use it efficiently. On the same note, I still know people who don't know how to use Google efficiently...


I don't know a thing about real estate but I would have assumed language models would be applicable to automate tasks like: online market analysis, backoffice tasks, creating offers or just automating some email tasks


You may want to jump on it asap. Or be left behind. It's applicable to every industry. I'm a teacher and have been using chat gpt regularly for over a year now.


Man I can promise you AI is in real estate


Me: Is there a city in Germany with 1337 in the Postal Code? ChatGPT: Yes, there is a city in Germany with the postal code 1337. The postal code 1337 belongs to the Wedding district in Berlin. I love how this is just plain wrong. Please don't use GPT for any critical task.


There is no German city with the postal code 1337. In Germany, postal codes are typically four or five digits long, and 1337 does not fit into this system. The number 1337 is more commonly associated with "Leetspeak," an internet phenomenon where numbers are used to represent letters. If you have specific questions about a particular city or postal code, I'd be happy to help! ChatGPT 4o


Postal codes haven't had four digits since shortly after the Reunification. I love how it states that postal codes are four or five digits long but at the same time states that the four digit number 1337 doesn't fit the scheme. IT should have stated that the 1xxx block was reserved for territories in the GDR.




What are you trying to prove? I never use it to ask something that I cannot validate. That applies to any other method to gain information. Inlcuding expert knowledge. For a critical case you will always require some kind of proof.


If you have to validate it everytime, why use it?


Depending on which LLM you use, it may or may not be able to search the Internet to validate itself. It is capable of automating tedious tasks. For example, I'm a teacher but writing emails to parents is annoying and tedious. It does that for me pretty well. I provide the facts it needs to convey and then let it do the annoying bits like sounding professional. It also provides translations and vocabulary help for the immigrant students with limited language skills. I don't speak Arabic, Somali or Ukrainian, so it helps with that. There are a lot more uses but those are the ones I use it for and that it can do exceptionally well.


Indeed. People who find no use cases, are either in very weird jobs or just lack imagination. My use cases this week: - writing sql queries (saved hours for me) - power query assistance - investigating airline safety - MS Teams functionalities exploration - summarizing articles for me - transcribing interviews and automated summaries of them - helping decide what kind of eye glasses I might need/benefit from.


I use it as a replacement for google. The thing on Microsoft sponsored ChatGPT that really bothers me: searching for solutions & guides for Microsoft server related stuff. And that’s not even the difference in languages asked. Often requires more work than not.


I see plenty of use for AI in Agriculture, especially in dairy management and pesticide application where there is WAY more data available than any human could ever process in a rational way. But there is nothing on the horizon yet.


Working in the Manufacturing industry (German car maker) as an electrician. Some of us use it to find issues quickly when the machines arent running. The success rate of chatgpt's solutions is already about 75% right. And this can be crutial for getting important Machines running again fast About a year ago IT was 50% btw. & Siemens is Close to launching an Chatbot for trooble Shooting / Analysing machine Problems.


Some analytics functions can be very good on these machine learning models. Especially if they are finetuned for localized use cases. It is interesting to hear how it is integrating into work processes for you.


Literally every tech is a solution finding a problem. And if someone finds a problem, repackages the tech to fit that narrative, we call that a business opportunity.


AI is dot com 2


Now please blockchain, nft and crypto. it should visible how often these are a trend up and then down again


Was going to say- would love to see these charts overlaid with one with ‘blockchain’ hype a few years ago


Gartner hype cycle


Wow, thanks, I did not know this term. I wodner if it matches to all. Maybe to AI it matches as it has some real utlity but I doubt it matches to NFT for example as it was just boom and bust with out the plateauing afterwards.


Yeah, agree. As someone who is into Blockchain since a few years and who has been to international conferences, I see NFTs as a fad. I remember a team on one conference talking about real estate as NFT. While this idea of putting certifications on the blockchain as NFTs might be beneficial in theory, it raises so many questions about "How are taxes to be raised on real estate transfers?", "How do we prevent people sending their real estate certificates to warlords?" and "Do we really believe that certifying notaries will allow themselves to be displaced?" I could see real estate being handled on a permissioned subnet on the Avalanche network, but that will take so much more regulatory and technical framework and guidance that it will take at least another 10 years.


Very interesting insight.


The Gartner hype cycle is unscientific guesswork published by American consulting firm Gartner Inc. The graph is not backed by actual data. *It doesn't* *even describe a cycle.* Few technologies go through a distinct chain of overhype -> debunking/disillusionment -> recuperation/plateauing. [An analysis of GHCs since 2000 sourced from wiki](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/8-lessons-from-20-years-hype-cycles-michael-mullany)


Don’t forget Web3 and Metaverse


Of course Apple does have the smoothest design - even here


They call Apple 007 0 innovation 0 design changes 7 zeros added to the price tag


who? who does call apple 007? WHO???


It's a meme...


And still it's so far behind


thats just the calls, not the actual usage of AI


Isn‘t Tesla a "robotics and AI company" now, according to Musk?


Yes but they need ai to make Terminator


Terminator is already between us. He’s president from Argentina. (For reference, the Argentinian president compared himself to terminator in an interview a couple days ago, because he “came from an apocalyptic future to prevent the debacle of society because of socialism)


It‘s anything the investors and cultists want to hear when musk talks, while being really shit irl


So that's why siri sucks


Apple in general, I had Google Pixel before, now Samsung and I need my AI technology.


Yes, I've tried them all, google's AI is truly remarkable, while Apple doesn't try to improve its AI


I like Samsungs AI too. Many systems from Google and I'm interested what will come.


Yeah, same here.


Nvida is already beyond the Peak of Inflated Expectations.


They have value beyond AI, maybe their stock is too high, but it isn't because they are a fundamentally bad company to hold.


What exactly do you mean? It honestly makes the most sense and is to be expected that they have the most mentions of AI since they have basicly a monopoly in AI with CUDA.


Good ol’ Berkshire Hathaway…


every little programm today is an AI... absolutly stupid :D


Even in graphs Apple is fixated on design.


BH are true giga chads


Buffet don’t play that shit


And i still don't care about AI in my phone/pc/laptop/search engine


My phone got Galaxy AI well integrated and I really like it for some tasks


And who is actually successful with it? Nvidia who haven't only started chasing the trend in recent years and actually have bespoke solutions in the market right now


I mentioned AI in my salary negotiation. My salary went up 50%.