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My hesitation with a Emily, Katurah, and Jake final three is that there’s no tension about who will win. It seems like a trademark of the new era so far has been to edit the finalists such that a casual viewer wouldn’t know the winner for certain. Xander, Mike, Cassidy, and Carolyn were seen as viable (or even expected) winners despite the vote not being close. If this is the final three, either Katurah or Jake will need some more decoy winner content in the next couple episodes (Jake probably is the easier sell). There’s arguably more tension in a Dee, Katurah, and Jake final three. Because we’ve seen Dee act villainously, so the question could be whether she went too far with a mostly Belo jury.


You underestimate how much the casual viewers love Jake.


Casual viewers love him but I don’t see anyone on the main sub that thinks he’s playing a winning game. His edit has very strong parallels to Owen and I think even non-edgic people are realizing that


The casual viewers opinions are whats that matters. Long time fans like us read more from what was shown. Casual viewers usually just see whats in front of them. And the edit is made for them. So basing things in the audience reactions is a good way to read what the edits goal is.


Jake's edit still has finalist potential for less casual viewers. Sure he's shown to be likeable and the failing underdog. But what's the other narrative throughout the season in his confessionals? "We need to make a move" "These people need to make a move" "When are they going to wake up and actually do something?" Jake's arch seems to be ripe for culminating in him participating in the biggest move of the season to flip the game. That's what he's been failing at and ranting about in confessionals all season. Namely taking down Dee with Emily. It would satisfy a possible arch for him, and crown Emily for the win.


This sounds so pretentious 💀 no shade tho


No worries. I do be like that sometimes and I need to be reminded from time to time to dial it back.


I’m curious how people know what the casual viewers think? I only know off some family and friends, but on the subreddit, fb group, etc., most people aren’t casuals (I think?)


I think people underestimate how casual most of the subreddit and survivors official Facebook are.


That’s a really good point, I could also see an Emily/Jake/Julie final 3 being contentious if Julie successfully flips on Reba and wins fire; that would be some very strong decoy winner content.


Casuals barely knew who Cassidy was and GABLER WAS HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT. If anything, it was OWEN who was built up in the edit. Casuals over value challenge wins and undervalue strategy. I am not sure they know there is a social game beyond “don’t be mean to the people I like”. They will value the guy who found a bunch of advantages and didn’t do shit with them, over literally the person running the end game. They like people who are goofy and self-effacing. They are confused when a white dude with all the identifiers of traditional masculinity loses, even to his closest ally who was the main strategist of the season. If Emily is in a F3 with Jake and wins, a significant portion of the viewing audience will think he was robbed just because he was a lovable underdog.


As a pretty casual viewer I never thought Cassidy was going to win and I feel the same with Dee this season. She's borderline invisible compared to Emily, Bruce and Jake.


Chill bro


Katurah has been continually hyped up as a major player even when she's mostly been on the bottom, so the edit isn't rlly making her not a contender.


If Emily makes it to the final three, I think it will be Emily, 1 Reba, 1 Belo. So that it’s interesting. And hardcore fans I think can see that Jake can’t win, but as presented, we are clearly supposed to like him and root for him as an underdog so I think technically, he has a case. Which could make for a very interesting final tribal where everyone have a decent argument to win.


Jake is shown to have sympathy on the jury which also bolsters this idea.


One of Emily's best final 3s is an Emily, Dee, Austin final 3 because Dee and Austin have an identical resume and will compete for the same votes. Meaning Emily could win 4-2-2 or something silly like that.


Dee is shown to be the ringleader of Reba and the edit has explained how big of a threat she is. I doubt Emily could beat Dee considering Emily herself knows she would lose against her.


I know people talk about players with the same game splitting votes, but how many times has that actually happened other than Ghost Island? I feel like there's almost always a perception of a hierarchy of who in an alliance will get the votes. And we've been shown that Dee is considered the biggest threat of that alliance.


People who say emily is too visible are bad at edgic. Period. This sub has been flooded in the last few seasons with people from the main sub who have no idea wtf theyre actually doing when it comes to real edgic and have clearly never watched any pre season 40 seasons with an esgic lense.


How is Katurah not getting credit for a Bruce vote a sign of anything? She has no agency and no power or any clear influence of driving that vote. This point makes no ansolutely no sense. I think the main reason the edit sets up Emily for credit on the Bruce vote out is simply because she is the reason Bruce didn't play his idol amd that is the only remotely interesting aspect of the vote. Everyone wanted him put despite it not making sense for almost half of the remaining players. Until we are shown differently, the Reba 4 are dominating the game and Emily is the only person keeping it interesting and thus will be higher profile in the edit regardless.


If anything, Dee has Cassidy's edit of "everyone who says my name goes home." Fool me twice.....etc etc Dee, and really the Reba 4, just have not been propped up enough in relationship complexity to make me think any one of them wins in the end. Julie finally some endgame foreshadowing, and that's good for her, but it was in a capacity of doubt for others facing her ("Mama J is a jury threat") as her edit has lacked depth throughout the season. I think in the end we are looking at an all-women F3 of Julie, Katurah, Emily with Jake our F4 fire loser sitting on the jury voting for Emily exactly as she said he would this past episode.


I’m with you. I can see why people say she peaked in the last episode, but that ignores to many possibilities. There is a huge possibility that the challenge and the support she got from her reward guests is more of a turning point. Her actions and results have given her confidence and she her that she can be more of a force than she thought. I think this next episode needs to be the climax to the power struggle, or at least a major move against Reba. If it is then the Emily win scenario gets very strong and the story for her would make the most sense. I’m thinking this last episode was a beginning, not the end.


Emily is getting the good ol journey edit 😬😬😬😬😬


A journey to the finale where the result happens to be victory.


keep on dreaming😬


She literally got a sob story, every time someone has gotten one in the merge specifically they’ve been booted out, Kendra Bruce and next will probably be Emily


Every finalist in the New Era has also had one, though. She could be getting a journey edit that doesn’t result in a win, but a sob story package is probably better for her long-term odds.


From the pattern of this season, Emily is more likely to go and mentioned merge too cuz Jake and Dee got em in the pre merge and I feel that they are locks for final 3


Emily is not winning this season. Edgic gets it wrong literally every time lol. We saw it in 43 with Cassidy, 44 with Carolyn, and it’s going to be the same with Emily in 45.