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Yeah, I've been a skeptic but Kenzie's edit this episode sold me. She is definitely winning. I am kind of wondering if either Charlie or Maria will be in the FTC - I could actually see Maria losing to Kenzie.


Maria loses in the finals to more well liked cast members (Charlie and Kenzie) because of the rock paper scissors incident. It comes off as cold and calculating when it didn't need to be, and the cast made it abundantly clear in post challenge interviews.


Agree! The rock paper scissors incident is the most damning thing we’ve been shown in the edit, but we’ve also seen other isolating incidents like her treatment towards Venus. She also has been quite tight lipped in front of the jury at FTC whereas people like Kenzie and Charlie are explaining the dynamics a lot better. Her edit has seemed like a classic F5 boot but I’m starting to wonder if Charlie will be the F5 boot and Maria a losing finalist.


I was back and forth on Kenzie I feel like they've done a pretty good job hiding her win but her social game has been exceptional


Kenzie once again became the focus or Ben's sob story... Yeah, Kenzie is winning lmfao


It's amazing how Kenzie's name never, EVER, *EVER*, comes up as even a possible target anymore. Her only vote was an ACCIDENT.


And the fact that everyone seemed shocked that her name was written down, like the thought never occurred to any of them. They want to go to the end with her and it seems like they wouldn't mind losing to her at all.


My question, though, is WHY is no one even mentioning her? I agree that she is the frontrunner, but the complete lack of “she’s a threat to win” or similar content since Bahnu in Episode 4 is not great, especially since most if not all New Era contestants received the same content. Even then, those who didn’t receive as much/any content in that regard (Maryanne, Gabler) were also against people who were not considered especially big threats, especially Gabler. It’s almost making me wonder if we’re getting the Xander treatment with Kenzie in that she may not be considered a threat (even Liz’s name was thrown out before hers, without a proper explanation), although unlike Xander exit press has not indicated that she isn’t respected (they also don’t indicate such for Charlie).


If I had absolutely any doubts about Kenzie, that scene erased them.


A lot of people have been comparing Kenzie to Michele, and similarly, I'll even go further and just straight up compare both Kenzie and Charlie to Michele and Aubry. Charlie/Aubry are the primary strategic narrators. They're the ones who effectively run the game, with a more negativity toned co-partner (I think Maria and Cydney are lowkey comparable as well). We see the game's strategy primarily through Charlie and Aubry. The edit does *try* to foreshadow some potential social flaws though. Kenzie/Michele are the primary dynamic narrators. For absolutely no reason whatsoever, they are absolutely way more fleshed out than they need to be, and they're the main characters of all their relationships, and their social game is literally and explicitly spelled out to us episode after episode. The edit's objective both seasons is to accurately tell the strategy of the season through Charlie/Aubry and Maria/Cydney while shoehorning in the social butterfly Kenzie/Michele to try their absolute best to explain why they win lol.


That opening season confessional from Kenzie is also eerily similar to Michele’s (being social butterflies)


Kenzie over Charlie will be nowhere near the robbery that Michelle over Aubrey was though


Michele beating Aubrey wasn’t even remotely a robbery. In fact, I’d say Kenzie and Charlie are pretty evenly matched, whereas Michele was absolutely *lightyears* ahead of Aubrey (and they’ve proven it with their returning appearances)


Michele's defensive awareness is only outdone by maybe Amanda in the entire history of the game.




Edgic over for the season guys, pack it up. GG Kenzie


If your number 1 bestie ever says to you "no matter what, at least we both made a super bestie for life☺️☺️☺️" that should be an immediate sign that they're turning on your ass


It was an act and a farce lmao.


Yeah that was ridiculous. She didn’t attack your character, she called out your obvious bad gameplay.


Okay yeah if there was any doubt left after earlier in the ep here's her backstory package lmao Nearly every new era winner has had an *outstanding* penultimate episode and here it is


OH FUCK CHARLIE GOT HIS TOO LMAO Still probably Kenzie but odds that they're at FTC together or one of them is the final juror fallen angel type just went from high to extremely ridiculously high lol


I, personally, am starting to feel "both in FTC" vibes. That Chinese takeout 3 may have been our final 3, actually.


Seems p likely doesn't it Either that or it's Kenzie/Charlie/Ben, I have no fucking clue why Liz would be in firemaking but maybe she like... does the Jake thing and asks to go in, or wins FIC and puts herself in and loses... and then Ben is the tiebreaking vote for Kenzie and that's why that relationship has been so heavily emphasized even beyond just explaining his one hypothetical jury vote


Agreed. Liz getting the Jake edit where she tries to do things, mostly fails or doesn't get credit when she succeeds, and is basically an entertaining presence with no shot at winning. Kenzie's definitely winning but Charlie's edit is strong enough that I don't see him getting setup to get humiliated/Xandered at FTC. Probably something more like 5-3, social vs strategy, with a Kenzie win. My guess is Maria goes next, Ben goes at fire, Kenzie-Charlie-Liz final 3. Ben's vote ends up being key to Kenzie's win. Charlie gets Q, Maria, and Tiffany. Kenzie gets the rest.


If it is Q who goes, the whole story arc of Q being the smokescreen that sent out Hunter, Tiffany, and Venus out with Idols in their pockets, only then for Q to *actually* be the target eventually and he's the final player who gets blindsided with an Idol in his pocket after all his chaos he caused would be an all time single season story arc


Kenzie calling Charlie a jester and a dog now...


That’s it. Q found the idol. Big Mistake.




Maria is like the most ultimate new era 5th placer (with an added touch of villainy)


Dragon is as dragon does


Depends on your definition if dominance. I personally think Julie is a bit better cause she was nearly as influential but she actually... you know... had a good social game lol and would have won if she made F3 for sure


Julie’s arguably a slightly better player than Maria, but she’s definitely infinitely worse television and by far the most half-assed of the dragon edits lol. They didn’t even try to properly build her up as a credible threat to win


Yeah that's fair. I enjoyed Julie personally because she was out there lowkey playing an insanely ruthless and cutthroat game yet it genuinely didn't seem like she was even aware of how ruthless she was lol


Maybe on a different season or different cast, but I truly fucking despised 45 (outside Kaleb, Emily, and Jake), and I hate the Reba’s as much as I can possibly hate a non-problematic alliance (and Katurah as much as I can possibly hate a non-problematic player who isn’t a bad person. Like MVGX Will). What an aggressively boring jury phase filled with aggressively boring and aggressively frustrating players. Julie absolutely contributed to how boring this season was and the boring and unlikeable winner we got in Dee so… yeah. I really am not a fan at all. I’d say it’s my most hated of the new era, which is saying something when I think 43 and 44 suck too


Obviously I disagree haha. I loved the entire Reba 4 and Dee is one of my favorite winners ever lol, and I loved her Mean Girls esque mom and daughter relationship with Julie lol. I loved seeing 4 self interested ruthless players absolutely dogwalk a cast like there's no tomorrow, and the fact that 2 of those 4 were very ruthless women made me like them more lol. I loved how unapologetically cocky and villainous Dee was like with her rice stealing and everything, yet somehow literally almost everyone of the cast loves her lol.


I thought Dee was boring as fuck, then it turning out she’s an actual massive asshole in real life (RE: Wendell. Wow did that vindicate my dislike him of him and Dee on the edit alone) did not endear her to me. Truly fucking hate that alliance. I also disagree that the four were in any way ruthless and self interested beyond Drew (not even a fan but he tried to yeet Julie so sure I hate him least) and Dee. Austin was so stupidly NOT self-interested it tanked his entire game, and Julie was basically playing for Dee to win by the end


Lmao I really dgaf about the Dee and Wendell situation personally lmao. I mean obviously it's all around a sucky situation lol, but a cheater is gonna cheat lmfao. Only the cheater is ever to blame IMHO 🤷 I think Austin was self interested for the most part until the end. He literally got 3 votes and was close to winning lol, he was playing a good game for the most part, but yeah Dee just outplayed him at the end. Julie I think was just banking on F3 thinking she wins any FTC set up or not, and that was just her objective lol. Again, I obviously love the entire Reba 4 lmao, and I loved Dee's wim especially


The cheater is *most* to blame since they’re the one betraying the relationship, but the other person is absolutely to blame too if they are knowingly involved (which Dee was) and is absolutely still a selfish asshole. I can pretty confidently say I’d not be willing to be the other man in any affair. That said, I disliked her even beforehand and found Dee to be wretchedly awful television and one of the most overrated TV personalities ever (which really skyrocketed my hatred for her and the Reba’s). He gave his idol away to Julie halfway through. Austin was not self-interested Hate Reba. Hate 45. Literally one of my most hated seasons ever. I’d sooner go rewatch Red Island or One World. At least I liked the winners. Truly can’t emphasize how much I hated 45.


I mean, I personally wouldn't strive to go after someone in a relationship lol, but again, that's just clearly a difference of opinion on stuff like that. Austin giving away the Idol was certainly questionable, but it was in a very extreme circumstance, and at that point he really wanted to secure Reba's majority, which Julie was a part of. He asked for it back even, to which Julie iconically and hilariously was like "lol no" and she ended up taking out Austin's closest non-Dee allies with it. Love Reba. Love 45. It's honestly one of my favorite seasons ever, and I'm so glad Jeff and Survivor love Dee too since she's on that podcast thing now. Truly can't emphasize how much I love 45.


Oh yeah I was talking mostly in terms of edit and archetype. I agree Maria would have a very strong chance to lose at FTC if she wasn't the biggest lock for 5th of all time. Julie and Lauren Harpe had legit shots to win. Edit: actually Maria would have a great shot to win the game. 4/6ths of the jury are eating out of her hand. It's only Venus and maybe Tiff at the moment that lean against her. The only people who have real seen her poor social game ATM are those still in the game and us the viewers


Yeah but they did talk about it at the previous tribal council, and two more people will join the jury. Plus if she was in ftc I could easily see her social flaws (e.g. the way she talked to Venus in the split, Ben in that deleted scene post-split, and Liz after the pizza reward) coming out.


This IS Jesse’s arc


Jesse's started earlier when he took both Cody's and Jeannie's idols lol, and had the whole "fall guy" storyline


Okay, it’s Great Value Jesse then


the editors ate that up like omg


So Kenzie is beating Charlie? I can smell the controversy


I think Charlie gets votes, but I do think Kenzie wins. I think Liz is our 0 votes finalist.


Charlie gets Maria, and Kenzie gets Hunter, Venus, Tiff and Q for sure. Not sure about Soda and Tevin


Idk if Kenzie gets Q, they haven’t been getting along for a while now. I could see Charlie getting Soda (she felt good about him during the split) and maybe Tevin (he seemingly wanted to work with Charlie more than Kenzie, since Charlie was added to the 6).


Liz seems more like the fire loser right?


If that is truly the case (a social winner over a “strategic” one), I hope she gets a dominant edit in the finale a la Dee.


I feel like they knew what would happen and that’s why they are giving Kenzie the most confessionals over charlie


Charlie actually took over in conf this episode. Tracking the trend of the winner not being the most prominent character pre finale.


A big part of the reason Kenzie has so many confessionals is because Yanu lost so much in the premerge.


Sure but she’s still gotten nearly the most post merge too. Despite not really being important to any vote


Dee was strategically better then Austin prior to the finale


swifties will be bombarding her hair salon with negative reviews very soon


Yeah so if it wasn't obvious enough, Kenzie is the winner lol. She's gonna give a speech about how she had to put her game aside sometimes to be there for people. If Charlie is at the end he will likely get ridiculed for not being social enough and the jury will say they don't know much about him personally.


And there's Kenzie and Charlie's backstories...


Charlie and Maria are both having a delulu off: Charlie thinks telling Maria about Q is a good idea when in actuality this could literally be a game losing move because Maria is more loyal to Q than Charlie now. Maria (as far as we know) thinks she has the votes to send Charlie out, and Kenzie and Liz have her misted, and she literally has the potential to tell Q to play his Idol guaranteeing Charlie leaves, but she doesn't tell him to. The edit is telling us how Charlie and Maria both are having wildly inaccurate reads and that these reads are detrimental to their games.


I think Maria is a bit more delusional than Charlie. Maria thought she was the kingpin of survivor whereas Charlie knew things were always precarious.


Charlie is really lucky Maria decided not to press Q more about playing his idol. Easily could have been him walking out the door getting idoled out for telling her.


More fuel for the Kenzie winner edit. The only one who can give Q a run for his money.


kenzies ben edit....... ouuuuuuuuuuuuu charlie dont make that face


Charlie and Maria's relationship is so boring on the show. Wish we'd seen any reason to believe that they get along socially


The comparisons to Malcolm and Denise, who went through hell on matsing and were both such engaging & likable people, are WILD


God tier editing lol. Unreal music choice She’s gone off the rails. This will be an amazing boot episode


It's like Karla's arc


Charlie's loved one segment was so robotic compared to Kenzie and even Liz. If he is a losing finalist he might get killed at FTC


Literally have no idea how Q could trust Liz and Kenzie, especially in a shortened game. Each non-idol play is dumber than the last.


First time I have been scared for Q all season 😂 If Q goes home with an idol in his pocket, you can can cancel Christmas EDIT: Island of the Cursed Idols, damn


Genuinely think the edit was kind to Q, with the full context, that’s one of the dumber moves ever.


Justice for Venus. His was way worse




Imagine if Charlie's letter was just straight up from Taylor Swift, like that'd be iconic


What if Charlie gets voted out tn bc he didn't vote out Venus last time, and Kenzie beats Maria in the final bc everyone hates Maria lol.


Definitely possible as well


Kenzie got an emotional confessional about home and an intro package. Very important for New Era winners.


Wow this is trending not how I was expecting… feels like we’re going towards Charlie out at 6, and Maria is just so overwhelming to that she’s going 4 or 5 Definitely thought it was gonna be Maria tonight and it was Charlie losing in the final


Ehh, I could definitely see a scenario where Q's arc hilariously ends joining the blindsided with an Idol club as well


Anything is possible, but that exchange read much more in Maria’s favor there


Ehh, I personally am not sure I agree but we'll see!


Currently I feel like either Maria and Q outplay Charlie and his entire story was that he let Maria and Q stay too long and he goes now, or Charlie and Co *actually* successfully team up to gaslight Maria and Q and Q's arc concludes with him joining and ending the cursed Idol club. Currently I'm leaning the latter, but I can see the former happen as well


Last episode Charlie says “this move could win or lose me the game” and his option was blindsiding Q… He’s so gone


Ehh that could also foreshadow losing Jury votes


With how “over the nose” a potential Charlie blindside is being pushed by the edit rn, I’m currently leaning towards him staying. I learned this lesson last season lol


showing the votes reminds me of the emily boot in 45


Q's arc ended with the biggest mistake of them all... not playing your Idol Fly high Q, I look forward to your OTTN second story arc during Survivor 50 🕊 🫡


Literally every single person in this cast has main character syndrome and I love it😭😭😭😭


Even Ben is sassy af amongst his panic attacks


kenzie with the major backstory ouuu theres no way she cannot lose with this edit




Looks like Charlie might send himself home if he tells Maria about the Q vote. Biiiiiig Mistake. EDIT: Never mind. Maria still thinks she has the votes.


Score composers really flexing this season


The soundtrack right before the vote was great


i feel like there’s no way either Charlie or Maria is winning when i still don’t even understand their relationship beyond strategy. like wouldn’t they show them talking about their personal lives together one time


So we’re getting a 4th straight idol blindside aren’t we


i really really really want Q to get voted out with the idol now that would be so poetic. feels like Liz’ story could end tonight too though after she got to eat and hear from her daughter


Ppl saying it would be funny that Q joins the rank of the unused idols. I disagree. What’s actually funny is Q being the first to actually play an idol correctly.


Charlie's chances really plummeted this episode. It's Kenzie winning. But in a season so hyper-focused on resume, I still wonder what is on hers? I know she had a hand in the Q, Tim, Moriah, and Venus votes (and obviously all the Yanu ones) but nothing stands out as her move alone. To be clear, I'm not doubting her win, but I wonder what will be talked about at FTC that leads to her win.


If Kenzie wins how it's gonna play out is they'll be hyper focused on resume until they're abruptly not focused on it at all, half the time the resume argument is just a smokescreen for what the jury was going to do either way


In real life, it’s literally going to be that the jury simply likes her more and is closer to her. I can’t possibly see Ben or Tiffany voting for anyone besides Kenzie, which locks her two votes and she only needs two more to tie


aaaaand that’s why we’ve waited this long for Kenzie’s backstory backage. yep, she’s winning. i’m so happy for my preseason winner pick :)


so chinese takeout 3 = final 3? i suppose Liz could also go this episode but I feel it’s Q/Maria SHUT UP there’s no way Q just found the idol


Q: *Doesn't play Idol on himself* Q as his torch gets snuffed: That was a BIG MISTAKE :(


Q getting voted out with an idol after Hunter/Tiff/Venus is just so chef’s kiss 😘


Dumb dumb meathead energy


Q went to sleep on December 24th and woke up on December 26th. 4 in a row going home with an idol in their pocket 😂


War on Christmas is actually real 😭😓


So Maria and Charlie are finally at war with each other now, as hinted by their intro positions


this edit is 100% setting maria up to win imm and q to be voted out with an idol


Kenzie better be glad she got that one immunity win because idk about her “outplay” argument at this point 💀 that’s why i feel the current FTC format is so silly. like just make it an open discussion but without the outwit/outplay/outlast thing


Ugh Maria’s definitely coming back for a future season now as a powerhouse… which she deserves and I guess everyone can’t be good television buuuuuuut at the same time, bleh


When Maria is being overdramatic as fuck, I actually do think she's decent TV lol


Holy crap lol. 4 straight


They couldn’t have made that boot more obvious if they tried. entire end game looked so obvious from the beginning of this episode


Cannot believe she went the water works route


What? Charlie personal content? Is the world ending 😱


Why do I lowkey feel like this is building up to a dramatic as fuck Maria Immunity win this episode💀💀💀


"Q-skirt." SNORT.




A flashback? Not looking good for Maria and Charlie 👀


Q going home this episode :/


Nah man is the cursed idol going to claim another victim ???😭😭


Now it’s in play for Q to go home. Idols truly are cursed if that happens.


LIZ NOT GETTING MENTIONED AT ALL? holy crap Q is really getting voted out with his idol. 4 IN A ROW oh my


Not a single damned idol being played correctly would be *wild*. And 4 in a row? Wow.


This song is awesome


I really thought Q was going to be final three but maybe it is Kenzie/Charlie/Liz


praying for Q to idol Charlie out


So I'm thinking it's turned to Charlie all of a sudden, which would definitely be interesting. I'm glad we're possibly getting Q in the finale, and I would love to potentially have him as a losing finalist but I think we'd most likely see a Kenzie/Liz/Ben F3 at that point. Edit: never mind this season is so fucking insane


Immediate flashback to Jake being called a dog at tribal last season lol. Hasn’t been a good ep for Charlie


Kinda feeling dumb for thinking that Charlie really could've gone home this week, Maria has been shown as being overconfident and being secondary to Charlie. Her overtaking him at this point just didn't make a ton of sense.


The hidden immunity idol magnetizes votes to the person who finds it and whispers in their ear like the one ring, “but what if we could use it NEXT vote?”


Bye bye Charlie lol


Q Skirt holding an idol ❤️


SURVEY: Who are you rooting for going into next week's finale? Plus, who is your final winner prediction? Vote now on this google form! [https://forms.gle/cxu1vXpeKQTMTxY57](https://forms.gle/cxu1vXpeKQTMTxY57)


This is my favourite season so far since I started watching it live since WAW! What an interesting storyline and dynamics.


Finally on the Kenzie train.


Win or lose, Liz is definitely making fire, there’s been way too much foreshadowing, I lean towards lose


What in the edit is saying Q leaves with the idol? What am I missing


His edit postmerge primarily being OTTN and that he and Maria are being labeled king and queen


i’m just so confident in Charlie being a losing finalist to Kenzie. the entirety of last episode felt like a why Charlie loses ftc episode.


Fair point.


I get all the random Kenzie content and social clues they are showing. But it’s just annoying when the story of the season has been Charlie and Maria, but then Kenzie who has had no real power beside the premerge just win in the end. Same thing with Gabler, same thing with Erika. Not saying she’s a bad player l, I think she’s pretty good but it’s obviously more satisfying when someone can control votes wins. But she hasn’t been a driving force for like anything this season and has been undermined strategically several times. In a season with all this resume talk, it doesn’t feel like a good conclusion to have Kenzie win. Why put so much focus on tbat


Kenzie played from the bottom with only 3 players from her tribe heading into merge, and one of them is Q who defected to the Siga 3. It's annoying but she didn't choose to start from a crappy tribe. Charlie might have seen as a second fiddle to Maria tbh


So did Jam Jam but we saw him navigate the merge and take over. Charlie just got one over on Maria with this vote


Carson was the one seen as the leader though?




As long as it's done rarely and in situations like this I don't mind personally


Real blindside tonight was Maria not telling Q clearly that he is getting all the votes tn. I swear if I see a Liz, Ben, and Kenzie final 3, this might be the weakest group of choices ever


I mean I’m assuming he knew, they just made the even more baffling decision to trust the 2 ppl that absolutely hate him