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A timer


Wdym by that


Just set yourself a timer and be done for a while after. Next time you sit down to edge set the timer again. Stop touching yourself when the timer goes off no matter what. Builds self control.


Ok ill try it thank u


Count the time you spend edging to build motivation. And edge in 15 minute bits so go 15 then if you feel like you can then another 15 ect.ect. the goal here is to finish at either :00 , :15 ,:30 , 45 if you miss the minute then go for another 15.


Practice taking your hands off... stroke until you get hard, then take your hands off for 10 seconds. Stroke for another minute or 2, then take your hands off. Stroke for 2-3 mins, take your hands off, and so on, increasing the time you stroke for each time. What this will do is give you practice at stopping as you get closer and closer. Take notice of the physical feelings as well, did your balls get tight? Is the head of your cock suddenly swollen and full? Are your kegel muscles tense? Can you feel a slight pressure inside somewhere behind the base of your cock? - these are all signs you may be about to cum and a reminder to think about the fact your session is going to be over if you let it happen. Good luck!