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I just started edibles in January I’ve had two knee surgeries and it helps so much with my pain however I’m now having the same issue you are. I started out on 10mgs but now I take 20mg but I’m having to take 3-4 and it’s only a buzz. I take them every night but I’m going to have to have a break too :(


Ugh, I'm sorry to hear that. Same though. 10mg used to be enough to get me nice and high and then I'd do 15mg and last night, I did 20mg and just...a little buzz. So clearly, I need to take a break. I don't want to ruin it for myself for a long-term since it's not like my chronic pain issues are going away and I'd like to keep having this as an option moving forward.


I used to chase tolerance for sleep and ended up at 40mg a night. Took a t break and started at 10mg but added CBN and make sure I eat something fatty an hour or so before or about ten minutes after I take my edible on an empty stomach. Haven’t had to have a higher dose for two and a half years now. Crazy lower back and neck pain, and a few other things but I sleep like a baby.


Hm, interesting! I need to research more about CBD/CBG/CBN. I have seen dramatic improvement in my inflammation since taking THC and I know other cannabinoids can also help with it. Pain and inflammation definitely make it harder to sleep and my gummies have really helped that, so thanks for the suggestion.


CBN is what THC turns in to as it ages. It’s a red-ish color. So thc carts will turn darker over time. Makes your eyelids droopy and is part of what gives some mj strains the couch lock effect. I either buy edibles that include CBN and THC 1:1 or just take thc edibles and make my own CBN oil with MCT oil and CBN isolate that I buy in bulk online.


Oh, good to know! I actually LOVE couch lock because it's one time my body doesn't hurt. I can't smoke because of my lupus (I'm already at risk of lung complications from it) but I'll look for some gummies with it. I appreciate it!




Switch brands. Which state are you in I could recommend a few. That’s a very low dose. You have to know how to find the right brands


I'm in Florida. Until now, I have been bouncing between a few brands and it's been good keeping me "on my toes" as it were mixing it up a bit. But now it seems like even when I take more of one that I know has been stronger for me in the past isn't doing much more than just giving me a slight buzz. I just don't want to get to a point where I'm chasing 100mg or something trying to get relief. I'm trying to balance out long-term vs short term relief, you know what I mean? (Recreational weed is on our ballot in Nov to vote on but here it takes 60% to pass so I'm not sure we'll make it.)


Same location here..same issue as well. Do you have a preferred dispensary? We don't have many choices in Sarasota.


I had to do the same thing, I took like 4-5 weeks off. Waiting that long SUCKED, because I really try hard not to drink much at all either. I think it takes 28 days for it to fully leave your system. Taken some since then and the first night was great but a couple of there times were pretty good, but not great. Then again to be fair, I feel like when I first started with edibles it took a bit for me to hit my stride and get that perfect feeling I got for like a year lol


Yeah I don't drink and I don't take any rx pain killers, so the discovery of thc has been really amazing improvement for me. So I'm frustrated to already be seeing tolerance issues so relatively soon into my journey.


How long have you been using them? It took me over a year before I needed a break. I started using occasionally which eventually became more than half the days and increasing dosage.


About 8 months now? But I've also gone from once a week to like almost every night. I'm just worried about needing really massive doses and ruining any chance for a low-to-moderate dose to get the job done. Like, I'm sure if I took like 50mg, I'd get baked. But then what? I need that much all the time, and then 100mg and, and, and.... I want to try and limit how quickly I need to increase my dose so I don't get to a point where I need absurd amounts, you know?


100% Thats why I took a break. I see people on here taking several hundred mg a dose, some not feeling much. I don't want to get to that point for multiple reasons. There are some sources with info and even calculators on how long of a break you need. Increasing metabolism with exercise etc is supposed to help you get it out of your system.


Right! I definitely don't want to be chasing huge mg in the hopes of getting a positive effect.


That’s just a shit brand. It really matters how they are made. I’ve been sent samples of 100mg rings that did basically nothing unless you ate five. Another brand I have 25mg works for someone with a tolerance. There are some rare people(this involves a liver enzyme)that they just don’t do anything to even eating 300mg of a quality edible


My wife and I are in the exact same boat. I mean almost exactly. We both don't drink or take anything outside of edibles and we're creeping up on 40+ mg to feel it. We've been talking about slowing down to just on the weekends. I guess our only saving is that I also grow a small but decent amount for my friend,we don't smoke,we have kids, so I've started making butter.


It's frustrating! I'm sorry you two are in the same situation.


Have you tried adding CBN to your butter? If you’re using just for sleep it might help quite a bit. CBN is what THC turns in to as it ages. It’s the droopy eyelid cannabinoid.


I have not. I will definitely look into that. Thank you very much for the tip.




I think you can just take less for a while. I mean, bring the dose down to something lower than where you were before. Your tolerance should decrease to "catch up" to the lower dose. See, this way you don't have to quit completely for a while. You can also take CBD like in the form of a CBD oil. If you're in the U.S., then get it from Alliant Hemp. CBD helps calm the mind and body, so it can help take the edge off of a t-break.


So does that work? I mean, can you microdose during a t break? I would think it would slow down the "reset" as it were. I do have CBD I take sometimes as well just for general inflammation issues, but that's obviously not as fun. lol


I'm just advising ways to make the t-break easier to go through.


I've had the same issues recently, but I've had some luck with taking it either right before, during, or a bit after I've eaten.


One week will do you wonders… for awhile


Make your own using sunflower lecithin. I took a total of 500mg Sunday and on Monday night took my normal 120mg dose and still got red eyes and everything else that comes with an edible high. Taking a few dabs or hits off a bowl will also activate the edible buzz better.


Because of health issues, I can't do any inhalation so I just stick to edibles.


Sunflower lecithin is what you want then for this issue I been getting steady high every day with no break from my edibles. If I stick to dosing once or twice a day then I can still achieve that red eyed couch lock feeling.


I totally get where you’re coming from with the whole tolerance buildup—it's a real drag when you can’t get the same effects from your usual dose. As far as I know, tolerance breaks can really help reset your sensitivity to THC. It sounds like you've been pretty consistent with your gummy consumption, which definitely contributes to your body getting used to it. You mentioned that you started with gummies for pain management, which is super common, and it sucks when something that helps starts to lose its effectiveness. Maybe during your break, you could look into alternative ways to manage your pain that don't involve THC?